Class | Description |
Alarm |
Represents a CloudWatch alarm associated with a scaling policy.
CustomizedMetricSpecification |
Represents a CloudWatch metric of your choosing for a target tracking scaling policy to use with Application Auto
DeleteScalingPolicyRequest | |
DeleteScalingPolicyResult | |
DeleteScheduledActionRequest | |
DeleteScheduledActionResult | |
DeregisterScalableTargetRequest | |
DeregisterScalableTargetResult | |
DescribeScalableTargetsRequest | |
DescribeScalableTargetsResult | |
DescribeScalingActivitiesRequest | |
DescribeScalingActivitiesResult | |
DescribeScalingPoliciesRequest | |
DescribeScalingPoliciesResult | |
DescribeScheduledActionsRequest | |
DescribeScheduledActionsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
MetricDimension |
Describes the dimension names and values associated with a metric.
NotScaledReason |
Describes the reason for an activity that isn't scaled (not scaled activity), in machine-readable format.
PredefinedMetricSpecification |
Represents a predefined metric for a target tracking scaling policy to use with Application Auto Scaling.
PutScalingPolicyRequest | |
PutScalingPolicyResult | |
PutScheduledActionRequest | |
PutScheduledActionResult | |
RegisterScalableTargetRequest | |
RegisterScalableTargetResult | |
ScalableTarget |
Represents a scalable target.
ScalableTargetAction |
Represents the minimum and maximum capacity for a scheduled action.
ScalingActivity |
Represents a scaling activity.
ScalingPolicy |
Represents a scaling policy to use with Application Auto Scaling.
ScheduledAction |
Represents a scheduled action.
StepAdjustment |
Represents a step adjustment for a StepScalingPolicyConfiguration.
StepScalingPolicyConfiguration |
Represents a step scaling policy configuration to use with Application Auto Scaling.
SuspendedState |
Specifies whether the scaling activities for a scalable target are in a suspended state.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TargetTrackingMetric |
Represents a specific metric.
TargetTrackingMetricDataQuery |
The metric data to return.
TargetTrackingMetricDimension |
Describes the dimension of a metric.
TargetTrackingMetricStat |
This structure defines the CloudWatch metric to return, along with the statistic and unit.
TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration |
Represents a target tracking scaling policy configuration to use with Application Auto Scaling.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult |
Enum | Description |
AdjustmentType | |
MetricAggregationType | |
MetricStatistic | |
MetricType | |
PolicyType | |
ScalableDimension | |
ScalingActivityStatusCode | |
ServiceNamespace |
Exception | Description |
AWSApplicationAutoScalingException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Application Auto Scaling
ConcurrentUpdateException |
Concurrent updates caused an exception, for example, if you request an update to an Application Auto Scaling resource
that already has a pending update.
FailedResourceAccessException |
Failed access to resources caused an exception.
InternalServiceException |
The service encountered an internal error.
InvalidNextTokenException |
The next token supplied was invalid.
LimitExceededException |
A per-account resource limit is exceeded.
ObjectNotFoundException |
The specified object could not be found.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The specified resource doesn't exist.
TooManyTagsException |
The request contains too many tags.
ValidationException |
An exception was thrown for a validation issue.