The AWS Marketplace Field Demonstration Program (FDP) allows the AWS field team (internally approved AWS employees) to use some products and solutions through AWS Marketplace at no charge.
Examples of approved AWS employees may include solutions architects and sales and marketing professionals. The FDP allows these employees to demonstrate product capabilities for education and potential inclusion in customer workloads.
The following product types are supported:
Machine learning algorithms and model packages (SageMaker AI)
For AWS Data Exchange products, the FDP only applies to products with a public offer of $0 (free).
For AWS Data Exchange products that have subscription verification enabled, providers need to approve the subscription request. For more information about subscription verification, see Subscription verification for subscribers in the AWS Data Exchange User Guide.
You're automatically enrolled in the FDP program when you sign up as an AWS Marketplace seller. To opt
out, submit a support request to the AWS Marketplace Seller Operations
To view information about product usage under this program, see the AWS field demonstration usage section of the Monthly billed revenue report.