Troubleshooting AWS CodeBuild - AWS CodeBuild
Apache Maven builds reference artifacts from the wrong repositoryBuild commands run as root by defaultBuilds might fail when file names have non-U.S. English charactersBuilds might fail when getting parameters from Amazon EC2 Parameter StoreCannot access branch filter in the CodeBuild console Cannot view build success or failure Build status not reported to source providerCannot find and select the base image of the Windows Server Core 2019 platform Earlier commands in buildspec files are not recognized by later commandsError: "Access denied" when attempting to download cacheError: "BUILD_CONTAINER_UNABLE_TO_PULL_IMAGE" when using a custom build image Error: "Build container found dead before completing the build. build container died because it was out of memory, or the Docker image is not supported. ErrorCode: 500" Error: "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon" when running a buildError: "CodeBuild is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole" when creating or updating a build project Error: "Error calling GetBucketAcl: Either the bucket owner has changed or the service role no longer has permission to called s3:GetBucketAcl" Error: "Failed to upload artifacts: Invalid arn" when running a buildError: "Git clone failed: Unable to access 'your-repository-URL': SSL certificate problem: Self signed certificate"Error: "The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint" when running a buildError: "This build image requires selecting at least one runtime version."Error: "QUEUED: INSUFFICIENT_SUBNET" when a build in a build queue failsError: "Unable to download cache: RequestError: Send request failed caused by: x509: Failed to load system roots and no roots provided"Error: "Unable to download certificate from S3. AccessDenied"Error: "Unable to locate credentials" RequestError timeout error when running CodeBuild in a proxy serverThe bourne shell (sh) must exist in build imagesWarning: "Skipping install of runtimes. runtime version selection is not supported by this build image" when running a buildError: "Unable to verify JobWorker identity"Build failed to startAccessing GitHub metadata in locally cached buildsAccessDenied: The bucket owner for the report group does not match the owner of the S3 bucket...

Troubleshooting AWS CodeBuild

Use the information in this topic to help you identify, diagnose, and address issues. To learn how to log and monitor CodeBuild builds to troubleshoot issues, see Logging and monitoring.


Apache Maven builds reference artifacts from the wrong repository

Issue: When you use Maven with an AWS CodeBuild-provided Java build environment, Maven pulls build and plugin dependencies from the secure central Maven repository at This happens even if your build project's pom.xml file explicitly declares other locations to use instead.

Possible cause: CodeBuild-provided Java build environments include a file named settings.xml that is preinstalled in the build environment's /root/.m2 directory. This settings.xml file contains the following declarations, which instruct Maven to always pull build and plugin dependencies from the secure central Maven repository at

<settings> <activeProfiles> <activeProfile>securecentral</activeProfile> </activeProfiles> <profiles> <profile> <id>securecentral</id> <repositories> <repository> <id>central</id> <url></url> <releases> <enabled>true</enabled> </releases> </repository> </repositories> <pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id>central</id> <url></url> <releases> <enabled>true</enabled> </releases> </pluginRepository> </pluginRepositories> </profile> </profiles> </settings>

Recommended solution: Do the following:

  1. Add a settings.xml file to your source code.

  2. In this settings.xml file, use the preceding settings.xml format as a guide to declare the repositories you want Maven to pull the build and plugin dependencies from instead.

  3. In the install phase of your build project, instruct CodeBuild to copy your settings.xml file to the build environment's /root/.m2 directory. For example, consider the following snippet from a buildspec.yml file that demonstrates this behavior.

    version 0.2 phases: install: commands: - cp ./settings.xml /root/.m2/settings.xml

Build commands run as root by default

Issue: AWS CodeBuild runs your build commands as the root user. This happens even if your related build image's Dockerfile sets the USER instruction to a different user.

Cause: By default, CodeBuild runs all build commands as the root user.

Recommended solution: None.

Builds might fail when file names have non-U.S. English characters

Issue: When you run a build that uses files with file names that contain non-U.S. English characters (for example, Chinese characters), the build fails.

Possible cause: Build environments provided by AWS CodeBuild have their default locale set to POSIX. POSIX localization settings are less compatible with CodeBuild and file names that contain non-U.S. English characters and can cause related builds to fail.

Recommended solution: Add the following commands to the pre_build section of your buildspec file. These commands make the build environment use U.S. English UTF-8 for its localization settings, which is more compatible with CodeBuild and file names that contain non-U.S. English characters.

For build environments based on Ubuntu:

pre_build: commands: - export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" - locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8 - dpkg-reconfigure locales

For build environments based on Amazon Linux:

pre_build: commands: - export LC_ALL="en_US.utf8"

Builds might fail when getting parameters from Amazon EC2 Parameter Store

Issue: When a build tries to get the value of one or more parameters stored in Amazon EC2 Parameter Store, the build fails in the DOWNLOAD_SOURCE phase with the error Parameter does not exist.

Possible cause: The service role the build project relies on does not have permission to call the ssm:GetParameters action or the build project uses a service role that is generated by AWS CodeBuild and allows calling the ssm:GetParameters action, but the parameters have names that do not start with /CodeBuild/.

Recommended solutions:

  • If the service role was not generated by CodeBuild, update its definition to allow CodeBuild to call the ssm:GetParameters action. For example, the following policy statement allows calling the ssm:GetParameters action to get parameters with names starting with /CodeBuild/:

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "ssm:GetParameters", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:ssm:REGION_ID:ACCOUNT_ID:parameter/CodeBuild/*" } ] }
  • If the service role was generated by CodeBuild, update its definition to allow CodeBuild to access parameters in Amazon EC2 Parameter Store with names other than those starting with /CodeBuild/. For example, the following policy statement allows calling the ssm:GetParameters action to get parameters with the specified name:

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "ssm:GetParameters", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:ssm:REGION_ID:ACCOUNT_ID:parameter/PARAMETER_NAME" } ] }

Cannot access branch filter in the CodeBuild console

Issue: The branch filter option is not available in the console when you create or update an AWS CodeBuild project.

Possible cause: The branch filter option is deprecated. It has been replaced by webhook filter groups, which provide more control over the webhook events that trigger a new build in CodeBuild.

Recommended solution: To migrate a branch filter that you created before the introduction of webhook filters, create a webhook filter group with a HEAD_REF filter with the regular expression ^refs/heads/branchName$. For example, if your branch filter regular expression was ^branchName$, then the updated regular expression you put in the HEAD_REF filter is ^refs/heads/branchName$. For more information, see Bitbucket webhook events and Filter GitHub webhook events (console).

Cannot view build success or failure

Issue: You cannot see the success or failure of a retried build.

Possible cause: The option to report your build's status is not enabled.

Recommended solutions: Enable Report build status when you create or update a CodeBuild project. This option tells CodeBuild to report back the status when you trigger a build. For more information, see reportBuildStatus in the AWS CodeBuild API Reference.

Build status not reported to source provider

Issue: After allowing build status reporting to a source provider, such as GitHub or Bitbucket, the build status is not updated.

Possible cause: The user associated with the source provider does not have write access to the repo.

Recommended solutions: To be able to report the build status to the source provider, the user associated with the source provider must have write access to the repo. If the user does not have write access, the build status cannot be updated. For more information, see Source provider access.

Cannot find and select the base image of the Windows Server Core 2019 platform

Issue: You cannot find or select the base image of the Windows Server Core 2019 platform.

Possible cause: You are using an AWS Region that does not support this image.

Recommended solutions: Use one of the following AWS Regions where the base image of the Windows Server Core 2019 platform is supported:

  • US East (N. Virginia)

  • US East (Ohio)

  • US West (Oregon)

  • Europe (Ireland)

Earlier commands in buildspec files are not recognized by later commands

Issue: The results of one or more commands in your buildspec file are not recognized by later commands in the same buildspec file. For example, a command might set a local environment variable, but a command run later might fail to get the value of that local environment variable.

Possible cause: In buildspec file version 0.1, AWS CodeBuild runs each command in a separate instance of the default shell in the build environment. This means that each command runs in isolation from all other commands. By default, then, you cannot run a single command that relies on the state of any previous commands.

Recommended solutions: We recommend that you use build spec version 0.2, which solves this issue. If you must use buildspec version 0.1, we recommend that you use the shell command chaining operator (for example, && in Linux) to combine multiple commands into a single command. Or include a shell script in your source code that contains multiple commands, and then call that shell script from a single command in the buildspec file. For more information, see Shells and commands in build environments and Environment variables in build environments.

Error: "Access denied" when attempting to download cache

Issue: When attempting to download the cache on a build project that has cache enabled, you receive an Access denied error.

Possible causes:

  • You have just configured caching as part of your build project.

  • The cache has recently been invalidated through the InvalidateProjectCache API.

  • The service role being used by CodeBuild does not have s3:GetObject and s3:PutObject permissions to the S3 bucket that is holding the cache.

Recommended solution: For first time use, it's normal to see this immediately after updating the cache configuration. If this error persists, then you should check to see if your service role has s3:GetObject and s3:PutObject permissions to the S3 bucket that is holding the cache. For more information, see Specifying S3 permissions in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.

Error: "BUILD_CONTAINER_UNABLE_TO_PULL_IMAGE" when using a custom build image

Issue: When you try to run a build that uses a custom build image, the build fails with the error BUILD_CONTAINER_UNABLE_TO_PULL_IMAGE.

Possible cause: The build image's overall uncompressed size is larger than the build environment compute type's available disk space. To check your build image's size, use Docker to run the docker images REPOSITORY:TAG command. For a list of available disk space by compute type, see Build environment compute modes and types.

Recommended solution: Use a larger compute type with more available disk space, or reduce the size of your custom build image.

Possible cause: AWS CodeBuild does not have permission to pull the build image from your Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR).

Recommended solution: Update the permissions in your repository in Amazon ECR so that CodeBuild can pull your custom build image into the build environment. For more information, see the Amazon ECR sample.

Possible cause: The Amazon ECR image you requested is not available in the AWS Region that your AWS account is using.

Recommended solution: Use an Amazon ECR image that is in the same AWS Region as the one your AWS account is using.

Possible cause: You are using a private registry in a VPC that does not have public internet access. CodeBuild cannot pull an image from a private IP address in a VPC. For more information, see Private registry with AWS Secrets Manager sample for CodeBuild.

Recommended solution: If you use a private registry in a VPC, make sure the VPC has public internet access.

Possible cause: If the error message contains "toomanyrequests", and the image is obtained from Docker Hub, this error means the Docker Hub pull limit has been reached.

Recommended solution: Use a Docker Hub private registry, or obtain your image from Amazon ECR. For more information about using a private registry, see Private registry with AWS Secrets Manager sample for CodeBuild. For more information about using Amazon ECR, see Amazon ECR sample for CodeBuild .

Error: "Build container found dead before completing the build. build container died because it was out of memory, or the Docker image is not supported. ErrorCode: 500"

Issue: When you try to use a Microsoft Windows or Linux container in AWS CodeBuild, this error occurs during the PROVISIONING phase.

Possible causes:

  • The container OS version is not supported by CodeBuild.

  • HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, or both are specified in the container.

Recommended solutions:

  • For Microsoft Windows, use a Windows container with a container OS that is version microsoft/windowsservercore:10.0.x (for example, microsoft/windowsservercore:10.0.14393.2125).

  • For Linux, clear the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY settings in your Docker image, or specify the VPC configuration in your build project.

Error: "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon" when running a build

Issue: Your build fails and you receive an error similar to Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:/var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? in the build log.

Possible cause: You are not running your build in privileged mode.

Recommended solution: To fix this error, you must enable privileged mode and update your buildspec using the following instructions.

To run your build in privileged mode, follow these steps:

  1. Open the CodeBuild console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Build projects, then choose your build project.

  3. From Edit, choose Environment.

  4. Choose Additional configuration.

  5. From Privileged, select Enable this flag if you want to build Docker images or want your builds to get elevated privileges..

  6. Choose Update environment.

  7. Choose Start build to retry your build.

You'll also need to start the Docker daemon inside your container. The install phase of your buildspec might look similar to this.

phases: install: commands: - nohup /usr/local/bin/dockerd --host=unix:///var/run/docker.sock --host=tcp:// --storage-driver=overlay2 & - timeout 15 sh -c "until docker info; do echo .; sleep 1; done"

For more information about the OverlayFS storage driver referenced in the buildspec file, see Use the OverlayFS storage driver on the Docker website.


If the base operating system is Alpine Linux, in the buildspec.yml add the -t argument to timeout:

- timeout -t 15 sh -c "until docker info; do echo .; sleep 1; done"

To learn more about how to build and run a Docker image by using AWS CodeBuild, see Docker in custom image sample for CodeBuild.

Error: "CodeBuild is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole" when creating or updating a build project

Issue: When you try to create or update a build project, you receive the error Code:InvalidInputException, Message:CodeBuild is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on arn:aws:iam::account-ID:role/service-role-name.

Possible causes:

  • The AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) has been deactivated for the AWS region where you are attempting to create or update the build project.

  • The AWS CodeBuild service role associated with the build project does not exist or does not have sufficient permissions to trust CodeBuild.

Recommended solutions:

  • Make sure AWS STS is activated for the AWS region where you are attempting to create or update the build project. For more information, see Activating and deactivating AWS STS in an AWS Region in the IAM User Guide.

  • Make sure the target CodeBuild service role exists in your AWS account. If you are not using the console, make sure you did not misspell the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service role when you created or updated the build project.

  • Make sure the target CodeBuild service role has sufficient permissions to trust CodeBuild. For more information, see the trust relationship policy statement in Allow CodeBuild to interact with other AWS services.

Error: "Error calling GetBucketAcl: Either the bucket owner has changed or the service role no longer has permission to called s3:GetBucketAcl"

Issue: When you run a build, you receive an error about a change in ownership of an S3 bucket and GetBucketAcl permissions.

Possible cause: You added the s3:GetBucketAcl and s3:GetBucketLocation permissions to your IAM role. These permissions secure your project's S3 bucket and ensure that only you can access it. After you added these permissions, the owner of the S3 bucket changed.

Recommended solution: Verify you are an owner of the S3 bucket, and then add permissions to your IAM role again. For more information, see Secure access to S3 buckets.

Error: "Failed to upload artifacts: Invalid arn" when running a build

Issue: When you run a build, the UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS build phase fails with the error Failed to upload artifacts: Invalid arn.

Possible cause: Your S3 output bucket (the bucket where AWS CodeBuild stores its output from the build) is in an AWS Region different from the CodeBuild build project.

Recommended solution: Update the build project's settings to point to an output bucket that is in the same AWS Region as the build project.

Error: "Git clone failed: Unable to access 'your-repository-URL': SSL certificate problem: Self signed certificate"

Issue: When you try to run a build project, the build fails with this error.

Possible cause: Your source repository has a self-signed certificate, but you have not chosen to install the certificate from your S3 bucket as part of your build project.

Recommended solutions:

  • Edit your project. For Certificate, choose Install certificate from S3. For Bucket of certificate, choose the S3 bucket where your SSL certificate is stored. For Object key of certificate, enter the name of your S3 object key.

  • Edit your project. Select Insecure SSL to ignore SSL warnings while connecting to your GitHub Enterprise Server project repository.


    We recommend that you use Insecure SSL for testing only. It should not be used in a production environment.

Error: "The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint" when running a build

Issue: When you run a build, the DOWNLOAD_SOURCE build phase fails with the error The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.

Possible cause: Your pre-built source code is stored in an S3 bucket, and that bucket is in an AWS Region different from the AWS CodeBuild build project.

Recommended solution: Update the build project's settings to point to a bucket that contains your pre-built source code. Make sure that bucket is in the same AWS Region as the build project.

Error: "This build image requires selecting at least one runtime version."

Issue: When you run a build, the DOWNLOAD_SOURCE build phase fails with the error YAML_FILE_ERROR: This build image requires selecting at least one runtime version.

Possible cause: Your build uses version 1.0 or later of the Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) standard image, or version 2.0 or later of the Ubuntu standard image, and a runtime is not specified in the buildspec file.

Recommended solution: If you use the aws/codebuild/standard:2.0 CodeBuild managed image, you must specify a runtime version in the runtime-versions section of the buildspec file. For example, you might use the following buildspec file for a project that uses PHP:

version: 0.2 phases: install: runtime-versions: php: 7.3 build: commands: - php --version artifacts: files: -

If you specify a runtime-versions section and use an image other than Ubuntu Standard Image 2.0 or later, or the Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) standard image 1.0 or later, the build issues the warning, "Skipping install of runtimes. Runtime version selection is not supported by this build image."

For more information, see Specify runtime versions in the buildspec file.

Error: "QUEUED: INSUFFICIENT_SUBNET" when a build in a build queue fails

Issue: A build in a build queue fails with an error similar to QUEUED: INSUFFICIENT_SUBNET.

Possible causes: The IPv4 CIDR block specified for your VPC uses a reserved IP address. The first four IP addresses and the last IP address in each subnet CIDR block are not available for you to use and cannot be assigned to an instance. For example, in a subnet with CIDR block, the following five IP addresses are reserved:

  • Network address.

  • Reserved by AWS for the VPC router.

  • Reserved by AWS. The IP address of the DNS server is always the base of the VPC network range plus two; however, we also reserve the base of each subnet range plus two. For VPCs with multiple CIDR blocks, the IP address of the DNS server is located in the primary CIDR. For more information, see Amazon DNS server in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

  • Reserved by AWS for future use.

  • Network broadcast address. We do not support broadcast in a VPC. This address is reserved.

Recommended solutions: Check if your VPC uses a reserved IP address. Replace any reserved IP address with one that is not reserved. For more information, see VPC and subnet sizing in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

Error: "Unable to download cache: RequestError: Send request failed caused by: x509: Failed to load system roots and no roots provided"

Issue: When you try to run a build project, the build fails with this error.

Possible cause: You configured caching as part of your build project and are using an older Docker image that includes an expired root certificate.

Recommended solution: Update the Docker image that is being used in your AWS CodeBuild the project. For more information, see Docker images provided by CodeBuild.

Error: "Unable to download certificate from S3. AccessDenied"

Issue: When you try to run a build project, the build fails with this error.

Possible causes:

  • You have chosen the wrong S3 bucket for your certificate.

  • You have entered the wrong object key for your certificate.

Recommended solutions:

  • Edit your project. For Bucket of certificate, choose the S3 bucket where your SSL certificate is stored.

  • Edit your project. For Object key of certificate, enter the name of your S3 object key.

Error: "Unable to locate credentials"

Issue: When you try to run the AWS CLI, use an AWS SDK, or call another similar component as part of a build, you get build errors that are directly related to the AWS CLI, AWS SDK, or component. For example, you might get a build error such as Unable to locate credentials.

Possible causes:

  • The version of the AWS CLI, AWS SDK, or component in the build environment is incompatible with AWS CodeBuild.

  • You are running a Docker container within a build environment that uses Docker, and the container does not have access to the AWS credentials by default.

Recommended solutions:

  • Make sure your build environment has the following version or higher of the AWS CLI, AWS SDK, or component.

    • AWS CLI: 1.10.47

    • AWS SDK for C++: 0.2.19

    • AWS SDK for Go: 1.2.5

    • AWS SDK for Java: 1.11.16

    • AWS SDK for JavaScript: 2.4.7

    • AWS SDK for PHP: 3.18.28

    • AWS SDK for Python (Boto3): 1.4.0

    • AWS SDK for Ruby: 2.3.22

    • Botocore: 1.4.37

    • CoreCLR: 3.2.6-beta

    • Node.js: 2.4.7

  • If you need to run a Docker container in a build environment and the container requires AWS credentials, you must pass through the credentials from the build environment to the container. In your buildspec file, include a Docker run command such as the following. This example uses the aws s3 ls command to list your available S3 buckets. The -e option passes through the environment variables required for your container to access AWS credentials.

    docker run -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION -e AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI your-image-tag aws s3 ls
  • If you are building a Docker image and the build requires AWS credentials (for example, to download a file from Amazon S3), you must pass through the credentials from the build environment to the Docker build process as follows.

    1. In your source code's Dockerfile for the Docker image, specify the following ARG instructions.

    2. In your buildspec file, include a Docker build command such as the following. The --build-arg options sets the environment variables required for your Docker build process to access the AWS credentials.


RequestError timeout error when running CodeBuild in a proxy server

Issue: You receive a RequestError error similar to one of the following:

  • RequestError: send request failed caused by: Post https://logs.<your-region> dial tcp i/o timeout from CloudWatch Logs.

  • Error uploading artifacts: RequestError: send request failed caused by: Put*: dial tcp connect: connection refused from Amazon S3.

Possible causes:

  • ssl-bump is not configured properly.

  • Your organization's security policy does not allow you to use ssl_bump.

  • Your buildspec file does not have proxy settings specified using a proxy element.

Recommended solutions:

  • Make sure ssl-bump is configured properly. If you use Squid for your proxy server, see Configure Squid as an explicit proxy server.

  • Follow these steps to use private endpoints for Amazon S3 and CloudWatch Logs:

    1. In your private subnet routing table, remove the rule you added that routes traffic destined for the internet to your proxy server. For information, see Creating a subnet in your VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

    2. Create a private Amazon S3 endpoint and CloudWatch Logs endpoint and associate them with the private subnet of your Amazon VPC. For information, see VPC endpoint services in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

    3. Confirm Enable Private DNS Name in your Amazon VPC is selected. For more information, see Creating an interface endpoint in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

  • If you do not use ssl-bump for an explicit proxy server, add a proxy configuration to your buildspec file using a proxy element. For more information, see Run CodeBuild in an explicit proxy server and Buildspec syntax.

    version: 0.2 proxy: upload-artifacts: yes logs: yes phases: build: commands:

The bourne shell (sh) must exist in build images

Issue: You are using a build image that is not provided by AWS CodeBuild, and your builds fail with the message Build container found dead before completing the build.

Possible cause: The Bourne shell (sh) is not included in your build image. CodeBuild needs sh to run build commands and scripts.

Recommended solution: If sh in not present in your build image, be sure to include it before you start any more builds that use your image. (CodeBuild already includes sh in its build images.)

Warning: "Skipping install of runtimes. runtime version selection is not supported by this build image" when running a build

Issue: When you run a build, the build log contains this warning.

Possible cause: Your build does not use version 1.0 or later of the Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) standard image, or version 2.0 or later of the Ubuntu standard image, and a runtime is specified in a runtime-versions section in your buildspec file.

Recommended solution: Be sure your buildspec file does not contain a runtime-versions section. The runtime-versions section is only required if you use the Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) standard image or later or the Ubuntu standard image version 2.0 or later.

Error: "Unable to verify JobWorker identity" when opening the CodeBuild console

Issue: When you open the CodeBuild console, an "Unable to verify JobWorker identity" error message is displayed.

Possible cause: The IAM role that is used for console access has a tag with jobId as the key. This tag key is reserved for CodeBuild and will cause this error if it is present.

Recommended solution: Change any custom IAM role tags that have the key jobId to have a different key, such as jobIdentifier.

Build failed to start

Issue: When starting a build, you receive a Build failed to start error message.

Possible cause: The number of concurrent builds has been reached.

Recommended solutions: Wait until other builds are complete, or increase the concurrrent build limit for the project, and start the build again. For more information, see Project configuration.

Accessing GitHub metadata in locally cached builds

Issue: In some cases, the .git directory in a cached build is a text file and not a directory.

Possible causes: When local source caching is enabled for a build, CodeBuild creates a gitlink for the .git directory. This means that the .git directory is actually a text file containing the path to the directory.

Recommended solutions: In all cases, use the following command to obtain the Git metadata directory. This command will work no matter the format of .git:

git rev-parse --git-dir

AccessDenied: The bucket owner for the report group does not match the owner of the S3 bucket...

Issue: When uploading test data to an Amazon S3 bucket, CodeBuild is unable to write the test data to the bucket.

Possible causes:

  • The account specified for the report group bucket owner does not match the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket.

  • The service role does not have write access to the bucket.

Recommended solutions:

  • Change the report group bucket owner to match the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket.

  • Modify the service role to allow write access to the Amazon S3 bucket.