Oracle dabatase migration to PostgreSQL setup, DevOps, integration, deployment, and security
Deployment to production is the culmination of the migration activity and is a high stakes effort which requires good planning and benefits from well tested automation.
With DevOps, you can create a process that helps easily deploy and update your virtual architecture in a scalable and repeatable way. This reduces the risk of human error. Furthermore, DevOps allow us to deploy much faster than humans which may be a factor in large deployments.
Wave Planning
For any application or cluster of applications there is an important question of sequencing because every cutover window, for example, a weekend can only accommodate so much work. This means that larger portfolio may need to be migrated in multiple waves, and this makes wave planning necessary.
Wave planning considers that some parts of the application will move while other stay behind under different network, connectivity and security conditions. Different parts of the application may also be under different ownership, so wave planning becomes the place where all stakeholders coordinate their efforts. Wave planning is a matter of minimizing risk during the overall migration.
Infrastructure Automation
Infrastructure automation is a code layer that wraps API calls to a cloud provider with commands to provision infrastructure. Such code typically in YAML scripts are easily learned with any coding experience and are scalable and powerful. This layer will allow you to spin up one or one hundred web nodes nearly simultaneously. This layer is not designed to configure files on a server, install software on a server, or run commands on a server - That comes in the next section.
Configuration Management
Configuration management systems manages configuration of software and state of files on a server or group of servers. These systems however are capable of much more than that, they also allow functionality such as installing software, running local commands, starting services and more in the same scalable way.
Code Repository
A code repository offers safe storage of code and a change capture log which facilitates parallel development of a codebase by many developers simultaneously with the use of code branches, and integration with CI/CD pipelines. Other files than application source code might be stored in a Git repository such as infrastructure as code (IaC), database reports; recorded state changes or even short logs. Importantly you should never store credentials in the code repository. Credentials should be handled in other ways discussed below to avoid sensitive files being deleted or scrubbed, remnants left behind of the original state. The two most widely used code repositories are GitHub
Secrets Management
A vault is for credentials. There are several options when it comes to Vault, many of which are baked into a lot of the technologies already described. Ansible has ansible vault, Jenkins has a functionality for storing and parametrize credentials which can be used at a smaller scale as a vault. However most of these baked in vaults don’t generally have the effectiveness and capabilities of a dedicated vault.
HashiCorp Vault
Orchestration is the glue that binds DevOps together. Many of the described technologies can be executed manually or from a scheduled script, however building on this idea of removing one of the largest points of failures such as humans from the actual deployment and management of infrastructure we can eliminate many of the pitfalls that can arise in the process of executing deployment scripts. Orchestration allows you to create a repeatable timeline, with logic gates, to deploy your infrastructure in exactly the order with the configurations chosen. This also allows deployments themselves to be tested before a change or deployment to production. Each of the configuration management platforms discussed above generally have an orchestration platform, they are generally focused on scheduling jobs within their particular vertical. For example, AWX for Ansible is mostly limited to scheduling ansible jobs.
The process is arranged in a series of Groovy
An example pipeline you might run on Jenkins: use git to pull configuration scripts for the pipeline, then use a Terraform job from the cloned codebase to deploy a server, use Ansible to install and configure a database, then push a status file with information on the pipeline run back to git all while using Vault to manage the secrets for both access right for Jenkins and configuration of users on the database.