@ThreadSafe @Generated(value="com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") public class AWSCleanRoomsClient extends AmazonWebServiceClient implements AWSCleanRooms
Welcome to the Clean Rooms API Reference.
Clean Rooms is an Amazon Web Services service that helps multiple parties to join their data together in a secure collaboration workspace. In the collaboration, members who can query and receive results can get insights into the collective datasets without either party getting access to the other party's raw data.
To learn more about Clean Rooms concepts, procedures, and best practices, see the Clean Rooms User Guide.
To learn more about SQL commands, functions, and conditions supported in Clean Rooms, see the Clean Rooms SQL Reference.
addRequestHandler, addRequestHandler, configureRegion, getClientConfiguration, getEndpointPrefix, getMonitoringListeners, getRequestMetricsCollector, getServiceName, getSignerByURI, getSignerOverride, getSignerRegionOverride, getTimeOffset, makeImmutable, removeRequestHandler, removeRequestHandler, setEndpoint, setEndpoint, setRegion, setServiceNameIntern, setSignerRegionOverride, setTimeOffset, withEndpoint, withRegion, withRegion, withTimeOffset
public static AWSCleanRoomsClientBuilder builder()
public BatchGetCollaborationAnalysisTemplateResult batchGetCollaborationAnalysisTemplate(BatchGetCollaborationAnalysisTemplateRequest request)
Retrieves multiple analysis templates within a collaboration by their Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public BatchGetSchemaResult batchGetSchema(BatchGetSchemaRequest request)
Retrieves multiple schemas by their identifiers.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public BatchGetSchemaAnalysisRuleResult batchGetSchemaAnalysisRule(BatchGetSchemaAnalysisRuleRequest request)
Retrieves multiple analysis rule schemas.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public CreateAnalysisTemplateResult createAnalysisTemplate(CreateAnalysisTemplateRequest request)
Creates a new analysis template.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ServiceQuotaExceededException
- Request denied because service quota has been exceeded.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public CreateCollaborationResult createCollaboration(CreateCollaborationRequest request)
Creates a new collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ServiceQuotaExceededException
- Request denied because service quota has been exceeded.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public CreateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationResult createConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(CreateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationRequest request)
Provides the details necessary to create a configured audience model association.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ServiceQuotaExceededException
- Request denied because service quota has been exceeded.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public CreateConfiguredTableResult createConfiguredTable(CreateConfiguredTableRequest request)
Creates a new configured table resource.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ServiceQuotaExceededException
- Request denied because service quota has been exceeded.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public CreateConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleResult createConfiguredTableAnalysisRule(CreateConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleRequest request)
Creates a new analysis rule for a configured table. Currently, only one analysis rule can be created for a given configured table.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public CreateConfiguredTableAssociationResult createConfiguredTableAssociation(CreateConfiguredTableAssociationRequest request)
Creates a configured table association. A configured table association links a configured table with a collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ServiceQuotaExceededException
- Request denied because service quota has been exceeded.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public CreateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleResult createConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule(CreateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleRequest request)
Creates a new analysis rule for an associated configured table.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public CreateIdMappingTableResult createIdMappingTable(CreateIdMappingTableRequest request)
Creates an ID mapping table.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ServiceQuotaExceededException
- Request denied because service quota has been exceeded.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public CreateMembershipResult createMembership(CreateMembershipRequest request)
Creates a membership for a specific collaboration identifier and joins the collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ServiceQuotaExceededException
- Request denied because service quota has been exceeded.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public CreatePrivacyBudgetTemplateResult createPrivacyBudgetTemplate(CreatePrivacyBudgetTemplateRequest request)
Creates a privacy budget template for a specified membership. Each membership can have only one privacy budget template, but it can be deleted and recreated. If you need to change the privacy budget template for a membership, use the UpdatePrivacyBudgetTemplate operation.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public DeleteAnalysisTemplateResult deleteAnalysisTemplate(DeleteAnalysisTemplateRequest request)
Deletes an analysis template.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public DeleteCollaborationResult deleteCollaboration(DeleteCollaborationRequest request)
Deletes a collaboration. It can only be called by the collaboration owner.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public DeleteConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationResult deleteConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(DeleteConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationRequest request)
Provides the information necessary to delete a configured audience model association.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public DeleteConfiguredTableResult deleteConfiguredTable(DeleteConfiguredTableRequest request)
Deletes a configured table.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public DeleteConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleResult deleteConfiguredTableAnalysisRule(DeleteConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleRequest request)
Deletes a configured table analysis rule.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public DeleteConfiguredTableAssociationResult deleteConfiguredTableAssociation(DeleteConfiguredTableAssociationRequest request)
Deletes a configured table association.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public DeleteConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleResult deleteConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule(DeleteConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleRequest request)
Deletes an analysis rule for a configured table association.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public DeleteIdMappingTableResult deleteIdMappingTable(DeleteIdMappingTableRequest request)
Deletes an ID mapping table.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public DeleteIdNamespaceAssociationResult deleteIdNamespaceAssociation(DeleteIdNamespaceAssociationRequest request)
Deletes an ID namespace association.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public DeleteMemberResult deleteMember(DeleteMemberRequest request)
Removes the specified member from a collaboration. The removed member is placed in the Removed status and can't interact with the collaboration. The removed member's data is inaccessible to active members of the collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public DeleteMembershipResult deleteMembership(DeleteMembershipRequest request)
Deletes a specified membership. All resources under a membership must be deleted.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public DeletePrivacyBudgetTemplateResult deletePrivacyBudgetTemplate(DeletePrivacyBudgetTemplateRequest request)
Deletes a privacy budget template for a specified membership.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetAnalysisTemplateResult getAnalysisTemplate(GetAnalysisTemplateRequest request)
Retrieves an analysis template.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetCollaborationResult getCollaboration(GetCollaborationRequest request)
Returns metadata about a collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetCollaborationAnalysisTemplateResult getCollaborationAnalysisTemplate(GetCollaborationAnalysisTemplateRequest request)
Retrieves an analysis template within a collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationResult getCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(GetCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationRequest request)
Retrieves a configured audience model association within a collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplateResult getCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplate(GetCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplateRequest request)
Returns details about a specified privacy budget template.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationResult getConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(GetConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationRequest request)
Returns information about a configured audience model association.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetConfiguredTableResult getConfiguredTable(GetConfiguredTableRequest request)
Retrieves a configured table.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleResult getConfiguredTableAnalysisRule(GetConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleRequest request)
Retrieves a configured table analysis rule.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetConfiguredTableAssociationResult getConfiguredTableAssociation(GetConfiguredTableAssociationRequest request)
Retrieves a configured table association.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleResult getConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule(GetConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleRequest request)
Retrieves the analysis rule for a configured table association.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetIdMappingTableResult getIdMappingTable(GetIdMappingTableRequest request)
Retrieves an ID mapping table.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetMembershipResult getMembership(GetMembershipRequest request)
Retrieves a specified membership for an identifier.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetPrivacyBudgetTemplateResult getPrivacyBudgetTemplate(GetPrivacyBudgetTemplateRequest request)
Returns details for a specified privacy budget template.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetProtectedQueryResult getProtectedQuery(GetProtectedQueryRequest request)
Returns query processing metadata.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetSchemaResult getSchema(GetSchemaRequest request)
Retrieves the schema for a relation within a collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public GetSchemaAnalysisRuleResult getSchemaAnalysisRule(GetSchemaAnalysisRuleRequest request)
Retrieves a schema analysis rule.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListAnalysisTemplatesResult listAnalysisTemplates(ListAnalysisTemplatesRequest request)
Lists analysis templates that the caller owns.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListCollaborationAnalysisTemplatesResult listCollaborationAnalysisTemplates(ListCollaborationAnalysisTemplatesRequest request)
Lists analysis templates within a collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationsResult listCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations(ListCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationsRequest request)
Lists configured audience model associations within a collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociationsResult listCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociations(ListCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociationsRequest request)
Returns a list of the ID namespace associations in a collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplatesResult listCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplates(ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplatesRequest request)
Returns an array that summarizes each privacy budget template in a specified collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetsResult listCollaborationPrivacyBudgets(ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetsRequest request)
Returns an array that summarizes each privacy budget in a specified collaboration. The summary includes the collaboration ARN, creation time, creating account, and privacy budget details.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListCollaborationsResult listCollaborations(ListCollaborationsRequest request)
Lists collaborations the caller owns, is active in, or has been invited to.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationsResult listConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations(ListConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationsRequest request)
Lists information about requested configured audience model associations.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListConfiguredTableAssociationsResult listConfiguredTableAssociations(ListConfiguredTableAssociationsRequest request)
Lists configured table associations for a membership.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListConfiguredTablesResult listConfiguredTables(ListConfiguredTablesRequest request)
Lists configured tables.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListIdMappingTablesResult listIdMappingTables(ListIdMappingTablesRequest request)
Returns a list of ID mapping tables.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListIdNamespaceAssociationsResult listIdNamespaceAssociations(ListIdNamespaceAssociationsRequest request)
Returns a list of ID namespace associations.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListMembersResult listMembers(ListMembersRequest request)
Lists all members within a collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListMembershipsResult listMemberships(ListMembershipsRequest request)
Lists all memberships resources within the caller's account.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListPrivacyBudgetTemplatesResult listPrivacyBudgetTemplates(ListPrivacyBudgetTemplatesRequest request)
Returns detailed information about the privacy budget templates in a specified membership.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListPrivacyBudgetsResult listPrivacyBudgets(ListPrivacyBudgetsRequest request)
Returns detailed information about the privacy budgets in a specified membership.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListProtectedQueriesResult listProtectedQueries(ListProtectedQueriesRequest request)
Lists protected queries, sorted by the most recent query.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListSchemasResult listSchemas(ListSchemasRequest request)
Lists the schemas for relations within a collaboration.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ListTagsForResourceResult listTagsForResource(ListTagsForResourceRequest request)
Lists all of the tags that have been added to a resource.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.public PopulateIdMappingTableResult populateIdMappingTable(PopulateIdMappingTableRequest request)
Defines the information that's necessary to populate an ID mapping table.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public PreviewPrivacyImpactResult previewPrivacyImpact(PreviewPrivacyImpactRequest request)
An estimate of the number of aggregation functions that the member who can query can run given epsilon and noise parameters.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public StartProtectedQueryResult startProtectedQuery(StartProtectedQueryRequest request)
Creates a protected query that is started by Clean Rooms.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ServiceQuotaExceededException
- Request denied because service quota has been exceeded.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public TagResourceResult tagResource(TagResourceRequest request)
Tags a resource.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.public UntagResourceResult untagResource(UntagResourceRequest request)
Removes a tag or list of tags from a resource.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.public UpdateAnalysisTemplateResult updateAnalysisTemplate(UpdateAnalysisTemplateRequest request)
Updates the analysis template metadata.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public UpdateCollaborationResult updateCollaboration(UpdateCollaborationRequest request)
Updates collaboration metadata and can only be called by the collaboration owner.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public UpdateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationResult updateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(UpdateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationRequest request)
Provides the details necessary to update a configured audience model association.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public UpdateConfiguredTableResult updateConfiguredTable(UpdateConfiguredTableRequest request)
Updates a configured table.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public UpdateConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleResult updateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule(UpdateConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleRequest request)
Updates a configured table analysis rule.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public UpdateConfiguredTableAssociationResult updateConfiguredTableAssociation(UpdateConfiguredTableAssociationRequest request)
Updates a configured table association.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public UpdateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleResult updateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule(UpdateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleRequest request)
Updates the analysis rule for a configured table association.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public UpdateIdMappingTableResult updateIdMappingTable(UpdateIdMappingTableRequest request)
Provides the details that are necessary to update an ID mapping table.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public UpdateMembershipResult updateMembership(UpdateMembershipRequest request)
Updates a membership.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public UpdatePrivacyBudgetTemplateResult updatePrivacyBudgetTemplate(UpdatePrivacyBudgetTemplateRequest request)
Updates the privacy budget template for the specified membership.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public UpdateProtectedQueryResult updateProtectedQuery(UpdateProtectedQueryRequest request)
Updates the processing of a currently running query.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- ConflictException
- Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.ResourceNotFoundException
- Request references a resource which does not exist.InternalServerException
- Unexpected error during processing of request.ValidationException
- The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.ThrottlingException
- Request was denied due to request throttling.AccessDeniedException
- Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.public ResponseMetadata getCachedResponseMetadata(AmazonWebServiceRequest request)
Response metadata is only cached for a limited period of time, so if you need to access this extra diagnostic information for an executed request, you should use this method to retrieve it as soon as possible after executing the request.
in interface AWSCleanRooms
- The originally executed requestpublic void shutdown()
in interface AWSCleanRooms
in class AmazonWebServiceClient
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