How to create a secret resource (console) - AWS IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass Version 1 entered the extended life phase on June 30, 2023. For more information, see the AWS IoT Greengrass V1 maintenance policy. After this date, AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't release updates that provide features, enhancements, bug fixes, or security patches. Devices that run on AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't be disrupted and will continue to operate and to connect to the cloud. We strongly recommend that you migrate to AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2, which adds significant new features and support for additional platforms.

How to create a secret resource (console)

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

This tutorial shows how to use the AWS Management Console to add a secret resource to a Greengrass group. A secret resource is a reference to a secret from AWS Secrets Manager. For more information, see Deploy secrets to the AWS IoT Greengrass core.

On the AWS IoT Greengrass core device, connectors and Lambda functions can use the secret resource to authenticate with services and applications, without hard-coding passwords, tokens, or other credentials.

In this tutorial, you start by creating a secret in the AWS Secrets Manager console. Then, in the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you add a secret resource to a Greengrass group from the group's Resources page. This secret resource references the Secrets Manager secret. Later, you attach the secret resource to a Lambda function, which allows the function to get the value of the local secret.


Alternatively, the console allows you to create a secret and secret resource when you configure a connector or Lambda function. You can do this from the connector's Configure parameters page or the Lambda function's Resources page.

Only connectors that contain parameters for secrets can access secrets. For a tutorial that shows how the Twilio Notifications connector uses a locally stored authentication token, see Getting started with Greengrass connectors (console).

The tutorial contains the following high-level steps:

The tutorial should take about 20 minutes to complete.


To complete this tutorial, you need:

  • A Greengrass group and a Greengrass core (v1.7 or later). To learn how to create a Greengrass group and core, see Getting started with AWS IoT Greengrass. The Getting Started tutorial also includes steps for installing the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software.

  • AWS IoT Greengrass must be configured to support local secrets. For more information, see Secrets Requirements.


    This requirement includes allowing access to your Secrets Manager secrets. If you're using the default Greengrass service role, Greengrass has permission to get the values of secrets with names that start with greengrass-.

  • To get the values of local secrets, your user-defined Lambda functions must use AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK v1.3.0 or later.

Step 1: Create a Secrets Manager secret

In this step, you use the AWS Secrets Manager console to create a secret.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Secrets Manager console.


    For more information about this process, see Step 1: Create and store your secret in AWS Secrets Manager in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.

  2. Choose Store a new secret.

  3. Under Choose secret type, choose Other type of secret.

  4. Under Specify the key-value pairs to be stored for this secret:

    • For Key, enter test.

    • For Value, enter abcdefghi.

  5. Keep aws/secretsmanager selected for the encryption key, and then choose Next.


    You aren't charged by AWS KMS if you use the default AWS managed key that Secrets Manager creates in your account.

  6. For Secret name, enter greengrass-TestSecret, and then choose Next.


    By default, the Greengrass service role allows AWS IoT Greengrass to get the value of secrets with names that start with greengrass-. For more information, see secrets requirements.

  7. This tutorial doesn't require rotation, so choose disable automatic rotation, and then choose Next.

  8. On the Review page, review your settings, and then choose Store.

    Next, you create a secret resource in your Greengrass group that references the secret.

Step 2: Add a secret resource to a Greengrass group

In this step, you configure a group resource that references the Secrets Manager secret.

  1. In the AWS IoT console navigation pane, under Manage, expand Greengrass devices, and then choose Groups (V1).

  2. Choose the group that you want to add the secret resource to.

  3. On the group configuration page, choose the Resources tab, and then scroll down to the Secrets section. The Secrets section displays the secret resources that belong to the group. You can add, edit, and remove secret resources from this section.


    Alternatively, the console allows you to create a secret and secret resource when you configure a connector or Lambda function. You can do this from the connector's Configure parameters page or the Lambda function's Resources page.

  4. Choose Add under the Secrets section.

  5. On the Add a secret resource page, enter MyTestSecret in the Resource name.

  6. Under Secret, choose greengrass-TestSecret.

  7. In the Select labels (Optional) section, the AWSCURRENT staging label represents the latest version of the secret. This label is always included in a secret resource.


    This tutorial requires the AWSCURRENT label only. You can optionally include labels that are required by your Lambda function or connector.

  8. Choose Add resource.

Step 3: Create a Lambda function deployment package

To create a Lambda function, you must first create a Lambda function deployment package that contains the function code and dependencies. Greengrass Lambda functions require the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for tasks such as communicating with MQTT messages in the core environment and accessing local secrets. This tutorial creates a Python function, so you use the Python version of the SDK in the deployment package.


To get the values of local secrets, your user-defined Lambda functions must use AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK v1.3.0 or later.

  1. From the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK downloads page, download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python to your computer.

  2. Unzip the downloaded package to get the SDK. The SDK is the greengrasssdk folder.

  3. Save the following Python code function in a local file named

    import greengrasssdk secrets_client = greengrasssdk.client("secretsmanager") iot_client = greengrasssdk.client("iot-data") secret_name = "greengrass-TestSecret" send_topic = "secrets/output" def function_handler(event, context): """ Gets a secret and publishes a message to indicate whether the secret was successfully retrieved. """ response = secrets_client.get_secret_value(SecretId=secret_name) secret_value = response.get("SecretString") message = ( f"Failed to retrieve secret {secret_name}." if secret_value is None else f"Successfully retrieved secret {secret_name}." ) iot_client.publish(topic=send_topic, payload=message) print("Published: " + message)

    The get_secret_value function supports the name or ARN of the Secrets Manager secret for the SecretId value. This example uses the secret name. For this example secret, AWS IoT Greengrass returns the key-value pair: {"test":"abcdefghi"}.


    Make sure that your user-defined Lambda functions handle secrets securely and don't log any any sensitive data that's stored in the secret. For more information, see Mitigate the Risks of Logging and Debugging Your Lambda Function in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide. Although this documentation specifically refers to rotation functions, the recommendation also applies to Greengrass Lambda functions.

  4. Zip the following items into a file named When you create the ZIP file, include only the code and dependencies, not the containing folder.

    • App logic.

    • greengrasssdk. Required library for all Python Greengrass Lambda functions.

    This is your Lambda function deployment package.

Step 4: Create a Lambda function

In this step, you use the AWS Lambda console to create a Lambda function and configure it to use your deployment package. Then, you publish a function version and create an alias.

  1. First, create the Lambda function.

    1. In the AWS Management Console, choose Services, and open the AWS Lambda console.

    2. Choose Create function and then choose Author from scratch.

    3. In the Basic information section, use the following values:

      • For Function name, enter SecretTest.

      • For Runtime, choose Python 3.7.

      • For Permissions, keep the default setting. This creates an execution role that grants basic Lambda permissions. This role isn't used by AWS IoT Greengrass.

    4. At the bottom of the page, choose Create function.

  2. Next, register the handler and upload your Lambda function deployment package.

    1. On the Code tab, under Code source, choose Upload from. From the dropdown, choose .zip file.

      The Upload from dropdown with .zip file highlighted.
    2. Choose Upload, then choose your deployment package. Then, choose Save.

    3. On the Code tab for the function, under Runtime settings, choose Edit, and then enter the following values.

      • For Runtime, choose Python 3.7.

      • For Handler, enter secret_test.function_handler

    4. Choose Save.


      The Test button on the AWS Lambda console doesn't work with this function. The AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK doesn't contain modules that are required to run your Greengrass Lambda functions independently in the AWS Lambda console. These modules (for example, greengrass_common) are supplied to the functions after they are deployed to your Greengrass core.

  3. Now, publish the first version of your Lambda function and create an alias for the version.


    Greengrass groups can reference a Lambda function by alias (recommended) or by version. Using an alias makes it easier to manage code updates because you don't have to change your subscription table or group definition when the function code is updated. Instead, you just point the alias to the new function version.

    1. From the Actions menu, choose Publish new version.

    2. For Version description, enter First version, and then choose Publish.

    3. On the SecretTest: 1 configuration page, from the Actions menu, choose Create alias.

    4. On the Create a new alias page, use the following values:

      • For Name, enter GG_SecretTest.

      • For Version, choose 1.


      AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Lambda aliases for $LATEST versions.

    5. Choose Create.

Now you're ready to add the Lambda function to your Greengrass group and attach the secret resource.

Step 5: Add the Lambda function to the Greengrass group

In this step, you add the Lambda function to the Greengrass group in the AWS IoT console.

  1. On the group configuration page, choose the Lambda functions tab.

  2. Under the My Lambda functions section, choose Add.

  3. For the Lambda function, choose SecretTest.

  4. For the Lambda function version, choose the alias to the version that you published.

Next, configure the lifecycle of the Lambda function.

  1. In the Lambda function configuration section, make the following updates.


    We recommend that you run your Lambda function without containerization unless your business case requires it. This helps enable access to your device GPU and camera without configuring device resources. If you run without containerization, you must also grant root access to your AWS IoT Greengrass Lambda functions.

    1. To run without containerization:

    2. To run in containerized mode instead:


      We do not recommend running in containerized mode unless your business case requires it.

      • For System user and group, choose Use group default.

      • For Lambda function containerization, choose Use group default.

      • For Memory limit, enter 1024 MB.

      • For Timeout, enter 10 seconds.

      • For Pinned, choose True.

        For more information, see Lifecycle configuration for Greengrass Lambda functions.

      • Under Additional Parameters, for Read access to /sys directory, choose Enabled.

  2. Choose Add Lambda function.

Next, associate the secret resource with the function.

Step 6: Attach the secret resource to the Lambda function

In this step, you associate the secret resource to the Lambda function in your Greengrass group. This associates the resource with the function, which allows the function to get the value of the local secret.

  1. On the group configuration page, choose the Lambda functions tab.

  2. Choose the SecretTest function.

  3. On the function's details page, choose Resources.

  4. Scroll to the Secrets section and choose Associate.

  5. Choose MyTestSecret, and then choose Associate.

Step 7: Add subscriptions to the Greengrass group

In this step, you add subscriptions that allow AWS IoT and the Lambda function to exchange messages. One subscription allows AWS IoT to invoke the function, and one allows the function to send output data to AWS IoT.

  1. On the group configuration page, choose the Subscriptions tab, and then choose Add Subscription.

  2. Create a subscription that allows AWS IoT to publish messages to the function.

    On the group configuration page, choose the Subscriptions tab, and then choose Add subscription.

  3. On the Create a subscription page, configure the source and target, as follows:

    1. In Source type, choose Lambda function, and then choose IoT Cloud.

    2. In Target type, choose Service, and then choose SecretTest.

    3. In the Topic filter, enter secrets/input, and then choose Create subscription.

  4. Add a second subscription. Choose the Subscriptions tab, choose Add subscription, and configure the source and target, as follows:

    1. In Source type, choose Services, and then choose SecretTest.

    2. In Target type, choose Lambda function, and then choose IoT Cloud.

    3. In the Topic filter, enter secrets/output, and then choose Create subscription.

Step 8: Deploy the Greengrass group

Deploy the group to the core device. During deployment, AWS IoT Greengrass fetches the value of the secret from Secrets Manager and creates a local, encrypted copy on the core.

  1. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass core is running. Run the following commands in your Raspberry Pi terminal, as needed.

    1. To check whether the daemon is running:

      ps aux | grep -E 'greengrass.*daemon'

      If the output contains a root entry for /greengrass/ggc/packages/ggc-version/bin/daemon, then the daemon is running.


      The version in the path depends on the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software version that's installed on your core device.

    2. To start the daemon:

      cd /greengrass/ggc/core/ sudo ./greengrassd start
  2. On the group configuration page, choose Deploy.

    1. In the Lambda functions tab, under the System Lambda functions section, select IP detector and choose Edit.

    2. In the Edit IP detector settings dialog box, select Automatically detect and override MQTT broker endpoints.

    3. Choose Save.

      This enables devices to automatically acquire connectivity information for the core, such as IP address, DNS, and port number. Automatic detection is recommended, but AWS IoT Greengrass also supports manually specified endpoints. You're only prompted for the discovery method the first time that the group is deployed.


      If prompted, grant permission to create the Greengrass service role and associate it with your AWS account in the current AWS Region. This role allows AWS IoT Greengrass to access your resources in AWS services.

      The Deployments page shows the deployment timestamp, version ID, and status. When completed, the status displayed for the deployment should be Completed.

      For troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting AWS IoT Greengrass.

Test the Lambda function

  1. On the AWS IoT console home page, choose Test.

  2. For Subscribe to topic, use the following values, and then choose Subscribe.



    Subscription topic


    MQTT payload display

    Display payloads as strings

  3. For Publish to topic, use the following values, and then choose Publish to invoke the function.






    Keep the default message. Publishing a message invokes the Lambda function, but the function in this tutorial doesn't process the message body.

    If successful, the function publishes a "Success" message.

See also