Execution parameters - Clickstream Analytics on AWS

Execution parameters

Execution parameters control how the transformation and enrichment jobs are orchestrated.


You can configure the following Execution parameters after you turn on Enable data processing.

Parameter Description Values
Data processing interval/Fixed Rate Specify the interval to batch the data for data processing by fixed rate

1 hour

12 hours

1 day

Data processing interval/Cron Expression Specify the interval to batch the data for data processing by cron expression

cron(0 * * ? *)

cron(0 0,12 * ? *)

cron(0 0 * ? *)

Event freshness Specify the days after which the solution will ignore the event data. For example, if you specify 3 days for this parameter, the solution will ignore any event which arrived more than 3 days after the events are triggered

3 days

5 days

30 days

Cron expression syntax


cron(minutes hours day-of-month month day-of-week year)

For more information, refer to Cron-based schedules.

Config Spark job parameters

By default, the Clickstream pipeline automatically adjusts EMR job parameters based on the dataset volume that requires processing. In most of time, you do not need to adjust the EMR job parameters, but if you want to override the EMR job parameters, you can put spark-config.json file in S3 bucket to set your job parameters.

To add your customized the EMR job parameters, you can add a file s3://{PipelineS3Bucket}/{PipelineS3Prefix}{ProjectId}/config/spark-config.json in the S3 bucket.

Please replace {PipelineS3Bucket}{PipelineS3Prefix}, and {ProjectId} with the values of your data pipeline. These values are found in the Clickstream-DataProcessing-<uuid> stack's Parameters.

Also, you can get these values by running the below commands,

stackNames=$(aws cloudformation list-stacks --stack-status-filter CREATE_COMPLETE UPDATE_COMPLETE --no-paginate | jq -r '.StackSummaries[].StackName' | grep Clickstream-DataProcessing | grep -v Nested) echo -e "$stackNames" | while read stackName; do aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name $stackName | jq '.Stacks[].Parameters' | jq 'map(select(.ParameterKey == "PipelineS3Bucket" or .ParameterKey == "PipelineS3Prefix" or .ParameterKey == "ProjectId"))' done

Here is an example of the file spark-config.json:

{ "sparkConfig": [ "spark.emr-serverless.executor.disk=200g", "spark.executor.instances=16", "spark.dynamicAllocation.initialExecutors=16", "spark.executor.memory=100g", "spark.executor.cores=16", "spark.network.timeout=10000000", "spark.executor.heartbeatInterval=10000000", "spark.shuffle.registration.timeout=120000", "spark.shuffle.registration.maxAttempts=5", "spark.shuffle.file.buffer=2m", "spark.shuffle.unsafe.file.output.buffer=1m" ], "inputRePartitions": 2000 }

Please make sure your account has enough emr-serverless quotas, you can view the quotas via emr-serverless-quotas in the Region us-east-1. For more configurations, please refer to Spark job properties and application worker config.