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AWS CloudFormation Delete Stack task - AWS Toolkit for Microsoft Azure DevOps
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AWS CloudFormation Delete Stack task


Deletes an AWS CloudFormation stack.


Deletes the specified AWS CloudFormation stack.


You can set the following parameters for the task. Required parameters are noted by an asterisk (*). Other parameters are optional.

Display name*

The default name of the task instance, which can be modified: Delete Stack

AWS Credentials

Specifies the AWS credentials to be used by the task in the build agent environment.

You can specify credentials using a service endpoint (of type AWS) in the task configuration or you can leave unspecified. If unspecified the task will attempt to obtain credentials from the following sources in order:

  • From task variables named AWS.AccessKeyID, AWS.SecretAccessKey and optionally AWS.SessionToken.

  • From credentials set in environment variables in the build agent process. When using environment variables in the build agent process you may use the standard AWS environment variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and optionally AWS_SESSION_TOKEN.

  • If the build agent is running on an Amazon EC2 instance, from the instance metadata associated with the EC2 instance. For credentials to be available from EC2 instance metadata the instance must have been started with an instance profile referencing a role granting permissions to the task to make calls to AWS on your behalf. For more information, see Using an IAM role to grant permissions to applications running on Amazon EC2 instances.

AWS Region

The AWS Region code (for example, us-east-1, us-west-2) of the Region containing the AWS resources the task will use or create. For more information, see Regions and endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

If a Region is not specified in the task configuration the task will attempt to obtain the Region to be used using the standard AWS environment variable AWS_REGION in the build agent process's environment. Tasks running in build agents hosted on Amazon EC2 instances (Windows or Linux) will also attempt to obtain the Region using the instance metadata associated with the EC2 instance if no Region is configured on the task or set in the environment variable.

Note: The Regions listed in the picker are those known at the time this software was released. New Regions that are not listed may still be used by entering the region code of the Region (for example, us_west_2).

Stack Name*

The name or unique ID of the stack to be deleted.

Task Permissions

This task requires permissions to call the following AWS service APIs (depending on selected task options, not all APIs may be used):

  • cloudformation:DeleteStack

  • cloudformation:DescribeStacks

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