Class | Description |
Actuator |
A signal that represents a vehicle device such as the engine, heater, and door locks.
AssociateVehicleFleetRequest | |
AssociateVehicleFleetResult | |
Attribute |
A signal that represents static information about the vehicle, such as engine type or manufacturing date.
BatchCreateVehicleRequest | |
BatchCreateVehicleResult | |
BatchUpdateVehicleRequest | |
BatchUpdateVehicleResult | |
Branch |
A group of signals that are defined in a hierarchical structure.
CampaignSummary |
Information about a campaign.
CanDbcDefinition |
Configurations used to create a decoder manifest.
CanInterface |
A single controller area network (CAN) device interface.
CanSignal |
Information about a single controller area network (CAN) signal and the messages it receives and transmits.
CloudWatchLogDeliveryOptions |
The log delivery option to send data to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
CollectionScheme |
Specifies what data to collect and how often or when to collect it.
ConditionBasedCollectionScheme |
Information about a collection scheme that uses a simple logical expression to recognize what data to collect.
CreateCampaignRequest | |
CreateCampaignResult | |
CreateDecoderManifestRequest | |
CreateDecoderManifestResult | |
CreateFleetRequest | |
CreateFleetResult | |
CreateModelManifestRequest | |
CreateModelManifestResult | |
CreateSignalCatalogRequest | |
CreateSignalCatalogResult | |
CreateVehicleError |
An HTTP error resulting from creating a vehicle.
CreateVehicleRequest | |
CreateVehicleRequestItem |
Information about the vehicle to create.
CreateVehicleResponseItem |
Information about a created vehicle.
CreateVehicleResult | |
CustomProperty |
Represents a member of the complex data structure.
CustomStruct |
The custom structure represents a complex or higher-order data structure.
DataDestinationConfig |
The destination where the Amazon Web Services IoT FleetWise campaign sends data.
DecoderManifestSummary |
Information about a created decoder manifest.
DeleteCampaignRequest | |
DeleteCampaignResult | |
DeleteDecoderManifestRequest | |
DeleteDecoderManifestResult | |
DeleteFleetRequest | |
DeleteFleetResult | |
DeleteModelManifestRequest | |
DeleteModelManifestResult | |
DeleteSignalCatalogRequest | |
DeleteSignalCatalogResult | |
DeleteVehicleRequest | |
DeleteVehicleResult | |
DisassociateVehicleFleetRequest | |
DisassociateVehicleFleetResult | |
FleetSummary |
Information about a fleet.
FormattedVss |
Vehicle Signal
Specification (VSS) is a precise language used to describe and model signals in vehicle networks.
GetCampaignRequest | |
GetCampaignResult | |
GetDecoderManifestRequest | |
GetDecoderManifestResult | |
GetEncryptionConfigurationRequest | |
GetEncryptionConfigurationResult | |
GetFleetRequest | |
GetFleetResult | |
GetLoggingOptionsRequest | |
GetLoggingOptionsResult | |
GetModelManifestRequest | |
GetModelManifestResult | |
GetRegisterAccountStatusRequest | |
GetRegisterAccountStatusResult | |
GetSignalCatalogRequest | |
GetSignalCatalogResult | |
GetVehicleRequest | |
GetVehicleResult | |
GetVehicleStatusRequest | |
GetVehicleStatusResult | |
IamRegistrationResponse |
Information about registering an Identity and Access Management (IAM) resource so Amazon Web Services IoT FleetWise
edge agent software can transfer your vehicle data to Amazon Timestream.
IamResources |
The IAM resource that enables Amazon Web Services IoT FleetWise edge agent software to send data to Amazon
ImportDecoderManifestRequest | |
ImportDecoderManifestResult | |
ImportSignalCatalogRequest | |
ImportSignalCatalogResult | |
InvalidNetworkInterface |
A reason a vehicle network interface isn't valid.
InvalidSignal |
A reason that a signal isn't valid.
InvalidSignalDecoder |
A reason that a signal decoder isn't valid.
ListCampaignsRequest | |
ListCampaignsResult | |
ListDecoderManifestNetworkInterfacesRequest | |
ListDecoderManifestNetworkInterfacesResult | |
ListDecoderManifestSignalsRequest | |
ListDecoderManifestSignalsResult | |
ListDecoderManifestsRequest | |
ListDecoderManifestsResult | |
ListFleetsForVehicleRequest | |
ListFleetsForVehicleResult | |
ListFleetsRequest | |
ListFleetsResult | |
ListModelManifestNodesRequest | |
ListModelManifestNodesResult | |
ListModelManifestsRequest | |
ListModelManifestsResult | |
ListSignalCatalogNodesRequest | |
ListSignalCatalogNodesResult | |
ListSignalCatalogsRequest | |
ListSignalCatalogsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListVehiclesInFleetRequest | |
ListVehiclesInFleetResult | |
ListVehiclesRequest | |
ListVehiclesResult | |
MessageSignal |
The decoding information for a specific message which support higher order data types.
ModelManifestSummary |
Information about a vehicle model (model manifest).
NetworkFileDefinition |
Specifications for defining a vehicle network.
NetworkInterface |
Represents a node and its specifications in an in-vehicle communication network.
Node |
A general abstraction of a signal.
NodeCounts |
Information about the number of nodes and node types in a vehicle network.
ObdInterface |
A network interface that specifies the On-board diagnostic (OBD) II network protocol.
ObdSignal |
Information about signal messages using the on-board diagnostics (OBD) II protocol in a vehicle.
PrimitiveMessageDefinition |
Represents a primitive type node of the complex data structure.
PutEncryptionConfigurationRequest | |
PutEncryptionConfigurationResult | |
PutLoggingOptionsRequest | |
PutLoggingOptionsResult | |
RegisterAccountRequest | |
RegisterAccountResult | |
ROS2PrimitiveMessageDefinition |
Represents a ROS 2 compliant primitive type message of the complex data structure.
S3Config |
The Amazon S3 bucket where the Amazon Web Services IoT FleetWise campaign sends data.
Sensor |
An input component that reports the environmental condition of a vehicle.
SignalCatalogSummary |
Information about a collection of standardized signals, which can be attributes, branches, sensors, or actuators.
SignalDecoder |
Information about a signal decoder.
SignalInformation |
Information about a signal.
StructuredMessage |
The structured message for the message signal.
StructuredMessageFieldNameAndDataTypePair |
Represents a
StructureMessageName to DataType map element. |
StructuredMessageListDefinition |
Represents a list type node of the complex data structure.
Tag |
A set of key/value pairs that are used to manage the resource.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TimeBasedCollectionScheme |
Information about a collection scheme that uses a time period to decide how often to collect data.
TimestreamConfig |
The Amazon Timestream table where the Amazon Web Services IoT FleetWise campaign sends data.
TimestreamRegistrationResponse |
Information about the registered Amazon Timestream resources or errors, if any.
TimestreamResources |
The registered Amazon Timestream resources that Amazon Web Services IoT FleetWise edge agent software can transfer
your vehicle data to.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateCampaignRequest | |
UpdateCampaignResult | |
UpdateDecoderManifestRequest | |
UpdateDecoderManifestResult | |
UpdateFleetRequest | |
UpdateFleetResult | |
UpdateModelManifestRequest | |
UpdateModelManifestResult | |
UpdateSignalCatalogRequest | |
UpdateSignalCatalogResult | |
UpdateVehicleError |
An HTTP error resulting from updating the description for a vehicle.
UpdateVehicleRequest | |
UpdateVehicleRequestItem |
Information about the vehicle to update.
UpdateVehicleResponseItem |
Information about the updated vehicle.
UpdateVehicleResult | |
ValidationExceptionField |
A validation error due to mismatch between the expected data type, length, or pattern of the parameter and the input.
VehicleMiddleware |
The vehicle middleware defined as a type of network interface.
VehicleStatus |
Information about the state of a vehicle and how it relates to the status of a campaign.
VehicleSummary |
Information about a vehicle.
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
You don't have sufficient permission to perform this action.
AWSIoTFleetWiseException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS IoT FleetWise
ConflictException |
The request has conflicting operations.
DecoderManifestValidationException |
The request couldn't be completed because it contains signal decoders with one or more validation errors.
InternalServerException |
The request couldn't be completed because the server temporarily failed.
InvalidNodeException |
The specified node type doesn't match the expected node type for a node.
InvalidSignalsException |
The request couldn't be completed because it contains signals that aren't valid.
LimitExceededException |
A service quota was exceeded.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The resource wasn't found.
ThrottlingException |
The request couldn't be completed due to throttling.
ValidationException |
The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.