Private workflows depend on a variety of resources that you create and configure before creating the workflow:
Input data – Input data for the workflow, stored in an Amazon S3 bucket or a HealthOmics sequence store. For more information, see HealthOmics storage.
Workflow definition files – Define your workflow in one or more workflow definition files, written in WDL, Nextflow, or CWL. The workflow definition specifies the inputs and outputs for runs that use the workflow. It also includes specifications for the runs and run tasks for your workflow, including compute and memory requirements.
Parameter template files – Define run parameters using a parameter template file (written in JSON).
Amazon ECR container images – Create one or more container images for the workflow. Store the images in a private Amazon ECR repository.
(Optional) Sentieon licenses – Request a Sentieon license if you plan to use Sentieon software in a private workflow.
Optionally, you can run a linter on the workflow definition before or after you create the workflow. The linter topic describes the linters available in HealthOmics.