Reference for CloudHSM CLI commands - AWS CloudHSM

Reference for CloudHSM CLI commands

CloudHSM CLI helps admins manage users in their AWS CloudHSM cluster. CloudHSM CLI can be run in two modes: Interactive Mode and Single Command Mode. For a quick start, see Getting started with CloudHSM Command Line Interface (CLI).

To run most CloudHSM CLI commands, you must start the CloudHSM CLI and log in to the HSM. If you add or delete HSMs, update the configuration files for CloudHSM CLI. Otherwise, the changes that you make might not be effective for all HSMs in the cluster.

The following topics describe commands in CloudHSM CLI:

Command Description User Type

cluster activate

Activates an CloudHSM cluster and provides confirmation the cluster is new. This must be done before any other operations can be performed.

Unactivated admin

cluster hsm-info

List the HSMs in your cluster.

All 1, including unauthenticated users. Login is not required.

crypto sign ecdsa

Generates a signature using an EC private key and the ECDSA signing mechanism.

Crypto users (CU)

crypto sign rsa-pkcs

Generates a signature using an RSA private key and the RSA-PKCS signing mechanism.


crypto sign rsa-pkcs-pss

Generates a signature using an RSA private key and the RSA-PKCS-PSS signing mechanism.


crypto verify ecdsa

Confirms a file has been signed in the HSM by a given public key. Verifies the signature was generated using the ECDSA signing mechanism. Compares a signed file against a source file and determine whether the two are cryptographically related based on a given ecdsa public key and signing mechanism.


crypto verify rsa-pkcs

Confirms a file has been signed in the HSM by a given public key. Verifies the signature was generated using the RSA-PKCS signing mechanism. Compares a signed file against a source file and determines whether the two are cryptographically related based on a given rsa public key and signing mechanism.


crypto verify rsa-pkcs-pss

Confirms a file has been signed in the HSM by a given public key. Verifies the signature was generated using the RSA-PKCS-PSS signing mechanism. Compares a signed file against a source file and determines whether the two are cryptographically related based on a given rsa public key and signing mechanism.


key delete

Deletes a key from your AWS CloudHSM cluster.


key generate-file

Generates a key file in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.


key generate-asymmetric-pair rsa

Generates an asymmetric RSA key pair in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.


key generate-asymmetric-pair ec

Generates an asymmetric Elliptic-curve (EC) key pair in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.


key generate-symmetric aes

Generates a symmetric AES key in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.


key generate-symmetric generic-secret

Generates a symmetric Generic Secret key in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.


key import pem

Imports a PEM format key into an HSM. You can use it to import public keys that were generated outside of the HSM.


key list

Finds all keys for the current user present in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.


key replicate

Replicate a key from a source cluster to a cloned destination cluster.


key set-attribute

Sets the attributes of keys in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.

CUs can run this command, admins can set the trusted attribute.

key share

Shares a key with other CUs in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.


key unshare

Unshares a key with other CUs in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.


key unwrap aes-gcm

Unwraps a payload key into the cluster using the AES wrapping key and the AES-GCM unwrapping mechanism.


key unwrap aes-no-pad

Unwraps a payload key into the cluster using the AES wrapping key and the AES-NO-PAD unwrapping mechanism.


key unwrap aes-pkcs5-pad

Unwraps a payload key using the AES wrapping key and the AES-PKCS5-PAD unwrapping mechanism.


key unwrap aes-zero-pad

Unwraps a payload key into the cluster using the AES wrapping key and the AES-ZERO-PAD unwrapping mechanism.


key unwrap cloudhsm-aes-gcm

Unwraps a payload key into the cluster using the AES wrapping key and the CLOUDHSM-AES-GCM unwrapping mechanism.


key unwrap rsa-aes

Unwraps a payload key using an RSA private key and the RSA-AES unwrapping mechanism.


key unwrap rsa-oaep

Unwraps a payload key using the RSA private key and the RSA-OAEP unwrapping mechanism.


key unwrap rsa-pkcs

Unwraps a payload key using the RSA private key and the RSA-PKCS unwrapping mechanism.


key wrap aes-gcm

Wraps a payload key using an AES key on the HSM and the AES-GCM wrapping mechanism.


key wrap aes-no-pad

Wraps a payload key using an AES key on the HSM and the AES-NO-PAD wrapping mechanism.


key wrap aes-pkcs5-pad

Wraps a payload key using an AES key on the HSM and the AES-PKCS5-PAD wrapping mechanism.


key wrap aes-zero-pad

Wraps a payload key using an AES key on the HSM and the AES-ZERO-PAD wrapping mechanism.


key wrap cloudhsm-aes-gcm

Wraps a payload key using an AES key on the HSM and the CLOUDHSM-AES-GCM wrapping mechanism.


key wrap rsa-aes

Wraps a payload key using an RSA public key on the HSM and the RSA-AES wrapping mechanism.


key wrap rsa-oaep

Wraps a payload key using an RSA public key on the HSM and the RSA-OAEP wrapping mechanism.


Wraps a payload key using an RSA public key on the HSM and the RSA-PKCS wrapping mechanism.



Log in to your AWS CloudHSM cluster.

Admin, crypto user (CU), and appliance user (AU)


Log out of your AWS CloudHSM cluster.

Admin, CU, and appliance user (AU)

quorum token-sign delete

Deletes one or more tokens for a quorum authorized service.


quorum token-sign generate

Generates a token for a quorum authorized service.


quorum token-sign list

Lists all token-sign quorum tokens present in your CloudHSM cluster.

All 1, including unauthenticated users. Login is not required.

quorum token-sign list-quorum-values

Lists the quorum values set in your CloudHSM cluster.

All 1, including unauthenticated users. Login is not required.

quorum token-sign list-timeouts

Obtains the token timeout period in seconds for all token types.

Admin and crypto user

quorum token-sign set-quorum-value

Sets a new quorum value for a quorum authorized service.


quorum token-sign set-timeout

Sets the token timeout period in seconds for each token type.


user change-mfa

Changes a user's multi-factor authentication (MFA) strategy.

Admin, CU

user change-password

Changes the passwords of users on the HSMs. Any user can change their own password. Admins can change anyone's password.

Admin, CU

user create

Creates a user in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.


user delete

Deletes a user in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.


user list

Lists the users in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.

All 1, including unauthenticated users. Login is not required.

user change-quorum token-sign register

Registers the quorum token-sign quorum strategy for a user.



  • [1] All users includes all listed roles and users not logged in.