Document History - Amazon Silk

Document History

The following table describes important changes to the Amazon Silk Developer Guide.

  • Latest documentation update: September 18, 2015

Change Description Change Date

Updated documentation to include latest version of Silk.

This version of the Amazon Silk Developer Guide includes updated procedures, images, and user agent information for the latest Silk version.

September 18, 2015

Added pages on remote debugging and Do Not Track support.

This version of the Amazon Silk Developer Guide includes pages on the Silk remote debugger and on the Do Not Track header field:

August 11, 2014

Added a resources page and a user agent tutorial.

This version of the Amazon Silk Developer Guide includes a page of additional resources and a user agent detection tutorial:

May 9, 2014

HTML5 support table This version of the Amazon Silk Developer Guide includes a table showing HTML5 feature support across Silk generations. March 28, 2014

New feature detection page and WebGL section

This version of the Amazon Silk Developer Guide includes a page on feature detection and a section on WebGL:

January 3, 2014

HTML5 element examples

This version of the Amazon Silk Developer Guide contains example code and images for the following HTML5 elements:

July 12, 2013

New responsive web design page

This version of the Amazon Silk Developer Guide includes an overview of best practices in responsive web design:

June 5, 2013

Initial release

This is the first release of the Amazon Silk Developer Guide.

May 9, 2013