Uninstall the solution - MLOps Workload Orchestrator

Uninstall the solution

To uninstall this solution, you must delete the AWS CloudFormation stack and any other stacks that were created as a result of the MLOps Workload Orchestrator. Because some AWS CloudFormation stacks use IAM roles created by previous stacks, you must delete AWS CloudFormation stacks in the reverse order they were created (delete the most recent stack first, wait for the stack deletion to be completed, and then delete the next stack).


You must first delete any deployed model monitoring pipelines for a specific endpoint to delete that endpoint and its real-time inference pipeline.

The solution does not automatically delete the S3 assets bucket, Amazon SageMaker model registry, or Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository. You must manually delete the retained resources.

We recommend that you use tags to ensure that all resources associated with MLOps Workload Orchestrator are deleted. For example, all resources created by the CloudFormation should have the same tag. Then you can use Resources Groups & Tag Editor to confirm that all resources with the specified tag are deleted.