Creating basic queries (JavaScript) - AWS AppSync

Creating basic queries (JavaScript)

GraphQL resolvers connect the fields in a type’s schema to a data source. Resolvers are the mechanism by which requests are fulfilled.

Resolvers in AWS AppSync use JavaScript to convert a GraphQL expression into a format the data source can use. Alternatively, mapping templates can be written in Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL) to convert a GraphQL expression into a format the data source can use.

This section describes how to configure resolvers using JavaScript. The Resolver tutorials (JavaScript) section provides in-depth tutorials on how to implement resolvers using JavaScript. The Resolver reference (JavaScript) section provides an explanation of utility operations that can be used with JavaScript resolvers.

We recommend following this guide before attempting to use any of the aforementioned tutorials.

In this section, we will walk through how to create and configure resolvers for queries and mutations.


This guide assumes you have created your schema and have at least one query or mutation. If you're looking for subscriptions (real-time data), then see this guide.

In this section, we'll provide some general steps for configuring resolvers along with an example that uses the schema below:

// schema.graphql file input CreatePostInput { title: String date: AWSDateTime } type Post { id: ID! title: String date: AWSDateTime } type Mutation { createPost(input: CreatePostInput!): Post } type Query { getPost: [Post] }

Creating basic query resolvers

This section will show you how to make a basic query resolver.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AppSync console.

    1. In the APIs dashboard, choose your GraphQL API.

    2. In the Sidebar, choose Schema.

  2. Enter the details of your schema and data source. See the Designing your schema and Attaching a data source sections for more information.

  3. Next to the Schema editor, There's a window called Resolvers. This box contains a list of the types and fields as defined in your Schema window. You can attach resolvers to fields. You will most likely be attaching resolvers to your field operations. In this section, we'll look at simple query configurations. Under the Query type, choose Attach next to your query's field.

  4. On the Attach resolver page, under Resolver type, you can choose between pipeline or unit resolvers. For more information about these types, see Resolvers. This guide will make use of pipeline resolvers.


    When creating pipeline resolvers, your data source(s) will be attached to the pipeline function(s). Functions are created after you create the pipeline resolver itself, which is why there's no option to set it in this page. If you're using a unit resolver, the data source is tied directly to the resolver, so you would set it in this page.

    For Resolver runtime, choose APPSYNC_JS to enable the JavaScript runtime.

  5. You can enable caching for this API. We recommend turning this feature off for now. Choose Create.

  6. On the Edit resolver page, there's a code editor called Resolver code that allows you to implement the logic for the resolver handler and response (before and after steps). For more information, see the JavaScript resolvers overview.


    In our example, we're just going to leave the request blank and the response set to return the last data source result from the context:

    import {util} from '@aws-appsync/utils'; export function request(ctx) { return {}; } export function response(ctx) { return ctx.prev.result; }

    Below this section, there's a table called Functions. Functions allow you to implement code that can be reused across multiple resolvers. Instead of constantly rewriting or copying code, you can store the source code as a function to be added to a resolver whenever you need it.

    Functions make up the bulk of a pipeline's operation list. When using multiple functions in a resolver, you set the order of the functions, and they will be run in that order sequentially. They are executed after the request function runs and before the response function begins.

    To add a new function, under Functions, choose Add function, then Create new function. Alternatively, you may see a Create function button to choose instead.

    1. Choose a data source. This will be the data source on which the resolver acts.


      In our example, we're attaching a resolver for getPost, which retrieves a Post object by id. Let's assume we already set up a DynamoDB table for this schema. Its partition key is set to the id and is empty.

    2. Enter a Function name.

    3. Under Function code, you'll need to implement the function's behavior. This might be confusing, but each function will have its own local request and response handler. The request runs, then the data source invocation is made to handle the request, then the data source response is processed by the response handler. The result is stored in the context object. Afterward, the next function in the list will run or will be passed to the after step response handler if it's the last one.


      In our example, we're attaching a resolver to getPost, which gets a list of Post objects from the data source. Our request function will request the data from our table, the table will pass its response to the context (ctx), then the response will return the result in the context. AWS AppSync's strength lies in its interconnectedness with other AWS services. Because we're using DynamoDB, we have a suite of operations to simplify things like this. We have some boilerplate examples for other data source types as well.

      Our code will look like this:

      import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils'; /** * Performs a scan on the dynamodb data source */ export function request(ctx) { return { operation: 'Scan' }; } /** * return a list of scanned post items */ export function response(ctx) { return ctx.result.items; }

      In this step, we added two functions:

      • request: The request handler performs the retrieval operation against the data source. The argument contains the context object (ctx), or some data that is available to all resolvers performing a particular operation. For example, it might contain authorization data, the field names being resolved, etc. The return statement performs a Scan operation (see here for examples). Because we're working with DynamoDB, we're allowed to use some of the operations from that service. The scan performs a basic fetch of all items in our table. The result of this operation is stored in the context object as a result container before being passed to the response handler. The request is run before the response in the pipeline.

      • response: The response handler that returns the output of the request. The argument is the updated context object, and the return statement is ctx.prev.result. At this point in the guide, you may not be familiar with this value. ctx refers to the context object. prev refers to the previous operation in the pipeline, which was our request. The result contains the result(s) of the resolver as it moves through the pipeline. If you put it all together, ctx.prev.result is returning the result of the last operation performed, which was the request handler.

    4. Choose Create after you're done.

  7. Back on the resolver screen, under Functions, choose the Add function drop-down and add your function to your functions list.

  8. Choose Save to update the resolver.


To add your function

  • Create a function for your pipeline resolver using the create-function command.

    You'll need to enter a few parameters for this particular command:

    1. The api-id of your API.

    2. The name of the function in the AWS AppSync console.

    3. The data-source-name, or the name of the data source the function will use. It must already be created and linked to your GraphQL API in the AWS AppSync service.

    4. The runtime, or environment and language of the function. For JavaScript, the name must be APPSYNC_JS, and the runtime, 1.0.0.

    5. The code, or request and response handlers of your function. While you can type it in manually, it's far easier to add it to a .txt file (or a similar format) and then pass it in as the argument.


      Our query code will be in a file passed in as the argument:

      import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils'; /** * Performs a scan on the dynamodb data source */ export function request(ctx) { return { operation: 'Scan' }; } /** * return a list of scanned post items */ export function response(ctx) { return ctx.result.items; }

    An example command may look like this:

    aws appsync create-function \ --api-id abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \ --name get_posts_func_1 \ --data-source-name table-for-posts \ --runtime name=APPSYNC_JS,runtimeVersion=1.0.0 \ --code file://~/path/to/file/{filename}.{fileType}

    An output will be returned in the CLI. Here's an example:

    { "functionConfiguration": { "functionId": "ejglgvmcabdn7lx75ref4qeig4", "functionArn": "arn:aws:appsync:us-west-2:107289374856:apis/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/functions/ejglgvmcabdn7lx75ref4qeig4", "name": "get_posts_func_1", "dataSourceName": "table-for-posts", "maxBatchSize": 0, "runtime": { "name": "APPSYNC_JS", "runtimeVersion": "1.0.0" }, "code": "Code output goes here" } }

    Make sure you record the functionId somewhere as this will be used to attach the function to the resolver.

To create your resolver

  • Create a pipeline function for Query by running the create-resolver command.

    You'll need to enter a few parameters for this particular command:

    1. The api-id of your API.

    2. The type-name, or the special object type in your schema (Query, Mutation, Subscription).

    3. The field-name, or the field operation inside the special object type you want to attach the resolver to.

    4. The kind, which specifies a unit or pipeline resolver. Set this to PIPELINE to enable pipeline functions.

    5. The pipeline-config, or the function(s) to attach to the resolver. Make sure you know the functionId values of your functions. Order of listing matters.

    6. The runtime, which was APPSYNC_JS (JavaScript). The runtimeVersion currently is 1.0.0.

    7. The code, which contains the before and after step handlers.


      Our query code will be in a file passed in as the argument:

      import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils'; /** * Sends a request to `put` an item in the DynamoDB data source */ export function request(ctx) { const { id, ...values } = ctx.args; return { operation: 'PutItem', key: util.dynamodb.toMapValues({ id }), attributeValues: util.dynamodb.toMapValues(values), }; } /** * returns the result of the `put` operation */ export function response(ctx) { return ctx.result; }

    An example command may look like this:

    aws appsync create-resolver \ --api-id abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \ --type-name Query \ --field-name getPost \ --kind PIPELINE \ --pipeline-config functions=ejglgvmcabdn7lx75ref4qeig4 \ --runtime name=APPSYNC_JS,runtimeVersion=1.0.0 \ --code file:///path/to/file/{filename}.{fileType}

    An output will be returned in the CLI. Here's an example:

    { "resolver": { "typeName": "Mutation", "fieldName": "getPost", "resolverArn": "arn:aws:appsync:us-west-2:107289374856:apis/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/types/Mutation/resolvers/getPost", "kind": "PIPELINE", "pipelineConfig": { "functions": [ "ejglgvmcabdn7lx75ref4qeig4" ] }, "maxBatchSize": 0, "runtime": { "name": "APPSYNC_JS", "runtimeVersion": "1.0.0" }, "code": "Code output goes here" } }

Before you use the CDK, we recommend reviewing the CDK's official documentation along with AWS AppSync's CDK reference.

The steps listed below will only show a general example of the snippet used to add a particular resource. This is not meant to be a working solution in your production code. We also assume you already have a working app.

A basic app will need the following things:

  1. Service import directives

  2. Schema code

  3. Data source generator

  4. Function code

  5. Resolver code

From the Designing your schema and Attaching a data source sections, we know that the stack file will include the import directives of the form:

import * as x from 'x'; # import wildcard as the 'x' keyword from 'x-service' import {a, b, ...} from 'c'; # import {specific constructs} from 'c-service'

In previous sections, we only stated how to import AWS AppSync constructs. In real code, you'll have to import more services just to run the app. In our example, if we were to create a very simple CDK app, we would at least import the AWS AppSync service along with our data source, which was a DynamoDB table. We would also need to import some additional constructs to deploy the app:

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib'; import * as appsync from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-appsync'; import * as dynamodb from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-dynamodb'; import { Construct } from 'constructs';

To summarize each of these:

  • import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';: This allows you to define your CDK app and constructs such as the stack. It also contains some useful utility functions for our application like manipulating metadata. If you're familiar with this import directive, but are wondering why the cdk core library is not being used here, see the Migration page.

  • import * as appsync from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-appsync';: This imports the AWS AppSync service.

  • import * as dynamodb from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-dynamodb';: This imports the DynamoDB service.

  • import { Construct } from 'constructs';: We need this to define the root construct.

The type of import depends on the services you're calling. We recommend looking at the CDK documentation for examples. The schema at the top of the page will be a separate file in your CDK app as a .graphql file. In the stack file, we can associate it with a new GraphQL using the form:

const add_api = new appsync.GraphqlApi(this, 'graphQL-example', { name: 'my-first-api', schema: appsync.SchemaFile.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'schema.graphql')), });

In the scope add_api, we're adding a new GraphQL API using the new keyword followed by appsync.GraphqlApi(scope: Construct, id: string , props: GraphqlApiProps). Our scope is this, the CFN id is graphQL-example, and our props are my-first-api (name of the API in the console) and schema.graphql (the absolute path to the schema file).

To add a data source, you'll first have to add your data source to the stack. Then, you need to associate it with the GraphQL API using the source-specific method. The association will happen when you make your resolver function. In the meantime, let's use an example by creating the DynamoDB table using dynamodb.Table:

const add_ddb_table = new dynamodb.Table(this, 'posts-table', { partitionKey: { name: 'id', type: dynamodb.AttributeType.STRING, }, });

If we were to use this in our example, we'd be adding a new DynamoDB table with the CFN id of posts-table and a partition key of id (S).

Next, we need to implement our resolver in the stack file. Here's an example of a simple query that scans for all items in a DynamoDB table:

const add_func = new appsync.AppsyncFunction(this, 'func-get-posts', { name: 'get_posts_func_1', add_api, dataSource: add_api.addDynamoDbDataSource('table-for-posts', add_ddb_table), code: appsync.Code.fromInline(` export function request(ctx) { return { operation: 'Scan' }; } export function response(ctx) { return ctx.result.items; } `), runtime: appsync.FunctionRuntime.JS_1_0_0, }); new appsync.Resolver(this, 'pipeline-resolver-get-posts', { add_api, typeName: 'Query', fieldName: 'getPost', code: appsync.Code.fromInline(` export function request(ctx) { return {}; } export function response(ctx) { return ctx.prev.result; } `), runtime: appsync.FunctionRuntime.JS_1_0_0, pipelineConfig: [add_func], });

First, we created a function called add_func. This order of creation may seem a bit counterintuitive, but you have to create the functions in your pipeline resolver before you make the resolver itself. A function follows the form:

AppsyncFunction(scope: Construct, id: string, props: AppsyncFunctionProps)

Our scope was this, our CFN id was func-get-posts, and our props contained the actual function details. Inside props, we included:

  • The name of the function that will be present in the AWS AppSync console (get_posts_func_1).

  • The GraphQL API we created earlier (add_api).

  • The data source; this is the point where we link the data source to the GraphQL API value, then attach it to the function. We take the table we created (add_ddb_table) and attach it to the GraphQL API (add_api) using one of the GraphqlApi methods (addDynamoDbDataSource). The id value (table-for-posts) is the name of the data source in the AWS AppSync console. For a list of source-specific methods, see the following pages:

  • The code contains our function's request and response handlers, which is a simple scan and return.

  • The runtime specifies that we want to use the APPSYNC_JS runtime version 1.0.0. Note that this is currently the only version available for APPSYNC_JS.

Next, we need to attach the function to the pipeline resolver. We created our resolver using the form:

Resolver(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ResolverProps)

Our scope was this, our CFN id was pipeline-resolver-get-posts, and our props contained the actual function details. Inside the props, we included:

  • The GraphQL API we created earlier (add_api).

  • The special object type name; this is a query operation, so we simply added the value Query.

  • The field name (getPost) is the name of the field in the schema under the Query type.

  • The code contains your before and after handlers. Our example just returns whatever results were in the context after the function performed its operation.

  • The runtime specifies that we want to use the APPSYNC_JS runtime version 1.0.0. Note that this is currently the only version available for APPSYNC_JS.

  • The pipeline config contains the reference to the function we created (add_func).

To summarize what happened in this example, you saw an AWS AppSync function that implemented a request and response handler. The function was responsible for interacting with your data source. The request handler sent a Scan operation to AWS AppSync, instructing it on what operation to perform against your DynamoDB data source. The response handler returned the list of items (ctx.result.items). The list of items was then mapped to the Post GraphQL type automatically.

Creating basic mutation resolvers

This section will show you how to make a basic mutation resolver.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AppSync console.

    1. In the APIs dashboard, choose your GraphQL API.

    2. In the Sidebar, choose Schema.

  2. Under the Resolvers section and the Mutation type, choose Attach next to your field.


    In our example, we're attaching a resolver for createPost, which adds a Post object to our table. Let's assume we're using the same DynamoDB table from the last section. Its partition key is set to the id and is empty.

  3. On the Attach resolver page, under Resolver type, choose pipeline resolvers. As a reminder, you can find more information about resolvers here. For Resolver runtime, choose APPSYNC_JS to enable the JavaScript runtime.

  4. You can enable caching for this API. We recommend turning this feature off for now. Choose Create.

  5. Choose Add function, then choose Create new function. Alternatively, you may see a Create function button to choose instead.

    1. Choose your data source. This should be the source whose data you will manipulate with the mutation.

    2. Enter a Function name.

    3. Under Function code, you'll need to implement the function's behavior. This is a mutation, so the request will ideally perform some state-changing operation on the invoked data source. The result will be processed by the response function.


      createPost is adding, or "putting", a new Post in the table with our parameters as the data. We could add something like this:

      import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils'; /** * Sends a request to `put` an item in the DynamoDB data source */ export function request(ctx) { return { operation: 'PutItem', key: util.dynamodb.toMapValues({id: util.autoId()}), attributeValues: util.dynamodb.toMapValues(ctx.args.input), }; } /** * returns the result of the `put` operation */ export function response(ctx) { return ctx.result; }

      In this step, we also added request and response functions:

      • request: The request handler accepts the context as the argument. The request handler return statement performs a PutItem command, which is a built-in DynamoDB operation (see here or here for examples). The PutItem command adds a Post object to our DynamoDB table by taking the partition key value (automatically generated by util.autoid()) and attributes from the context argument input (these are the values we will pass in our request). The key is the id and attributes are the date and title field arguments. They're both preformatted through the util.dynamodb.toMapValues helper to work with the DynamoDB table.

      • response: The response accepts the updated context and returns the result of the request handler.

    4. Choose Create after you're done.

  6. Back on the resolver screen, under Functions, choose the Add function drop-down and add your function to your functions list.

  7. Choose Save to update the resolver.


To add your function

  • Create a function for your pipeline resolver using the create-function command.

    You'll need to enter a few parameters for this particular command:

    1. The api-id of your API.

    2. The name of the function in the AWS AppSync console.

    3. The data-source-name, or the name of the data source the function will use. It must already be created and linked to your GraphQL API in the AWS AppSync service.

    4. The runtime, or environment and language of the function. For JavaScript, the name must be APPSYNC_JS, and the runtime, 1.0.0.

    5. The code, or request and response handlers of your function. While you can type it in manually, it's far easier to add it to a .txt file (or a similar format) then pass it in as the argument.


      Our query code will be in a file passed in as the argument:

      import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils'; /** * Sends a request to `put` an item in the DynamoDB data source */ export function request(ctx) { return { operation: 'PutItem', key: util.dynamodb.toMapValues({id: util.autoId()}), attributeValues: util.dynamodb.toMapValues(ctx.args.input), }; } /** * returns the result of the `put` operation */ export function response(ctx) { return ctx.result; }

    An example command may look like this:

    aws appsync create-function \ --api-id abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \ --name add_posts_func_1 \ --data-source-name table-for-posts \ --runtime name=APPSYNC_JS,runtimeVersion=1.0.0 \ --code file:///path/to/file/{filename}.{fileType}

    An output will be returned in the CLI. Here's an example:

    { "functionConfiguration": { "functionId": "vulcmbfcxffiram63psb4dduoa", "functionArn": "arn:aws:appsync:us-west-2:107289374856:apis/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/functions/vulcmbfcxffiram63psb4dduoa", "name": "add_posts_func_1", "dataSourceName": "table-for-posts", "maxBatchSize": 0, "runtime": { "name": "APPSYNC_JS", "runtimeVersion": "1.0.0" }, "code": "Code output foes here" } }

    Make sure you record the functionId somewhere as this will be used to attach the function to the resolver.

To create your resolver

  • Create a pipeline function for Mutation by running the create-resolver command.

    You'll need to enter a few parameters for this particular command:

    1. The api-id of your API.

    2. The type-name, or the special object type in your schema (Query, Mutation, Subscription).

    3. The field-name, or the field operation inside the special object type you want to attach the resolver to.

    4. The kind, which specifies a unit or pipeline resolver. Set this to PIPELINE to enable pipeline functions.

    5. The pipeline-config, or the function(s) to attach to the resolver. Make sure you know the functionId values of your functions. Order of listing matters.

    6. The runtime, which was APPSYNC_JS (JavaScript). The runtimeVersion currently is 1.0.0.

    7. The code, which contains the before and after step.


      Our query code will be in a file passed in as the argument:

      import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils'; /** * Sends a request to `put` an item in the DynamoDB data source */ export function request(ctx) { const { id, ...values } = ctx.args; return { operation: 'PutItem', key: util.dynamodb.toMapValues({ id }), attributeValues: util.dynamodb.toMapValues(values), }; } /** * returns the result of the `put` operation */ export function response(ctx) { return ctx.result; }

    An example command may look like this:

    aws appsync create-resolver \ --api-id abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \ --type-name Mutation \ --field-name createPost \ --kind PIPELINE \ --pipeline-config functions=vulcmbfcxffiram63psb4dduoa \ --runtime name=APPSYNC_JS,runtimeVersion=1.0.0 \ --code file:///path/to/file/{filename}.{fileType}

    An output will be returned in the CLI. Here's an example:

    { "resolver": { "typeName": "Mutation", "fieldName": "createPost", "resolverArn": "arn:aws:appsync:us-west-2:107289374856:apis/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/types/Mutation/resolvers/createPost", "kind": "PIPELINE", "pipelineConfig": { "functions": [ "vulcmbfcxffiram63psb4dduoa" ] }, "maxBatchSize": 0, "runtime": { "name": "APPSYNC_JS", "runtimeVersion": "1.0.0" }, "code": "Code output goes here" } }

Before you use the CDK, we recommend reviewing the CDK's official documentation along with AWS AppSync's CDK reference.

The steps listed below will only show a general example of the snippet used to add a particular resource. This is not meant to be a working solution in your production code. We also assume you already have a working app.

  • To make a mutation, assuming you're in the same project, you can add it to the stack file like the query. Here's a modified function and resolver for a mutation that adds a new Post to the table:

    const add_func_2 = new appsync.AppsyncFunction(this, 'func-add-post', { name: 'add_posts_func_1', add_api, dataSource: add_api.addDynamoDbDataSource('table-for-posts-2', add_ddb_table), code: appsync.Code.fromInline(` export function request(ctx) { return { operation: 'PutItem', key: util.dynamodb.toMapValues({id: util.autoId()}), attributeValues: util.dynamodb.toMapValues(ctx.args.input), }; } export function response(ctx) { return ctx.result; } `), runtime: appsync.FunctionRuntime.JS_1_0_0, }); new appsync.Resolver(this, 'pipeline-resolver-create-posts', { add_api, typeName: 'Mutation', fieldName: 'createPost', code: appsync.Code.fromInline(` export function request(ctx) { return {}; } export function response(ctx) { return ctx.prev.result; } `), runtime: appsync.FunctionRuntime.JS_1_0_0, pipelineConfig: [add_func_2], });

    Since this mutation and the query are similarly structured, we'll just explain the changes we made to make the mutation.

    In the function, we changed the CFN id to func-add-post and name to add_posts_func_1 to reflect the fact that we're adding Posts to the table. In the data source, we made a new association to our table (add_ddb_table) in the AWS AppSync console as table-for-posts-2 because the addDynamoDbDataSource method requires it. Keep in mind, this new association is still using the same table we created earlier, but we now have two connections to it in the AWS AppSync console: one for the query as table-for-posts and one for the mutation as table-for-posts-2. The code was changed to add a Post by generating its id value automatically and accepting a client's input for the rest of the fields.

    In the resolver, we changed the id value to pipeline-resolver-create-posts to reflect the fact that we're adding Posts to the table. To reflect the mutation in the schema, the type name was changed to Mutation, and the name, createPost. The pipeline config was set to our new mutation function add_func_2.

To summarize what's happening in this example, AWS AppSync automatically converts arguments defined in the createPost field from your GraphQL schema into DynamoDB operations. The example stores records in DynamoDB using a key of id, which is automatically created using our util.autoId() helper. All of the other fields you pass to the context arguments (ctx.args.input) from requests made in the AWS AppSync console or otherwise will be stored as the table's attributes. Both the key and the attributes are automatically mapped to a compatible DynamoDB format using the util.dynamodb.toMapValues(values) helper.

AWS AppSync also supports test and debug workflows for editing resolvers. You can use a mock context object to see the transformed value of the template before invoking it. Optionally, you can view the full request to a data source interactively when you run a query. For more information, see Test and debug resolvers (JavaScript) and Monitoring and logging.

Advanced resolvers

If you are following the optional pagination section in Designing your schema, you still need to add your resolver to your request to make use of pagination. Our example used a query pagination called getPosts to return only a portion of the things requested at a time. Our resolver's code on that field may look like this:

/** * Performs a scan on the dynamodb data source */ export function request(ctx) { const { limit = 20, nextToken } = ctx.args; return { operation: 'Scan', limit, nextToken }; } /** * @returns the result of the `put` operation */ export function response(ctx) { const { items: posts = [], nextToken } = ctx.result; return { posts, nextToken }; }

In the request, we pass in the context of the request. Our limit is 20, meaning we return up to 20 Posts in the first query. Our nextToken cursor is fixed to the first Post entry in the data source. These are passed to the args. The request then performs a scan from the first Post up to the scan limit number. The data source stores the result in the context, which is passed to the response. The response returns the Posts it retrieved, then sets the nextToken is set to the Post entry right after the limit. The next request is sent out to do the exact same thing but starting at the offset right after the first query. Keep in mind that these sorts of requests are done sequentially and not in parallel.