Common State Fields - AWS Step Functions

Common State Fields

Type (Required)

The state's type.


The name of the next state that is run when the current state finishes. Some state types, such as Choice, allow multiple transition states.

If the current state is the last state in your workflow, or a terminal state, such as Succeed or Fail, you don't need to specify the Next field.


Designates this state as a terminal state (ends the execution) if set to true. There can be any number of terminal states per state machine. Only one of Next or End can be used in a state. Some state types, such as Choice, or terminal states, such as Succeed and Fail, don't support or use the End field.

Comment (Optional)

Holds a human-readable description of the state.

InputPath (Optional)

A path that selects a portion of the state's input to be passed to the state's task for processing. If omitted, it has the value $ which designates the entire input. For more information, see Input and Output Processing.

OutputPath (Optional)

A path that selects a portion of the state's output to be passed to the next state. If omitted, it has the value $ which designates the entire output. For more information, see Input and Output Processing.