Class | Description |
AccessControlConfigurationSummary |
Summary information on an access control configuration that you created for your documents in an index.
AccessControlListConfiguration |
Access Control List files for the documents in a data source.
AclConfiguration |
Provides information about the column that should be used for filtering the query response by groups.
AdditionalResultAttribute |
An attribute returned from an index query.
AdditionalResultAttributeValue |
An attribute returned with a document from a search.
AlfrescoConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to Alfresco as your data source.
AssociateEntitiesToExperienceRequest | |
AssociateEntitiesToExperienceResult | |
AssociatePersonasToEntitiesRequest | |
AssociatePersonasToEntitiesResult | |
AttributeFilter |
Filters the search results based on document attributes or fields.
AttributeSuggestionsDescribeConfig |
Gets information on the configuration of document fields/attributes that you want to base query suggestions on.
AttributeSuggestionsGetConfig |
Provides the configuration information for the document fields/attributes that you want to base query suggestions on.
AttributeSuggestionsUpdateConfig |
Updates the configuration information for the document fields/attributes that you want to base query suggestions on.
AuthenticationConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to websites that require user authentication.
BasicAuthenticationConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to websites that require basic user authentication.
BatchDeleteDocumentRequest | |
BatchDeleteDocumentResponseFailedDocument |
Provides information about documents that could not be removed from an index by the
API. |
BatchDeleteDocumentResult | |
BatchDeleteFeaturedResultsSetError |
Provides information about a set of featured results that couldn't be removed from an index by the BatchDeleteFeaturedResultsSet API.
BatchDeleteFeaturedResultsSetRequest | |
BatchDeleteFeaturedResultsSetResult | |
BatchGetDocumentStatusRequest | |
BatchGetDocumentStatusResponseError |
Provides a response when the status of a document could not be retrieved.
BatchGetDocumentStatusResult | |
BatchPutDocumentRequest | |
BatchPutDocumentResponseFailedDocument |
Provides information about a document that could not be indexed.
BatchPutDocumentResult | |
BoxConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to Box as your data source.
CapacityUnitsConfiguration |
Specifies additional capacity units configured for your Enterprise Edition index.
ClearQuerySuggestionsRequest | |
ClearQuerySuggestionsResult | |
ClickFeedback |
Gathers information about when a particular result was clicked by a user.
CollapseConfiguration |
Specifies how to group results by document attribute value, and how to display them collapsed/expanded under a
designated primary document for each group.
CollapsedResultDetail |
Provides details about a collapsed group of search results.
ColumnConfiguration |
Provides information about how Amazon Kendra should use the columns of a database in an index.
ConflictingItem |
Information about a conflicting query used across different sets of featured results.
ConfluenceAttachmentConfiguration |
Configuration of attachment settings for the Confluence data source.
ConfluenceAttachmentToIndexFieldMapping |
Maps attributes or field names of Confluence attachments to Amazon Kendra index field names.
ConfluenceBlogConfiguration |
Configuration of blog settings for the Confluence data source.
ConfluenceBlogToIndexFieldMapping |
Maps attributes or field names of Confluence blog to Amazon Kendra index field names.
ConfluenceConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to Confluence as your data source.
ConfluencePageConfiguration |
Configuration of the page settings for the Confluence data source.
ConfluencePageToIndexFieldMapping |
Maps attributes or field names of Confluence pages to Amazon Kendra index field names.
ConfluenceSpaceConfiguration |
Configuration information for indexing Confluence spaces.
ConfluenceSpaceToIndexFieldMapping |
Maps attributes or field names of Confluence spaces to Amazon Kendra index field names.
ConnectionConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information that's required to connect to a database.
ContentSourceConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for your content sources, such as data sources, FAQs, and content indexed
directly via BatchPutDocument.
Correction |
A corrected misspelled word in a query.
CreateAccessControlConfigurationRequest | |
CreateAccessControlConfigurationResult | |
CreateDataSourceRequest | |
CreateDataSourceResult | |
CreateExperienceRequest | |
CreateExperienceResult | |
CreateFaqRequest | |
CreateFaqResult | |
CreateFeaturedResultsSetRequest | |
CreateFeaturedResultsSetResult | |
CreateIndexRequest | |
CreateIndexResult | |
CreateQuerySuggestionsBlockListRequest | |
CreateQuerySuggestionsBlockListResult | |
CreateThesaurusRequest | |
CreateThesaurusResult | |
CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for altering document metadata and content during the document ingestion
DatabaseConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to an Amazon Kendra supported database.
DataSourceConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for an Amazon Kendra data source.
DataSourceGroup |
Data source information for user context filtering.
DataSourceSummary |
Summary information for a Amazon Kendra data source.
DataSourceSyncJob |
Provides information about a data source synchronization job.
DataSourceSyncJobMetrics |
Maps a batch delete document request to a specific data source sync job.
DataSourceSyncJobMetricTarget |
Maps a particular data source sync job to a particular data source.
DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping |
Maps attributes or field names of the documents synced from the data source to Amazon Kendra index field names.
DataSourceVpcConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to an Amazon VPC.
DeleteAccessControlConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteAccessControlConfigurationResult | |
DeleteDataSourceRequest | |
DeleteDataSourceResult | |
DeleteExperienceRequest | |
DeleteExperienceResult | |
DeleteFaqRequest | |
DeleteFaqResult | |
DeleteIndexRequest | |
DeleteIndexResult | |
DeletePrincipalMappingRequest | |
DeletePrincipalMappingResult | |
DeleteQuerySuggestionsBlockListRequest | |
DeleteQuerySuggestionsBlockListResult | |
DeleteThesaurusRequest | |
DeleteThesaurusResult | |
DescribeAccessControlConfigurationRequest | |
DescribeAccessControlConfigurationResult | |
DescribeDataSourceRequest | |
DescribeDataSourceResult | |
DescribeExperienceRequest | |
DescribeExperienceResult | |
DescribeFaqRequest | |
DescribeFaqResult | |
DescribeFeaturedResultsSetRequest | |
DescribeFeaturedResultsSetResult | |
DescribeIndexRequest | |
DescribeIndexResult | |
DescribePrincipalMappingRequest | |
DescribePrincipalMappingResult | |
DescribeQuerySuggestionsBlockListRequest | |
DescribeQuerySuggestionsBlockListResult | |
DescribeQuerySuggestionsConfigRequest | |
DescribeQuerySuggestionsConfigResult | |
DescribeThesaurusRequest | |
DescribeThesaurusResult | |
DisassociateEntitiesFromExperienceRequest | |
DisassociateEntitiesFromExperienceResult | |
DisassociatePersonasFromEntitiesRequest | |
DisassociatePersonasFromEntitiesResult | |
Document |
A document in an index.
DocumentAttribute |
A document attribute or metadata field.
DocumentAttributeCondition |
The condition used for the target document attribute or metadata field when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.
DocumentAttributeTarget |
The target document attribute or metadata field you want to alter when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.
DocumentAttributeValue |
The value of a document attribute.
DocumentAttributeValueCountPair |
Provides the count of documents that match a particular document attribute or field when doing a faceted search.
DocumentInfo |
Identifies a document for which to retrieve status information
DocumentMetadataConfiguration |
Specifies the properties, such as relevance tuning and searchability, of an index field.
DocumentRelevanceConfiguration |
Overrides the document relevance properties of a custom index field.
DocumentsMetadataConfiguration |
Document metadata files that contain information such as the document access control information, source URI,
document author, and custom attributes.
EntityConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for users or groups in your IAM Identity Center identity source to grant
access your Amazon Kendra experience.
EntityDisplayData |
Information about the user entity.
EntityPersonaConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for users or groups in your IAM Identity Center identity source for access to
your Amazon Kendra experience.
ExpandConfiguration |
Specifies the configuration information needed to customize how collapsed search result groups expand.
ExpandedResultItem |
A single expanded result in a collapsed group of search results.
ExperienceConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for your Amazon Kendra experience.
ExperienceEndpoint |
Provides the configuration information for the endpoint for your Amazon Kendra experience.
ExperienceEntitiesSummary |
Summary information for users or groups in your IAM Identity Center identity source with granted access to your
Amazon Kendra experience.
ExperiencesSummary |
Summary information for your Amazon Kendra experience.
Facet |
Information about a document attribute or field.
FacetResult |
The facet values for the documents in the response.
FailedEntity |
Information on the users or groups in your IAM Identity Center identity source that failed to properly configure with
your Amazon Kendra experience.
FaqStatistics |
Provides statistical information about the FAQ questions and answers contained in an index.
FaqSummary |
Summary information for frequently asked questions and answers included in an index.
FeaturedDocument |
A featured document.
FeaturedDocumentMissing |
A document ID doesn't exist but you have specified as a featured document.
FeaturedDocumentWithMetadata |
A featured document with its metadata information.
FeaturedResultsItem |
A single featured result item.
FeaturedResultsSet |
A set of featured results that are displayed at the top of your search results.
FeaturedResultsSetSummary |
Summary information for a set of featured results.
FsxConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to Amazon FSx as your data source.
GetQuerySuggestionsRequest | |
GetQuerySuggestionsResult | |
GetSnapshotsRequest | |
GetSnapshotsResult | |
GitHubConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to GitHub as your data source.
GitHubDocumentCrawlProperties |
Provides the configuration information to include certain types of GitHub content.
GoogleDriveConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to Google Drive as your data source.
GroupMembers |
A list of users or sub groups that belong to a group.
GroupOrderingIdSummary |
Summary information on the processing of
PUT and DELETE actions for mapping users to their
groups. |
GroupSummary |
Summary information for groups.
HierarchicalPrincipal |
Information to define the hierarchy for which documents users should have access to.
Highlight |
Provides information that you can use to highlight a search result so that your users can quickly identify terms in
the response.
HookConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for invoking a Lambda function in Lambda to alter document metadata and
content when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra.
IndexConfigurationSummary |
Summary information on the configuration of an index.
IndexStatistics |
Provides information about the number of documents and the number of questions and answers in an index.
InlineCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for applying basic logic to alter document metadata and content when ingesting
documents into Amazon Kendra.
JiraConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to Jira as your data source.
JsonTokenTypeConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for the JSON token type.
JwtTokenTypeConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for the JWT token type.
ListAccessControlConfigurationsRequest | |
ListAccessControlConfigurationsResult | |
ListDataSourcesRequest | |
ListDataSourcesResult | |
ListDataSourceSyncJobsRequest | |
ListDataSourceSyncJobsResult | |
ListEntityPersonasRequest | |
ListEntityPersonasResult | |
ListExperienceEntitiesRequest | |
ListExperienceEntitiesResult | |
ListExperiencesRequest | |
ListExperiencesResult | |
ListFaqsRequest | |
ListFaqsResult | |
ListFeaturedResultsSetsRequest | |
ListFeaturedResultsSetsResult | |
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingIdRequest | |
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingIdResult | |
ListIndicesRequest | |
ListIndicesResult | |
ListQuerySuggestionsBlockListsRequest | |
ListQuerySuggestionsBlockListsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListThesauriRequest | |
ListThesauriResult | |
MemberGroup |
The sub groups that belong to a group.
MemberUser |
The users that belong to a group.
OneDriveConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to OneDrive as your data source.
OneDriveUsers |
User accounts whose documents should be indexed.
OnPremiseConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to GitHub Enterprise Server (on premises).
PersonasSummary |
Summary information for users or groups in your IAM Identity Center identity source.
Principal |
Provides user and group information for user context filtering.
ProxyConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for a web proxy to connect to website hosts.
PutPrincipalMappingRequest | |
PutPrincipalMappingResult | |
QueryRequest | |
QueryResult | |
QueryResultItem |
A single query result.
QuerySuggestionsBlockListSummary |
Summary information on a query suggestions block list.
QuipConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to Quip as your data source.
Relevance |
Provides information for tuning the relevance of a field in a search.
RelevanceFeedback |
Provides feedback on how relevant a document is to a search.
RetrieveRequest | |
RetrieveResult | |
RetrieveResultItem |
A single retrieved relevant passage result.
S3DataSourceConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to an Amazon S3 bucket.
S3Path |
Information required to find a specific file in an Amazon S3 bucket.
SaaSConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to GitHub Enterprise Cloud (SaaS).
SalesforceChatterFeedConfiguration |
The configuration information for syncing a Salesforce chatter feed.
SalesforceConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to Salesforce as your data source.
SalesforceCustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for indexing Salesforce custom articles.
SalesforceKnowledgeArticleConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for the knowledge article types that Amazon Kendra indexes.
SalesforceStandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for standard Salesforce knowledge articles.
SalesforceStandardObjectAttachmentConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for processing attachments to Salesforce standard objects.
SalesforceStandardObjectConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for indexing a single standard object.
ScoreAttributes |
Provides a relative ranking that indicates how confident Amazon Kendra is that the response is relevant to the query.
Search |
Provides information about how a custom index field is used during a search.
SeedUrlConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for the seed or starting point URLs to crawl.
ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration |
Provides the identifier of the KMS key used to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Kendra.
ServiceNowConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to ServiceNow as your data source.
ServiceNowKnowledgeArticleConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for crawling knowledge articles in the ServiceNow site.
ServiceNowServiceCatalogConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for crawling service catalog items in the ServiceNow site
SharePointConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to Microsoft SharePoint as your data source.
SiteMapsConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for the sitemap URLs to crawl.
SlackConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to Slack as your data source.
SortingConfiguration |
Specifies the document attribute to use to sort the response to a Amazon Kendra query.
SourceDocument |
The document ID and its fields/attributes that are used for a query suggestion, if document fields set to use for
query suggestions.
SpellCorrectedQuery |
A query with suggested spell corrections.
SpellCorrectionConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for suggested query spell corrections.
SqlConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to use a SQL database.
StartDataSourceSyncJobRequest | |
StartDataSourceSyncJobResult | |
Status |
Provides information about the status of documents submitted for indexing.
StopDataSourceSyncJobRequest | |
StopDataSourceSyncJobResult | |
SubmitFeedbackRequest | |
SubmitFeedbackResult | |
SuggestableConfig |
Provides the configuration information for a document field/attribute that you want to base query suggestions on.
Suggestion |
A single query suggestion.
SuggestionHighlight |
The text highlights for a single query suggestion.
SuggestionTextWithHighlights |
Provides text and information about where to highlight the query suggestion text.
SuggestionValue |
SuggestionTextWithHighlights structure information. |
TableCell |
Provides information about a table cell in a table excerpt.
TableExcerpt |
An excerpt from a table within a document.
TableRow |
Information about a row in a table excerpt.
Tag |
A list of key/value pairs that identify an index, FAQ, or data source.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TemplateConfiguration |
Provides a template for the configuration information to connect to your data source.
TextDocumentStatistics |
Provides information about text documents indexed in an index.
TextWithHighlights |
Provides text and information about where to highlight the text.
ThesaurusSummary |
An array of summary information for a thesaurus or multiple thesauri.
TimeRange |
Provides a range of time.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateAccessControlConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateAccessControlConfigurationResult | |
UpdateDataSourceRequest | |
UpdateDataSourceResult | |
UpdateExperienceRequest | |
UpdateExperienceResult | |
UpdateFeaturedResultsSetRequest | |
UpdateFeaturedResultsSetResult | |
UpdateIndexRequest | |
UpdateIndexResult | |
UpdateQuerySuggestionsBlockListRequest | |
UpdateQuerySuggestionsBlockListResult | |
UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfigRequest | |
UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfigResult | |
UpdateThesaurusRequest | |
UpdateThesaurusResult | |
Urls |
Provides the configuration information of the URLs to crawl.
UserContext |
Provides information about the user context for an Amazon Kendra index.
UserGroupResolutionConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to get users and groups from an IAM Identity Center identity source.
UserIdentityConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for the identifiers of your users.
UserTokenConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for a token.
Warning |
The warning code and message that explains a problem with a query.
WebCrawlerConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information required for Amazon Kendra Web Crawler.
WorkDocsConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information to connect to Amazon WorkDocs as your data source.
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
You don't have sufficient access to perform this action.
AWSkendraException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWSKendraFrontendService
ConflictException |
A conflict occurred with the request.
FeaturedResultsConflictException |
An error message with a list of conflicting queries used across different sets of featured results.
InternalServerException |
An issue occurred with the internal server used for your Amazon Kendra service.
InvalidRequestException |
The input to the request is not valid.
ResourceAlreadyExistException |
The resource you want to use already exists.
ResourceInUseException |
The resource you want to use is currently in use.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The resource you want to use doesn’t exist.
ResourceUnavailableException |
The resource you want to use isn't available.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
You have exceeded the set limits for your Amazon Kendra service.
ThrottlingException |
The request was denied due to request throttling.
ValidationException |
The input fails to satisfy the constraints set by the Amazon Kendra service.
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