Network management - SageMaker Studio Administration Best Practices

Network management

To set up the SageMaker Studio domain, you need to specify the VPC network, subnets, and security groups. When specifying the VPC and subnets, ensure that you allocate IPs considering the usage volume and expected growth that is discussed in the following sections.

VPC network planning

Customer VPC subnets associated to the SageMaker Studio domain must be created with the appropriate Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR) range, depending on the following factors:

  • Number of users.

  • Number of apps per user.

  • Number of unique instance types per user.

  • Average number of training instances per user.

  • Expected growth percentage.

SageMaker and participating AWS services inject elastic network interfaces (ENI) into the customer VPC subnet for the following use cases:

  • Amazon EFS injects an ENI for an EFS mount target for the SageMaker domain (one IP per subnet/Availability Zone attached to the SageMaker domain).

  • SageMaker Studio injects an ENI for every unique instance used by a user profile or a shared space. For example:

    • If a user profile runs a default Jupyter server app (one ‘system’ instance), a Data Science app and a Base Python app (both running on an ml.t3.medium instance), Studio injects two IP addresses.

    • If a user profile runs a default Jupyter server app (one ‘system’ instance), a Tensorflow GPU app (on an ml.g4dn.xlarge instance), and a data wrangler app (on an ml.m5.4xlarge instance), Studio injects three IP addresses.

  • An ENI for each VPC endpoint across domain VPC subnets/Availability Zones is injected (four IPs for SageMaker VPC endpoints; ~six IPs for participating services VPC endpoints such as S3, ECR, and CloudWatch.)

  • If SageMaker training and processing jobs are launched with the same VPC configuration, each job needs two IP addresses per instance.


VPC settings for SageMaker Studio, such as subnets and VPC-only traffic, do not get automatically passed on to the training/processing jobs created from SageMaker Studio. The user needs to set up VPC settings and network isolation as necessary when calling the Create*Job APIs. Refer to Run Training and Inference Containers in Internet-Free Mode for more information.

Scenario: Data scientist runs experiments on two different instance types

In this scenario, assume a SageMaker domain is set up in VPC-only traffic mode. There are VPC endpoints set up, such as SageMaker API, SageMaker runtime, Amazon S3, and Amazon ECR.

A data scientist is running experiments on Studio notebooks, running on two different instance types (for example, ml.t3.medium and ml.m5.large), and launching two apps in each instance type.

Assume the data scientist is also simultaneously running a training job with the same VPC configuration on an ml.m5.4xlarge instance.

For this scenario, the SageMaker Studio service will inject ENIs as follows:

Table 1 — ENIs injected into customer VPC for an experimentation scenario



ENI injected



EFS mount target

VPC subnets


Three AZs/subnets


VPC endpoints

VPC subnets


Three AZs/subnets with 10 VPCE each


Jupyter Server

VPC subnet


One IP per instance


KernelGateway app

VPC subnet


One IP per instance type



VPC subnet


Two IPs per training instance

Five IPs per training instance if EFA is used


For this scenario, there are a total of 38 IPs consumed in the customer VPC where 33 IPs are shared across users at the domain level, and five IPs are consumed at the user level. If you have 100 users with similar user profiles in this domain performing these activities concurrently, then you will consume five x 100 = 500 IPs at the user level, on top of the domain level IP consumption, which is 11 IPs per subnet, for a total of 511 IPs. For this scenario, you need to create the VPC subnet CIDR with /22 that will allocate 1024 IP addresses, with room to grow.

VPC network options

A SageMaker Studio domain supports configuring the VPC network with one of the following options:

  • Public internet only

  • VPC only

The public internet only option allows SageMaker API services to use public internet via the internet gateway provisioned in the VPC, managed by the SageMaker service account, as seen in the following diagram:

Default mode: Internet access via SageMaker service account.

Default mode: Internet access via SageMaker service account

The VPC only option disables internet routing from the VPC managed by the SageMaker service account, and allows customer to configure the traffic to be routed over VPC endpoints, as seen in the following diagram:

VPC only mode: No internet access via SageMaker service account.

VPC only mode: No internet access via SageMaker service account

For a domain set up in VPC only mode, set up a security group per user profile to ensure complete isolation of underlying instances. Each domain in an AWS account can have its own VPC configuration and internet mode. For more details regarding setting up the VPC network configuration, refer to Connect SageMaker Studio Notebooks in a VPC to External Resources.


  • After a SageMaker Studio domain is created, you cannot associate new subnets to the domain.

  • The VPC network type (public internet only or VPC only) cannot be changed.