Convert the Teradata NORMALIZE temporal feature to Amazon Redshift SQL - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

Convert the Teradata NORMALIZE temporal feature to Amazon Redshift SQL

Source: Teradata data warehouse

Target: Amazon Redshift

R Type: Re-architect

Environment: Production

Technologies: Analytics; Databases; Migration

Workload: All other workloads

AWS services: Amazon Redshift


NORMALIZE is a Teradata extension to the ANSI SQL standard. When a SQL table includes a column that has a PERIOD data type, NORMALIZE combines values that meet or overlap in that column, to form a single period that consolidates multiple, individual period values. To use NORMALIZE, at least one column in the SQL SELECT list must be of Teradata's temporal PERIOD data type. For more information about NORMALIZE, see the Teradata documentation

Amazon Redshift doesn’t support NORMALIZE, but you can implement this functionality by using native SQL syntax and the LAG window function in Amazon Redshift. This pattern focuses on using the Teradata NORMALIZE extension with the ON MEETS OR OVERLAPS condition, which is the most popular format. It explains how this feature works in Teradata and how it can be converted into Amazon Redshift native SQL syntax.

Prerequisites and limitations


  • Basic Teradata SQL knowledge and experience

  • Amazon Redshift knowledge and experience


Source technology stack

  • Teradata data warehouse

Target technology stack

  • Amazon Redshift

Target architecture

For a high-level architecture for migrating a Teradata database to Amazon Redshift, see the pattern Migrate a Teradata database to Amazon Redshift using AWS SCT data extraction agents. The migration doesn't automatically convert the Teradata NORMALIZE phrase to Amazon Redshift SQL. You can convert this Teradata extension by following the guidelines in this pattern.



To illustrate the concept and functionality of NORMALIZE, consider the following table definition in Teradata:

CREATE TABLE systest.project      (    emp_id        INTEGER,           project_name  VARCHAR(20),           dept_id       INTEGER,           duration      PERIOD(DATE)      );

Run the following SQL code to insert sample data into the table:

BEGIN TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO systest.project VALUES (10, 'First Phase', 1000, PERIOD(DATE '2010-01-10', DATE '2010-03-20') ); INSERT INTO systest.project VALUES (10, 'First Phase', 2000, PERIOD(DATE '2010-03-20', DATE '2010-07-15') ); INSERT INTO systest.project VALUES (10, 'Second Phase', 2000, PERIOD(DATE '2010-06-15', DATE '2010-08-18') ); INSERT INTO systest.project VALUES (20, 'First Phase', 2000, PERIOD(DATE '2010-03-10', DATE '2010-07-20') ); INSERT INTO systest.project VALUES (20, 'Second Phase', 1000, PERIOD(DATE '2020-05-10', DATE '2020-09-20') ); END TRANSACTION;


select * from systest.project order by 1,2,3;    *** Query completed. 4 rows found. 4 columns returned.  *** Total elapsed time was 1 second.        emp_id  project_name              dept_id  duration -----------  --------------------  -----------  ------------------------          10  First Phase                  1000  ('10/01/10', '10/03/20')                  10  First Phase                  2000  ('10/03/20', '10/07/15')          10  Second Phase                 2000  ('10/06/15', '10/08/18')          20  First Phase                  2000  ('10/03/10', '10/07/20')          20  Second Phase                 1000  ('20/05/10', '20/09/20')

Teradata NORMALIZE use case

Now add the Teradata NORMALIZE SQL clause to the SELECT statement:

SELECT NORMALIZE ON MEETS OR OVERLAPS emp_id, duration  FROM systest.project  ORDER BY 1,2;

This NORMALIZE operation is performed on a single column (emp_id). For emp_id=10, the three overlapping period values in duration coalesce into a single period value, as follows:  

    emp_id  duration -----------  ------------------------          10  ('10/01/10', '10/08/18')          20  ('10/03/10', '10/07/20')          20  ('20/05/10', '20/09/20')

The following SELECT statement performs a NORMALIZE operation on project_name and dept_id. Note that the SELECT list contains only one PERIOD column, duration.

SELECT NORMALIZE project_name, dept_id, duration  FROM systest.project;


project_name              dept_id  duration --------------------  -----------  ------------------------ First Phase                  1000  ('10/01/10', '10/03/20') Second Phase                 1000  ('20/05/10', '20/09/20') First Phase                  2000  ('10/03/10', '10/07/20') Second Phase                 2000  ('10/06/15', '10/08/18')

Amazon Redshift equivalent SQL

Amazon Redshift currently doesn’t support the PERIOD data type in a table. Instead, you need to divide a Teradata PERIOD data field into two parts: start_date, end_date, as follows:  

CREATE TABLE systest.project      (    emp_id        INTEGER,           project_name  VARCHAR(20),           dept_id       INTEGER,           start_date  DATE,           end_date    DATE      );

Insert sample data into the table:

BEGIN TRANSACTION;   INSERT INTO systest.project VALUES (10, 'First Phase', 1000,  DATE '2010-01-10', DATE '2010-03-20' ); INSERT INTO systest.project VALUES (10, 'First Phase', 2000,  DATE '2010-03-20', DATE '2010-07-15');   INSERT INTO systest.project VALUES (10, 'Second Phase', 2000,  DATE '2010-06-15', DATE '2010-08-18' ); INSERT INTO systest.project VALUES (20, 'First Phase', 2000,  DATE '2010-03-10', DATE '2010-07-20' );   INSERT INTO systest.project VALUES (20, 'Second Phase', 1000,  DATE '2020-05-10', DATE '2020-09-20' );   END TRANSACTION;


emp_id | project_name | dept_id | start_date |  end_date --------+--------------+---------+------------+------------      10 | First Phase  |    1000 | 2010-01-10 | 2010-03-20      10 | First Phase  |    2000 | 2010-03-20 | 2010-07-15      10 | Second Phase |    2000 | 2010-06-15 | 2010-08-18      20 | First Phase  |    2000 | 2010-03-10 | 2010-07-20      20 | Second Phase |    1000 | 2020-05-10 | 2020-09-20 (5 rows)

To rewrite Teradata’s NORMALIZE clause, you can use the LAG window function in Amazon Redshift. This function returns the values for a row at a given offset above (before) the current row in the partition.

You can use the LAG function to identify each row that begins a new period by determining if a period meets or overlaps with the previous period (0 if yes and 1 if no). When this flag is cumulatively summed up, it provides a group identifier that can be used in the outer Group By clause to arrive at the desired result in Amazon Redshift.  

Here’s a sample Amazon Redshift SQL statement that uses LAG():

SELECT emp_id, start_date, end_date,              (CASE WHEN start_date <= LAG(end_date) OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id ORDER BY start_date, end_date) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS GroupStartFlag FROM systest.project  ORDER BY 1,2;


emp_id | start_date |  end_date  | groupstartflag --------+------------+------------+----------------      10 | 2010-01-10 | 2010-03-20 |              1      10 | 2010-03-20 | 2010-07-15 |              0      10 | 2010-06-15 | 2010-08-18 |              0      20 | 2010-03-10 | 2010-07-20 |              1      20 | 2020-05-10 | 2020-09-20 |              1 (5 rows)

The following Amazon Redshift SQL statement normalizes only on the emp_id column:

SELECT T2.emp_id, MIN(T2.start_date) as new_start_date, MAX(T2.end_date) as new_end_date FROM  ( SELECT T1.*, SUM(GroupStartFlag) OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id ORDER BY start_date ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) As GroupID FROM ( SELECT emp_id, start_date, end_date,              (CASE WHEN start_date <= LAG(end_date) OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id ORDER BY start_date, end_date) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS GroupStartFlag FROM systest.project ) T1 ) T2 GROUP BY T2.emp_id, T2.GroupID ORDER BY 1,2;


emp_id | new_start_date | new_end_date --------+----------------+------------------------------------      10 | 2010-01-10     | 2010-08-18      20 | 2010-03-10     | 2010-07-20      20 | 2020-05-10     | 2020-09-20 (3 rows)


The following Amazon Redshift SQL statement normalizes on both the project_name and dept_id columns:

SELECT T2.project_name, T2.dept_id, MIN(T2.start_date) as new_start_date, MAX(T2.end_date) as new_end_date FROM  ( SELECT T1.*, SUM(GroupStartFlag) OVER (PARTITION BY project_name, dept_id ORDER BY start_date ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) As GroupID FROM ( SELECT project_name, dept_id, start_date, end_date,              (CASE WHEN start_date <= LAG(end_date) OVER (PARTITION BY project_name, dept_id ORDER BY start_date, end_date) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS GroupStartFlag FROM systest.project ) T1 ) T2 GROUP BY T2.project_name, T2.dept_id, T2.GroupID ORDER BY 1,2,3;


project_name | dept_id | new_start_date | new_end_date --------------+---------+----------------+--------------  First Phase  |    1000 | 2010-01-10     | 2010-03-20  First Phase  |    2000 | 2010-03-10     | 2010-07-20  Second Phase |    1000 | 2020-05-10     | 2020-09-20  Second Phase |    2000 | 2010-06-15     | 2010-08-18 (4 rows)


TaskDescriptionSkills required
Create your Teradata SQL code.

Use the NORMALIZE phrase according to your needs.

SQL developer
Convert the code to Amazon Redshift SQL.

To convert your code, follow the guidelines in the "Tools" section of this pattern.

SQL developer
Run the code in Amazon Redshift.

Create your table, load data into the table, and run your code in Amazon Redshift.

SQL developer


