AWS managed applications - AWS IAM Identity Center

AWS managed applications

AWS IAM Identity Center streamlines and simplifies the task of connecting your workforce users to AWS managed applications such as Amazon Q Developer and Amazon QuickSight. With IAM Identity Center, you can connect your existing identity provider once and synchronize users and groups from your directory, or create and manage your users directly in IAM Identity Center. By providing one point of federation, IAM Identity Center eliminates the need to set up federation or user and group synchronization for each application and reduces your administrative effort. You also get a common view of user and group assignments.

For a table of AWS applications that work with IAM Identity Center, see AWS managed applications that you can use with IAM Identity Center.

Controlling access to AWS managed applications

Access to AWS managed applications is controlled in two ways:

  • Initial entry to the application

    IAM Identity Center manages this through assignments to the application. By default, assignments are required for AWS managed applications. If you're an application administrator, you can choose whether to require assignments to an application.

    If assignments are required, when users sign in to the AWS access portal, only users who are assigned to the application directly or through a group assignment can view the application tile.

    If assignments aren't required, you can allow all IAM Identity Center users to enter the application. In this case, the application manages access to resources and the application tile is visible to all users who visit the AWS access portal.


    If you’re an IAM Identity Center administrator, you can use the IAM Identity Center console to remove assignments to AWS managed applications. Before you remove assignments, we recommend that you coordinate with the application administrator. You should also coordinate with the application administrator if you plan to modify the setting that determines whether assignments required, or automate application assignments.

  • Access to application resources

    The application manages this through independent resource assignments that it controls.

AWS managed applications provide an administrative user interface that you can use to manage access to application resources. For example, QuickSight administrators can assign users to access dashboards based on their group membership. Most AWS managed applications also provide an AWS Management Console experience that enables you to assign users to the application. The console experience for these applications might integrate both functions, to combine user assignment capabilities with the ability to manage access to application resources.

Sharing identity information

Considerations for sharing identity information in AWS accounts

IAM Identity Center supports most commonly used attributes across applications. These attributes include first and last name, phone number, email address, address, and preferred language. Carefully consider which applications and which accounts can use this personally identifiable information.

You can control access to this information in either of the following ways:

  • You can choose to enable access in only the AWS Organizations management account or in all accounts in AWS Organizations.

  • Alternatively, you can use service control policies (SCPs) to control which applications can access the information in which accounts in AWS Organizations.

For example, if you enable access in the AWS Organizations management account only, then applications in member accounts have no access to the information. However, if you enable access in all accounts, you can use SCPs to disallow access by all applications except those you want to permit.

Service control policies are a feature of AWS Organizations. For instructions on attaching an SCP, see Attaching and detaching service control policies in the AWS Organizations User Guide.

Configuring IAM Identity Center to share identity information

IAM Identity Center provides an identity store that contains user and group attributes, excluding sign-in credentials. You can use either of the following methods to keep the users and groups in your IAM Identity Center identity store updated:

  • Use the IAM Identity Center identity store as your main identity source. If you choose this method, you manage your users, their sign-in credentials, and groups from within the IAM Identity Center console or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). For more information, see Manage identities in IAM Identity Center.

  • Set up provisioning (synchronization) of users and groups coming from either of the following identity sources to your IAM Identity Center identity store:

    If you choose this provisioning method, you continue managing your users and groups from within your identity source, and those changes are synchronized to the IAM Identity Center identity store.

Whichever identity source you choose, IAM Identity Center can share the user and group information with AWS managed applications. That way, you can connect an identity source to IAM Identity Center once and then share identity information with multiple applications in the AWS Cloud. This eliminates the need to independently set up federation and identity provisioning with each application. This sharing feature also makes it easy to give your users access to many applications in different AWS accounts.

Constraining the use of AWS managed applications

When you enable IAM Identity Center for the first time, AWS allows the use of AWS managed applications automatically in all accounts in AWS Organizations. To constrain applications, you must implement service control policies (SCPs). SCPs are a feature of AWS Organizations that you can use to centrally control the maximum permissions that identities (users and roles) in your organization can have. You can use SCPs to block access to the IAM Identity Center user and group information and to prevent the application from being started, except in designated accounts. For more information, see Service control policies (SCPs) in the AWS Organizations User Guide.