Module: Aws::DataZone::Types
- Defined in:
- gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: AcceptChoice, AcceptPredictionsInput, AcceptPredictionsOutput, AcceptRule, AcceptSubscriptionRequestInput, AcceptSubscriptionRequestOutput, AcceptedAssetScope, AccessDeniedException, ActionParameters, AddEntityOwnerInput, AddEntityOwnerOutput, AddPolicyGrantInput, AddPolicyGrantOutput, AddToProjectMemberPoolPolicyGrantDetail, AssetFilterConfiguration, AssetFilterSummary, AssetInDataProductListingItem, AssetItem, AssetItemAdditionalAttributes, AssetListing, AssetListingDetails, AssetListingItem, AssetListingItemAdditionalAttributes, AssetRevision, AssetScope, AssetTargetNameMap, AssetTypeItem, AssociateEnvironmentRoleInput, AssociateEnvironmentRoleOutput, AwsConsoleLinkParameters, BusinessNameGenerationConfiguration, CancelMetadataGenerationRunInput, CancelMetadataGenerationRunOutput, CancelSubscriptionInput, CancelSubscriptionOutput, CloudFormationProperties, ColumnFilterConfiguration, ConfigurableActionParameter, ConfigurableEnvironmentAction, ConflictException, CreateAssetFilterInput, CreateAssetFilterOutput, CreateAssetInput, CreateAssetOutput, CreateAssetRevisionInput, CreateAssetRevisionOutput, CreateAssetTypeInput, CreateAssetTypeOutput, CreateAssetTypePolicyGrantDetail, CreateDataProductInput, CreateDataProductOutput, CreateDataProductRevisionInput, CreateDataProductRevisionOutput, CreateDataSourceInput, CreateDataSourceOutput, CreateDomainInput, CreateDomainOutput, CreateDomainUnitInput, CreateDomainUnitOutput, CreateDomainUnitPolicyGrantDetail, CreateEnvironmentActionInput, CreateEnvironmentActionOutput, CreateEnvironmentInput, CreateEnvironmentOutput, CreateEnvironmentProfileInput, CreateEnvironmentProfileOutput, CreateEnvironmentProfilePolicyGrantDetail, CreateFormTypeInput, CreateFormTypeOutput, CreateFormTypePolicyGrantDetail, CreateGlossaryInput, CreateGlossaryOutput, CreateGlossaryPolicyGrantDetail, CreateGlossaryTermInput, CreateGlossaryTermOutput, CreateGroupProfileInput, CreateGroupProfileOutput, CreateListingChangeSetInput, CreateListingChangeSetOutput, CreateProjectInput, CreateProjectMembershipInput, CreateProjectMembershipOutput, CreateProjectOutput, CreateProjectPolicyGrantDetail, CreateSubscriptionGrantInput, CreateSubscriptionGrantOutput, CreateSubscriptionRequestInput, CreateSubscriptionRequestOutput, CreateSubscriptionTargetInput, CreateSubscriptionTargetOutput, CreateUserProfileInput, CreateUserProfileOutput, CustomParameter, DataProductItem, DataProductListing, DataProductListingItem, DataProductListingItemAdditionalAttributes, DataProductResultItem, DataProductRevision, DataSourceConfigurationInput, DataSourceConfigurationOutput, DataSourceErrorMessage, DataSourceRunActivity, DataSourceRunSummary, DataSourceSummary, DeleteAssetFilterInput, DeleteAssetInput, DeleteAssetOutput, DeleteAssetTypeInput, DeleteAssetTypeOutput, DeleteDataProductInput, DeleteDataProductOutput, DeleteDataSourceInput, DeleteDataSourceOutput, DeleteDomainInput, DeleteDomainOutput, DeleteDomainUnitInput, DeleteDomainUnitOutput, DeleteEnvironmentActionInput, DeleteEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationInput, DeleteEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationOutput, DeleteEnvironmentInput, DeleteEnvironmentProfileInput, DeleteFormTypeInput, DeleteFormTypeOutput, DeleteGlossaryInput, DeleteGlossaryOutput, DeleteGlossaryTermInput, DeleteGlossaryTermOutput, DeleteListingInput, DeleteListingOutput, DeleteProjectInput, DeleteProjectMembershipInput, DeleteProjectMembershipOutput, DeleteProjectOutput, DeleteSubscriptionGrantInput, DeleteSubscriptionGrantOutput, DeleteSubscriptionRequestInput, DeleteSubscriptionTargetInput, DeleteTimeSeriesDataPointsInput, DeleteTimeSeriesDataPointsOutput, Deployment, DeploymentProperties, DetailedGlossaryTerm, DisassociateEnvironmentRoleInput, DisassociateEnvironmentRoleOutput, DomainSummary, DomainUnitFilterForProject, DomainUnitGrantFilter, DomainUnitGroupProperties, DomainUnitOwnerProperties, DomainUnitPolicyGrantPrincipal, DomainUnitSummary, DomainUnitUserProperties, EnvironmentActionSummary, EnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationItem, EnvironmentBlueprintSummary, EnvironmentError, EnvironmentParameter, EnvironmentProfileSummary, EnvironmentSummary, EqualToExpression, FailureCause, Filter, FilterClause, FilterExpression, FormEntryInput, FormEntryOutput, FormInput, FormOutput, FormTypeData, GetAssetFilterInput, GetAssetFilterOutput, GetAssetInput, GetAssetOutput, GetAssetTypeInput, GetAssetTypeOutput, GetDataProductInput, GetDataProductOutput, GetDataSourceInput, GetDataSourceOutput, GetDataSourceRunInput, GetDataSourceRunOutput, GetDomainInput, GetDomainOutput, GetDomainUnitInput, GetDomainUnitOutput, GetEnvironmentActionInput, GetEnvironmentActionOutput, GetEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationInput, GetEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationOutput, GetEnvironmentBlueprintInput, GetEnvironmentBlueprintOutput, GetEnvironmentCredentialsInput, GetEnvironmentCredentialsOutput, GetEnvironmentInput, GetEnvironmentOutput, GetEnvironmentProfileInput, GetEnvironmentProfileOutput, GetFormTypeInput, GetFormTypeOutput, GetGlossaryInput, GetGlossaryOutput, GetGlossaryTermInput, GetGlossaryTermOutput, GetGroupProfileInput, GetGroupProfileOutput, GetIamPortalLoginUrlInput, GetIamPortalLoginUrlOutput, GetLineageNodeInput, GetLineageNodeOutput, GetListingInput, GetListingOutput, GetMetadataGenerationRunInput, GetMetadataGenerationRunOutput, GetProjectInput, GetProjectOutput, GetSubscriptionGrantInput, GetSubscriptionGrantOutput, GetSubscriptionInput, GetSubscriptionOutput, GetSubscriptionRequestDetailsInput, GetSubscriptionRequestDetailsOutput, GetSubscriptionTargetInput, GetSubscriptionTargetOutput, GetTimeSeriesDataPointInput, GetTimeSeriesDataPointOutput, GetUserProfileInput, GetUserProfileOutput, GlossaryItem, GlossaryTermItem, GlueRunConfigurationInput, GlueRunConfigurationOutput, GlueSelfGrantStatusOutput, GrantedEntity, GrantedEntityInput, GreaterThanExpression, GreaterThanOrEqualToExpression, GroupDetails, GroupPolicyGrantPrincipal, GroupProfileSummary, IamUserProfileDetails, Import, InExpression, InternalServerException, IsNotNullExpression, IsNullExpression, LakeFormationConfiguration, LessThanExpression, LessThanOrEqualToExpression, LikeExpression, LineageNodeReference, LineageNodeSummary, LineageNodeTypeItem, ListAssetFiltersInput, ListAssetFiltersOutput, ListAssetRevisionsInput, ListAssetRevisionsOutput, ListDataProductRevisionsInput, ListDataProductRevisionsOutput, ListDataSourceRunActivitiesInput, ListDataSourceRunActivitiesOutput, ListDataSourceRunsInput, ListDataSourceRunsOutput, ListDataSourcesInput, ListDataSourcesOutput, ListDomainUnitsForParentInput, ListDomainUnitsForParentOutput, ListDomainsInput, ListDomainsOutput, ListEntityOwnersInput, ListEntityOwnersOutput, ListEnvironmentActionsInput, ListEnvironmentActionsOutput, ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationsInput, ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationsOutput, ListEnvironmentBlueprintsInput, ListEnvironmentBlueprintsOutput, ListEnvironmentProfilesInput, ListEnvironmentProfilesOutput, ListEnvironmentsInput, ListEnvironmentsOutput, ListLineageNodeHistoryInput, ListLineageNodeHistoryOutput, ListMetadataGenerationRunsInput, ListMetadataGenerationRunsOutput, ListNotificationsInput, ListNotificationsOutput, ListPolicyGrantsInput, ListPolicyGrantsOutput, ListProjectMembershipsInput, ListProjectMembershipsOutput, ListProjectsInput, ListProjectsOutput, ListSubscriptionGrantsInput, ListSubscriptionGrantsOutput, ListSubscriptionRequestsInput, ListSubscriptionRequestsOutput, ListSubscriptionTargetsInput, ListSubscriptionTargetsOutput, ListSubscriptionsInput, ListSubscriptionsOutput, ListTagsForResourceRequest, ListTagsForResourceResponse, ListTimeSeriesDataPointsInput, ListTimeSeriesDataPointsOutput, ListingItem, ListingRevision, ListingRevisionInput, ListingSummary, ListingSummaryItem, Member, MemberDetails, MetadataGenerationRunItem, MetadataGenerationRunTarget, Model, NotEqualToExpression, NotInExpression, NotLikeExpression, NotificationOutput, NotificationResource, OverrideDomainUnitOwnersPolicyGrantDetail, OverrideProjectOwnersPolicyGrantDetail, OwnerGroupProperties, OwnerGroupPropertiesOutput, OwnerProperties, OwnerPropertiesOutput, OwnerUserProperties, OwnerUserPropertiesOutput, PolicyGrantDetail, PolicyGrantMember, PolicyGrantPrincipal, PostLineageEventInput, PostLineageEventOutput, PostTimeSeriesDataPointsInput, PostTimeSeriesDataPointsOutput, PredictionConfiguration, ProjectDeletionError, ProjectGrantFilter, ProjectMember, ProjectPolicyGrantPrincipal, ProjectSummary, ProvisioningConfiguration, ProvisioningProperties, PutEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationInput, PutEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationOutput, RecommendationConfiguration, RedshiftClusterStorage, RedshiftCredentialConfiguration, RedshiftRunConfigurationInput, RedshiftRunConfigurationOutput, RedshiftSelfGrantStatusOutput, RedshiftServerlessStorage, RedshiftStorage, RejectChoice, RejectPredictionsInput, RejectPredictionsOutput, RejectRule, RejectSubscriptionRequestInput, RejectSubscriptionRequestOutput, RelationalFilterConfiguration, RemoveEntityOwnerInput, RemoveEntityOwnerOutput, RemovePolicyGrantInput, RemovePolicyGrantOutput, Resource, ResourceNotFoundException, RevokeSubscriptionInput, RevokeSubscriptionOutput, RowFilter, RowFilterConfiguration, RowFilterExpression, RunStatisticsForAssets, ScheduleConfiguration, SearchGroupProfilesInput, SearchGroupProfilesOutput, SearchInItem, SearchInput, SearchInventoryResultItem, SearchListingsInput, SearchListingsOutput, SearchOutput, SearchResultItem, SearchSort, SearchTypesInput, SearchTypesOutput, SearchTypesResultItem, SearchUserProfilesInput, SearchUserProfilesOutput, SelfGrantStatusDetail, SelfGrantStatusOutput, ServiceQuotaExceededException, SingleSignOn, SsoUserProfileDetails, StartDataSourceRunInput, StartDataSourceRunOutput, StartMetadataGenerationRunInput, StartMetadataGenerationRunOutput, SubscribedAsset, SubscribedAssetListing, SubscribedListing, SubscribedListingInput, SubscribedListingItem, SubscribedPrincipal, SubscribedPrincipalInput, SubscribedProductListing, SubscribedProject, SubscribedProjectInput, SubscriptionGrantSummary, SubscriptionRequestSummary, SubscriptionSummary, SubscriptionTargetForm, SubscriptionTargetSummary, TagResourceRequest, TagResourceResponse, TermRelations, ThrottlingException, TimeSeriesDataPointFormInput, TimeSeriesDataPointFormOutput, TimeSeriesDataPointSummaryFormOutput, Topic, UnauthorizedException, UntagResourceRequest, UntagResourceResponse, UpdateAssetFilterInput, UpdateAssetFilterOutput, UpdateDataSourceInput, UpdateDataSourceOutput, UpdateDomainInput, UpdateDomainOutput, UpdateDomainUnitInput, UpdateDomainUnitOutput, UpdateEnvironmentActionInput, UpdateEnvironmentActionOutput, UpdateEnvironmentInput, UpdateEnvironmentOutput, UpdateEnvironmentProfileInput, UpdateEnvironmentProfileOutput, UpdateGlossaryInput, UpdateGlossaryOutput, UpdateGlossaryTermInput, UpdateGlossaryTermOutput, UpdateGroupProfileInput, UpdateGroupProfileOutput, UpdateProjectInput, UpdateProjectOutput, UpdateSubscriptionGrantStatusInput, UpdateSubscriptionGrantStatusOutput, UpdateSubscriptionRequestInput, UpdateSubscriptionRequestOutput, UpdateSubscriptionTargetInput, UpdateSubscriptionTargetOutput, UpdateUserProfileInput, UpdateUserProfileOutput, UserDetails, UserPolicyGrantPrincipal, UserProfileDetails, UserProfileSummary, ValidationException
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#add_to_project_member_pool ⇒ Types::AddToProjectMemberPoolPolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that the policy grant is to be added to the members of the project.
#all_domain_units_grant_filter ⇒ Types::AllDomainUnitsGrantFilter
Specifies a grant filter containing all domain units.
#all_users_grant_filter ⇒ Types::AllUsersGrantFilter
The all users grant filter of the user policy grant principal.
#and ⇒ Array<Types::RowFilter>
The 'and' clause of the row filter.
#asset_item ⇒ Types::AssetItem
The asset item included in the search results.
#asset_listing ⇒ Types::SubscribedAssetListing
The asset for which the subscription grant is created.
#asset_type_item ⇒ Types::AssetTypeItem
The asset type included in the results of the
action. -
#aws_console_link ⇒ Types::AwsConsoleLinkParameters
The console link specified as part of the environment action.
#cloud_formation ⇒ Types::CloudFormationProperties
The cloud formation properties included as part of the provisioning properties of an environment blueprint.
#column_configuration ⇒ Types::ColumnFilterConfiguration
The column configuration of the asset filter.
#create_asset_type ⇒ Types::CreateAssetTypePolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that this is a create asset type policy.
#create_domain_unit ⇒ Types::CreateDomainUnitPolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that this is a create domain unit policy.
#create_environment ⇒ Types::Unit
Specifies that this is a create environment policy.
#create_environment_profile ⇒ Types::CreateEnvironmentProfilePolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that this is a create environment profile policy.
#create_form_type ⇒ Types::CreateFormTypePolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that this is a create form type policy.
#create_glossary ⇒ Types::CreateGlossaryPolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that this is a create glossary policy.
#create_project ⇒ Types::CreateProjectPolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that this is a create project policy.
#data_product_item ⇒ Types::DataProductResultItem
The data product.
#data_product_listing ⇒ Types::DataProductListingItem
The data product listing.
#delegate_create_environment_profile ⇒ Types::Unit
Specifies that this is the delegation of the create environment profile policy.
#domain_unit ⇒ Types::DomainUnitPolicyGrantPrincipal
The domain unit of the policy grant principal.
#domain_unit_filter ⇒ Types::DomainUnitFilterForProject
The domain unit filter of the project grant filter.
#equal_to ⇒ Types::EqualToExpression
The 'equal to' clause of the row filter expression.
#expression ⇒ Types::RowFilterExpression
The expression of the row filter.
#filter ⇒ Types::Filter
A search filter in Amazon DataZone.
#form_type_item ⇒ Types::FormTypeData
The form type included in the results of the
action. -
#glossary_item ⇒ Types::GlossaryItem
The glossary item included in the search results.
#glossary_term_item ⇒ Types::GlossaryTermItem
The glossary term item included in the search results.
#glue_run_configuration ⇒ Types::GlueRunConfigurationOutput
The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
#glue_self_grant_status ⇒ Types::GlueSelfGrantStatusOutput
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
#greater_than ⇒ Types::GreaterThanExpression
The 'greater than' clause of the row filter expression.
#greater_than_or_equal_to ⇒ Types::GreaterThanOrEqualToExpression
The 'greater than or equal to' clause of the filter expression.
#group ⇒ Types::GroupPolicyGrantPrincipal
The group of the policy grant principal.
#group_identifier ⇒ String
The ID of the group of a project member.
#iam ⇒ Types::IamUserProfileDetails
The IAM details included in the user profile details.
#in ⇒ Types::InExpression
The 'in' clause of the row filter expression.
#is_not_null ⇒ Types::IsNotNullExpression
The 'is not null' clause of the row filter expression.
#is_null ⇒ Types::IsNullExpression
The 'is null' clause of the row filter expression.
#lake_formation_configuration ⇒ Types::LakeFormationConfiguration
The Lake Formation configuration of the Data Lake blueprint.
#less_than ⇒ Types::LessThanExpression
The 'less than' clause of the row filter expression.
#less_than_or_equal_to ⇒ Types::LessThanOrEqualToExpression
The 'less than or equal to' clause of the row filter expression.
#like ⇒ Types::LikeExpression
The 'like' clause of the row filter expression.
#lineage_node_type_item ⇒ Types::LineageNodeTypeItem
The details of a data lineage node type.
#listing ⇒ Types::ListingRevisionInput
The listing for which a subscription is to be granted.
#not_equal_to ⇒ Types::NotEqualToExpression
The 'no equal to' clause of the row filter expression.
#not_in ⇒ Types::NotInExpression
The 'not in' clause of the row filter expression.
#not_like ⇒ Types::NotLikeExpression
The 'not like' clause of the row filter expression.
#or ⇒ Array<Types::RowFilter>
The 'or' clause of the row filter.
#override_domain_unit_owners ⇒ Types::OverrideDomainUnitOwnersPolicyGrantDetail
Specifies whether to override domain unit owners.
#override_project_owners ⇒ Types::OverrideProjectOwnersPolicyGrantDetail
Specifies whether to override project owners.
#product_listing ⇒ Types::SubscribedProductListing
The data product listing.
#project ⇒ Types::SubscribedProjectInput
The project that is to be given a subscription grant.
#redshift_cluster_source ⇒ Types::RedshiftClusterStorage
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.
#redshift_run_configuration ⇒ Types::RedshiftRunConfigurationOutput
The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.
#redshift_self_grant_status ⇒ Types::RedshiftSelfGrantStatusOutput
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
#redshift_serverless_source ⇒ Types::RedshiftServerlessStorage
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.
#row_configuration ⇒ Types::RowFilterConfiguration
The row configuration of the asset filter.
#smithy ⇒ String
Indicates the smithy model of the API.
#sso ⇒ Types::SsoUserProfileDetails
The single sign-on details included in the user profile details.
#user ⇒ Types::UserPolicyGrantPrincipal
The user of the policy grant principal.
#user_identifier ⇒ String
The user ID of the user policy grant principal.
Instance Attribute Details
#add_to_project_member_pool ⇒ Types::AddToProjectMemberPoolPolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that the policy grant is to be added to the members of the project.
11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11529 class PolicyGrantDetail < :add_to_project_member_pool, :create_asset_type, :create_domain_unit, :create_environment, :create_environment_profile, :create_form_type, :create_glossary, :create_project, :delegate_create_environment_profile, :override_domain_unit_owners, :override_project_owners, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AddToProjectMemberPool < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateAssetType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateDomainUnit < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironment < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateFormType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateGlossary < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateProject < PolicyGrantDetail; end class DelegateCreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideDomainUnitOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideProjectOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantDetail; end end |
#all_domain_units_grant_filter ⇒ Types::AllDomainUnitsGrantFilter
Specifies a grant filter containing all domain units.
5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 5298 5299 5300 5301 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 5292 class DomainUnitGrantFilter < :all_domain_units_grant_filter, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AllDomainUnitsGrantFilter < DomainUnitGrantFilter; end class Unknown < DomainUnitGrantFilter; end end |
#all_users_grant_filter ⇒ Types::AllUsersGrantFilter
The all users grant filter of the user policy grant principal.
16128 16129 16130 16131 16132 16133 16134 16135 16136 16137 16138 16139 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 16128 class UserPolicyGrantPrincipal < :all_users_grant_filter, :user_identifier, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AllUsersGrantFilter < UserPolicyGrantPrincipal; end class UserIdentifier < UserPolicyGrantPrincipal; end class Unknown < UserPolicyGrantPrincipal; end end |
#and ⇒ Array<Types::RowFilter>
The 'and' clause of the row filter.
5800 5801 5802 5803 5804 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 5800 class FilterClause < :and, :filter, :or, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class And < FilterClause; end class Filter < FilterClause; end class Or < FilterClause; end class Unknown < FilterClause; end end |
#asset_item ⇒ Types::AssetItem
The asset item included in the search results.
13022 13023 13024 13025 13026 13027 13028 13029 13030 13031 13032 13033 13034 13035 13036 13037 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 13022 class SearchInventoryResultItem < :asset_item, :data_product_item, :glossary_item, :glossary_term_item, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AssetItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class DataProductItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class GlossaryItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class GlossaryTermItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class Unknown < SearchInventoryResultItem; end end |
#asset_listing ⇒ Types::SubscribedAssetListing
The asset for which the subscription grant is created.
10935 10936 10937 10938 10939 10940 10941 10942 10943 10944 10945 10946 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 10935 class ListingItem < :asset_listing, :data_product_listing, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AssetListing < ListingItem; end class DataProductListing < ListingItem; end class Unknown < ListingItem; end end |
#asset_type_item ⇒ Types::AssetTypeItem
The asset type included in the results of the SearchTypes
13303 13304 13305 13306 13307 13308 13309 13310 13311 13312 13313 13314 13315 13316 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 13303 class SearchTypesResultItem < :asset_type_item, :form_type_item, :lineage_node_type_item, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AssetTypeItem < SearchTypesResultItem; end class FormTypeItem < SearchTypesResultItem; end class LineageNodeTypeItem < SearchTypesResultItem; end class Unknown < SearchTypesResultItem; end end |
#aws_console_link ⇒ Types::AwsConsoleLinkParameters
The console link specified as part of the environment action.
276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 276 class ActionParameters < :aws_console_link, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AwsConsoleLink < ActionParameters; end class Unknown < ActionParameters; end end |
#cloud_formation ⇒ Types::CloudFormationProperties
The cloud formation properties included as part of the provisioning properties of an environment blueprint.
11922 11923 11924 11925 11926 11927 11928 11929 11930 11931 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11922 class ProvisioningProperties < :cloud_formation, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class CloudFormation < ProvisioningProperties; end class Unknown < ProvisioningProperties; end end |
#column_configuration ⇒ Types::ColumnFilterConfiguration
The column configuration of the asset filter.
424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 424 class AssetFilterConfiguration < :column_configuration, :row_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class ColumnConfiguration < AssetFilterConfiguration; end class RowConfiguration < AssetFilterConfiguration; end class Unknown < AssetFilterConfiguration; end end |
#create_asset_type ⇒ Types::CreateAssetTypePolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that this is a create asset type policy.
11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11529 class PolicyGrantDetail < :add_to_project_member_pool, :create_asset_type, :create_domain_unit, :create_environment, :create_environment_profile, :create_form_type, :create_glossary, :create_project, :delegate_create_environment_profile, :override_domain_unit_owners, :override_project_owners, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AddToProjectMemberPool < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateAssetType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateDomainUnit < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironment < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateFormType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateGlossary < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateProject < PolicyGrantDetail; end class DelegateCreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideDomainUnitOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideProjectOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantDetail; end end |
#create_domain_unit ⇒ Types::CreateDomainUnitPolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that this is a create domain unit policy.
11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11529 class PolicyGrantDetail < :add_to_project_member_pool, :create_asset_type, :create_domain_unit, :create_environment, :create_environment_profile, :create_form_type, :create_glossary, :create_project, :delegate_create_environment_profile, :override_domain_unit_owners, :override_project_owners, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AddToProjectMemberPool < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateAssetType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateDomainUnit < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironment < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateFormType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateGlossary < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateProject < PolicyGrantDetail; end class DelegateCreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideDomainUnitOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideProjectOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantDetail; end end |
#create_environment ⇒ Types::Unit
Specifies that this is a create environment policy.
11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11529 class PolicyGrantDetail < :add_to_project_member_pool, :create_asset_type, :create_domain_unit, :create_environment, :create_environment_profile, :create_form_type, :create_glossary, :create_project, :delegate_create_environment_profile, :override_domain_unit_owners, :override_project_owners, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AddToProjectMemberPool < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateAssetType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateDomainUnit < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironment < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateFormType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateGlossary < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateProject < PolicyGrantDetail; end class DelegateCreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideDomainUnitOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideProjectOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantDetail; end end |
#create_environment_profile ⇒ Types::CreateEnvironmentProfilePolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that this is a create environment profile policy.
11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11529 class PolicyGrantDetail < :add_to_project_member_pool, :create_asset_type, :create_domain_unit, :create_environment, :create_environment_profile, :create_form_type, :create_glossary, :create_project, :delegate_create_environment_profile, :override_domain_unit_owners, :override_project_owners, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AddToProjectMemberPool < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateAssetType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateDomainUnit < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironment < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateFormType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateGlossary < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateProject < PolicyGrantDetail; end class DelegateCreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideDomainUnitOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideProjectOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantDetail; end end |
#create_form_type ⇒ Types::CreateFormTypePolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that this is a create form type policy.
11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11529 class PolicyGrantDetail < :add_to_project_member_pool, :create_asset_type, :create_domain_unit, :create_environment, :create_environment_profile, :create_form_type, :create_glossary, :create_project, :delegate_create_environment_profile, :override_domain_unit_owners, :override_project_owners, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AddToProjectMemberPool < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateAssetType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateDomainUnit < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironment < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateFormType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateGlossary < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateProject < PolicyGrantDetail; end class DelegateCreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideDomainUnitOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideProjectOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantDetail; end end |
#create_glossary ⇒ Types::CreateGlossaryPolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that this is a create glossary policy.
11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11529 class PolicyGrantDetail < :add_to_project_member_pool, :create_asset_type, :create_domain_unit, :create_environment, :create_environment_profile, :create_form_type, :create_glossary, :create_project, :delegate_create_environment_profile, :override_domain_unit_owners, :override_project_owners, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AddToProjectMemberPool < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateAssetType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateDomainUnit < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironment < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateFormType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateGlossary < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateProject < PolicyGrantDetail; end class DelegateCreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideDomainUnitOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideProjectOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantDetail; end end |
#create_project ⇒ Types::CreateProjectPolicyGrantDetail
Specifies that this is a create project policy.
11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11529 class PolicyGrantDetail < :add_to_project_member_pool, :create_asset_type, :create_domain_unit, :create_environment, :create_environment_profile, :create_form_type, :create_glossary, :create_project, :delegate_create_environment_profile, :override_domain_unit_owners, :override_project_owners, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AddToProjectMemberPool < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateAssetType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateDomainUnit < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironment < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateFormType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateGlossary < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateProject < PolicyGrantDetail; end class DelegateCreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideDomainUnitOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideProjectOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantDetail; end end |
#data_product_item ⇒ Types::DataProductResultItem
The data product.
13022 13023 13024 13025 13026 13027 13028 13029 13030 13031 13032 13033 13034 13035 13036 13037 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 13022 class SearchInventoryResultItem < :asset_item, :data_product_item, :glossary_item, :glossary_term_item, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AssetItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class DataProductItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class GlossaryItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class GlossaryTermItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class Unknown < SearchInventoryResultItem; end end |
#data_product_listing ⇒ Types::DataProductListingItem
The data product listing.
10935 10936 10937 10938 10939 10940 10941 10942 10943 10944 10945 10946 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 10935 class ListingItem < :asset_listing, :data_product_listing, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AssetListing < ListingItem; end class DataProductListing < ListingItem; end class Unknown < ListingItem; end end |
#delegate_create_environment_profile ⇒ Types::Unit
Specifies that this is the delegation of the create environment profile policy.
11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11529 class PolicyGrantDetail < :add_to_project_member_pool, :create_asset_type, :create_domain_unit, :create_environment, :create_environment_profile, :create_form_type, :create_glossary, :create_project, :delegate_create_environment_profile, :override_domain_unit_owners, :override_project_owners, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AddToProjectMemberPool < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateAssetType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateDomainUnit < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironment < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateFormType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateGlossary < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateProject < PolicyGrantDetail; end class DelegateCreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideDomainUnitOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideProjectOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantDetail; end end |
#domain_unit ⇒ Types::DomainUnitPolicyGrantPrincipal
The domain unit of the policy grant principal.
11613 11614 11615 11616 11617 11618 11619 11620 11621 11622 11623 11624 11625 11626 11627 11628 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11613 class PolicyGrantPrincipal < :domain_unit, :group, :project, :user, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class DomainUnit < PolicyGrantPrincipal; end class Group < PolicyGrantPrincipal; end class Project < PolicyGrantPrincipal; end class User < PolicyGrantPrincipal; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantPrincipal; end end |
#domain_unit_filter ⇒ Types::DomainUnitFilterForProject
The domain unit filter of the project grant filter.
11774 11775 11776 11777 11778 11779 11780 11781 11782 11783 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11774 class ProjectGrantFilter < :domain_unit_filter, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class DomainUnitFilter < ProjectGrantFilter; end class Unknown < ProjectGrantFilter; end end |
#equal_to ⇒ Types::EqualToExpression
The 'equal to' clause of the row filter expression.
12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12770 class RowFilterExpression < :equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :in, :is_not_null, :is_null, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :like, :not_equal_to, :not_in, :not_like, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class EqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThan < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class In < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNotNull < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNull < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThan < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class Like < RowFilterExpression; end class NotEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class NotIn < RowFilterExpression; end class NotLike < RowFilterExpression; end class Unknown < RowFilterExpression; end end |
#expression ⇒ Types::RowFilterExpression
The expression of the row filter.
12680 12681 12682 12683 12684 12685 12686 12687 12688 12689 12690 12691 12692 12693 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12680 class RowFilter < :and, :expression, :or, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class And < RowFilter; end class Expression < RowFilter; end class Or < RowFilter; end class Unknown < RowFilter; end end |
#filter ⇒ Types::Filter
A search filter in Amazon DataZone.
5800 5801 5802 5803 5804 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 5800 class FilterClause < :and, :filter, :or, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class And < FilterClause; end class Filter < FilterClause; end class Or < FilterClause; end class Unknown < FilterClause; end end |
#form_type_item ⇒ Types::FormTypeData
The form type included in the results of the SearchTypes
13303 13304 13305 13306 13307 13308 13309 13310 13311 13312 13313 13314 13315 13316 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 13303 class SearchTypesResultItem < :asset_type_item, :form_type_item, :lineage_node_type_item, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AssetTypeItem < SearchTypesResultItem; end class FormTypeItem < SearchTypesResultItem; end class LineageNodeTypeItem < SearchTypesResultItem; end class Unknown < SearchTypesResultItem; end end |
#glossary_item ⇒ Types::GlossaryItem
The glossary item included in the search results.
13022 13023 13024 13025 13026 13027 13028 13029 13030 13031 13032 13033 13034 13035 13036 13037 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 13022 class SearchInventoryResultItem < :asset_item, :data_product_item, :glossary_item, :glossary_term_item, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AssetItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class DataProductItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class GlossaryItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class GlossaryTermItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class Unknown < SearchInventoryResultItem; end end |
#glossary_term_item ⇒ Types::GlossaryTermItem
The glossary term item included in the search results.
13022 13023 13024 13025 13026 13027 13028 13029 13030 13031 13032 13033 13034 13035 13036 13037 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 13022 class SearchInventoryResultItem < :asset_item, :data_product_item, :glossary_item, :glossary_term_item, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AssetItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class DataProductItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class GlossaryItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class GlossaryTermItem < SearchInventoryResultItem; end class Unknown < SearchInventoryResultItem; end end |
#glue_run_configuration ⇒ Types::GlueRunConfigurationOutput
The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 4133 class DataSourceConfigurationInput < :glue_run_configuration, :redshift_run_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class GlueRunConfiguration < DataSourceConfigurationInput; end class RedshiftRunConfiguration < DataSourceConfigurationInput; end class Unknown < DataSourceConfigurationInput; end end |
#glue_self_grant_status ⇒ Types::GlueSelfGrantStatusOutput
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
13426 13427 13428 13429 13430 13431 13432 13433 13434 13435 13436 13437 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 13426 class SelfGrantStatusOutput < :glue_self_grant_status, :redshift_self_grant_status, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class GlueSelfGrantStatus < SelfGrantStatusOutput; end class RedshiftSelfGrantStatus < SelfGrantStatusOutput; end class Unknown < SelfGrantStatusOutput; end end |
#greater_than ⇒ Types::GreaterThanExpression
The 'greater than' clause of the row filter expression.
12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12770 class RowFilterExpression < :equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :in, :is_not_null, :is_null, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :like, :not_equal_to, :not_in, :not_like, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class EqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThan < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class In < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNotNull < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNull < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThan < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class Like < RowFilterExpression; end class NotEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class NotIn < RowFilterExpression; end class NotLike < RowFilterExpression; end class Unknown < RowFilterExpression; end end |
#greater_than_or_equal_to ⇒ Types::GreaterThanOrEqualToExpression
The 'greater than or equal to' clause of the filter expression.
12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12770 class RowFilterExpression < :equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :in, :is_not_null, :is_null, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :like, :not_equal_to, :not_in, :not_like, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class EqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThan < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class In < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNotNull < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNull < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThan < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class Like < RowFilterExpression; end class NotEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class NotIn < RowFilterExpression; end class NotLike < RowFilterExpression; end class Unknown < RowFilterExpression; end end |
#group ⇒ Types::GroupPolicyGrantPrincipal
The group of the policy grant principal.
5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5341 5342 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 5331 class DomainUnitOwnerProperties < :group, :user, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class Group < DomainUnitOwnerProperties; end class User < DomainUnitOwnerProperties; end class Unknown < DomainUnitOwnerProperties; end end |
#group_identifier ⇒ String
The ID of the group of a project member.
8748 8749 8750 8751 8752 8753 8754 8755 8756 8757 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 8748 class GroupPolicyGrantPrincipal < :group_identifier, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class GroupIdentifier < GroupPolicyGrantPrincipal; end class Unknown < GroupPolicyGrantPrincipal; end end |
#iam ⇒ Types::IamUserProfileDetails
The IAM details included in the user profile details.
16155 16156 16157 16158 16159 16160 16161 16162 16163 16164 16165 16166 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 16155 class UserProfileDetails < :iam, :sso, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class Iam < UserProfileDetails; end class Sso < UserProfileDetails; end class Unknown < UserProfileDetails; end end |
#in ⇒ Types::InExpression
The 'in' clause of the row filter expression.
12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12770 class RowFilterExpression < :equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :in, :is_not_null, :is_null, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :like, :not_equal_to, :not_in, :not_like, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class EqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThan < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class In < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNotNull < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNull < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThan < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class Like < RowFilterExpression; end class NotEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class NotIn < RowFilterExpression; end class NotLike < RowFilterExpression; end class Unknown < RowFilterExpression; end end |
#is_not_null ⇒ Types::IsNotNullExpression
The 'is not null' clause of the row filter expression.
12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12770 class RowFilterExpression < :equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :in, :is_not_null, :is_null, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :like, :not_equal_to, :not_in, :not_like, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class EqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThan < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class In < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNotNull < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNull < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThan < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class Like < RowFilterExpression; end class NotEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class NotIn < RowFilterExpression; end class NotLike < RowFilterExpression; end class Unknown < RowFilterExpression; end end |
#is_null ⇒ Types::IsNullExpression
The 'is null' clause of the row filter expression.
12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12770 class RowFilterExpression < :equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :in, :is_not_null, :is_null, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :like, :not_equal_to, :not_in, :not_like, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class EqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThan < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class In < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNotNull < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNull < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThan < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class Like < RowFilterExpression; end class NotEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class NotIn < RowFilterExpression; end class NotLike < RowFilterExpression; end class Unknown < RowFilterExpression; end end |
#lake_formation_configuration ⇒ Types::LakeFormationConfiguration
The Lake Formation configuration of the Data Lake blueprint.
11900 11901 11902 11903 11904 11905 11906 11907 11908 11909 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11900 class ProvisioningConfiguration < :lake_formation_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class LakeFormationConfiguration < ProvisioningConfiguration; end class Unknown < ProvisioningConfiguration; end end |
#less_than ⇒ Types::LessThanExpression
The 'less than' clause of the row filter expression.
12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12770 class RowFilterExpression < :equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :in, :is_not_null, :is_null, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :like, :not_equal_to, :not_in, :not_like, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class EqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThan < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class In < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNotNull < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNull < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThan < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class Like < RowFilterExpression; end class NotEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class NotIn < RowFilterExpression; end class NotLike < RowFilterExpression; end class Unknown < RowFilterExpression; end end |
#less_than_or_equal_to ⇒ Types::LessThanOrEqualToExpression
The 'less than or equal to' clause of the row filter expression.
12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12770 class RowFilterExpression < :equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :in, :is_not_null, :is_null, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :like, :not_equal_to, :not_in, :not_like, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class EqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThan < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class In < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNotNull < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNull < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThan < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class Like < RowFilterExpression; end class NotEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class NotIn < RowFilterExpression; end class NotLike < RowFilterExpression; end class Unknown < RowFilterExpression; end end |
#like ⇒ Types::LikeExpression
The 'like' clause of the row filter expression.
12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12770 class RowFilterExpression < :equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :in, :is_not_null, :is_null, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :like, :not_equal_to, :not_in, :not_like, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class EqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThan < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class In < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNotNull < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNull < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThan < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class Like < RowFilterExpression; end class NotEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class NotIn < RowFilterExpression; end class NotLike < RowFilterExpression; end class Unknown < RowFilterExpression; end end |
#lineage_node_type_item ⇒ Types::LineageNodeTypeItem
The details of a data lineage node type.
13303 13304 13305 13306 13307 13308 13309 13310 13311 13312 13313 13314 13315 13316 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 13303 class SearchTypesResultItem < :asset_type_item, :form_type_item, :lineage_node_type_item, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AssetTypeItem < SearchTypesResultItem; end class FormTypeItem < SearchTypesResultItem; end class LineageNodeTypeItem < SearchTypesResultItem; end class Unknown < SearchTypesResultItem; end end |
#listing ⇒ Types::ListingRevisionInput
The listing for which a subscription is to be granted.
8652 8653 8654 8655 8656 8657 8658 8659 8660 8661 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 8652 class GrantedEntity < :listing, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class Listing < GrantedEntity; end class Unknown < GrantedEntity; end end |
#not_equal_to ⇒ Types::NotEqualToExpression
The 'no equal to' clause of the row filter expression.
12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12770 class RowFilterExpression < :equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :in, :is_not_null, :is_null, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :like, :not_equal_to, :not_in, :not_like, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class EqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThan < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class In < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNotNull < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNull < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThan < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class Like < RowFilterExpression; end class NotEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class NotIn < RowFilterExpression; end class NotLike < RowFilterExpression; end class Unknown < RowFilterExpression; end end |
#not_in ⇒ Types::NotInExpression
The 'not in' clause of the row filter expression.
12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12770 class RowFilterExpression < :equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :in, :is_not_null, :is_null, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :like, :not_equal_to, :not_in, :not_like, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class EqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThan < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class In < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNotNull < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNull < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThan < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class Like < RowFilterExpression; end class NotEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class NotIn < RowFilterExpression; end class NotLike < RowFilterExpression; end class Unknown < RowFilterExpression; end end |
#not_like ⇒ Types::NotLikeExpression
The 'not like' clause of the row filter expression.
12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12770 class RowFilterExpression < :equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :in, :is_not_null, :is_null, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :like, :not_equal_to, :not_in, :not_like, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class EqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThan < RowFilterExpression; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class In < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNotNull < RowFilterExpression; end class IsNull < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThan < RowFilterExpression; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class Like < RowFilterExpression; end class NotEqualTo < RowFilterExpression; end class NotIn < RowFilterExpression; end class NotLike < RowFilterExpression; end class Unknown < RowFilterExpression; end end |
#or ⇒ Array<Types::RowFilter>
The 'or' clause of the row filter.
5800 5801 5802 5803 5804 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 5800 class FilterClause < :and, :filter, :or, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class And < FilterClause; end class Filter < FilterClause; end class Or < FilterClause; end class Unknown < FilterClause; end end |
#override_domain_unit_owners ⇒ Types::OverrideDomainUnitOwnersPolicyGrantDetail
Specifies whether to override domain unit owners.
11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11529 class PolicyGrantDetail < :add_to_project_member_pool, :create_asset_type, :create_domain_unit, :create_environment, :create_environment_profile, :create_form_type, :create_glossary, :create_project, :delegate_create_environment_profile, :override_domain_unit_owners, :override_project_owners, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AddToProjectMemberPool < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateAssetType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateDomainUnit < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironment < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateFormType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateGlossary < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateProject < PolicyGrantDetail; end class DelegateCreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideDomainUnitOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideProjectOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantDetail; end end |
#override_project_owners ⇒ Types::OverrideProjectOwnersPolicyGrantDetail
Specifies whether to override project owners.
11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11529 class PolicyGrantDetail < :add_to_project_member_pool, :create_asset_type, :create_domain_unit, :create_environment, :create_environment_profile, :create_form_type, :create_glossary, :create_project, :delegate_create_environment_profile, :override_domain_unit_owners, :override_project_owners, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AddToProjectMemberPool < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateAssetType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateDomainUnit < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironment < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateFormType < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateGlossary < PolicyGrantDetail; end class CreateProject < PolicyGrantDetail; end class DelegateCreateEnvironmentProfile < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideDomainUnitOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class OverrideProjectOwners < PolicyGrantDetail; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantDetail; end end |
#product_listing ⇒ Types::SubscribedProductListing
The data product listing.
13861 13862 13863 13864 13865 13866 13867 13868 13869 13870 13871 13872 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 13861 class SubscribedListingItem < :asset_listing, :product_listing, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class AssetListing < SubscribedListingItem; end class ProductListing < SubscribedListingItem; end class Unknown < SubscribedListingItem; end end |
#project ⇒ Types::SubscribedProjectInput
The project that is to be given a subscription grant.
11613 11614 11615 11616 11617 11618 11619 11620 11621 11622 11623 11624 11625 11626 11627 11628 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11613 class PolicyGrantPrincipal < :domain_unit, :group, :project, :user, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class DomainUnit < PolicyGrantPrincipal; end class Group < PolicyGrantPrincipal; end class Project < PolicyGrantPrincipal; end class User < PolicyGrantPrincipal; end class Unknown < PolicyGrantPrincipal; end end |
#redshift_cluster_source ⇒ Types::RedshiftClusterStorage
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.
12197 12198 12199 12200 12201 12202 12203 12204 12205 12206 12207 12208 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12197 class RedshiftStorage < :redshift_cluster_source, :redshift_serverless_source, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class RedshiftClusterSource < RedshiftStorage; end class RedshiftServerlessSource < RedshiftStorage; end class Unknown < RedshiftStorage; end end |
#redshift_run_configuration ⇒ Types::RedshiftRunConfigurationOutput
The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.
4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 4133 class DataSourceConfigurationInput < :glue_run_configuration, :redshift_run_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class GlueRunConfiguration < DataSourceConfigurationInput; end class RedshiftRunConfiguration < DataSourceConfigurationInput; end class Unknown < DataSourceConfigurationInput; end end |
#redshift_self_grant_status ⇒ Types::RedshiftSelfGrantStatusOutput
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
13426 13427 13428 13429 13430 13431 13432 13433 13434 13435 13436 13437 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 13426 class SelfGrantStatusOutput < :glue_self_grant_status, :redshift_self_grant_status, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class GlueSelfGrantStatus < SelfGrantStatusOutput; end class RedshiftSelfGrantStatus < SelfGrantStatusOutput; end class Unknown < SelfGrantStatusOutput; end end |
#redshift_serverless_source ⇒ Types::RedshiftServerlessStorage
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.
12197 12198 12199 12200 12201 12202 12203 12204 12205 12206 12207 12208 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 12197 class RedshiftStorage < :redshift_cluster_source, :redshift_serverless_source, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class RedshiftClusterSource < RedshiftStorage; end class RedshiftServerlessSource < RedshiftStorage; end class Unknown < RedshiftStorage; end end |
#row_configuration ⇒ Types::RowFilterConfiguration
The row configuration of the asset filter.
424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 424 class AssetFilterConfiguration < :column_configuration, :row_configuration, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class ColumnConfiguration < AssetFilterConfiguration; end class RowConfiguration < AssetFilterConfiguration; end class Unknown < AssetFilterConfiguration; end end |
#smithy ⇒ String
Indicates the smithy model of the API.
11180 11181 11182 11183 11184 11185 11186 11187 11188 11189 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11180 class Model < :smithy, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class Smithy < Model; end class Unknown < Model; end end |
#sso ⇒ Types::SsoUserProfileDetails
The single sign-on details included in the user profile details.
16155 16156 16157 16158 16159 16160 16161 16162 16163 16164 16165 16166 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 16155 class UserProfileDetails < :iam, :sso, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class Iam < UserProfileDetails; end class Sso < UserProfileDetails; end class Unknown < UserProfileDetails; end end |
#user ⇒ Types::UserPolicyGrantPrincipal
The user of the policy grant principal.
5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5341 5342 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 5331 class DomainUnitOwnerProperties < :group, :user, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class Group < DomainUnitOwnerProperties; end class User < DomainUnitOwnerProperties; end class Unknown < DomainUnitOwnerProperties; end end |
#user_identifier ⇒ String
The user ID of the user policy grant principal.
11053 11054 11055 11056 11057 11058 11059 11060 11061 11062 11063 11064 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-datazone/lib/aws-sdk-datazone/types.rb', line 11053 class Member < :group_identifier, :user_identifier, :unknown) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure include Aws::Structure::Union class GroupIdentifier < Member; end class UserIdentifier < Member; end class Unknown < Member; end end |