AWS CloudFormation custom resource - AWS ParallelCluster

AWS CloudFormation custom resource

Starting with AWS ParallelCluster version 3.6.0, you can use an AWS ParallelCluster CloudFormation custom resource in an AWS CloudFormation stack. The custom resource is an AWS ParallelCluster hosted stack. This way, you can use CloudFormation to configure and manage your clusters. For example, you can configure cluster external resources such as network, shared storage, and security group infrastructure in a CloudFormation stack. Furthermore, you can manage your cluster with a CloudFormation infrastructure as code pipeline.

Add an AWS ParallelCluster custom resource to your CloudFormation template by doing the following:

  1. Add a custom resource provider stack that is owned and hosted by AWS ParallelCluster.

  2. Reference the provider stack in your CloudFormation template as a custom resource.

The custom resource provider stack handles and responds to CloudFormation requests. For example, when you deploy your CloudFormation stack, you also configure and create a cluster. To update a cluster, you update your CloudFormation stack. You delete a cluster when you delete your stack. For more information about CloudFormation custom resources, see Custom resources in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.


CloudFormation doesn't detect custom resource drift. Only use CloudFormation to update the cluster configuration and to delete a cluster.

You can use the pcluster CLI or the AWS ParallelCluster UI to monitor the state of the cluster or to update the compute fleet, but you must not use them to update the cluster configuration or to delete the cluster.


We recommend that you add termination protection to your stack to avoid accidental removal.

Provider stack hosted by AWS ParallelCluster

The custom resource provider stack is formatted as shown in the following CloudFormation template snippet:

PclusterClusterProvider: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: Parameters: CustomLambdaRole: # (Optional) RoleARN to override default AdditionalIamPolicies: # (Optional) comma-separated list of IAM policies to add TemplateURL: !Sub - https://${AWS::Region}-aws-parallelcluster.s3.${AWS::Region}.${AWS::URLSuffix}/parallelcluster/${Version}/templates/custom_resource/cluster.yaml - { Version: 3.7.0 }
CustomLambdaRole (optional):

A custom role with permissions to run the AWS Lambda that creates and manages the cluster. By default, the role uses the same policies defined by default in the AWS ParallelCluster documentation.

AdditionalIamPolicies (optional):

A comma-separated list of additional IAM Policy Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to add to the role that the Lambda uses. This is only used if a CustomLambdaRole isn't specified and can be kept blank.

If you need additional policies for the head node, compute nodes, or for access to an Amazon S3 bucket, add them to the CustomLambdaRole or AdditionalIamPolicy property.

For more information about the default policies, see AWS Identity and Access Management permissions in AWS ParallelCluster.

TemplateURL (required):

The AWS ParallelCluster custom resource file URL.


A value that can be used as a custom resource ServiceToken property. A custom resource ServiceToken specifies where AWS CloudFormation sends requests. This is a required input for a cluster resource that you include in your AWS CloudFormation template.


The ARN of the CloudWatch LogGroup that the underlying resource logs to.


The ARN of the Lambda layer that's used for running AWS ParallelCluster operations.

Cluster resource

The CloudFormation cluster resource is formatted as shown in the following CloudFormation template snippet:

PclusterCluster: Type: Custom::PclusterCluster Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt [ PclusterClusterProvider , Outputs.ServiceToken ] ClusterName: !Sub 'c-${AWS::StackName}' # Must be different from StackName ClusterConfiguration: # Your Cluster Configuration

The AWS ParallelCluster provider stack ServiceToken output.


The name of the cluster to be created and managed. The name must not match the CloudFormation stack’s name. The name can't be changed after the cluster has been created.


The cluster configuration YAML file, as described in Cluster configuration file. However, you can use the usual CloudFormation constructs, such as Intrinsic functions.


Defines whether to delete the cluster when the root stack is deleted. The default is Delete.


Retain the cluster if the custom resource is deleted.


To keep the retained cluster functioning, cluster-dependent resources, such as storage and networking, must have a deletion policy set to retain.


Delete the cluster if the custom resource is deleted.

Fn::GetAtt return values:

The Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function returns a value for a specified attribute of a type. For more information about using the Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function, see Fn::GetAtt.


The values from the pcluster describe-cluster operation.


A string containing all the validation messages that occurred during the last create or update operation.


The name of the log group that's used for logging Lambda cluster operations. The log events are retained for 90 days and the log group is retained after cluster deletion.

Example: Fn::GetAtt:

# Provide the public IP address of the head node as an output of a stack Outputs: HeadNodeIp: Description: The public IP address of the head node Value: !GetAtt [ PclusterCluster, headNode.publicIpAddress ]

Example: Simple, complete CloudFormation template with an AWS ParallelCluster custom resource:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: > AWS ParallelCluster CloudFormation Template Parameters: HeadNodeSubnet: Description: Subnet where the HeadNode will run Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id ComputeSubnet: Description: Subnet where the Compute Nodes will run Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id KeyName: Description: KeyPair to login to the head node Type: AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName Resources: PclusterClusterProvider: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: TemplateURL: !Sub - https://${AWS::Region}-aws-parallelcluster.s3.${AWS::Region}.${AWS::URLSuffix}/parallelcluster/${Version}/templates/custom_resource/cluster.yaml - { Version: 3.7.0 } PclusterCluster: Type: Custom::PclusterCluster Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt [ PclusterClusterProvider , Outputs.ServiceToken ] ClusterName: !Sub 'c-${AWS::StackName}' ClusterConfiguration: Image: Os: alinux2 HeadNode: InstanceType: t2.medium Networking: SubnetId: !Ref HeadNodeSubnet Ssh: KeyName: !Ref KeyName Scheduling: Scheduler: slurm SlurmQueues: - Name: queue0 ComputeResources: - Name: queue0-cr0 InstanceType: t2.micro Networking: SubnetIds: - !Ref ComputeSubnet Outputs: HeadNodeIp: Description: The Public IP address of the HeadNode Value: !GetAtt [ PclusterCluster, headNode.publicIpAddress ] ValidationMessages: Description: Any warnings from cluster create or update operations. Value: !GetAtt PclusterCluster.validationMessages

To learn more about how to use the CloudFormation AWS ParallelCluster custom resource, see Creating a cluster with AWS CloudFormation.

Cluster operations

When a cluster custom resource is added to a CloudFormation stack, CloudFormation can perform the following cluster operations:

  • CloudFormation creates a cluster in a new separate stack when it deploys a stack that includes the AWS ParallelCluster custom resource.

  • If you update the cluster configuration defined in the stack, according to configuration update policies, CloudFormation updates the cluster. The AWS ParallelCluster custom resource provider doesn't stop the compute fleet before updating the cluster. We recommend that you use the QueueUpdateStrategy setting for cluster updates. This way, you can avoid making explicit pcluster update-compute-fleet calls before and after updates when using the AWS ParallelCluster custom resource.

  • If you delete the stack, the cluster is deleted.

Troubleshooting stacks that include the AWS ParallelCluster custom resource

With an AWS ParallelCluster custom resource, CloudFormation deploys a cluster from a new, separate stack. You can monitor cluster creation by taking the following steps:

  1. Navigate to CloudFormation in the AWS Management Console and choose Stacks in the navigation pane.

  2. Choose the stack with the name that you defined for the cluster name.

  3. If the stack state is ROLLBACK_COMPLETE, an error occurred during cluster creation.

  4. Choose Stack details, and choose the Events tab.

  5. Search Events on Logical ID for the name that you defined for the cluster name. It has a Status reason that gives a reason for an issue.

  6. You can also choose the Stacks drop down menu, and then Deleted to see the list of deleted stacks. Select the stack with the cluster name and view Events for more details.

  7. To view the output from the custom resource provider that manages the cluster, select the stack with the Description "AWS ParallelCluster Cluster Custom Resource." Choose the Resources tab, find the resource with Logical ID PclusterCfnFunctionLogGroup, and follow the given link. View the log streams that show the Lambda debug output.

  8. To troubleshoot the cluster, see AWS ParallelCluster troubleshooting.