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Create a flow using the AWS CLI - Amazon AppFlow
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Create a flow using the AWS CLI

You may also use the CLI to create a connector profile and configure a flow using the AWS CLI commands for create-connector-profile and create-flow. Due to the varying methods of authentication across each target application, the specific information provided for connection creation will vary. Two examples are provided here as a comparison — Salesforce and ServiceNow.

Run the create-connector-profile command to create the connector profile for your flow. The following example creates a new Amazon AppFlow connection to Salesforce. Note that this leverages a Salesforce Connected App, which itself requires several steps to configure across AWS and Salesforce. See Salesforce global connected app for details.

Create Salesforce connection:

aws appflow create-connector-profile \ --connector-profile-name MySalesforceConnection \ --connector-type Salesforce \ --connection-mode Public \ --connector-profile-config ' { "connectorProfileProperties": { "Salesforce": { "instanceUrl": "https://<instance-name>", "isSandboxEnvironment": false } }, "connectorProfileCredentials": { "Salesforce": { "accessToken": "<access-token-value>", "refreshToken": "<refresh-token-value>", "oAuthRequest": { "authCode": "<auth-code-value>", "redirectUri": "" }, "clientCredentialsArn": "<secret-arn-value>" } } }'

Run the create-connector-profile command to begin creating your flow. The following example creates a new Amazon AppFlow connection to ServiceNow. Note that, unlike Salesforce, there is no prerequisite configuration for either AWS or ServiceNow.

Create ServiceNow connection:

aws appflow create-connector-profile \ --connector-profile-name MyServiceNowConnection \ --connector-type Servicenow \ --connection-mode Public \ --connector-profile-config ' { "connectorProfileProperties": { "ServiceNow": { "instanceUrl": "https://<instance-name>" } }, "connectorProfileCredentials": { "ServiceNow": { "username": "<username-value>", "password": "<password-value>" } } }'

Run the create-flow command to begin creating your flow. The following implements a flow from Salesforce to S3 using a previously created Salesforce connection and S3 bucket, delivering the data in CSV format with all Salesforce source fields mapped directly.

Create Salesforce to S3 flow:

aws appflow create-flow \ --flow-name MySalesforceToS3Flow \ --trigger-config '{ "triggerType": "OnDemand" }' \ --source-flow-config '{ "connectorType": "Salesforce", "connectorProfileName": "MySalesforceConnection", "sourceConnectorProperties": { "Salesforce": { "object": "Account" } } }' \ --destination-flow-config '[{ "connectorType": "S3", "destinationConnectorProperties": { "S3": { "bucketName": "<s3-bucket-name>", "s3OutputFormatConfig": { "fileType": "CSV" } } } }]' \ --tasks '[ { "sourceFields": [], "taskType": "Map_all", "taskProperties": {} } ]'

Run the start-flow command to start your flow. For on-demand flows, this operation runs the flow immediately. For schedule and event-triggered flows, this operation activates the flow. The following starts the flow MySalesforceToS3Flow which was created in the previous step.

aws appflow start-flow --flow-name MySalesforceToS3Flow

The describe-flow command is helpful for understanding how previously created flows, including flows created through the Console, are structured.

Describe a flow:

aws appflow describe-flow --flow-name MySalesforceToS3Flow

Refer to the AWS CLI Command Reference for Amazon AppFlow for additional details about the complete list of commands available for Amazon AppFlow.

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