Designing your GraphQL schemaThe GraphQL schema is the foundation of any GraphQL server implementation. Each GraphQL API is defined by a
single schema that contains types and fields describing how the data from
requests will be populated. The data flowing through your API and the operations performed must be validated
against the schema.
In general, the GraphQL type system
describes the capabilities of a GraphQL server and is used to determine if a query is valid. A server’s type
system is often referred to as that server’s schema and can consist of different object types, scalar types,
input types, and more. GraphQL is both declarative and strongly typed, meaning the types will be well-defined at
runtime and will only return what was specified.
AWS AppSync allows you to define and configure GraphQL schemas. The following section describes how to create
GraphQL schemas from scratch using AWS AppSync's services.
Structuring a GraphQL Schema
We recommend reviewing the Schemas section before
GraphQL is a powerful tool for implementing API services. According to GraphQL's website, GraphQL is the following:
"GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those
queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the
data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes
it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools."
This section covers the very first part of your GraphQL implementation, the schema. Using the quote above,
a schema plays the role of "providing a complete and understandable description of the data in your API". In
other words, a GraphQL schema is a textual representation of your service's data, operations, and the
relations between them. The schema is considered the main entry point for your GraphQL service
implementation. Unsurprisingly, it's often one of the first things you make in your project. We recommend
reviewing the Schemas section before continuing.
To quote the Schemas section, GraphQL schemas are written in the Schema Definition
Language (SDL). SDL is composed of types and fields with an established structure:
Types: Types are how GraphQL defines the shape and behavior of
the data. GraphQL supports a multitude of types that will be explained later in this section. Each
type that's defined in your schema will contain its own scope. Inside the scope will be one or more
fields that can contain a value or logic that will be used in your GraphQL service. Types fill many
different roles, the most common being objects or scalars (primitive value types).
Fields: Fields exist within the scope of a type and hold the
value that's requested from the GraphQL service. These are very similar to variables in other
programming languages. The shape of the data you define in your fields will determine how the data
is structured in a request/response operation. This allows developers to predict what will be
returned without knowing how the backend of the service is implemented.
The simplest schemas will contain three different data categories:
Schema roots: Roots define the entry points of your schema. It
points to the fields that will be performing some operation on the data like adding, deleting, or
modifying something.
Types: These are base types that are used to represent the shape
of the data. You can almost think of these as objects or abstract representations of something with
defined characteristics. For example, you could make a Person
object that represents a
person in a database. Each person's characteristics will be defined inside the Person
as fields. They can be anything like the person's name, age, job, address, etc.
Special object types: These are the types that define the
behavior of the operations in your schema. Each special object type is defined once per schema. They
are first placed in the schema root, then defined in the schema body. Each field in a special object
type defines a single operation to be implemented by your resolver.
To put this into perspective, imagine you're creating a service that stores authors and the books they've
written. Each author has a name and an array of books they've authored. Each book has a name and a list of
associated authors. We also want the ability to add or retrieve books and authors. A simple UML
representation of this relationship may look like this:
In GraphQL, the entities Author
and Book
represent two different object types in
your schema:
type Author {
type Book {
contains authorName
and Books
, while Book
contains bookName
and Authors
. These can be represented as the fields within the
scope of your types:
type Author {
authorName: String
Books: [Book]
type Book {
bookName: String
Authors: [Author]
As you can see, the type representations are very close to the diagram. However, the methods are where it
gets a bit trickier. These will be placed in one of a few special object types as a field. Their special
object categorization depends on their behavior. GraphQL contains three fundamental special object types:
queries, mutations, and subscriptions. For more information, see Special
Because getAuthor
and getBook
are both requesting data, they will be placed in a
special object type:
type Author {
authorName: String
Books: [Book]
type Book {
bookName: String
Authors: [Author]
type Query {
getAuthor(authorName: String): Author
getBook(bookName: String): Book
The operations are linked to the query, which itself is linked to the schema. Adding a schema root will
define the special object type (Query
in this case) as one of your entry points. This can be
done using the schema
schema {
query: Query
type Author {
authorName: String
Books: [Book]
type Book {
bookName: String
Authors: [Author]
type Query {
getAuthor(authorName: String): Author
getBook(bookName: String): Book
Looking at the final two methods, addAuthor
and addBook
are adding data to your
database, so they will be defined in a Mutation
special object type. However, from the Types
page, we also know that inputs directly referencing Objects aren't allowed because they're strictly output
types. In this case, we can't use Author
or Book
, so we need to make an input type
with the same fields. In this example, we added AuthorInput
and BookInput
, both of
which accept the same fields of their respective types. Then, we create our mutation using the inputs as our
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Author {
authorName: String
Books: [Book]
input AuthorInput {
authorName: String
Books: [BookInput]
type Book {
bookName: String
Authors: [Author]
input BookInput {
bookName: String
Authors: [AuthorInput]
type Query {
getAuthor(authorName: String): Author
getBook(bookName: String): Book
type Mutation {
addAuthor(input: [BookInput]): Author
addBook(input: [AuthorInput]): Book
Let's review what we just did:
We created a schema with the Book
and Author
types to represent our
We added the fields containing the characteristics of our entities.
We added a query to retrieve this information from the database.
We added a mutation to manipulate data in the database.
We added input types to replace our object parameters in the mutation to comply with GraphQL's
We added the query and mutation to our root schema so that the GraphQL implementation understands
the root type location.
As you can see, the process of creating a schema takes a lot of concepts from data modeling (especially
database modeling) in general. You can think of the schema as fitting the shape of the data from the source.
It also serves as the model that the resolver will implement. In the following, sections, you'll learn how
to make a schema using various AWS-backed tools and services.
The examples in the following sections are not meant to run in a real application. They are only there
to showcase the commands so you can build your own applications.
Creating schemas
Your schema will be in a file called schema.graphql
. AWS AppSync allows users to create new
schemas for their GraphQL APIs using various methods. In this example, we'll be creating a blank API along
with a blank schema.
- Console
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AppSync
In the Dashboard, choose Create API.
Under API options, choose GraphQL APIs, Design from
scratch, then Next.
For API name, change the prepopulated name to
what your application needs.
For contact details, you can enter a
point of contact to identify a manager for the API. This is an optional
Under Private API configuration, you
can enable private API features. A private API can only be accessed from
a configured VPC endpoint (VPCE). For more information, see Private
We don't recommend enabling this feature for this example. Choose
Next after reviewing your
Under Create a GraphQL type, you can choose
to create a DynamoDB table to use as a data source or skip this and do it
For this example, choose Create GraphQL resources
later. We will be creating a resource in a separate
Review your inputs, then choose Create
You will be in the dashboard of your specific API. You can tell because the API's name
will be at the top of the dashboard. If this isn't the case, you can select APIs in the Sidebar, then
choose your API in the APIs dashboard.
In the Sidebar underneath your API's name,
choose Schema.
In the Schema editor, you can configure your
file. It may be empty or filled with types generated
from a model. On the right, you have the Resolvers
section for attaching resolvers to your schema fields. We won't be looking at resolvers
in this section.
When using the CLI, make sure you have the correct permissions to access and create
resources in the service. You may want to set least-privilege policies for non-admin users who need to access the service.
For more information about AWS AppSync policies, see Identity and access management for
AWS AppSync.
Additionally, we recommend reading the console version first if you haven't done so
If you haven't already done so, install the AWS
CLI, then add your configuration.
Create a GraphQL API object by running the create-graphql-api
You'll need to type in two parameters for this particular command:
The name
of your API.
The authentication-type
, or the type of credentials used to
access the API (IAM, OIDC, etc.).
Other parameters such as Region
must be configured but will usually
default to your CLI configuration values.
An example command may look like this:
aws appsync create-graphql-api --name testAPI123 --authentication-type API_KEY
An output will be returned in the CLI. Here's an example:
"graphqlApi": {
"xrayEnabled": false,
"name": "testAPI123",
"authenticationType": "API_KEY",
"tags": {},
"apiId": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
"uris": {
"GRAPHQL": "",
"REALTIME": "wss://"
"arn": "arn:aws:appsync:us-west-2:107289374856:apis/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
This is an optional command that takes an existing schema and uploads it to the
AWS AppSync service using a base-64 blob. We will not be using this command for the sake
of this example.
Run the start-schema-creation
You'll need to type in two parameters for this particular command:
Your api-id
from the previous step.
The schema definition
is a base-64 encoded binary blob.
An example command may look like this:
aws appsync start-schema-creation --api-id abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz --definition "aa1111aa-123b-2bb2-c321-12hgg76cc33v"
An output will be returned:
"status": "PROCESSING"
This command will not return the final output after processing. You must use a
separate command, get-schema-creation-status
, to see the result. Note that
these two commands are asynchronous, so you can check the output status even while the
schema is still being created.
Before you use the CDK, we recommend reviewing the CDK's official documentation
along with AWS AppSync's CDK reference.
The steps listed below will only show a general example of the snippet used to add a
particular resource. This is not meant to be a working
solution in your production code. We also assume you already have a working app.
The starting point for the CDK is a bit different. Ideally, your
file should already be created. You just need to create
a new file with the .graphql
file extension. This can be an empty
In general, you may have to add the import directive to the service you're using. For
example, it may follow the forms:
import * as x
from 'x
'; # import wildcard as the 'x' keyword from 'x-service'
import {a
, b
, ...} from 'c
'; # import {specific constructs} from 'c-service'
To add a GraphQL API, your stack file needs to import the AWS AppSync service:
import * as appsync from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-appsync';
This means we're importing the entire service under the appsync
keyword. To use this in your app, your AWS AppSync constructs will use the format
. For instance, if we wanted to make a
GraphQL API, we would say new appsync.GraphqlApi(args_go_here)
. The
following step depicts this.
The most basic GraphQL API will include a name
for the API and the
const add_api
= new appsync.GraphqlApi(this, 'API_ID
', {
name: 'name_of_API_in_console
schema: appsync.SchemaFile.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'schema_name.graphql
Let's review what this snippet does. Inside the scope of api
, we're
creating a new GraphQL API by calling appsync.GraphqlApi(scope: Construct, id:
string, props: GraphqlApiProps)
. The scope is this
, which
refers to the current object. The id is API_ID
, which
will be your GraphQL API's resource name in AWS CloudFormation when it's created. The
contains the name
of your GraphQL API
and the schema
. The schema
will generate a schema
) by searching the absolute path
) for the .graphql
). In a real scenario, your
schema file will probably be inside the CDK app.
To use changes made to your GraphQL API, you'll have to redeploy the app.
Adding types to schemas
Now that you've added your schema, you can start adding both your input and output types. Note that the
types here shouldn't be used in real code; they're just examples to help you understand the process.
First, we'll create an object type. In real code, you don't have to start with these types. You can make
any type you want at any time so long as you follow GraphQL's rules and syntax.
These next few sections will be using the schema editor, so keep this
- Console
You can create an object type using the type
keyword along with the
type's name:
type Type_Name_Goes_Here
Inside the type's scope, you can add fields that represent the object's
type Type_Name_Goes_Here
# Add fields here
Here's an example:
type Obj_Type_1
id: ID!
title: String
date: AWSDateTime
In this step, we added a generic object type with a required id
stored as ID
, a title
field stored as a
, and a date
field stored as an
. To see a list of types and fields and what they do,
see Schemas. To see a
list of scalars and what they do, see the Type reference.
We recommend reading the console version first if you haven't done so already.
You can create an object type by running the create-type
You'll need to enter a few parameters for this particular command:
The api-id
of your API.
The definition
, or the content of your type. In the console
example, this was:
type Obj_Type_1
id: ID!
title: String
date: AWSDateTime
The format
of your input. In this example, we're using
An example command may look like this:
aws appsync create-type --api-id abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz --definition "type Obj_Type_1{id: ID! title: String date: AWSDateTime}" --format SDL
An output will be returned in the CLI. Here's an example:
"type": {
"definition": "type Obj_Type_1{id: ID! title: String date: AWSDateTime}",
"name": "Obj_Type_1",
"arn": "arn:aws:appsync:us-west-2:107289374856:apis/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/types/Obj_Type_1",
"format": "SDL"
In this step, we added a generic object type with a required id
stored as ID
, a title
field stored as a
, and a date
field stored as an
. To see a list of types and fields and what they do,
see Schemas. To see a
list of scalars and what they do, see Type reference.
On a further note, you may have realized that entering the definition directly
works for smaller types but is infeasible for adding larger or multiple types. You
can opt to add everything in a .graphql
file and then pass it as the input.
Before you use the CDK, we recommend reviewing the CDK's official documentation
along with AWS AppSync's CDK reference.
The steps listed below will only show a general example of the snippet used to add a
particular resource. This is not meant to be a working
solution in your production code. We also assume you already have a working app.
To add a type, you need to add it to your .graphql
file. For instance, the
console example was:
type Obj_Type_1
id: ID!
title: String
date: AWSDateTime
You can add your types directly to the schema like any other file.
To use changes made to your GraphQL API, you'll have to redeploy the app.
The object type has fields
that are scalar types such as strings
and integers. AWS AppSync also allows you to use enhanced scalar types like AWSDateTime
addition to the base GraphQL scalars. Also, any field that ends in an exclamation point is required.
The ID
scalar type in particular is a unique identifier that can be either
or Int
. You can control these in your resolver code for automatic
There are similarities between special object types like Query
and "regular" object types
like the example above in that they both use the type
keyword and are considered objects.
However, for the special object types (Query
, Mutation
, and
), their behavior is vastly different because they are exposed as the entry
points for your API. They're also more about shaping operations rather than data. For more information, see
The query and mutation
On the topic of special object types, the next step could be to add one or more of them to perform
operations on the shaped data. In a real scenario, every GraphQL schema must at least have a root query type
for requesting data. You can think of the query as one of the entry points (or endpoints) for your GraphQL
server. Let's add a query as an example.
- Console
To create a query, you can simply add it to the schema file like any other type. A
query would require a Query
type and an entry in the root like this:
schema {
query: Name_of_Query
type Name_of_Query
# Add field operation here
Note that Name_of_Query
in a production environment will
simply be called Query
in most cases. We recommend keeping it at this
value. Inside the query type, you can add fields. Each field will perform an operation
in the request. As a result, most, if not all, of these fields will be attached to a
resolver. However, we're not concerned with that in this section. Regarding the format
of the field operation, it might look like this:
Name_of_Query(params): Return_Type
# version with params
Name_of_Query: Return_Type
# version without params
Here's an example:
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
getObj: [Obj_Type_1]
type Obj_Type_1 {
id: ID!
title: String
date: AWSDateTime
In this step, we added a Query
type and defined it in our
root. Our Query
type defined a
field that returns a list of Obj_Type_1
objects. Note that Obj_Type_1
is the object of the previous step. In
production code, your field operations will normally be working with data shaped by
objects like Obj_Type_1
. In addition, fields like getObj
will normally have a resolver to perform the business logic. That will be covered in
a different section.
As an additional note, AWS AppSync automatically adds a schema root during
exports, so technically you don't have to add it directly to the schema. Our service
will automatically process duplicate schemas. We're adding it here as a best
We recommend reading the console version first if you haven't done so already.
Create a schema
root with a query
definition by running the
You'll need to enter a few parameters for this particular command:
The api-id
of your API.
The definition
, or the content of your type. In the console
example, this was:
schema {
query: Query
The format
of your input. In this example, we're using
An example command may look like this:
aws appsync create-type --api-id abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz --definition "schema {query: Query}" --format SDL
An output will be returned in the CLI. Here's an example:
"type": {
"definition": "schema {query: Query}",
"name": "schema",
"arn": "arn:aws:appsync:us-west-2:107289374856:apis/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/types/schema",
"format": "SDL"
Note that if you didn't input something correctly in the create-type
command, you can update your schema root (or any type in the schema) by running the
command. In this example, we'll be
temporarily changing the schema root to contain a subscription
You'll need to enter a few parameters for this particular command:
The api-id
of your API.
The type-name
of your type. In the console example, this was
The definition
, or the content of your type. In the console
example, this was:
schema {
query: Query
The schema after adding a subscription
will look like
schema {
query: Query
subscription: Subscription
The format
of your input. In this example, we're using
An example command may look like this:
aws appsync update-type --api-id abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz --type-name schema --definition "schema {query: Query subscription: Subscription}" --format SDL
An output will be returned in the CLI. Here's an example:
"type": {
"definition": "schema {query: Query subscription: Subscription}",
"arn": "arn:aws:appsync:us-west-2:107289374856:apis/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/types/schema",
"format": "SDL"
Adding preformatted files will still work in this example.
Create a Query
type by running the create-type
You'll need to enter a few parameters for this particular command:
The api-id
of your API.
The definition
, or the content of your type. In the console
example, this was:
type Query {
getObj: [Obj_Type_1]
The format
of your input. In this example, we're using
An example command may look like this:
aws appsync create-type --api-id abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz --definition "type Query {getObj: [Obj_Type_1]}" --format SDL
An output will be returned in the CLI. Here's an example:
"type": {
"definition": "Query {getObj: [Obj_Type_1]}",
"name": "Query",
"arn": "arn:aws:appsync:us-west-2:107289374856:apis/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/types/Query",
"format": "SDL"
In this step, we added a Query
type and defined it in your
root. Our Query
type defined a
field that returned a list of Obj_Type_1
In the schema
root code query: Query
, the
part indicates that a query was defined in your schema,
while the Query
part indicates the actual special object name.
Before you use the CDK, we recommend reviewing the CDK's official documentation
along with AWS AppSync's CDK reference.
The steps listed below will only show a general example of the snippet used to add a
particular resource. This is not meant to be a working
solution in your production code. We also assume you already have a working app.
You'll need to add your query and the schema root to the .graphql
file. Our
example looked like the example below, but you'll want to replace it with your actual schema
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
getObj: [Obj_Type_1]
type Obj_Type_1 {
id: ID!
title: String
date: AWSDateTime
You can add your types directly to the schema like any other file.
Updating the schema root is optional. We added it to this example as a best
To use changes made to your GraphQL API, you'll have to redeploy the app.
You've now seen an example of creating both objects and special objects (queries). You've also seen how
these can be interconnected to describe data and operations. You can have schemas with only the data
description and one or more queries. However, we'd like to add another operation to add data to the data
source. We'll add another special object type called Mutation
that modifies data.
- Console
A mutation will be called Mutation
. Like Query
, the field
operations inside Mutation
will describe an operation and will be attached
to a resolver. Also, note that we need to define it in the schema
because it's a special object type. Here's an example of a mutation:
schema {
mutation: Name_of_Mutation
type Name_of_Mutation
# Add field operation here
A typical mutation will be listed in the root like a query. The mutation is defined
using the type
keyword along with the name.
will usually be called
, so we recommend keeping it that way. Each field will also
perform an operation. Regarding the format of the field operation, it might look like
Name_of_Mutation(params): Return_Type # version with params
Name_of_Mutation: Return_Type # version without params
Here's an example:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Obj_Type_1 {
id: ID!
title: String
date: AWSDateTime
type Query {
getObj: [Obj_Type_1]
type Mutation {
addObj(id: ID!, title: String, date: AWSDateTime): Obj_Type_1
In this step, we added a Mutation
type with an addObj
field. Let's summarize what this field does:
addObj(id: ID!, title: String, date: AWSDateTime): Obj_Type_1
is using the Obj_Type_1
object to perform an
operation. This is apparent due to the fields, but the syntax proves this in the
: Obj_Type_1
return type. Inside addObj
, it's
accepting the id
, title
, and date
fields from
the Obj_Type_1
object as parameters. As you may see, it looks a lot
like a method declaration. However, we haven't described the behavior of our method
yet. As stated earlier, the schema is only there to define what the data and
operations will be and not how they operate. Implementing the actual business logic
will come later when we create our first resolvers.
Once you're done with your schema, there's an option to export it as a
file. In the Schema
editor, you can choose Export schema
to download the file in a supported format.
As an additional note, AWS AppSync automatically adds a schema root during
exports, so technically you don't have to add it directly to the schema. Our service
will automatically process duplicate schemas. We're adding it here as a best
We recommend reading the console version first if you haven't done so already.
Update your root schema by running the update-type
You'll need to enter a few parameters for this particular command:
The api-id
of your API.
The type-name
of your type. In the console example, this was
The definition
, or the content of your type. In the console
example, this was:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
The format
of your input. In this example, we're using
An example command may look like this:
aws appsync update-type --api-id abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz --type-name schema --definition "schema {query: Query mutation: Mutation}" --format SDL
An output will be returned in the CLI. Here's an example:
"type": {
"definition": "schema {query: Query mutation: Mutation}",
"arn": "arn:aws:appsync:us-west-2:107289374856:apis/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/types/schema",
"format": "SDL"
Create a Mutation
type by running the create-type
You'll need to enter a few parameters for this particular command:
The api-id
of your API.
The definition
, or the content of your type. In the console
example, this was
type Mutation {
addObj(id: ID!, title: String, date: AWSDateTime): Obj_Type_1
The format
of your input. In this example, we're using
An example command may look like this:
aws appsync create-type --api-id abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz --definition "type Mutation {addObj(id: ID! title: String date: AWSDateTime): Obj_Type_1}" --format SDL
An output will be returned in the CLI. Here's an example:
"type": {
"definition": "type Mutation {addObj(id: ID! title: String date: AWSDateTime): Obj_Type_1}",
"name": "Mutation",
"arn": "arn:aws:appsync:us-west-2:107289374856:apis/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/types/Mutation",
"format": "SDL"
Before you use the CDK, we recommend reviewing the CDK's official documentation
along with AWS AppSync's CDK reference.
The steps listed below will only show a general example of the snippet used to add a
particular resource. This is not meant to be a working
solution in your production code. We also assume you already have a working app.
You'll need to add your query and the schema root to the .graphql
file. Our
example looked like the example below, but you'll want to replace it with your actual schema
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Obj_Type_1 {
id: ID!
title: String
date: AWSDateTime
type Query {
getObj: [Obj_Type_1]
type Mutation {
addObj(id: ID!, title: String, date: AWSDateTime): Obj_Type_1
Updating the schema root is optional. We added it to this example as a best
To use changes made to your GraphQL API, you'll have to redeploy the app.
Optional considerations - Using enums as statuses
At this point, you know how to make a basic schema. However, there are many things you could add to
increase the schema's functionality. One common thing found in applications is the use of enums as statuses.
You can use an enum to force a specific value from a set of values to be chosen when called. This is good
for things that you know will not change drastically over long periods of time. Hypothetically speaking, we
could add an enum that returns the status code or String in the response.
As an example, let's assume we're making a social media app that's storing a user's post data in the
backend. Our schema contains a Post
type that represents an individual post's data:
type Post {
id: ID!
title: String
date: AWSDateTime
poststatus: PostStatus
Our Post
will contain a unique id
, post title
, date
posting, and an enum called PostStatus
that represents the post's state as it's processed by
the app. For our operations, we'll have a query that returns all post data:
type Query {
getPosts: [Post]
We'll also have a mutation that adds posts to the data source:
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID!, title: String, date: AWSDateTime, poststatus: PostStatus): Post
Looking at our schema, the PostStatus
enum could have several statuses. We might want the
three basic states called success
(post successfully processed), pending
being processed), and error
(post unable to be processed). To add the enum, we could do
enum PostStatus {
The full schema might look like this:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Post {
id: ID!
title: String
date: AWSDateTime
poststatus: PostStatus
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID!, title: String, date: AWSDateTime, poststatus: PostStatus): Post
type Query {
getPosts: [Post]
enum PostStatus {
If a user adds a Post
in the application, the addPost
operation will be called
to process that data. As the resolver attached to addPost
processes the data, it will
continually update the poststatus
with the status of the operation. When queried, the
will contain the final status of the data. Keep in mind, we're only describing how we
want the data to work in the schema. We're assuming a lot about the implementation of our resolver(s), which
will implement the actual business logic for handling the data to fulfill the request.
Optional considerations - Subscriptions
Subscriptions in AWS AppSync are invoked as a response to a mutation. You configure this with a
type and @aws_subscribe()
directive in the schema to denote which
mutations invoke one or more subscriptions. For more information about configuring subscriptions, see Real-time
Optional considerations - Relations and
Suppose you had a million Posts
stored in a DynamoDB table, and you wanted to return some of
that data. However, the example query given above only returns all posts. You wouldn’t want to fetch all of
these every time you made a request. Instead, you would want to paginate through them. Make the following changes to
your schema:
In the getPosts
field, add two input arguments: nextToken
(iterator) and
(iteration limit).
Add a new PostIterator
type containing Posts
(retrieves the list of
objects) and nextToken
(iterator) fields.
Change getPosts
so that it returns PostIterator
and not a list of
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Post {
id: ID!
title: String
date: AWSDateTime
poststatus: PostStatus
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID!, title: String, date: AWSDateTime, poststatus: PostStatus): Post
type Query {
getPosts(limit: Int, nextToken: String): PostIterator
enum PostStatus {
type PostIterator {
posts: [Post]
nextToken: String
The PostIterator
type allows you to return a portion of the list of Post
and a nextToken
for getting the next portion. Inside PostIterator
, there is a list
of Post
items ([Post]
) that is returned with a pagination token
). In AWS AppSync, this would be connected to Amazon DynamoDB through a resolver and
automatically generated as an encrypted token. This converts the value of the limit
argument to
the maxResults
parameter and the nextToken
argument to the
parameter. For examples and the built-in template samples in the
AWS AppSync console, see Resolver reference