The following domain extensions are grouped by geography and include official country-specific extensions, known as country code top-level domains (ccTLDs). Examples include .be (Belgium), .in (India), and .mx (Mexico). The rules for registration of ccTLDs vary by country. Some countries are unrestricted, meaning that anyone in the world can register, while others have certain restrictions, such as residency. The listing for each ccTLD indicates any restrictions.
During the transfer of any ccTLDs to Route 53, except for .cc and .tv, updates to the owner contact are ignored and the owner contact data from the registry is used. You can update the owner contact after the transfer is complete. For more information, see Updating contact information and ownership for a domain.
- Africa
.ac (Ascension Island), (South Africa), .sh (Saint Helena)
- Americas
.ca (Canada), .cl (Chile), .co (Colombia), (Argentina), (Brazil), (Mexico), .mx (Mexico), .us (United States), .vc (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), .vg (British Virgin Islands)
- Asia/Oceania
.au (Australia), .cc (Cocos (Keeling) Islands), (New Zealand), (Australia), (Republic of Singapore), .fm (Federated States of Micronesia), .in (India), .jp (Japan), .io (British Indian Ocean Territory), (Australia), (New Zealand), (New Zealand), .pw (Palau), .qa (Qatar), .ru (Russian Federation), .sg (Republic of Singapore)
- Europe
.be (Belgium), .berlin (city of Berlin in Germany), .ch (Switzerland), (United Kingdom), .cz (Czech Republic), .de (Germany), .es (Spain) , .eu (European Union), .fi (Finland), .fr (France), .gg (Guernsey), .im (Isle of Man), .it (Italy), .me (Montenegro), (United Kingdom), .nl (the Netherlands), (United Kingdom), .ruhr (Ruhr region, western part of Germany), .se (Sweden), .uk (United Kingdom), .wien (city of Vienna in Austria)