AWS AppSync Construct Library
The aws-cdk-lib/aws-appsync
package contains constructs for building flexible
APIs that use GraphQL.
Example of a GraphQL API with AWS_IAM
authorization resolving into a DynamoDb
backend data source.
GraphQL schema file schema.graphql
type demo { id: String! version: String! } type Query { getDemos: [ demo! ] } input DemoInput { version: String! } type Mutation { addDemo(input: DemoInput!): demo }
CDK stack file app-stack.ts
GraphqlApi api = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "Api") .name("demo") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "schema.graphql"))) .authorizationConfig(AuthorizationConfig.builder() .defaultAuthorization(AuthorizationMode.builder() .authorizationType(AuthorizationType.IAM) .build()) .build()) .xrayEnabled(true) .build(); Table demoTable = Table.Builder.create(this, "DemoTable") .partitionKey(Attribute.builder() .name("id") .type(AttributeType.STRING) .build()) .build(); DynamoDbDataSource demoDS = api.addDynamoDbDataSource("demoDataSource", demoTable); // Resolver for the Query "getDemos" that scans the DynamoDb table and returns the entire list. // Resolver Mapping Template Reference: // demoDS.createResolver("QueryGetDemosResolver", BaseResolverProps.builder() .typeName("Query") .fieldName("getDemos") .requestMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.dynamoDbScanTable()) .responseMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.dynamoDbResultList()) .build()); // Resolver for the Mutation "addDemo" that puts the item into the DynamoDb table. demoDS.createResolver("MutationAddDemoResolver", BaseResolverProps.builder() .typeName("Mutation") .fieldName("addDemo") .requestMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.dynamoDbPutItem(PrimaryKey.partition("id").auto(), Values.projecting("input"))) .responseMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.dynamoDbResultItem()) .build()); //To enable DynamoDB read consistency with the `MappingTemplate`: demoDS.createResolver("QueryGetDemosConsistentResolver", BaseResolverProps.builder() .typeName("Query") .fieldName("getDemosConsistent") .requestMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.dynamoDbScanTable(true)) .responseMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.dynamoDbResultList()) .build());
Aurora Serverless
AppSync provides a data source for executing SQL commands against Amazon Aurora Serverless clusters. You can use AppSync resolvers to execute SQL statements against the Data API with GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions.
Aurora Serverless V1 Cluster
// Build a data source for AppSync to access the database. GraphqlApi api; // Create username and password secret for DB Cluster DatabaseSecret secret = DatabaseSecret.Builder.create(this, "AuroraSecret") .username("clusteradmin") .build(); // The VPC to place the cluster in Vpc vpc = new Vpc(this, "AuroraVpc"); // Create the serverless cluster, provide all values needed to customise the database. ServerlessCluster cluster = ServerlessCluster.Builder.create(this, "AuroraCluster") .engine(DatabaseClusterEngine.AURORA_MYSQL) .vpc(vpc) .credentials(Map.of("username", "clusteradmin")) .clusterIdentifier("db-endpoint-test") .defaultDatabaseName("demos") .build(); RdsDataSource rdsDS = api.addRdsDataSource("rds", cluster, secret, "demos"); // Set up a resolver for an RDS query. rdsDS.createResolver("QueryGetDemosRdsResolver", BaseResolverProps.builder() .typeName("Query") .fieldName("getDemosRds") .requestMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromString("\n {\n \"version\": \"2018-05-29\",\n \"statements\": [\n \"SELECT * FROM demos\"\n ]\n }\n ")) .responseMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromString("\n $utils.toJson($utils.rds.toJsonObject($ctx.result)[0])\n ")) .build()); // Set up a resolver for an RDS mutation. rdsDS.createResolver("MutationAddDemoRdsResolver", BaseResolverProps.builder() .typeName("Mutation") .fieldName("addDemoRds") .requestMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromString("\n {\n \"version\": \"2018-05-29\",\n \"statements\": [\n \"INSERT INTO demos VALUES (:id, :version)\",\n \"SELECT * WHERE id = :id\"\n ],\n \"variableMap\": {\n \":id\": $util.toJson($util.autoId()),\n \":version\": $util.toJson($ctx.args.version)\n }\n }\n ")) .responseMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromString("\n $utils.toJson($utils.rds.toJsonObject($ctx.result)[1][0])\n ")) .build());
Aurora Serverless V2 Cluster
// Build a data source for AppSync to access the database. GraphqlApi api; // Create username and password secret for DB Cluster DatabaseSecret secret = DatabaseSecret.Builder.create(this, "AuroraSecret") .username("clusteradmin") .build(); // The VPC to place the cluster in Vpc vpc = new Vpc(this, "AuroraVpc"); // Create the serverless cluster, provide all values needed to customise the database. DatabaseCluster cluster = DatabaseCluster.Builder.create(this, "AuroraClusterV2") .engine(DatabaseClusterEngine.auroraPostgres(AuroraPostgresClusterEngineProps.builder().version(AuroraPostgresEngineVersion.VER_15_5).build())) .credentials(Map.of("username", "clusteradmin")) .clusterIdentifier("db-endpoint-test") .writer(ClusterInstance.serverlessV2("writer")) .serverlessV2MinCapacity(2) .serverlessV2MaxCapacity(10) .vpc(vpc) .defaultDatabaseName("demos") .enableDataApi(true) .build(); RdsDataSource rdsDS = api.addRdsDataSourceV2("rds", cluster, secret, "demos"); // Set up a resolver for an RDS query. rdsDS.createResolver("QueryGetDemosRdsResolver", BaseResolverProps.builder() .typeName("Query") .fieldName("getDemosRds") .requestMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromString("\n {\n \"version\": \"2018-05-29\",\n \"statements\": [\n \"SELECT * FROM demos\"\n ]\n }\n ")) .responseMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromString("\n $utils.toJson($utils.rds.toJsonObject($ctx.result)[0])\n ")) .build()); // Set up a resolver for an RDS mutation. rdsDS.createResolver("MutationAddDemoRdsResolver", BaseResolverProps.builder() .typeName("Mutation") .fieldName("addDemoRds") .requestMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromString("\n {\n \"version\": \"2018-05-29\",\n \"statements\": [\n \"INSERT INTO demos VALUES (:id, :version)\",\n \"SELECT * WHERE id = :id\"\n ],\n \"variableMap\": {\n \":id\": $util.toJson($util.autoId()),\n \":version\": $util.toJson($ctx.args.version)\n }\n }\n ")) .responseMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromString("\n $utils.toJson($utils.rds.toJsonObject($ctx.result)[1][0])\n ")) .build());
HTTP Endpoints
GraphQL schema file schema.graphql
type job { id: String! version: String! } input DemoInput { version: String! } type Mutation { callStepFunction(input: DemoInput!): job }
GraphQL request mapping template request.vtl
{ "version": "2018-05-29", "method": "POST", "resourcePath": "/", "params": { "headers": { "content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.0", "x-amz-target":"AWSStepFunctions.StartExecution" }, "body": { "stateMachineArn": "<your step functions arn>", "input": "{ \"id\": \"$\" }" } } }
GraphQL response mapping template response.vtl
{ "id": "${}" }
CDK stack file app-stack.ts
GraphqlApi api = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "api") .name("api") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "schema.graphql"))) .build(); HttpDataSource httpDs = api.addHttpDataSource("ds", "", HttpDataSourceOptions.builder() .name("httpDsWithStepF") .description("from appsync to StepFunctions Workflow") .authorizationConfig(AwsIamConfig.builder() .signingRegion("us-east-1") .signingServiceName("states") .build()) .build()); httpDs.createResolver("MutationCallStepFunctionResolver", BaseResolverProps.builder() .typeName("Mutation") .fieldName("callStepFunction") .requestMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromFile("request.vtl")) .responseMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromFile("response.vtl")) .build());
Integrating AppSync with EventBridge enables developers to use EventBridge rules to route commands for GraphQL mutations that need to perform any one of a variety of asynchronous tasks. More broadly, it enables teams to expose an event bus as a part of a GraphQL schema.
GraphQL schema file schema.graphql
schema { query: Query mutation: Mutation } type Query { event(id:ID!): Event } type Mutation { emitEvent(id: ID!, name: String): PutEventsResult! } type Event { id: ID! name: String! } type Entry { ErrorCode: String ErrorMessage: String EventId: String } type PutEventsResult { Entries: [Entry!] FailedEntry: Int }
GraphQL request mapping template request.vtl
{ "version" : "2018-05-29", "operation": "PutEvents", "events" : [ { "source": "integ.appsync.eventbridge", "detailType": "Mutation.emitEvent", "detail": $util.toJson($context.arguments) } ] }
GraphQL response mapping template response.vtl
This response mapping template simply converts the EventBridge PutEvents result to JSON. For details about the response see the documentation. Additional logic can be added to the response template to map the response type, or to error in the event of failed events. More information can be found here.
CDK stack file app-stack.ts
import*; GraphqlApi api = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "EventBridgeApi") .name("EventBridgeApi") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "appsync.eventbridge.graphql"))) .build(); EventBus bus = EventBus.Builder.create(this, "DestinationEventBus").build(); EventBridgeDataSource dataSource = api.addEventBridgeDataSource("NoneDS", bus); dataSource.createResolver("EventResolver", BaseResolverProps.builder() .typeName("Mutation") .fieldName("emitEvent") .requestMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromFile("request.vtl")) .responseMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromFile("response.vtl")) .build());
Amazon OpenSearch Service
AppSync has builtin support for Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service) from domains that are provisioned through your AWS account. You can use AppSync resolvers to perform GraphQL operations such as queries, mutations, and subscriptions.
import*; GraphqlApi api; User user = new User(this, "User"); Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_2_3) .removalPolicy(RemovalPolicy.DESTROY) .fineGrainedAccessControl(AdvancedSecurityOptions.builder().masterUserArn(user.getUserArn()).build()) .encryptionAtRest(EncryptionAtRestOptions.builder().enabled(true).build()) .nodeToNodeEncryption(true) .enforceHttps(true) .build(); OpenSearchDataSource ds = api.addOpenSearchDataSource("ds", domain); ds.createResolver("QueryGetTestsResolver", BaseResolverProps.builder() .typeName("Query") .fieldName("getTests") .requestMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromString(JSON.stringify(Map.of( "version", "2017-02-28", "operation", "GET", "path", "/id/post/_search", "params", Map.of( "headers", Map.of(), "queryString", Map.of(), "body", Map.of("from", 0, "size", 50)))))) .responseMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromString("[\n #foreach($entry in $context.result.hits.hits)\n #if( $velocityCount > 1 ) , #end\n $utils.toJson($entry.get(\"_source\"))\n #end\n ]")) .build());
Merged APIs
AppSync supports Merged APIs which can be used to merge multiple source APIs into a single API.
import*; // first source API GraphqlApi firstApi = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "FirstSourceAPI") .name("FirstSourceAPI") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "appsync.merged-api-1.graphql"))) .build(); // second source API GraphqlApi secondApi = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "SecondSourceAPI") .name("SecondSourceAPI") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "appsync.merged-api-2.graphql"))) .build(); // Merged API GraphqlApi mergedApi = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "MergedAPI") .name("MergedAPI") .definition(Definition.fromSourceApis(SourceApiOptions.builder() .sourceApis(List.of(SourceApi.builder() .sourceApi(firstApi) .mergeType(MergeType.MANUAL_MERGE) .build(), SourceApi.builder() .sourceApi(secondApi) .mergeType(MergeType.AUTO_MERGE) .build())) .build())) .build();
Merged APIs Across Different Stacks
The SourceApiAssociation construct allows you to define a SourceApiAssociation to a Merged API in a different stack or account. This allows a source API owner the ability to associate it to an existing Merged API itself.
GraphqlApi sourceApi = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "FirstSourceAPI") .name("FirstSourceAPI") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "appsync.merged-api-1.graphql"))) .build(); IGraphqlApi importedMergedApi = GraphqlApi.fromGraphqlApiAttributes(this, "ImportedMergedApi", GraphqlApiAttributes.builder() .graphqlApiId("MyApiId") .graphqlApiArn("MyApiArn") .build()); IRole importedExecutionRole = Role.fromRoleArn(this, "ExecutionRole", "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT:role/MyExistingRole"); SourceApiAssociation.Builder.create(this, "SourceApiAssociation2") .sourceApi(sourceApi) .mergedApi(importedMergedApi) .mergeType(MergeType.MANUAL_MERGE) .mergedApiExecutionRole(importedExecutionRole) .build();
Merge Source API Update Within CDK Deployment
The SourceApiAssociationMergeOperation construct available in the awscdk-appsync-utils package provides the ability to merge a source API to a Merged API via a custom resource. If the merge operation fails with a conflict, the stack update will fail and rollback the changes to the source API in the stack in order to prevent merge conflicts and ensure the source API changes are always propagated to the Merged API.
Custom Domain Names
For many use cases you may want to associate a custom domain name with your GraphQL API. This can be done during the API creation.
import*; import*; // hosted zone and route53 features String hostedZoneId; String zoneName = ""; String myDomainName = ""; Certificate certificate = Certificate.Builder.create(this, "cert").domainName(myDomainName).build(); SchemaFile schema = SchemaFile.Builder.create().filePath("mySchemaFile").build(); GraphqlApi api = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "api") .name("myApi") .definition(Definition.fromSchema(schema)) .domainName(DomainOptions.builder() .certificate(certificate) .domainName(myDomainName) .build()) .build(); // hosted zone for adding appsync domain IHostedZone zone = HostedZone.fromHostedZoneAttributes(this, "HostedZone", HostedZoneAttributes.builder() .hostedZoneId(hostedZoneId) .zoneName(zoneName) .build()); // create a cname to the appsync domain. will map to something like // create a cname to the appsync domain. will map to something like CnameRecord.Builder.create(this, "CnameApiRecord") .recordName("api") .zone(zone) .domainName(api.getAppSyncDomainName()) .build();
Log Group
AppSync automatically create a log group with the name /aws/appsync/apis/<graphql_api_id>
upon deployment with
log data set to never expire. If you want to set a different expiration period, use the logConfig.retention
Also you can choose the log level by setting the logConfig.fieldLogLevel
For more information, see CloudWatch logs.
To obtain the GraphQL API's log group as a logs.ILogGroup
use the logGroup
property of the
import*; GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "api") .authorizationConfig(AuthorizationConfig.builder().build()) .name("myApi") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "myApi.graphql"))) .logConfig(LogConfig.builder() .fieldLogLevel(FieldLogLevel.INFO) .retention(RetentionDays.ONE_WEEK) .build()) .build();
You can define a schema using from a local file using Definition.fromFile
GraphqlApi api = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "api") .name("myApi") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "schema.graphl"))) .build();
Alternative schema sources can be defined by implementing the ISchema
interface. An example of this is the CodeFirstSchema
class provided in
Any GraphQL Api that has been created outside the stack can be imported from
another stack into your CDK app. Utilizing the fromXxx
function, you have
the ability to add data sources and resolvers through a IGraphqlApi
GraphqlApi api; Table table; IGraphqlApi importedApi = GraphqlApi.fromGraphqlApiAttributes(this, "IApi", GraphqlApiAttributes.builder() .graphqlApiId(api.getApiId()) .graphqlApiArn(api.getArn()) .build()); importedApi.addDynamoDbDataSource("TableDataSource", table);
If you don't specify graphqlArn
in fromXxxAttributes
, CDK will autogenerate
the expected arn
for the imported api, given the apiId
. For creating data
sources and resolvers, an apiId
is sufficient.
Private APIs
By default all AppSync GraphQL APIs are public and can be accessed from the internet.
For customers that want to limit access to be from their VPC, the optional API visibility
property can be set to Visibility.PRIVATE
at creation time. To explicitly create a public API, the visibility
property should be set to Visibility.GLOBAL
If visibility is not set, the service will default to GLOBAL
CDK stack file app-stack.ts
GraphqlApi api = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "api") .name("MyPrivateAPI") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "appsync.schema.graphql"))) .visibility(Visibility.PRIVATE) .build();
See documentation for more details about Private APIs
There are multiple authorization types available for GraphQL API to cater to different access use cases. They are:
- API Keys (
) - Amazon Cognito User Pools (
) - OpenID Connect (
) - AWS Identity and Access Management (
) - AWS Lambda (
These types can be used simultaneously in a single API, allowing different types of clients to access data. When you specify an authorization type, you can also specify the corresponding authorization mode to finish defining your authorization. For example, this is a GraphQL API with AWS Lambda Authorization.
import*; Function authFunction; GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "api") .name("api") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "appsync.test.graphql"))) .authorizationConfig(AuthorizationConfig.builder() .defaultAuthorization(AuthorizationMode.builder() .authorizationType(AuthorizationType.LAMBDA) .lambdaAuthorizerConfig(LambdaAuthorizerConfig.builder() .handler(authFunction) .build()) .build()) .build()) .build();
When using AWS_IAM
as the authorization type for GraphQL API, an IAM Role
with correct permissions must be used for access to API.
When configuring permissions, you can specify specific resources to only be
accessible by IAM
authorization. For example, if you want to only allow mutability
for IAM
authorized access you would configure the following.
In schema.graphql
type Mutation { updateExample(...): ... @aws_iam }
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "appsync:GraphQL" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:appsync:REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:apis/GRAPHQL_ID/types/Mutation/fields/updateExample" ] } ] }
See documentation for more details.
To make this easier, CDK provides grant
Use the grant
function for more granular authorization.
IGraphqlApi api; Role role = Role.Builder.create(this, "Role") .assumedBy(new ServicePrincipal("")) .build(); api.grant(role, IamResource.custom("types/Mutation/fields/updateExample"), "appsync:GraphQL");
In order to use the grant
functions, you need to use the class IamResource
permits custom ARNs and requires an argument.IamResouce.ofType(type, ...fields)
permits ARNs for types and their fields.IamResource.all()
permits ALL resources.
Generic Permissions
Alternatively, you can use more generic grant
functions to accomplish the same usage.
These include:
- grantMutation (use to grant access to Mutation fields)
- grantQuery (use to grant access to Query fields)
- grantSubscription (use to grant access to Subscription fields)
IGraphqlApi api; Role role; // For generic types api.grantMutation(role, "updateExample"); // For custom types and granular design api.grant(role, IamResource.ofType("Mutation", "updateExample"), "appsync:GraphQL");
Pipeline Resolvers and AppSync Functions
AppSync Functions are local functions that perform certain operations onto a backend data source. Developers can compose operations (Functions) and execute them in sequence with Pipeline Resolvers.
GraphqlApi api; AppsyncFunction appsyncFunction = AppsyncFunction.Builder.create(this, "function") .name("appsync_function") .api(api) .dataSource(api.addNoneDataSource("none")) .requestMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromFile("request.vtl")) .responseMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromFile("response.vtl")) .build();
When using the LambdaDataSource
, you can control the maximum number of resolver request
inputs that will be sent to a single AWS Lambda function in a BatchInvoke operation
by setting the maxBatchSize
GraphqlApi api; LambdaDataSource lambdaDataSource; AppsyncFunction appsyncFunction = AppsyncFunction.Builder.create(this, "function") .name("appsync_function") .api(api) .dataSource(lambdaDataSource) .maxBatchSize(10) .build();
AppSync Functions are used in tandem with pipeline resolvers to compose multiple operations.
GraphqlApi api; AppsyncFunction appsyncFunction; Resolver pipelineResolver = Resolver.Builder.create(this, "pipeline") .api(api) .dataSource(api.addNoneDataSource("none")) .typeName("typeName") .fieldName("fieldName") .requestMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromFile("beforeRequest.vtl")) .pipelineConfig(List.of(appsyncFunction)) .responseMappingTemplate(MappingTemplate.fromFile("afterResponse.vtl")) .build();
JS Functions and Resolvers
JS Functions and resolvers are also supported. You can use a .js
file within your CDK project, or specify your function code inline.
GraphqlApi api; AppsyncFunction myJsFunction = AppsyncFunction.Builder.create(this, "function") .name("my_js_function") .api(api) .dataSource(api.addNoneDataSource("none")) .code(Code.fromAsset("directory/function_code.js")) .runtime(FunctionRuntime.JS_1_0_0) .build(); Resolver.Builder.create(this, "PipelineResolver") .api(api) .typeName("typeName") .fieldName("fieldName") .code(Code.fromInline("\n // The before step\n export function request(...args) {\n console.log(args);\n return {}\n }\n\n // The after step\n export function response(ctx) {\n return ctx.prev.result\n }\n ")) .runtime(FunctionRuntime.JS_1_0_0) .pipelineConfig(List.of(myJsFunction)) .build();
Learn more about Pipeline Resolvers and AppSync Functions here.
By default, AppSync allows you to use introspection queries.
For customers that want to limit access to be introspection queries, the introspectionConfig
property can be set to IntrospectionConfig.DISABLED
at creation time.
If introspectionConfig
is not set, the service will default to ENABLED
GraphqlApi api = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "api") .name("DisableIntrospectionApi") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "appsync.schema.graphql"))) .introspectionConfig(IntrospectionConfig.DISABLED) .build();
Query Depth Limits
By default, queries are able to process an unlimited amount of nested levels. Limiting queries to a specified amount of nested levels has potential implications for the performance and flexibility of your project.
GraphqlApi api = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "api") .name("LimitQueryDepths") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "appsync.schema.graphql"))) .queryDepthLimit(2) .build();
Resolver Count Limits
You can control how many resolvers each query can process. By default, each query can process up to 10000 resolvers. By setting a limit AppSync will not handle any resolvers past a certain number limit.
GraphqlApi api = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "api") .name("LimitResolverCount") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "appsync.schema.graphql"))) .resolverCountLimit(2) .build();
Environment Variables
To use environment variables in resolvers, you can use the environmentVariables
property and
the addEnvironmentVariable
GraphqlApi api = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "api") .name("api") .definition(Definition.fromFile(join(__dirname, "appsync.schema.graphql"))) .environmentVariables(Map.of( "EnvKey1", "non-empty-1")) .build(); api.addEnvironmentVariable("EnvKey2", "non-empty-2");
Configure an EventBridge target that invokes an AppSync GraphQL API
Configuring the target relies on the graphQLEndpointArn
Use the AppSync
event target to trigger an AppSync GraphQL API. You need to
create an AppSync.GraphqlApi
configured with AWS_IAM
authorization mode.
The code snippet below creates a AppSync GraphQL API target that is invoked, calling the publish
import*; import*; Rule rule; GraphqlApi api; rule.addTarget(AppSync.Builder.create(api) .graphQLOperation("mutation Publish($message: String!){ publish(message: $message) { message } }") .variables(RuleTargetInput.fromObject(Map.of( "message", "hello world"))) .build());
Owner Contact
You can set the owner contact information for an API resource. This field accepts any string input with a length of 0 - 256 characters.
GraphqlApi api = GraphqlApi.Builder.create(this, "OwnerContact") .name("OwnerContact") .definition(Definition.fromSchema(SchemaFile.fromAsset(join(__dirname, "appsync.test.graphql")))) .ownerContact("test-owner-contact") .build();
ClassDescriptionConfiguration for API Key authorization in AppSync.A builder for
An implementation forApiKeyConfig
AppSync Functions are local functions that perform certain operations onto a backend data source.A fluent builder forAppsyncFunction
.The attributes for imported AppSync Functions.A builder forAppsyncFunctionAttributes
An implementation forAppsyncFunctionAttributes
the CDK properties for AppSync Functions.A builder forAppsyncFunctionProps
An implementation forAppsyncFunctionProps
Represents a local file with source code used for an AppSync Function or Resolver.A fluent builder forAssetCode
.Utility class representing the assigment of a value to an attribute.Specifies the attribute value assignments.Utility class to allow assigning a value to an attribute.Configuration of the API authorization modes.A builder forAuthorizationConfig
An implementation forAuthorizationConfig
Interface to specify default or additional authorization(s).A builder forAuthorizationMode
An implementation forAuthorizationMode
enum with all possible values for AppSync authorization type.The authorization config in case the HTTP endpoint requires authorization.A builder forAwsIamConfig
An implementation forAwsIamConfig
Abstract AppSync datasource for an AppSync datasource backed by a resource.A builder forBackedDataSourceProps
An implementation forBackedDataSourceProps
the base properties for AppSync Functions.A builder forBaseAppsyncFunctionProps
An implementation forBaseAppsyncFunctionProps
Abstract AppSync datasource implementation.Base properties for an AppSync datasource.A builder forBaseDataSourceProps
An implementation forBaseDataSourceProps
Basic properties for an AppSync resolver.A builder forBaseResolverProps
An implementation forBaseResolverProps
CachingConfig for AppSync resolvers.A builder forCachingConfig
An implementation forCachingConfig
resource represents the input of aCreateApiCache
operation.A fluent builder forCfnApiCache
.Properties for defining aCfnApiCache
.A builder forCfnApiCacheProps
An implementation forCfnApiCacheProps
resource creates a unique key that you can distribute to clients who are executing GraphQL operations with AWS AppSync that require an API key.A fluent builder forCfnApiKey
.Properties for defining aCfnApiKey
.A builder forCfnApiKeyProps
An implementation forCfnApiKeyProps
resource creates data sources for resolvers in AWS AppSync to connect to, such as Amazon DynamoDB , AWS Lambda , and Amazon OpenSearch Service .TheAuthorizationConfig
property type specifies the authorization type and configuration for an AWS AppSync http data source.A builder forCfnDataSource.AuthorizationConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDataSource.AuthorizationConfigProperty
Use theAwsIamConfig
property type to specifyAwsIamConfig
for a AWS AppSync authorizaton.A builder forCfnDataSource.AwsIamConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDataSource.AwsIamConfigProperty
A fluent builder forCfnDataSource
.Describes a Delta Sync configuration.A builder forCfnDataSource.DeltaSyncConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDataSource.DeltaSyncConfigProperty
property type specifies theAwsRegion
for an Amazon DynamoDB table in your account for an AWS AppSync data source.A builder forCfnDataSource.DynamoDBConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDataSource.DynamoDBConfigProperty
property type specifies theAwsRegion
for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain in your account for an AWS AppSync data source.A builder forCfnDataSource.ElasticsearchConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDataSource.ElasticsearchConfigProperty
The data source.A builder forCfnDataSource.EventBridgeConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDataSource.EventBridgeConfigProperty
Use theHttpConfig
property type to specifyHttpConfig
for an AWS AppSync data source.A builder forCfnDataSource.HttpConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDataSource.HttpConfigProperty
property type specifies the Lambda function ARN for an AWS AppSync data source.A builder forCfnDataSource.LambdaConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDataSource.LambdaConfigProperty
property type specifies theAwsRegion
for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain in your account for an AWS AppSync data source.A builder forCfnDataSource.OpenSearchServiceConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDataSource.OpenSearchServiceConfigProperty
Use theRdsHttpEndpointConfig
property type to specify theRdsHttpEndpoint
for an AWS AppSync relational database.A builder forCfnDataSource.RdsHttpEndpointConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDataSource.RdsHttpEndpointConfigProperty
Use theRelationalDatabaseConfig
property type to specifyRelationalDatabaseConfig
for an AWS AppSync data source.A builder forCfnDataSource.RelationalDatabaseConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDataSource.RelationalDatabaseConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnDataSource
.A builder forCfnDataSourceProps
An implementation forCfnDataSourceProps
resource creates aDomainNameConfig
object to configure a custom domain.A fluent builder forCfnDomainName
resource represents the mapping of your custom domain name to the assigned API URL.A fluent builder forCfnDomainNameApiAssociation
.Properties for defining aCfnDomainNameApiAssociation
.A builder forCfnDomainNameApiAssociationProps
An implementation forCfnDomainNameApiAssociationProps
Properties for defining aCfnDomainName
.A builder forCfnDomainNameProps
An implementation forCfnDomainNameProps
resource defines the functions in GraphQL APIs to perform certain operations.Describes a runtime used by an AWS AppSync resolver or AWS AppSync function.A builder forCfnFunctionConfiguration.AppSyncRuntimeProperty
An implementation forCfnFunctionConfiguration.AppSyncRuntimeProperty
A fluent builder forCfnFunctionConfiguration
object when configuringLAMBDA
as the Conflict Handler.An implementation forCfnFunctionConfiguration.LambdaConflictHandlerConfigProperty
Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.A builder forCfnFunctionConfiguration.SyncConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnFunctionConfiguration.SyncConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnFunctionConfiguration
.A builder forCfnFunctionConfigurationProps
An implementation forCfnFunctionConfigurationProps
resource creates a new AWS AppSync GraphQL API.Describes an additional authentication provider.A builder forCfnGraphQLApi.AdditionalAuthenticationProviderProperty
An implementation forCfnGraphQLApi.AdditionalAuthenticationProviderProperty
A fluent builder forCfnGraphQLApi
.Describes an Amazon Cognito user pool configuration.A builder forCfnGraphQLApi.CognitoUserPoolConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnGraphQLApi.CognitoUserPoolConfigProperty
Describes an enhanced metrics configuration.A builder forCfnGraphQLApi.EnhancedMetricsConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnGraphQLApi.EnhancedMetricsConfigProperty
Configuration for AWS Lambda function authorization.A builder forCfnGraphQLApi.LambdaAuthorizerConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnGraphQLApi.LambdaAuthorizerConfigProperty
property type specifies the logging configuration when writing GraphQL operations and tracing to Amazon CloudWatch for an AWS AppSync GraphQL API.A builder forCfnGraphQLApi.LogConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnGraphQLApi.LogConfigProperty
property type specifies the optional authorization configuration for using an OpenID Connect compliant service with your GraphQL endpoint for an AWS AppSync GraphQL API.A builder forCfnGraphQLApi.OpenIDConnectConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnGraphQLApi.OpenIDConnectConfigProperty
property type specifies the optional authorization configuration for using Amazon Cognito user pools with your GraphQL endpoint for an AWS AppSync GraphQL API.A builder forCfnGraphQLApi.UserPoolConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnGraphQLApi.UserPoolConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnGraphQLApi
.A builder forCfnGraphQLApiProps
An implementation forCfnGraphQLApiProps
resource is used for your AWS AppSync GraphQL schema that controls the data model for your API.A fluent builder forCfnGraphQLSchema
.Properties for defining aCfnGraphQLSchema
.A builder forCfnGraphQLSchemaProps
An implementation forCfnGraphQLSchemaProps
resource defines the logical GraphQL resolver that you attach to fields in a schema.Describes a runtime used by an AWS AppSync resolver or AWS AppSync function.A builder forCfnResolver.AppSyncRuntimeProperty
An implementation forCfnResolver.AppSyncRuntimeProperty
A fluent builder forCfnResolver
.The caching configuration for a resolver that has caching activated.A builder forCfnResolver.CachingConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnResolver.CachingConfigProperty
when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.A builder forCfnResolver.LambdaConflictHandlerConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnResolver.LambdaConflictHandlerConfigProperty
Use thePipelineConfig
property type to specifyPipelineConfig
for an AWS AppSync resolver.A builder forCfnResolver.PipelineConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnResolver.PipelineConfigProperty
Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.A builder forCfnResolver.SyncConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnResolver.SyncConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnResolver
.A builder forCfnResolverProps
An implementation forCfnResolverProps
Describes the configuration of a source API.A fluent builder forCfnSourceApiAssociation
.Describes properties used to specify configurations related to a source API.An implementation forCfnSourceApiAssociation.SourceApiAssociationConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnSourceApiAssociation
.A builder forCfnSourceApiAssociationProps
An implementation forCfnSourceApiAssociationProps
Represents source code for an AppSync Function or Resolver.Result of bindingCode
into aFunction
.A builder forCodeConfig
An implementation forCodeConfig
Optional configuration for data sources.A builder forDataSourceOptions
An implementation forDataSourceOptions
AppSync definition.Domain name configuration for AppSync.A builder forDomainOptions
An implementation forDomainOptions
An AppSync datasource backed by a DynamoDB table.A fluent builder forDynamoDbDataSource
.Properties for an AppSync DynamoDB datasource.A builder forDynamoDbDataSourceProps
An implementation forDynamoDbDataSourceProps
Deprecated.Deprecated.An AppSync datasource backed by EventBridge.A fluent builder forEventBridgeDataSource
.Properties for an AppSync EventBridge datasource.A builder forEventBridgeDataSourceProps
An implementation forEventBridgeDataSourceProps
props used by implementations of BaseDataSource to provide configuration.A builder forExtendedDataSourceProps
An implementation forExtendedDataSourceProps
Additional property for an AppSync resolver for data source reference.A builder forExtendedResolverProps
An implementation forExtendedResolverProps
log-level for fields in AppSync.Utility class for specifying specific appsync runtime versions.Appsync supported runtimes.An AppSync GraphQL API.A fluent builder forGraphqlApi
.Attributes for GraphQL imports.A builder forGraphqlApiAttributes
An implementation forGraphqlApiAttributes
Base Class for GraphQL API.Properties for an AppSync GraphQL API.A builder forGraphqlApiProps
An implementation forGraphqlApiProps
An AppSync datasource backed by a http endpoint.A fluent builder forHttpDataSource
.Optional configuration for Http data sources.A builder forHttpDataSourceOptions
An implementation forHttpDataSourceOptions
Properties for an AppSync http datasource.A builder forHttpDataSourceProps
An implementation forHttpDataSourceProps
A class used to generate resource arns for AppSync.Interface for AppSync Functions.Internal default implementation forIAppsyncFunction
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.Interface for GraphQL.Internal default implementation forIGraphqlApi
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.AppSync function code from an inline string.Introspection configuration for a GraphQL API.Interface for implementing your own schema.Internal default implementation forISchema
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.Configuration for bound graphql schema.Internal default implementation forISchemaConfig
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.Interface for AppSync Source Api Association.Internal default implementation forISourceApiAssociation
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.Factory class for DynamoDB key conditions.Configuration for Lambda authorization in AppSync.A builder forLambdaAuthorizerConfig
An implementation forLambdaAuthorizerConfig
An AppSync datasource backed by a Lambda function.A fluent builder forLambdaDataSource
.Properties for an AppSync Lambda datasource.A builder forLambdaDataSourceProps
An implementation forLambdaDataSourceProps
Logging configuration for AppSync.A builder forLogConfig
An implementation forLogConfig
MappingTemplates for AppSync resolvers.Merge type used to associate the source API.An AppSync dummy datasource.A fluent builder forNoneDataSource
.Properties for an AppSync dummy datasource.A builder forNoneDataSourceProps
An implementation forNoneDataSourceProps
Configuration for OpenID Connect authorization in AppSync.A builder forOpenIdConnectConfig
An implementation forOpenIdConnectConfig
An Appsync datasource backed by OpenSearch.A fluent builder forOpenSearchDataSource
.Properties for the OpenSearch Data Source.A builder forOpenSearchDataSourceProps
An implementation forOpenSearchDataSourceProps
Specifies the assignment to the partition key.Utility class to allow assigning a value or an auto-generated id to a partition key.Specifies the assignment to the primary key.An AppSync datasource backed by RDS.A fluent builder forRdsDataSource
.Properties for an AppSync RDS datasource Aurora Serverless V1.A builder forRdsDataSourceProps
An implementation forRdsDataSourceProps
Properties for an AppSync RDS datasource Aurora Serverless V2.A builder forRdsDataSourcePropsV2
An implementation forRdsDataSourcePropsV2
An AppSync resolver.A fluent builder forResolver
.Additional property for an AppSync resolver for GraphQL API reference.A builder forResolverProps
An implementation forResolverProps
Config for binding runtime to a function or resolver.A builder forRuntimeConfig
An implementation forRuntimeConfig
Used for configuring schema bind behavior.A builder forSchemaBindOptions
An implementation forSchemaBindOptions
The Schema for a GraphQL Api.A fluent builder forSchemaFile
.The options for configuring a schema from an existing file.A builder forSchemaProps
An implementation forSchemaProps
Utility class to allow assigning a value or an auto-generated id to a sort key.Configuration of source API.A builder forSourceApi
An implementation forSourceApi
AppSync SourceApiAssociation which associates an AppSync source API to an AppSync Merged API.A fluent builder forSourceApiAssociation
.The attributes for imported AppSync Source Api Association.A builder forSourceApiAssociationAttributes
An implementation forSourceApiAssociationAttributes
Properties for SourceApiAssociation which associates an AppSync Source API with an AppSync Merged API.A builder forSourceApiAssociationProps
An implementation forSourceApiAssociationProps
Additional API configuration for creating a AppSync Merged API.A builder forSourceApiOptions
An implementation forSourceApiOptions
Configuration for Cognito user-pools in AppSync.A builder forUserPoolConfig
An implementation forUserPoolConfig
enum with all possible values for Cognito user-pool default actions.Factory class for attribute value assignments.Visibility type for a GraphQL API.