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Migrate from Amazon RDS for Oracle to Amazon RDS for MySQL - AWS Prescriptive Guidance
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Migrate from Amazon RDS for Oracle to Amazon RDS for MySQL

Created by Jitender Kumar (AWS), Neha Sharma (AWS), and Srini Ramaswamy (AWS)


This pattern provides guidance for migrating an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle DB instance to an Amazon RDS for MySQL DB instance on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The pattern uses AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) and AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT). 

The pattern provides best practices for handling the migration of stored procedures. It also covers and code changes to support the application layer.

Prerequisites and limitations


  • An active AWS account.

  • An Amazon RDS for Oracle source database.

  • An Amazon RDS for MySQL target database. Source and target databases should be in the same virtual private cloud (VPC). If you’re using multiple VPCs, or you must have the required access permissions.

  • Security groups that allow connectivity between the source and target databases, AWS SCT, the application server, and AWS DMS.

  • A user account with the required privilege to run AWS SCT on the source database.

  • Supplemental logging enabled for running AWS DMS on the source database.


  • The source and target Amazon RDS database size limit is 64 TB. For Amazon RDS size information, see the AWS documentation.

  • Oracle is case-insensitive for database objects, but MySQL is not. AWS SCT can handle this issue while creating an object. However, some manual work is required to support full case insensitivity.

  • This migration doesn't use MySQL extensions to enable Oracle-native functions. AWS SCT handles most of the conversion, but some work is required to change code manually.

  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver changes are required in the application.

Product versions


Source technology stack

Target technology stack

Migration architecture

In the following diagram, AWS SCT copies and converts schema objects from the Amazon RDS for Oracle source database and sends the objects to the Amazon RDS for MySQL target database. AWS DMS replicates data from the source database and sends it to the Amazon RDS for MySQL instance.

AWS SCT, AWS DMS, and Amazon RDS deployed in a private subnet.



TaskDescriptionSkills required

Validate the source and target database versions and engines.


Identify hardware requirements for the target server instance.

DBA, SysAdmin

Identify storage requirements (storage type and capacity).

DBA, SysAdmin

Choose the proper instance type (capacity, storage features, network features).

DBA, SysAdmin

Identify network-access security requirements for the source and target databases.

DBA, SysAdmin

Choose an application migration strategy.

Consider whether you want full downtime or partial downtime for cutover activities.

DBA, SysAdmin, App owner

Prepare for migration

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Validate the source and target database versions and engines.


Identify hardware requirements for the target server instance.

DBA, SysAdmin

Identify storage requirements (storage type and capacity).

DBA, SysAdmin

Choose the proper instance type (capacity, storage features, network features).

DBA, SysAdmin

Identify network-access security requirements for the source and target databases.

DBA, SysAdmin

Choose an application migration strategy.

Consider whether you want full downtime or partial downtime for cutover activities.

DBA, SysAdmin, App owner
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Create a VPC and subnets.


Create security groups and network access control lists (ACLs).


Configure and start the Amazon RDS for Oracle instance.

DBA, SysAdmin

Configure and start the Amazon RDS for MySQL instance.

DBA, SysAdmin

Prepare a test case for validation of code conversion.

This will help in unit-testing for the converted code.

DBA, Developer

Configure the AWS DMS instance.

Configure source and target endpoints in AWS DMS.

Configure infrastructure

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Create a VPC and subnets.


Create security groups and network access control lists (ACLs).


Configure and start the Amazon RDS for Oracle instance.

DBA, SysAdmin

Configure and start the Amazon RDS for MySQL instance.

DBA, SysAdmin

Prepare a test case for validation of code conversion.

This will help in unit-testing for the converted code.

DBA, Developer

Configure the AWS DMS instance.

Configure source and target endpoints in AWS DMS.

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Generate the target database script using AWS SCT.

Check the accuracy of the code that was converted by AWS SCT. Some manual work will be required.

DBA, Developer

In AWS SCT, choose the "Case Insensitive" setting.

In AWS SCT, choose Project Settings, Target Case Sensitivity, Case Insensitive.

DBA, Developer

In AWS SCT, choose not to use the Oracle native function.

In Project Settings, check the functions TO_CHAR/TO_NUMBER/TO_DATE.

DBA, Developer

Make changes for "sql%notfound" code.

You might have to convert the code manually.

Query on tables and objects in stored procedures (use lowercase queries).

DBA, Developer

Create the primary script after all changes are made, and then deploy the primary script on the target database.

DBA, Developer

Unit-test stored procedures and application calls using sample data.

Clean up data that was created during unit testing.

DBA, Developer

Drop foreign key constraints on the target database.

This step is required to load initial data. If you don't want to drop the foreign key constraints, you must create a migration task for data specific to the primary and secondary tables.

DBA, Developer

Drop primary keys and unique keys on the target database.

This step results in better performance for the initial load.

DBA, Developer

Enable supplemental logging on the source database.


Create a migration task for the initial load in AWS DMS, and then run it.

Choose the option to migrate existing data.


Add the primary keys and foreign keys to the target database.

Constraints need to be added after the initial load.

DBA, Developer

Create a migration task for ongoing replication.

Ongoing replication keeps the target database synchronized with the source database.


Migrate data

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Generate the target database script using AWS SCT.

Check the accuracy of the code that was converted by AWS SCT. Some manual work will be required.

DBA, Developer

In AWS SCT, choose the "Case Insensitive" setting.

In AWS SCT, choose Project Settings, Target Case Sensitivity, Case Insensitive.

DBA, Developer

In AWS SCT, choose not to use the Oracle native function.

In Project Settings, check the functions TO_CHAR/TO_NUMBER/TO_DATE.

DBA, Developer

Make changes for "sql%notfound" code.

You might have to convert the code manually.

Query on tables and objects in stored procedures (use lowercase queries).

DBA, Developer

Create the primary script after all changes are made, and then deploy the primary script on the target database.

DBA, Developer

Unit-test stored procedures and application calls using sample data.

Clean up data that was created during unit testing.

DBA, Developer

Drop foreign key constraints on the target database.

This step is required to load initial data. If you don't want to drop the foreign key constraints, you must create a migration task for data specific to the primary and secondary tables.

DBA, Developer

Drop primary keys and unique keys on the target database.

This step results in better performance for the initial load.

DBA, Developer

Enable supplemental logging on the source database.


Create a migration task for the initial load in AWS DMS, and then run it.

Choose the option to migrate existing data.


Add the primary keys and foreign keys to the target database.

Constraints need to be added after the initial load.

DBA, Developer

Create a migration task for ongoing replication.

Ongoing replication keeps the target database synchronized with the source database.

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Replace Oracle native functions with MySQL native functions.

App owner

Make sure that only lowercase names are used for database objects in SQL queries.

DBA, SysAdmin, App owner

Migrate applications

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Replace Oracle native functions with MySQL native functions.

App owner

Make sure that only lowercase names are used for database objects in SQL queries.

DBA, SysAdmin, App owner
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Shut down the application server.

App owner

Validate that the source and target databases are in sync.

DBA, App owner

Stop the Amazon RDS for Oracle DB instance.


Stop the migration task.

This will stop automatically after you complete the previous step.


Change the JDBC connection from Oracle to MySQL.

App owner, DBA

Start the application.

DBA, SysAdmin, App owner

Cut over to the target database

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Shut down the application server.

App owner

Validate that the source and target databases are in sync.

DBA, App owner

Stop the Amazon RDS for Oracle DB instance.


Stop the migration task.

This will stop automatically after you complete the previous step.


Change the JDBC connection from Oracle to MySQL.

App owner, DBA

Start the application.

DBA, SysAdmin, App owner
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Review and validate the project documents.

DBA, SysAdmin

Gather metrics about time to migrate, percentage of manual versus tool tasks, cost savings, etc.

DBA, SysAdmin

Stop and delete AWS DMS instances.


Remove the source and target endpoints.


Remove migration tasks.


Take a snapshot of the Amazon RDS for Oracle DB instance.


Delete the Amazon RDS for Oracle DB instance.


Shut down and delete any other temporary AWS resources you used.

DBA, SysAdmin

Close the project and provide any feedback.


Close the project

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Review and validate the project documents.

DBA, SysAdmin

Gather metrics about time to migrate, percentage of manual versus tool tasks, cost savings, etc.

DBA, SysAdmin

Stop and delete AWS DMS instances.


Remove the source and target endpoints.


Remove migration tasks.


Take a snapshot of the Amazon RDS for Oracle DB instance.


Delete the Amazon RDS for Oracle DB instance.


Shut down and delete any other temporary AWS resources you used.

DBA, SysAdmin

Close the project and provide any feedback.


Related resources

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