Getting started with the Hello Enclaves sample application - AWS

Getting started with the Hello Enclaves sample application

The following tutorial walks you through the basics of using AWS Nitro Enclaves. It shows you how to launch an enclave-enabled parent instance, how to build an enclave image file, how to validate that an enclave is running, and how to terminate an enclave when it is no longer needed.

The tutorial uses the Hello Enclaves sample application.


The steps for Windows and Linux parent instances are mostly similar. However, the nitro-cli build-enclave command referenced in Step 2: Build the enclave image file is not supported on Windows instances. If you are using a Windows instance, you must complete this step on a Linux instance and then transfer the enclave image file (.eif) to your Windows parent instance before continuing with the remainder of the tutorial.

Step 1: Prepare the enclave-enabled parent instance

Launch the parent instance that you will use to create the enclave, and prepare the instance to run Nitro Enclaves.

To prepare the parent instance
  1. Launch the instance using the run-instances command and set the --enclave-options parameter to true. At a minimum, you must also specify a Windows or Linux AMI and a supported instance type. For more information, see Requirements.

    The following example command launches an m5.xlarge instance using the Amazon Linux 2 Kernel 5.10 AMI.

    $ aws ec2 run-instances \ --image-id ami-0b5eea76982371e91 \ --count 1 \ --instance-type m5.xlarge \ --key-name your_key_pair \ --enclave-options 'Enabled=true'
  2. Connect to the parent instance. For more information about connecting to an instance, see the following topics in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

  3. Install the AWS Nitro Enclaves CLI on the parent instance.

Step 2: Build the enclave image file


Only Linux-based operating systems can run inside an enclave. Therefore, you must use a Linux instance to build your enclave image file .eif. As a result of this, the nitro-cli build-enclave command referenced in this section is not supported on Windows instances. If you are using a Windows parent instance, you must complete this step on a Linux instance and then transfer the resulting enclave image file (.eif) to your Windows parent instance.

In this case, you must launch a temporary Linux instance and install the AWS Nitro Enclaves CLI on that instance. For more information, see Install the Nitro Enclaves CLI on Linux.

After you have launched the temporary Linux instance and you have installed the AWS Nitro Enclaves CLI, connect to that instance and perform the steps described here. After you have completed the steps, transfer the enclave image file (.eif) to your Windows parent instance, reconnect to your Windows parent instance and continue with Step 3: Run the enclave.

The Hello Enclave application is located in the /usr/share/nitro_enclaves/examples/hello directory.

To build the enclave image file
  1. Build a docker image from the application. The following command builds a Docker image named hello with a tag of latest.

    $ docker build /usr/share/nitro_enclaves/examples/hello -t hello
  2. Run the following command to verify that the Docker image has been built.

    $ docker image ls
  3. Convert the Docker image to an enclave image file by using the nitro-cli build-enclave command. The following command builds an enclave image file named hello.eif.

    $ nitro-cli build-enclave --docker-uri hello:latest --output-file hello.eif

    Example output

    Start building the Enclave Image... Enclave Image successfully created. "Measurements": { "HashAlgorithm": "Sha384 { ... }", "PCR0": "2bb885ee2104203393c0d2f335f14061a9cd9154e4ede772a6a474d3679348fb33c4917d54fee3f11f9e7a49a0ef305c", "PCR1": "aca6e62ffbf5f7deccac452d7f8cee1b94048faf62afc16c8ab68c9fed8c38010c73a669f9a36e596032f0b973d21895", "PCR2": "40686da348b450210dcdd234fbb95826ecf81f67e4496b6182ba8eb7ab018977dce07448cd0b7ef44346dc1e283e3e64" } }

    The hello.eif enclave image file has now been built. Note that the command output includes a set of hashes—PCR0, PCR1, and PCR2. These hashes are measurements of the enclave image and boot up process, and they can be used in the attestation process. The attestation process will not be used in this tutorial.

Step 3: Run the enclave

You can now use the hello.eif enclave image file to run the enclave. In this tutorial, you will run an enclave with 2 vCPUs and 512 MiB of memory using the hello.eif enclave image file. You will also create the enclave in debug mode.


Enclaves booted in debug mode generate attestation documents with PCRs that are made up entirely of zeros (000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000). These attestation documents cannot be used for cryptographic attestation.

Use the nitro-cli run-enclave command. Specify the vCPUs, memory, and the path to the enclave image file, and include the --debug-mode option.

$ nitro-cli run-enclave --cpu-count 2 --memory 512 --enclave-cid 16 --eif-path hello.eif --debug-mode

Example output

Start allocating memory... Started enclave with enclave-cid: 16, memory: 512 MiB, cpu-ids: [1, 3] { "EnclaveID": "i-05f6ed443aEXAMPLE-enc173dfe3eEXAMPLE", "ProcessID": 7077, "EnclaveCID": 16, "NumberOfCPUs": 2, "CPUIDs": [ 1, 3 ], "MemoryMiB": 512 }

The enclave is now running. In this sample output, the enclave is created with an ID of i-05f6ed443aEXAMPLE-enc173dfe3eEXAMPLE, and an enclave context identifier (EnclaveCID) of 16. The EnclaveCID is like an IP address for the local socket (vsock) between the parent instance and the enclave.

Step 4: Validate the enclave

Now that you have created the enclave, you can use the nitro-cli describe-enclaves command to verify that it is running.

$ nitro-cli describe-enclaves
{ "EnclaveID": "i-05f6ed443aEXAMPLE-enc173dfe3eEXAMPLE", "ProcessID": 7077, "EnclaveCID": 16, "NumberOfCPUs": 2, "CPUIDs": [ 1, 3 ], "MemoryMiB": 512, "State": "RUNNING", "Flags": "DEBUG_MODE" }

The command provides information about the enclave, including the enclave ID, number of vCPUs, amount of memory, and its state. In this case, the enclave is in the RUNNING state.

Additionally, because you created the enclave in debug mode, you can use the nitro-cli console command to view the read-only console output of the enclave.

$ nitro-cli console --enclave-id i-05f6ed443aEXAMPLE-enc173dfe3eEXAMPLE

Example output

Hello from the enclave side! Hello from the enclave side! Hello from the enclave side!

In this case, the Hello Enclave application is designed to print Hello from the enclave side! to the console every five seconds.

Step 5: Terminate the enclave

If you no longer need the enclave, you can use the nitro-cli terminate-enclave command to terminate it.

$ nitro-cli terminate-enclave --enclave-id i-05f6ed443aEXAMPLE-enc173dfe3eEXAMPLE

Example output

Successfully terminated enclave i-05f6ed443aEXAMPLE-enc173dfe3eEXAMPLE. { "EnclaveID": "i-05f6ed443aEXAMPLE-enc173dfe3eEXAMPLE", "Terminated": true }