AggregatedLogOddsMetric |
The log odds metric details.
AggregatedVariablesImpactExplanation |
The details of the impact of aggregated variables on the prediction score.
AggregatedVariablesImportanceMetrics |
The details of the relative importance of the aggregated variables.
AllowDenyList |
The metadata of a list.
ATIMetricDataPoint |
The Account Takeover Insights (ATI) model performance metrics data points.
ATIModelPerformance |
The Account Takeover Insights (ATI) model performance score.
ATITrainingMetricsValue |
The Account Takeover Insights (ATI) model training metric details.
BatchCreateVariableError |
Provides the error of the batch create variable API.
BatchCreateVariableRequest |
BatchCreateVariableResult |
BatchGetVariableError |
Provides the error of the batch get variable API.
BatchGetVariableRequest |
BatchGetVariableResult |
BatchImport |
The batch import job details.
BatchPrediction |
The batch prediction details.
CancelBatchImportJobRequest |
CancelBatchImportJobResult |
CancelBatchPredictionJobRequest |
CancelBatchPredictionJobResult |
CreateBatchImportJobRequest |
CreateBatchImportJobResult |
CreateBatchPredictionJobRequest |
CreateBatchPredictionJobResult |
CreateDetectorVersionRequest |
CreateDetectorVersionResult |
CreateListRequest |
CreateListResult |
CreateModelRequest |
CreateModelResult |
CreateModelVersionRequest |
CreateModelVersionResult |
CreateRuleRequest |
CreateRuleResult |
CreateVariableRequest |
CreateVariableResult |
DataValidationMetrics |
The model training data validation metrics.
DeleteBatchImportJobRequest |
DeleteBatchImportJobResult |
DeleteBatchPredictionJobRequest |
DeleteBatchPredictionJobResult |
DeleteDetectorRequest |
DeleteDetectorResult |
DeleteDetectorVersionRequest |
DeleteDetectorVersionResult |
DeleteEntityTypeRequest |
DeleteEntityTypeResult |
DeleteEventRequest |
DeleteEventResult |
DeleteEventsByEventTypeRequest |
DeleteEventsByEventTypeResult |
DeleteEventTypeRequest |
DeleteEventTypeResult |
DeleteExternalModelRequest |
DeleteExternalModelResult |
DeleteLabelRequest |
DeleteLabelResult |
DeleteListRequest |
DeleteListResult |
DeleteModelRequest |
DeleteModelResult |
DeleteModelVersionRequest |
DeleteModelVersionResult |
DeleteOutcomeRequest |
DeleteOutcomeResult |
DeleteRuleRequest |
DeleteRuleResult |
DeleteVariableRequest |
DeleteVariableResult |
DescribeDetectorRequest |
DescribeDetectorResult |
DescribeModelVersionsRequest |
DescribeModelVersionsResult |
Detector |
The detector.
DetectorVersionSummary |
The summary of the detector version.
Entity |
The entity details.
EntityType |
The entity type details.
EvaluatedExternalModel |
The details of the external (Amazon Sagemaker) model evaluated for generating predictions.
EvaluatedModelVersion |
The model version evaluated for generating prediction.
EvaluatedRule |
The details of the rule used for evaluating variable values.
Event |
The event details.
EventOrchestration |
The event orchestration status.
EventPredictionSummary |
Information about the summary of an event prediction.
EventType |
The event type details.
EventVariableSummary |
Information about the summary of an event variable that was evaluated for generating prediction.
ExternalEventsDetail |
Details for the external events data used for model version training.
ExternalModel |
The Amazon SageMaker model.
ExternalModelOutputs |
The fraud prediction scores from Amazon SageMaker model.
ExternalModelSummary |
The Amazon SageMaker model.
FieldValidationMessage |
The message details.
FileValidationMessage |
The message details.
FilterCondition |
A conditional statement for filtering a list of past predictions.
GetBatchImportJobsRequest |
GetBatchImportJobsResult |
GetBatchPredictionJobsRequest |
GetBatchPredictionJobsResult |
GetDeleteEventsByEventTypeStatusRequest |
GetDeleteEventsByEventTypeStatusResult |
GetDetectorsRequest |
GetDetectorsResult |
GetDetectorVersionRequest |
GetDetectorVersionResult |
GetEntityTypesRequest |
GetEntityTypesResult |
GetEventPredictionMetadataRequest |
GetEventPredictionMetadataResult |
GetEventPredictionRequest |
GetEventPredictionResult |
GetEventRequest |
GetEventResult |
GetEventTypesRequest |
GetEventTypesResult |
GetExternalModelsRequest |
GetExternalModelsResult |
GetKMSEncryptionKeyRequest |
GetKMSEncryptionKeyResult |
GetLabelsRequest |
GetLabelsResult |
GetListElementsRequest |
GetListElementsResult |
GetListsMetadataRequest |
GetListsMetadataResult |
GetModelsRequest |
GetModelsResult |
GetModelVersionRequest |
GetModelVersionResult |
GetOutcomesRequest |
GetOutcomesResult |
GetRulesRequest |
GetRulesResult |
GetVariablesRequest |
GetVariablesResult |
IngestedEventsDetail |
The details of the ingested event.
IngestedEventStatistics |
Data about the stored events.
IngestedEventsTimeWindow |
The start and stop time of the ingested events.
KMSKey |
The KMS key details.
Label |
The label details.
LabelSchema |
The label schema.
ListEventPredictionsRequest |
ListEventPredictionsResult |
ListTagsForResourceRequest |
ListTagsForResourceResult |
LogOddsMetric |
The log odds metric details.
MetricDataPoint |
Model performance metrics data points.
Model |
The model.
ModelEndpointDataBlob |
A pre-formed Amazon SageMaker model input you can include if your detector version includes an imported Amazon
SageMaker model endpoint with pass-through input configuration.
ModelInputConfiguration |
The Amazon SageMaker model input configuration.
ModelOutputConfiguration |
Provides the Amazon Sagemaker model output configuration.
ModelScores |
The fraud prediction scores.
ModelVersion |
The model version.
ModelVersionDetail |
The details of the model version.
ModelVersionEvaluation |
The model version evalutions.
OFIMetricDataPoint |
The Online Fraud Insights (OFI) model performance metrics data points.
OFIModelPerformance |
The Online Fraud Insights (OFI) model performance score.
OFITrainingMetricsValue |
The Online Fraud Insights (OFI) model training metric details.
Outcome |
The outcome.
PredictionExplanations |
The prediction explanations that provide insight into how each event variable impacted the model version's fraud
prediction score.
PredictionTimeRange |
The time period for when the predictions were generated.
PutDetectorRequest |
PutDetectorResult |
PutEntityTypeRequest |
PutEntityTypeResult |
PutEventTypeRequest |
PutEventTypeResult |
PutExternalModelRequest |
PutExternalModelResult |
PutKMSEncryptionKeyRequest |
PutKMSEncryptionKeyResult |
PutLabelRequest |
PutLabelResult |
PutOutcomeRequest |
PutOutcomeResult |
Rule |
A rule.
RuleDetail |
The details of the rule.
RuleResult |
The rule results.
SendEventRequest |
SendEventResult |
Tag |
A key and value pair.
TagResourceRequest |
TagResourceResult |
TFIMetricDataPoint |
The performance metrics data points for Transaction Fraud Insights (TFI) model.
TFIModelPerformance |
The Transaction Fraud Insights (TFI) model performance score.
TFITrainingMetricsValue |
The Transaction Fraud Insights (TFI) model training metric details.
TrainingDataSchema |
The training data schema.
TrainingMetrics |
The training metric details.
TrainingMetricsV2 |
The training metrics details.
TrainingResult |
The training result details.
TrainingResultV2 |
The training result details.
UncertaintyRange |
Range of area under curve (auc) expected from the model.
UntagResourceRequest |
UntagResourceResult |
UpdateDetectorVersionMetadataRequest |
UpdateDetectorVersionMetadataResult |
UpdateDetectorVersionRequest |
UpdateDetectorVersionResult |
UpdateDetectorVersionStatusRequest |
UpdateDetectorVersionStatusResult |
UpdateEventLabelRequest |
UpdateEventLabelResult |
UpdateListRequest |
UpdateListResult |
UpdateModelRequest |
UpdateModelResult |
UpdateModelVersionRequest |
UpdateModelVersionResult |
UpdateModelVersionStatusRequest |
UpdateModelVersionStatusResult |
UpdateRuleMetadataRequest |
UpdateRuleMetadataResult |
UpdateRuleVersionRequest |
UpdateRuleVersionResult |
UpdateVariableRequest |
UpdateVariableResult |
Variable |
The variable.
VariableEntry |
A variable in the list of variables for the batch create variable request.
VariableImpactExplanation |
The details of the event variable's impact on the prediction score.
VariableImportanceMetrics |
The variable importance metrics details.