Analyze and visualize nested JSON data with Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

Analyze and visualize nested JSON data with Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight

Created by Anoop Singh (AWS)

Environment: PoC or pilot

Technologies: Analytics; Databases

AWS services: Amazon Athena; Amazon QuickSight


This pattern explains how to translate a nested, JSON-formatted data structure into a tabular view by using Amazon Athena, and then visualize the data in Amazon QuickSight.

You can use JSON-formatted data for API-powered data feeds from operational systems to create data products. This data can also help you understand your customers and their interactions with your products better, so you can tailor user experiences and predict outcomes.

Prerequisites and limitations


  • An active AWS account

  • A JSON file that represents a nested data structure (this pattern provides a sample file)


  • JSON features integrate well with existing SQL-oriented functions in Athena. However, they aren’t ANSI SQL compatible, and the JSON file is expected to carry each record on a separate line. You might need to use the ignore.malformed.json property in Athena to indicate if malformed JSON records should be turned into null characters or generate errors. For more information, see Best practices for reading JSON data in the Athena documentation.

  • This pattern considers only simple and small amounts of JSON-formatted data. If you want to use these concepts at scale, consider applying data partitioning and consolidate your data into larger files.


The following diagram shows the architecture and workflow for this pattern. The nested data structures are stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) in JSON format. In Athena, the JSON data is mapped to an Athena data structure. You then create a view to analyze the data, and visualize the data structure in QuickSight.

Analyzing and visualizing nested JSON data on AWS


AWS services

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a cloud-based object storage service that helps you store, protect, and retrieve any amount of data. This pattern uses Amazon S3 to store the JSON file.

  • Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that helps you analyze data directly in Amazon S3 by using standard SQL. This pattern uses Athena to query and transform the JSON data. With a few actions in the AWS Management Console, you can point Athena at your data in Amazon S3 and use standard SQL to run one-time queries. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to set up or manage, and you pay only for the queries that you run. Athena scales automatically and runs queries in parallel, so results are fast, even with large datasets and complex queries.     

  • Amazon QuickSight is a cloud-scale business intelligence (BI) service that helps you visualize, analyze, and report your data on a single dashboard. QuickSight lets you easily create and publish interactive dashboards that include machine learning (ML) insights. You can access these dashboards from any device, and embed them into your applications, portals, and websites.

Example code 

The following JSON file provides a nested data structure that you can use in this pattern.

{ "symbol": "AAPL", "financials": [ { "reportDate": "2017-03-31", "grossProfit": 20591000000, "costOfRevenue": 32305000000, "operatingRevenue": 52896000000, "totalRevenue": 52896000000, "operatingIncome": 14097000000, "netIncome": 11029000000, "researchAndDevelopment": 2776000000, "operatingExpense": 6494000000, "currentAssets": 101990000000, "totalAssets": 334532000000, "totalLiabilities": 200450000000, "currentCash": 15157000000, "currentDebt": 13991000000, "totalCash": 67101000000, "totalDebt": 98522000000, "shareholderEquity": 134082000000, "cashChange": -1214000000, "cashFlow": 12523000000, "operatingGainsLosses": null } ] }


TaskDescriptionSkills required

Create an S3 bucket.

To create a bucket to store the JSON file, sign in to the AWS Management Console, open the Amazon S3 console, and then choose Create bucket. For more information, see Creating a bucket in the Amazon S3 documentation. 

Systems administrator

Add the nested JSON data.

Upload your JSON file to the S3 bucket. For a sample JSON file, see the previous section. For instructions, see Uploading objects in the Amazon S3 documentation.

Systems administrator
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Create a table for mapping the JSON data.

  1. Open the Athena console.

  2. Create a database by following the instructions in the Athena documentation.

  3. From the Database menu, choose the database that you created.

  4. In the query editor, enter a CREATE TABLE statement such as the following:

    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE financials_json ( symbol string, financials array< struct<reportdate: string, grossprofit: bigint, totalrevenue: bigint, totalcash: bigint, totaldebt: bigint, researchanddevelopment: bigint>> ) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' LOCATION 's3://s3bucket-for-athena/'

    where LOCATION specifies the location of the S3 bucket that contains the JSON file.

  5. Choose Run to create the table.

For more information about creating tables, see the Athena documentation.


Create a view for data analysis.

  1. Open the Athena console.

  2. Create a database by following the instructions in the Athena documentation.

  3. From the Database menu, choose the database that you created.

  4. In the query editor, enter a CREATE VIEW statement such as the following:

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW financial_json_view AS SELECT symbol, financials[1].reportdate one_report_date, -- indexes start with 1 financials[1].totalrevenue one_total_revenue, financials[1].reportdate another_report_date, financials[1].totalrevenue another_total_revenue FROM financials_json where symbol='AAPL' ORDER BY 1
  5. Choose Run to create the view.

For more information about creating views, see the Athena documentation.


Analyze and validate the data.

  1. Open the Athena console.

  2. In the query editor, run queries by using the view that you created in the previous step.

  3. Validate the data against the JSON file, to confirm that column names and data types are mapped correctly.

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Set up Athena as a data source in QuickSight.

  1. Open the QuickSight console.

  2. Choose Datasets, New dataset.

  3. Choose Athena as a data source.

  4. Choose the database that includes the view that you created.

  5. Choose the view that you want to create a dataset for.

  6. On the Finish data set creation page, choose Directly query your data.

  7. Choose Visualize.

Systems administrator

Visualize data in QuickSight.

  1. After you visualize the dataset, choose the visuals from the left pane, and choose fields for the dataset. For more information, see the tutorial in the QuickSight documentation.

  2. Save the changes to the analysis.

  3. Choose Publish dashboard to publish the visuals that you created.

Data analyst

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