Architecture overview - Security Automations for AWS WAF

Architecture overview

This section provides a reference implementation architecture diagram for the components deployed with this solution.

Architecture diagram

Deploying this solution with the default parameters deploys the following components in your AWS account.

CloudFormation template deploys AWS WAF and other AWS resources to protect your web application from common attacks.

Security Automations for AWS WAF architecture on AWS

At the core of the design is an AWS WAF web ACL, which acts as the central inspection and decision point for all incoming requests to a web application. During initial configuration of the CloudFormation stack, the user defines which protective components to activate. Each component operates independently and adds different rules to the web ACL.

The components of this solution can be grouped into the following areas of protection.


The group labels don’t reflect the priority level of the WAF rules.

  • AWS Managed Rules (A) – This component contains AWS Managed Rules IP reputation rule groups, baseline rule groups, and use-case specific rule groups. These rule groups protect against exploitation of common application vulnerabilities or other unwanted traffic, including those described in OWASP publications, without having to write your own rules.

  • Manual IP lists (B and C) – These components create two AWS WAF rules. With these rules, you can manually insert IP addresses that you want to allow or deny. You can configure IP retention and remove expired IP addresses on allowed or denied IP sets using Amazon EventBridge rules and Amazon DynamoDB. For more information, refer to Configure IP retention on Allowed and Denied AWS WAF IP sets.

  • SQL Injection (D) and XSS (E) – These components configure two AWS WAF rules that are designed to protect against common SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS) patterns in the URI, query string, or body of a request.

  • HTTP Flood (F) – This component protects against attacks that consist of a large number of requests from a particular IP address, such as a web-layer DDoS attack or a brute-force login attempt. With this rule, you set a quota that defines the maximum number of incoming requests allowed from a single IP address within a default five-minute period (configurable with the Athena Query Run Time Schedule parameter). After this threshold is breached, additional requests from the IP address are temporarily blocked. You can implement this rule by using an AWS WAF rate-based rule, or by processing AWS WAF logs using a Lambda function or Athena query. For more information about the tradeoffs related to HTTP flood mitigation options, refer to Log parser options.

  • Scanner and Probe (G) – This component parses application access logs searching for suspicious behavior, such as an abnormal amount of errors generated by an origin. Then it blocks those suspicious source IP addresses for a customer-defined period of time. You can implement this rule using a Lambda function or Athena query. For more information about the tradeoffs related to scanner and probe mitigation options, refer to Log parser options.

  • IP Reputation Lists (H) – This component is the IP Lists Parser Lambda function that checks third-party IP reputation lists hourly for new ranges to block. These lists include the Spamhaus Don’t Route Or Peer (DROP) and Extended DROP (EDROP) lists, the Proofpoint Emerging Threats IP list, and the Tor exit node list.

  • Bad Bot (I) – This component automatically sets up a honeypot, which is a security mechanism intended to lure and deflect an attempted attack. This solution’s honeypot is a trap endpoint that you can insert in your website to detect inbound requests from content scrapers and bad bots. If a source accesses the honeypot, the Access Handler Lambda function intercepts and inspects the request to extract its IP address, and then adds it to an AWS WAF block list.

Each of the three custom Lambda functions in this solution publish runtime metrics to CloudWatch. For more information on these Lambda functions, refer to Component details.