Attribute |
An extracted segment of the text that is an attribute of an entity, or otherwise related to an entity, such as the
dosage of a medication taken.
Characters |
The number of characters in the input text to be analyzed.
ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobFilter |
Provides information for filtering a list of detection jobs.
ComprehendMedicalAsyncJobProperties |
Provides information about a detection job.
DescribeEntitiesDetectionV2JobRequest |
DescribeEntitiesDetectionV2JobResult |
DescribeICD10CMInferenceJobRequest |
DescribeICD10CMInferenceJobResult |
DescribePHIDetectionJobRequest |
DescribePHIDetectionJobResult |
DescribeRxNormInferenceJobRequest |
DescribeRxNormInferenceJobResult |
DescribeSNOMEDCTInferenceJobRequest |
DescribeSNOMEDCTInferenceJobResult |
DetectEntitiesRequest |
DetectEntitiesResult |
DetectEntitiesV2Request |
DetectEntitiesV2Result |
DetectPHIRequest |
DetectPHIResult |
Entity |
Provides information about an extracted medical entity.
ICD10CMAttribute |
The detected attributes that relate to an entity.
ICD10CMConcept |
The ICD-10-CM concepts that the entity could refer to, along with a score indicating the likelihood of the match.
ICD10CMEntity |
The collection of medical entities extracted from the input text and their associated information.
ICD10CMTrait |
Contextual information for the entity.
InferICD10CMRequest |
InferICD10CMResult |
InferRxNormRequest |
InferRxNormResult |
InferSNOMEDCTRequest |
InferSNOMEDCTResult |
InputDataConfig |
The input properties for an entities detection job.
ListEntitiesDetectionV2JobsRequest |
ListEntitiesDetectionV2JobsResult |
ListICD10CMInferenceJobsRequest |
ListICD10CMInferenceJobsResult |
ListPHIDetectionJobsRequest |
ListPHIDetectionJobsResult |
ListRxNormInferenceJobsRequest |
ListRxNormInferenceJobsResult |
ListSNOMEDCTInferenceJobsRequest |
ListSNOMEDCTInferenceJobsResult |
OutputDataConfig |
The output properties for a detection job.
RxNormAttribute |
The extracted attributes that relate to this entity.
RxNormConcept |
The RxNorm concept that the entity could refer to, along with a score indicating the likelihood of the match.
RxNormEntity |
The collection of medical entities extracted from the input text and their associated information.
RxNormTrait |
The contextual information for the entity.
SNOMEDCTAttribute |
The extracted attributes that relate to an entity.
The SNOMED-CT concepts that the entity could refer to, along with a score indicating the likelihood of the match.
The information about the revision of the SNOMED-CT ontology in the response.
The collection of medical entities extracted from the input text and their associated information.
Contextual information for an entity.
StartEntitiesDetectionV2JobRequest |
StartEntitiesDetectionV2JobResult |
StartICD10CMInferenceJobRequest |
StartICD10CMInferenceJobResult |
StartPHIDetectionJobRequest |
StartPHIDetectionJobResult |
StartRxNormInferenceJobRequest |
StartRxNormInferenceJobResult |
StartSNOMEDCTInferenceJobRequest |
StartSNOMEDCTInferenceJobResult |
StopEntitiesDetectionV2JobRequest |
StopEntitiesDetectionV2JobResult |
StopICD10CMInferenceJobRequest |
StopICD10CMInferenceJobResult |
StopPHIDetectionJobRequest |
StopPHIDetectionJobResult |
StopRxNormInferenceJobRequest |
StopRxNormInferenceJobResult |
StopSNOMEDCTInferenceJobRequest |
StopSNOMEDCTInferenceJobResult |
Trait |
Provides contextual information about the extracted entity.
UnmappedAttribute |
An attribute that was extracted, but Amazon Comprehend Medical was unable to relate to an entity.