Encrypting EventBridge Pipes data with AWS KMS keys - Amazon EventBridge

Encrypting EventBridge Pipes data with AWS KMS keys

You can specify that EventBridge use a customer managed key to encrypt pipe data stored at rest, rather than use an AWS owned key as is the default. You can specify a customer managed key when you create or update a pipe. For more information about key types, see KMS key options.

The pipe data EventBridge encrypts at rest includes:

Specifying the AWS KMS key used for encryption when creating a pipe

Choosing the AWS KMS key used for encryption is an option creating a pipe. The default is to use the AWS owned key provided by EventBridge.

To specify a customer managed key for encryption when creating a pipe (console)
To specify a customer managed key for encryption when creating a pipe (CLI)
  • When calling create-pipe, use the kms-key-identifier option to specify the customer managed key for EventBridge to use for encryption on the event bus.

Updating the AWS KMS key used for encryption on EventBridge Pipes

You can update the AWS KMS key being used for encryption at rest on an existing pipe. This includes:

  • Changing from the default AWS owned key to a customer managed key.

  • Changing from a customer managed key to the default AWS owned key.

  • Changing from one customer managed key to another.

When you update a pipe to use a different AWS KMS key, EventBridge decrypts any data stored on the pipe and then encrypts it using the new key.

To update the KMS key used for encryption on a pipe (console)
  1. Open the Amazon EventBridge console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/events/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Pipes.

  3. Choose the pipe you want to update.

  4. On the pipe bus details page, choose the Encryption tab.

  5. Choose the KMS key for EventBridge to use when encrypting the data stored on pipe:

    • Choose Use AWS owned key for EventBridge to encrypt the data using an AWS owned key.

      This AWS owned key is a KMS key that EventBridge owns and manages for use in multiple AWS accounts. In general, unless you are required to audit or control the encryption key that protects your resources, an AWS owned key is a good choice.

      This is the default.

    • Choose Use customer managed key for EventBridge to encrypt the data using the customer managed key that you specify or create.

      Customer managed keys are KMS keys in your AWS account that you create, own, and manage. You have full control over these KMS keys.

      1. Specify an existing customer managed key, or choose Create a new KMS key.

        EventBridge displays the key status and any key aliases that have been associated with the specified customer managed key.

To update the KMS key used for encryption on a pipe (CLI)
  • When calling update-pipe, use the kms-key-identifier option to specify the customer managed key for EventBridge to use for encrypting pipe data.