Command document plugin reference - AWS Systems Manager

Command document plugin reference

This reference describes the plugins that you can specify in an AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Command type document. These plugins can't be used in SSM Automation runbooks, which use Automation actions. For information about AWS Systems Manager Automation actions, see Systems Manager Automation actions reference.

Systems Manager determines the actions to perform on a managed instance by reading the contents of an SSM document. Each document includes a code-execution section. Depending on the schema version of your document, this code-execution section can include one or more plugins or steps. For the purpose of this Help topic, plugins and steps are called plugins. This section includes information about each of the Systems Manager plugins. For more information about documents, including information about creating documents and the differences between schema versions, see AWS Systems Manager Documents.


Some of the plugins described here run only on either Windows Server instances or Linux instances. Platform dependencies are noted for each plugin.

The following document plugins are supported on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances for macOS:

  • aws:refreshAssociation

  • aws:runShellScript

  • aws:runPowerShellScript

  • aws:softwareInventory

  • aws:updateSsmAgent

Shared inputs

With SSM Agent version 3.0.502 and later only, all plugins can use the following inputs:


The last step you want the document to run. If this input is defined for a step, it takes precedence over an exit value specified in the onFailure or onSuccess inputs. In order for a step with this input to run as expected, the step must be the last one defined in the mainSteps of your document.

Type: Boolean

Valid values: true | false

Required: No


If you specify this input for a plugin with the exit value and the step fails, the step status reflects the failure and the document doesn't run any remaining steps unless a finallyStep has been defined. If you specify this input for a plugin with the successAndExit value and the step fails, the step status shows successful and the document doesn't run any remaining steps unless a finallyStep has been defined.

Type: String

Valid values: exit | successAndExit

Required: No


If you specify this input for a plugin and the step runs successfully, the document doesn't run any remaining steps unless a finallyStep has been defined.

Type: String

Valid values: exit

Required: No

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: Shared inputs example parameters: customDocumentParameter: type: String description: Example parameter for a custom Command-type document. mainSteps: - action: aws:runDocument name: runCustomConfiguration inputs: documentType: SSMDocument documentPath: "yourCustomDocument" documentParameters: '"documentParameter":{{customDocumentParameter}}' onSuccess: exit - action: aws:runDocument name: ifConfigurationFailure inputs: documentType: SSMDocument documentPath: "yourCustomRepairDocument" onFailure: exit - action: aws:runDocument name: finalConfiguration inputs: documentType: SSMDocument documentPath: "yourCustomFinalDocument" finallyStep: true
{ "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "Shared inputs example", "parameters": { "customDocumentParameter": { "type": "String", "description": "Example parameter for a custom Command-type document." } }, "mainSteps":[ { "action": "aws:runDocument", "name": "runCustomConfiguration", "inputs": { "documentType": "SSMDocument", "documentPath": "yourCustomDocument", "documentParameters": "\"documentParameter\":{{customDocumentParameter}}", "onSuccess": "exit" } }, { "action": "aws:runDocument", "name": "ifConfigurationFailure", "inputs": { "documentType": "SSMDocument", "documentPath": "yourCustomRepairDocument", "onFailure": "exit" } }, { "action": "aws:runDocument", "name":"finalConfiguration", "inputs": { "documentType": "SSMDocument", "documentPath": "yourCustomFinalDocument", "finallyStep": true } } ] }


Install, repair, or uninstall applications on an EC2 instance. This plugin only runs on Windows Server operating systems.


Schema 2.2

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: aws:applications plugin parameters: source: description: "(Required) Source of msi." type: String mainSteps: - action: aws:applications name: example inputs: action: Install source: "{{ source }}"
{ "schemaVersion":"2.2", "description":"aws:applications", "parameters":{ "source":{ "description":"(Required) Source of msi.", "type":"String" } }, "mainSteps":[ { "action":"aws:applications", "name":"example", "inputs":{ "action":"Install", "source":"{{ source }}" } } ] }

Schema 1.2

--- runtimeConfig: aws:applications: properties: - id: action: "{{ action }}" parameters: "{{ parameters }}" source: "{{ source }}" sourceHash: "{{ sourceHash }}"
{ "runtimeConfig":{ "aws:applications":{ "properties":[ { "id":"", "action":"{{ action }}", "parameters":"{{ parameters }}", "source":"{{ source }}", "sourceHash":"{{ sourceHash }}" } ] } } }



The action to take.

Type: Enum

Valid values: Install | Repair | Uninstall

Required: Yes


The parameters for the installer.

Type: String

Required: No


The URL of the .msi file for the application.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The SHA256 hash of the .msi file.

Type: String

Required: No


Export data from Windows Server to Amazon CloudWatch or Amazon CloudWatch Logs and monitor the data using CloudWatch metrics. This plugin only runs on Windows Server operating systems. For more information about configuring CloudWatch integration with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), see Collecting metrics, logs, and traces with the CloudWatch agent in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.


The unified CloudWatch agent has replaced SSM Agent as the tool for sending log data to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The SSM Agent aws:cloudWatch plugin is not supported. We recommend using only the unified CloudWatch agent for your log collection processes. For more information, see the following topics:

You can export and monitor the following data types:


Sends application event log data to CloudWatch Logs.


Sends any text-based log file to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The CloudWatch plugin creates a fingerprint for log files. The system then associates a data offset with each fingerprint. The plugin uploads files when there are changes, records the offset, and associates the offset with a fingerprint. This method is used to avoid a situation where a user turns on the plugin, associates the service with a directory that contains a large number of files, and the system uploads all of the files.


Be aware that if your application truncates or attempts to clean logs during polling, any logs specified for LogDirectoryPath can lose entries. If, for example, you want to limit log file size, create a new log file when that limit is reached, and then continue writing data to the new file.


Sends Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) data to CloudWatch Logs.


Sends IIS log data to CloudWatch Logs.


Sends Windows performance counters to CloudWatch. You can select different categories to upload to CloudWatch as metrics. For each performance counter that you want to upload, create a PerformanceCounter section with a unique ID (for example, "PerformanceCounter2", "PerformanceCounter3", and so on) and configure its properties.


If the AWS Systems Manager SSM Agent or the CloudWatch plugin is stopped, performance counter data isn't logged in CloudWatch. This behavior is different than custom logs or Windows Event logs. Custom logs and Windows Event logs preserve performance counter data and upload it to CloudWatch after SSM Agent or the CloudWatch plugin is available.


Sends security event log data to CloudWatch Logs.


Sends system event log data to CloudWatch Logs.

You can define the following destinations for the data:


The destination where your performance counter metric data is sent. You can add more sections with unique IDs (for example, "CloudWatch2", CloudWatch3", and so on), and specify a different Region for each new ID to send the same data to different locations.


The destination where your log data is sent. You can add more sections with unique IDs (for example, "CloudWatchLogs2", CloudWatchLogs3", and so on), and specify a different Region for each new ID to send the same data to different locations.


"runtimeConfig":{ "aws:cloudWatch":{ "settings":{ "startType":"{{ status }}" }, "properties":"{{ properties }}" } }

Settings and properties


Your access key ID. This property is required unless you launched your instance using an IAM role. This property can't be used with SSM.

Type: String

Required: No


The performance counter category from Performance Monitor.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The name of the performance counter from Performance Monitor.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The locale where the timestamp is logged. If CultureName is blank, it defaults to the same locale used by your Windows Server instance.

Type: String

Valid values: For a list of supported values, see National Language Support (NLS) on the Microsoft website. The div, div-MV, hu, and hu-HU values aren't supported.

Required: No


A dimension for your Amazon CloudWatch metric. If you specify DimensionName, you must specify DimensionValue. These parameters provide another view when listing metrics. You can use the same dimension for multiple metrics so that you can view all metrics belonging to a specific dimension.

Type: String

Required: No


A dimension value for your Amazon CloudWatch metric.

Type: String

Required: No


The file encoding to use (for example, UTF-8). Use the encoding name, not the display name.

Type: String

Valid values: For a list of supported values, see Encoding Class in the Microsoft Learn Library.

Required: Yes


The prefix of log names. Leave this parameter blank to monitor all files.

Type: String

Valid values: For a list of supported values, see the FileSystemWatcherFilter Property in the MSDN Library.

Required: No


Each data type to upload, along with the destination for the data (CloudWatch or CloudWatch Logs). For example, to send a performance counter defined under "Id": "PerformanceCounter" to the CloudWatch destination defined under "Id": "CloudWatch", enter "PerformanceCounter,CloudWatch". Similarly, to send the custom log, ETW log, and system log to the CloudWatch Logs destination defined under "Id": "ETW", enter "(ETW),CloudWatchLogs". In addition, you can send the same performance counter or log file to more than one destination. For example, to send the application log to two different destinations that you defined under "Id": "CloudWatchLogs" and "Id": "CloudWatchLogs2", enter "ApplicationEventLog,(CloudWatchLogs, CloudWatchLogs2)".

Type: String

Valid values (source): ApplicationEventLog | CustomLogs | ETW | PerformanceCounter | SystemEventLog | SecurityEventLog

Valid values (destination): CloudWatch | CloudWatchLogs | CloudWatchn | CloudWatchLogsn

Required: Yes


The full name of the component.

Type: String

Required: Yes


Identifies the data source or destination. This identifier must be unique within the configuration file.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The name of the performance counter instance. Don't use an asterisk (*) to indicate all instances because each performance counter component only supports one metric. You can, however use _Total.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The types of messages to send to Amazon CloudWatch.

Type: String

Valid values:

  • 1 - Only error messages uploaded.

  • 2 - Only warning messages uploaded.

  • 4 - Only information messages uploaded.

You can add values together to include more than one type of message. For example, 3 means that error messages (1) and warning messages (2) are included. A value of 7 means that error messages (1), warning messages (2), and informational messages (4) are included.

Required: Yes


Windows Security Logs should set Levels to 7.


The number of lines in the header to identify the log file. For example, IIS log files have virtually identical headers. You could enter 3, which would read the first three lines of the log file's header to identify it. In IIS log files, the third line is the date and time stamp, which is different between log files.

Type: Integer

Required: No


For CustomLogs, the path where logs are stored on your EC2 instance. For IIS logs, the folder where IIS logs are stored for an individual site (for example, C:\\inetpub\\logs\\LogFiles\\W3SVCn). For IIS logs, only W3C log format is supported. IIS, NCSA, and Custom formats aren't supported.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The name for your log group. This name is displayed on the Log Groups screen in the CloudWatch console.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The name of the log file.

  1. To find the name of the log, in Event Viewer, in the navigation pane, select Applications and Services Logs.

  2. In the list of logs, right-click the log you want to upload (for example, Microsoft>Windows>Backup>Operational), and then select Create Custom View.

  3. In the Create Custom View dialog box, select the XML tab. The LogName is in the <Select Path=> tag (for example, Microsoft-Windows-Backup). Copy this text into the LogName parameter.

Type: String

Valid values: Application | Security | System | Microsoft-Windows-WinINet/Analytic

Required: Yes


The destination log stream. If you use {instance_id}, the default, the instance ID of this instance is used as the log stream name.

Type: String

Valid values: {instance_id} | {hostname} | {ip_address} <log_stream_name>

If you enter a log stream name that doesn't already exist, CloudWatch Logs automatically creates it for you. You can use a literal string or predefined variables ({instance_id}, {hostname}, {ip_address}, or a combination of all three to define a log stream name.

The log stream name specified in this parameter is displayed on the Log Groups > Streams for <YourLogStream> screen in the CloudWatch console.

Required: Yes


The CloudWatch metric that you want performance data to be included under.


Don't use special characters in the name. If you do, the metric and associated alarms might not work.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The metric namespace where you want performance counter data to be written.

Type: String

Required: Yes


How many seconds must elapse before new performance counter and log data is uploaded.

Type: Integer

Valid values: Set this to 5 or more seconds. Fifteen seconds (00:00:15) is recommended.

Required: Yes


The AWS Region where you want to send log data. Although you can send performance counters to a different Region from where you send your log data, we recommend that you set this parameter to the same Region where your instance is running.

Type: String

Valid values: Regions IDs of the AWS Regions supported by both Systems Manager and CloudWatch Logs, such as us-east-2, eu-west-1, and ap-southeast-1. For lists of AWS Regions supported by each service, see Amazon CloudWatch Logs Service Endpoints and Systems Manager service endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Required: Yes


Your secret access key. This property is required unless you launched your instance using an IAM role.

Type: String

Required: No


Turn on or turn off CloudWatch on the instance.

Type: String

Valid values: Enabled | Disabled

Required: Yes


The timestamp format you want to use. For a list of supported values, see Custom Date and Time Format Strings in the MSDN Library.

Type: String

Required: Yes


Provides time zone information when no time zone information is included in your log’s timestamp. If this parameter is left blank and if your timestamp doesn’t include time zone information, CloudWatch Logs defaults to the local time zone. This parameter is ignored if your timestamp already contains time zone information.

Type: String

Valid values: Local | UTC

Required: No


The appropriate unit of measure for the metric.

Type: String

Valid values: Seconds | Microseconds | Milliseconds | Bytes | Kilobytes | Megabytes | Gigabytes | Terabytes | Bits | Kilobits | Megabits | Gigabits | Terabits | Percent | Count | Bytes/Second | Kilobytes/Second | Megabytes/Second | Gigabytes/Second | Terabytes/Second | Bits/Second | Kilobits/Second | Megabits/Second | Gigabits/Second | Terabits/Second | Count/Second | None

Required: Yes


(Schema version 2.0 or later) Configure an instance to work with containers and Docker. This plugin is supported on most Linux variants and Windows Server operating systems.


Schema 2.2

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: aws:configureDocker parameters: action: description: "(Required) The type of action to perform." type: String default: Install allowedValues: - Install - Uninstall mainSteps: - action: aws:configureDocker name: configureDocker inputs: action: "{{ action }}"
{ "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "aws:configureDocker plugin", "parameters": { "action": { "description": "(Required) The type of action to perform.", "type": "String", "default": "Install", "allowedValues": [ "Install", "Uninstall" ] } }, "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:configureDocker", "name": "configureDocker", "inputs": { "action": "{{ action }}" } } ] }



The type of action to perform.

Type: Enum

Valid values: Install | Uninstall

Required: Yes


(Schema version 2.0 or later) Install or uninstall an AWS Systems Manager Distributor package. You can install the latest version, default version, or a version of the package you specify. Packages provided by AWS are also supported. This plugin runs on Windows Server and Linux operating systems, but not all the available packages are supported on Linux operating systems.

Available AWS packages for Windows Server include the following: AWSPVDriver, AWSNVMe, AwsEnaNetworkDriver, AwsVssComponents, AmazonCloudWatchAgent, CodeDeployAgent, and AWSSupport-EC2Rescue.

Available AWS packages for Linux operating systems include the following: AmazonCloudWatchAgent, CodeDeployAgent, and AWSSupport-EC2Rescue.


Schema 2.2

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: aws:configurePackage parameters: name: description: "(Required) The name of the AWS package to install or uninstall." type: String action: description: "(Required) The type of action to perform." type: String default: Install allowedValues: - Install - Uninstall ssmParameter: description: "(Required) Argument stored in Parameter Store." type: String default: "{{ ssm:parameter_store_arg }}" mainSteps: - action: aws:configurePackage name: configurePackage inputs: name: "{{ name }}" action: "{{ action }}" additionalArguments: "{\"SSM_parameter_store_arg\": \"{{ ssmParameter }}\", \"SSM_custom_arg\": \"myValue\"}"
{ "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "aws:configurePackage", "parameters": { "name": { "description": "(Required) The name of the AWS package to install or uninstall.", "type": "String" }, "action": { "description": "(Required) The type of action to perform.", "type": "String", "default": "Install", "allowedValues": [ "Install", "Uninstall" ] }, "ssmParameter": { "description": "(Required) Argument stored in Parameter Store.", "type": "String", "default": "{{ ssm:parameter_store_arg }}" } }, "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:configurePackage", "name": "configurePackage", "inputs": { "name": "{{ name }}", "action": "{{ action }}", "additionalArguments": "{\"SSM_parameter_store_arg\": \"{{ ssmParameter }}\", \"SSM_custom_arg\": \"myValue\"}" } } ] }



The name of the AWS package to install or uninstall. Available packages include the following: AWSPVDriver, AwsEnaNetworkDriver, AwsVssComponents, and AmazonCloudWatchAgent.

Type: String

Required: Yes


Install or uninstall a package.

Type: Enum

Valid values: Install | Uninstall

Required: Yes


The type of installation to perform. If you specify Uninstall and reinstall, the package is completely uninstalled, and then reinstalled. The application is unavailable until the reinstallation is complete. If you specify In-place update, only new or changed files are added to the existing installation according you instructions you provide in an update script. The application remains available throughout the update process. The In-place update option isn't supported for AWS-published packages. Uninstall and reinstall is the default value.

Type: Enum

Valid values: Uninstall and reinstall | In-place update

Required: No


A JSON string of the additional parameters to provide to your install, uninstall, or update scripts. Each parameter must be prefixed with SSM_. You can reference a Parameter Store parameter in your additional arguments by using the convention {{ssm:parameter-name}}. To use the additional parameter in your install, uninstall, or update script, you must reference the parameter as an environment variable using the syntax appropriate for the operating system. For example, in PowerShell, you reference the SSM_arg argument as $Env:SSM_arg. There is no limit to the number of arguments you define, but the additional argument input has a 4096 character limit. This limit includes all of the keys and values you define.

Type: StringMap

Required: No


A specific version of the package to install or uninstall. If installing, the system installs the latest published version, by default. If uninstalling, the system uninstalls the currently installed version, by default. If no installed version is found, the latest published version is downloaded, and the uninstall action is run.

Type: String

Required: No


Join an EC2 instance to a domain. This plugin runs on Linux and Windows Server operating systems. This plugin changes the hostname for Linux instances to the format EC2AMAZ-XXXXXXX. For more information about joining EC2 instances, see Join an EC2 Instance to Your AWS Managed Microsoft AD Directory in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.


Schema 2.2

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: aws:domainJoin parameters: directoryId: description: "(Required) The ID of the directory." type: String directoryName: description: "(Required) The name of the domain." type: String directoryOU: description: "(Optional) The organizational unit to assign the computer object to." type: String dnsIpAddresses: description: "(Required) The IP addresses of the DNS servers for your directory." type: StringList hostname: description: "(Optional) The hostname you want to assign to the node." type: String mainSteps: - action: aws:domainJoin name: domainJoin inputs: directoryId: "{{ directoryId }}" directoryName: "{{ directoryName }}" directoryOU: "{{ directoryOU }}" dnsIpAddresses: "{{ dnsIpAddresses }}" hostname: "{{ hostname }}"
{ "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "aws:domainJoin", "parameters": { "directoryId": { "description": "(Required) The ID of the directory.", "type": "String" }, "directoryName": { "description": "(Required) The name of the domain.", "type": "String" }, "directoryOU": { "description": "(Optional) The organizational unit to assign the computer object to.", "type": "String" }, "dnsIpAddresses": { "description": "(Required) The IP addresses of the DNS servers for your directory.", "type": "StringList" }, "hostname": { "description": "(Optional) The hostname you want to assign to the node.", "type": "String" } }, "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:domainJoin", "name": "domainJoin", "inputs": { "directoryId": "{{ directoryId }}", "directoryName": "{{ directoryName }}", "directoryOU":"{{ directoryOU }}", "dnsIpAddresses":"{{ dnsIpAddresses }}", "hostname":"{{ hostname }}" } } ] }

Schema 1.2

--- runtimeConfig: aws:domainJoin: properties: directoryId: "{{ directoryId }}" directoryName: "{{ directoryName }}" directoryOU: "{{ directoryOU }}" dnsIpAddresses: "{{ dnsIpAddresses }}"
{ "runtimeConfig":{ "aws:domainJoin":{ "properties":{ "directoryId":"{{ directoryId }}", "directoryName":"{{ directoryName }}", "directoryOU":"{{ directoryOU }}", "dnsIpAddresses":"{{ dnsIpAddresses }}" } } } }



The ID of the directory.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Example: "directoryId": "d-1234567890"


The name of the domain.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Example: "directoryName": ""


The organizational unit (OU).

Type: String

Required: No

Example: "directoryOU": "OU=test,DC=example,DC=com"


The IP addresses of the DNS servers.

Type: StringList

Required: Yes

Example: "dnsIpAddresses": ["",""]


The hostname you want to assign to the node.

Type: String

Required: No


Determines whether the hostname is changed for Linux instances when joined to the domain.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


For examples, see Join an Amazon EC2 Instance to your AWS Managed Microsoft AD in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.


(Schema version 2.0 or later) Download SSM documents and scripts from remote locations. GitHub Enterprise repositories are not supported. This plugin is supported on Linux and Windows Server operating systems.


Schema 2.2

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: aws:downloadContent parameters: sourceType: description: "(Required) The download source." type: String sourceInfo: description: "(Required) The information required to retrieve the content from the required source." type: StringMap mainSteps: - action: aws:downloadContent name: downloadContent inputs: sourceType: "{{ sourceType }}" sourceInfo: "{{ sourceInfo }}"
{ "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "aws:downloadContent", "parameters": { "sourceType": { "description": "(Required) The download source.", "type": "String" }, "sourceInfo": { "description": "(Required) The information required to retrieve the content from the required source.", "type": "StringMap" } }, "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:downloadContent", "name": "downloadContent", "inputs": { "sourceType":"{{ sourceType }}", "sourceInfo":"{{ sourceInfo }}" } } ] }



The download source. Systems Manager supports the following source types for downloading scripts and SSM documents: GitHub, Git, HTTP, S3, and SSMDocument.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The information required to retrieve the content from the required source.

Type: StringMap

Required: Yes

For sourceType GitHub, specify the following:

  • owner: The repository owner.

  • repository: The name of the repository.

  • path: The path to the file or directory you want to download.

  • getOptions: Extra options to retrieve content from a branch other than master or from a specific commit in the repository. getOptions can be omitted if you're using the latest commit in the master branch. If your repository was created after October 1, 2020 the default branch might be named main instead of master. In this case, you will need to specify values for the getOptions parameter.

    This parameter uses the following format:

    • branch:refs/heads/branch_name

      The default is master.

      To specify a non-default branch use the following format:


    • commitID:commitID

      The default is head.

      To use the version of your SSM document in a commit other than the latest, specify the full commit ID. For example:

      "getOptions": "commitID:bbc1ddb94...b76d3bEXAMPLE",
  • tokenInfo: The Systems Manager parameter (a SecureString parameter) where you store your GitHub access token information, in the format {{ssm-secure:secure-string-token-name}}.


    This tokenInfo field is the only SSM document plugin field that supports a SecureString parameter. SecureString parameters aren't supported for any other fields, nor for any other SSM document plugins.

{ "owner":"TestUser", "repository":"GitHubTest", "path":"scripts/python/test-script", "getOptions":"branch:master", "tokenInfo":"{{ssm-secure:secure-string-token}}" }

For sourceType Git, you must specify the following:

  • repository

    The Git repository URL to the file or directory you want to download.

    Type: String

Additionally, you can specify the following optional parameters:

  • getOptions

    Extra options to retrieve content from a branch other than master or from a specific commit in the repository. getOptions can be omitted if you're using the latest commit in the master branch.

    Type: String

    This parameter uses the following format:

    • branch:refs/heads/branch_name

      The default is master.

      "branch" is required only if your SSM document is stored in a branch other than master. For example:

      "getOptions": "branch:refs/heads/main"
    • commitID:commitID

      The default is head.

      To use the version of your SSM document in a commit other than the latest, specify the full commit ID. For example:

      "getOptions": "commitID:bbc1ddb94...b76d3bEXAMPLE",
  • privateSSHKey

    The SSH key to use when connecting to the repository you specify. You can use the following format to reference a SecureString parameter for the value of your SSH key: {{ssm-secure:your-secure-string-parameter}}.

    Type: String

  • skipHostKeyChecking

    Determines the value of the StrictHostKeyChecking option when connecting to the repository you specify. The default value is false.

    Type: Boolean

  • username

    The username to use when connecting to the repository you specify using HTTP. You can use the following format to reference a SecureString parameter for the value of your username: {{ssm-secure:your-secure-string-parameter}}.

    Type: String

  • password

    The password to use when connecting to the repository you specify using HTTP. You can use the following format to reference a SecureString parameter for the value of your password: {{ssm-secure:your-secure-string-parameter}}.

    Type: String

For sourceType HTTP, you must specify the following:

  • url

    The URL to the file or directory you want to download.

    Type: String

Additionally, you can specify the following optional parameters:

  • allowInsecureDownload

    Determines whether a download can be performed over a connection that isn't encrypted with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS). The default value is false. We don't recommend performing downloads without encryption. If you choose to do so, you assume all associated risks. Security is a shared responsibility between AWS and you. This is described as the shared responsibility model. To learn more, see the shared responsibility model.

    Type: Boolean

  • authMethod

    Determines whether a username and password are used for authentication when connecting to the url you specify. If you specify Basic or Digest, you must provide values for the username and password parameters. To use the Digest method, SSM Agent version 3.0.1181.0 or later must be installed on your instance. The Digest method supports MD5 and SHA256 encryption.

    Type: String

    Valid values: None | Basic | Digest

  • username

    The username to use when connecting to the url you specify using Basic authentication. You can use the following format to reference a SecureString parameter for the value of your username: {{ssm-secure:your-secure-string-parameter}}.

    Type: String

  • password

    The password to use when connecting to the url you specify using Basic authentication. You can use the following format to reference a SecureString parameter for the value of your password: {{ssm-secure:your-secure-string-parameter}}.

    Type: String

For sourceType S3, specify the following:

  • path: The URL to the file or directory you want to download from Amazon S3.

{ "path": "" }

For sourceType SSMDocument, specify one of the following:

  • name: The name and version of the document in the following format: name:version. Version is optional.

    { "name": "Example-RunPowerShellScript:3" }
  • name: The ARN for the document in the following format: arn:aws:ssm:region:account_id:document/document_name

    { "name":"arn:aws:ssm:us-east-2:3344556677:document/MySharedDoc" }

An optional local path on the instance where you want to download the file. If you don't specify a path, the content is downloaded to a path relative to your command ID.

Type: String

Required: No


Install PowerShell modules on an Amazon EC2 instance. This plugin only runs on Windows Server operating systems.


Schema 2.2

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: aws:psModule parameters: source: description: "(Required) The URL or local path on the instance to the application .zip file." type: String mainSteps: - action: aws:psModule name: psModule inputs: source: "{{ source }}"
{ "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "aws:psModule", "parameters": { "source": { "description": "(Required) The URL or local path on the instance to the application .zip file.", "type": "String" } }, "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:psModule", "name": "psModule", "inputs": { "source": "{{ source }}" } } ] }

Schema 1.2

--- runtimeConfig: aws:psModule: properties: - runCommand: "{{ commands }}" source: "{{ source }}" sourceHash: "{{ sourceHash }}" workingDirectory: "{{ workingDirectory }}" timeoutSeconds: "{{ executionTimeout }}"
{ "runtimeConfig":{ "aws:psModule":{ "properties":[ { "runCommand":"{{ commands }}", "source":"{{ source }}", "sourceHash":"{{ sourceHash }}", "workingDirectory":"{{ workingDirectory }}", "timeoutSeconds":"{{ executionTimeout }}" } ] } } }



The PowerShell command to run after the module is installed.

Type: StringList

Required: No


The URL or local path on the instance to the application .zip file.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The SHA256 hash of the .zip file.

Type: String

Required: No


The time in seconds for a command to be completed before it's considered to have failed.

Type: String

Required: No


The path to the working directory on your instance.

Type: String

Required: No


(Schema version 2.0 or later) Refresh (force apply) an association on demand. This action will change the system state based on what is defined in the selected association or all associations bound to the targets. This plugin runs on Linux and Microsoft Windows Server operating systems.


Schema 2.2

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: aws:refreshAssociation parameters: associationIds: description: "(Optional) List of association IDs. If empty, all associations bound to the specified target are applied." type: StringList mainSteps: - action: aws:refreshAssociation name: refreshAssociation inputs: associationIds: - "{{ associationIds }}"
{ "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "aws:refreshAssociation", "parameters": { "associationIds": { "description": "(Optional) List of association IDs. If empty, all associations bound to the specified target are applied.", "type": "StringList" } }, "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:refreshAssociation", "name": "refreshAssociation", "inputs": { "associationIds": [ "{{ associationIds }}" ] } } ] }



List of association IDs. If empty, all associations bound to the specified target are applied.

Type: StringList

Required: No


(Schema version 2.0 or later) Run Docker actions on containers. This plugin runs on Linux and Microsoft Windows Server operating systems.


Schema 2.2

--- mainSteps: - action: aws:runDockerAction name: RunDockerAction inputs: action: "{{ action }}" container: "{{ container }}" image: "{{ image }}" memory: "{{ memory }}" cpuShares: "{{ cpuShares }}" volume: "{{ volume }}" cmd: "{{ cmd }}" env: "{{ env }}" user: "{{ user }}" publish: "{{ publish }}"
{ "mainSteps":[ { "action":"aws:runDockerAction", "name":"RunDockerAction", "inputs":{ "action":"{{ action }}", "container":"{{ container }}", "image":"{{ image }}", "memory":"{{ memory }}", "cpuShares":"{{ cpuShares }}", "volume":"{{ volume }}", "cmd":"{{ cmd }}", "env":"{{ env }}", "user":"{{ user }}", "publish":"{{ publish }}" } } ] }



The type of action to perform.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The Docker container ID.

Type: String

Required: No


The Docker image name.

Type: String

Required: No


The container command.

Type: String

Required: No


The container memory limit.

Type: String

Required: No


The container CPU shares (relative weight).

Type: String

Required: No


The container volume mounts.

Type: StringList

Required: No


The container environment variables.

Type: String

Required: No


The container user name.

Type: String

Required: No


The container published ports.

Type: String

Required: No


(Schema version 2.0 or later) Runs SSM documents stored in Systems Manager or on a local share. You can use this plugin with the aws:downloadContent plugin to download an SSM document from a remote location to a local share, and then run it. This plugin is supported on Linux and Windows Server operating systems. This plugin doesn't support running the AWS-UpdateSSMAgent document or any document that uses the aws:updateSsmAgent plugin.


Schema 2.2

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: aws:runDocument parameters: documentType: description: "(Required) The document type to run." type: String allowedValues: - LocalPath - SSMDocument mainSteps: - action: aws:runDocument name: runDocument inputs: documentType: "{{ documentType }}"
{ "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "aws:runDocument", "parameters": { "documentType": { "description": "(Required) The document type to run.", "type": "String", "allowedValues": [ "LocalPath", "SSMDocument" ] } }, "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:runDocument", "name": "runDocument", "inputs": { "documentType": "{{ documentType }}" } } ] }



The document type to run. You can run local documents (LocalPath) or documents stored in Systems Manager (SSMDocument).

Type: String

Required: Yes


The path to the document. If documentType is LocalPath, then specify the path to the document on the local share. If documentType is SSMDocument, then specify the name of the document.

Type: String

Required: No


Parameters for the document.

Type: StringMap

Required: No


Run PowerShell scripts or specify the path to a script to run. This plugin runs on Microsoft Windows Server and Linux operating systems.


Schema 2.2

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: aws:runPowerShellScript parameters: commands: type: String description: "(Required) The commands to run or the path to an existing script on the instance." default: Write-Host "Hello World" mainSteps: - action: aws:runPowerShellScript name: runPowerShellScript inputs: timeoutSeconds: '60' runCommand: - "{{ commands }}"
{ "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "aws:runPowerShellScript", "parameters": { "commands": { "type": "String", "description": "(Required) The commands to run or the path to an existing script on the instance.", "default": "Write-Host \"Hello World\"" } }, "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:runPowerShellScript", "name": "runPowerShellScript", "inputs": { "timeoutSeconds": "60", "runCommand": [ "{{ commands }}" ] } } ] }

Schema 1.2

--- runtimeConfig: aws:runPowerShellScript: properties: - id: runCommand: "{{ commands }}" workingDirectory: "{{ workingDirectory }}" timeoutSeconds: "{{ executionTimeout }}"
{ "runtimeConfig":{ "aws:runPowerShellScript":{ "properties":[ { "id":"", "runCommand":"{{ commands }}", "workingDirectory":"{{ workingDirectory }}", "timeoutSeconds":"{{ executionTimeout }}" } ] } } }



Specify the commands to run or the path to an existing script on the instance.

Type: StringList

Required: Yes


The time in seconds for a command to be completed before it's considered to have failed. When the timeout is reached, Systems Manager stops the command execution.

Type: String

Required: No


The path to the working directory on your instance.

Type: String

Required: No


Run Linux shell scripts or specify the path to a script to run. This plugin only runs on Linux operating systems.


Schema 2.2

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: aws:runShellScript parameters: commands: type: String description: "(Required) The commands to run or the path to an existing script on the instance." default: echo Hello World mainSteps: - action: aws:runShellScript name: runShellScript inputs: timeoutSeconds: '60' runCommand: - "{{ commands }}"
{ "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "aws:runShellScript", "parameters": { "commands": { "type": "String", "description": "(Required) The commands to run or the path to an existing script on the instance.", "default": "echo Hello World" } }, "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:runShellScript", "name": "runShellScript", "inputs": { "timeoutSeconds": "60", "runCommand": [ "{{ commands }}" ] } } ] }

Schema 1.2

--- runtimeConfig: aws:runShellScript: properties: - runCommand: "{{ commands }}" workingDirectory: "{{ workingDirectory }}" timeoutSeconds: "{{ executionTimeout }}"
{ "runtimeConfig":{ "aws:runShellScript":{ "properties":[ { "runCommand":"{{ commands }}", "workingDirectory":"{{ workingDirectory }}", "timeoutSeconds":"{{ executionTimeout }}" } ] } } }



Specify the commands to run or the path to an existing script on the instance.

Type: StringList

Required: Yes


The time in seconds for a command to be completed before it's considered to have failed. When the timeout is reached, Systems Manager stops the command execution.

Type: String

Required: No


The path to the working directory on your instance.

Type: String

Required: No


(Schema version 2.0 or later) Gather metadata about applications, files, and configurations on your managed instances. This plugin runs on Linux and Microsoft Windows Server operating systems. When you configure inventory collection, you start by creating an AWS Systems Manager State Manager association. Systems Manager collects the inventory data when the association is run. If you don't create the association first, and attempt to invoke the aws:softwareInventory plugin the system returns the following error:

The aws:softwareInventory plugin can only be invoked via ssm-associate.

An instance can have only one inventory association configured at a time. If you configure an instance with two or more associations, the inventory association doesn't run and no inventory data is collected. For more information about collecting inventory, see AWS Systems Manager Inventory.


Schema 2.2

--- mainSteps: - action: aws:softwareInventory name: collectSoftwareInventoryItems inputs: applications: "{{ applications }}" awsComponents: "{{ awsComponents }}" networkConfig: "{{ networkConfig }}" files: "{{ files }}" services: "{{ services }}" windowsRoles: "{{ windowsRoles }}" windowsRegistry: "{{ windowsRegistry}}" windowsUpdates: "{{ windowsUpdates }}" instanceDetailedInformation: "{{ instanceDetailedInformation }}" customInventory: "{{ customInventory }}"
{ "mainSteps":[ { "action":"aws:softwareInventory", "name":"collectSoftwareInventoryItems", "inputs":{ "applications":"{{ applications }}", "awsComponents":"{{ awsComponents }}", "networkConfig":"{{ networkConfig }}", "files":"{{ files }}", "services":"{{ services }}", "windowsRoles":"{{ windowsRoles }}", "windowsRegistry":"{{ windowsRegistry}}", "windowsUpdates":"{{ windowsUpdates }}", "instanceDetailedInformation":"{{ instanceDetailedInformation }}", "customInventory":"{{ customInventory }}" } } ] }



(Optional) Collect metadata for installed applications.

Type: String

Required: No


(Optional) Collect metadata for AWS components like amazon-ssm-agent.

Type: String

Required: No


(Optional, requires SSM Agent version or later) Collect metadata for files, including file names, the time files were created, the time files were last modified and accessed, and file sizes, to name a few. For more information about collecting file inventory, see Working with file and Windows registry inventory.

Type: String

Required: No


(Optional) Collect metadata for network configurations.

Type: String

Required: No


(Optional) Collect metadata for platform details associated with the billing code of the AMI.

Type: String

Required: No


(Optional) Collect metadata for all Windows updates.

Type: String

Required: No


(Optional) Collect more instance information than is provided by the default inventory plugin (aws:instanceInformation), including CPU model, speed, and the number of cores, to name a few.

Type: String

Required: No


(Optional, Windows OS only, requires SSM Agent version or later) Collect metadata for service configurations.

Type: String

Required: No


(Optional, Windows OS only, requires SSM Agent version or later) Collect Windows Registry keys and values. You can choose a key path and collect all keys and values recursively. You can also collect a specific registry key and its value for a specific path. Inventory collects the key path, name, type, and the value. For more information about collecting Windows Registry inventory, see Working with file and Windows registry inventory.

Type: String

Required: No


(Optional, Windows OS only, requires SSM Agent version or later) Collect metadata for Microsoft Windows role configurations.

Type: String

Required: No


(Optional) Collect custom inventory data. For more information about custom inventory, see Working with custom inventory

Type: String

Required: No


(Optional) Collect custom inventory data from the specified directory. For more information about custom inventory, see Working with custom inventory

Type: String

Required: No


Update the EC2Config service to the latest version or specify an older version. This plugin only runs on Microsoft Windows Server operating systems. For more information about the EC2Config service, see Configuring a Windows Instance using the EC2Config service (legacy) in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.


Schema 2.2

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: aws:updateAgent mainSteps: - action: aws:updateAgent name: updateAgent inputs: agentName: Ec2Config source: https://s3.{Region}{Region}/manifest.json
{ "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "aws:updateAgent", "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:updateAgent", "name": "updateAgent", "inputs": { "agentName": "Ec2Config", "source": "https://s3.{Region}{Region}/manifest.json" } } ] }

Schema 1.2

--- runtimeConfig: aws:updateAgent: properties: agentName: Ec2Config source: https://s3.{Region}{Region}/manifest.json allowDowngrade: "{{ allowDowngrade }}" targetVersion: "{{ version }}"
{ "runtimeConfig":{ "aws:updateAgent":{ "properties":{ "agentName":"Ec2Config", "source":"https://s3.{Region}{Region}/manifest.json", "allowDowngrade":"{{ allowDowngrade }}", "targetVersion":"{{ version }}" } } } }



EC2Config. This is the name of the agent that runs the EC2Config service.

Type: String

Required: Yes


Allow the EC2Config service to be downgraded to an earlier version. If set to false, the service can be upgraded to newer versions only (default). If set to true, specify the earlier version.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The location where Systems Manager copies the version of EC2Config to install. You can't change this location.

Type: String

Required: Yes


A specific version of the EC2Config service to install. If not specified, the service will be updated to the latest version.

Type: String

Required: No


Update the SSM Agent to the latest version or specify an older version. This plugin runs on Linux and Windows Server operating systems. For more information, see Working with SSM Agent.


Schema 2.2

--- schemaVersion: '2.2' description: aws:updateSsmAgent parameters: allowDowngrade: default: 'false' description: "(Optional) Allow the Amazon SSM Agent service to be downgraded to an earlier version. If set to false, the service can be upgraded to newer versions only (default). If set to true, specify the earlier version." type: String allowedValues: - 'true' - 'false' mainSteps: - action: aws:updateSsmAgent name: updateSSMAgent inputs: agentName: amazon-ssm-agent source: https://s3.{Region}{Region}/ssm-agent-manifest.json allowDowngrade: "{{ allowDowngrade }}"
{ "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "aws:updateSsmAgent", "parameters": { "allowDowngrade": { "default": "false", "description": "(Required) Allow the Amazon SSM Agent service to be downgraded to an earlier version. If set to false, the service can be upgraded to newer versions only (default). If set to true, specify the earlier version.", "type": "String", "allowedValues": [ "true", "false" ] } }, "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:updateSsmAgent", "name": "awsupdateSsmAgent", "inputs": { "agentName": "amazon-ssm-agent", "source": "https://s3.{Region}{Region}/ssm-agent-manifest.json", "allowDowngrade": "{{ allowDowngrade }}" } } ] }

Schema 1.2

--- runtimeConfig: aws:updateSsmAgent: properties: - agentName: amazon-ssm-agent source: https://s3.{Region}{Region}/manifest.json allowDowngrade: "{{ allowDowngrade }}"
{ "runtimeConfig":{ "aws:updateSsmAgent":{ "properties":[ { "agentName":"amazon-ssm-agent", "source":"https://s3.{Region}{Region}/manifest.json", "allowDowngrade":"{{ allowDowngrade }}" } ] } } }



amazon-ssm-agent. This is the name of the Systems Manager agent that processes requests and runs commands on the instance.

Type: String

Required: Yes


Allow the SSM Agent to be downgraded to an earlier version. If set to false, the agent can be upgraded to newer versions only (default). If set to true, specify the earlier version.

Type: Boolean

Required: Yes


The location where Systems Manager copies the SSM Agent version to install. You can't change this location.

Type: String

Required: Yes


A specific version of SSM Agent to install. If not specified, the agent will be updated to the latest version.

Type: String

Required: No