@Generated(value="com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") public class AbstractAmazonConnectParticipantAsync extends AbstractAmazonConnectParticipant implements AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
. Convenient method forms pass through to the
corresponding overload that takes a request object and an AsyncHandler
, which throws an
completeAttachmentUpload, createParticipantConnection, describeView, disconnectParticipant, getAttachment, getCachedResponseMetadata, getTranscript, sendEvent, sendMessage, shutdown, startAttachmentUpload
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
completeAttachmentUpload, createParticipantConnection, describeView, disconnectParticipant, getAttachment, getCachedResponseMetadata, getTranscript, sendEvent, sendMessage, shutdown, startAttachmentUpload
public Future<CompleteAttachmentUploadResult> completeAttachmentUploadAsync(CompleteAttachmentUploadRequest request)
Allows you to confirm that the attachment has been uploaded using the pre-signed URL provided in StartAttachmentUpload API. A conflict exception is thrown when an attachment with that identifier is already being uploaded.
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
public Future<CompleteAttachmentUploadResult> completeAttachmentUploadAsync(CompleteAttachmentUploadRequest request, AsyncHandler<CompleteAttachmentUploadRequest,CompleteAttachmentUploadResult> asyncHandler)
Allows you to confirm that the attachment has been uploaded using the pre-signed URL provided in StartAttachmentUpload API. A conflict exception is thrown when an attachment with that identifier is already being uploaded.
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateParticipantConnectionResult> createParticipantConnectionAsync(CreateParticipantConnectionRequest request)
Creates the participant's connection.
is used for invoking this API instead of ConnectionToken
The participant token is valid for the lifetime of the participant – until they are part of a contact.
The response URL for WEBSOCKET
Type has a connect expiry timeout of 100s. Clients must manually
connect to the returned websocket URL and subscribe to the desired topic.
For chat, you need to publish the following on the established websocket connection:
Upon websocket URL expiry, as specified in the response ConnectionExpiry parameter, clients need to call this API again to obtain a new websocket URL and perform the same steps as before.
Message streaming support: This API can also be used together with the StartContactStreaming API to create a participant connection for chat contacts that are not using a websocket. For more information about message streaming, Enable real-time chat message streaming in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
Feature specifications: For information about feature specifications, such as the allowed number of open websocket connections per participant, see Feature specifications in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
public Future<CreateParticipantConnectionResult> createParticipantConnectionAsync(CreateParticipantConnectionRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateParticipantConnectionRequest,CreateParticipantConnectionResult> asyncHandler)
Creates the participant's connection.
is used for invoking this API instead of ConnectionToken
The participant token is valid for the lifetime of the participant – until they are part of a contact.
The response URL for WEBSOCKET
Type has a connect expiry timeout of 100s. Clients must manually
connect to the returned websocket URL and subscribe to the desired topic.
For chat, you need to publish the following on the established websocket connection:
Upon websocket URL expiry, as specified in the response ConnectionExpiry parameter, clients need to call this API again to obtain a new websocket URL and perform the same steps as before.
Message streaming support: This API can also be used together with the StartContactStreaming API to create a participant connection for chat contacts that are not using a websocket. For more information about message streaming, Enable real-time chat message streaming in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
Feature specifications: For information about feature specifications, such as the allowed number of open websocket connections per participant, see Feature specifications in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeViewResult> describeViewAsync(DescribeViewRequest request)
Retrieves the view for the specified view token.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
public Future<DescribeViewResult> describeViewAsync(DescribeViewRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeViewRequest,DescribeViewResult> asyncHandler)
Retrieves the view for the specified view token.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisconnectParticipantResult> disconnectParticipantAsync(DisconnectParticipantRequest request)
Disconnects a participant.
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
public Future<DisconnectParticipantResult> disconnectParticipantAsync(DisconnectParticipantRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisconnectParticipantRequest,DisconnectParticipantResult> asyncHandler)
Disconnects a participant.
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetAttachmentResult> getAttachmentAsync(GetAttachmentRequest request)
Provides a pre-signed URL for download of a completed attachment. This is an asynchronous API for use with active contacts.
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
public Future<GetAttachmentResult> getAttachmentAsync(GetAttachmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetAttachmentRequest,GetAttachmentResult> asyncHandler)
Provides a pre-signed URL for download of a completed attachment. This is an asynchronous API for use with active contacts.
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetTranscriptResult> getTranscriptAsync(GetTranscriptRequest request)
Retrieves a transcript of the session, including details about any attachments. For information about accessing past chat contact transcripts for a persistent chat, see Enable persistent chat.
If you have a process that consumes events in the transcript of an chat that has ended, note that chat transcripts contain the following event content types if the event has occurred during the chat session:
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
public Future<GetTranscriptResult> getTranscriptAsync(GetTranscriptRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetTranscriptRequest,GetTranscriptResult> asyncHandler)
Retrieves a transcript of the session, including details about any attachments. For information about accessing past chat contact transcripts for a persistent chat, see Enable persistent chat.
If you have a process that consumes events in the transcript of an chat that has ended, note that chat transcripts contain the following event content types if the event has occurred during the chat session:
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SendEventResult> sendEventAsync(SendEventRequest request)
The application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.connection.acknowledged
ContentType will no longer be
supported starting December 31, 2024. This event has been migrated to the CreateParticipantConnection API using the ConnectParticipant
Sends an event. Message receipts are not supported when there are more than two active participants in the chat. Using the SendEvent API for message receipts when a supervisor is barged-in will result in a conflict exception.
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
public Future<SendEventResult> sendEventAsync(SendEventRequest request, AsyncHandler<SendEventRequest,SendEventResult> asyncHandler)
The application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.connection.acknowledged
ContentType will no longer be
supported starting December 31, 2024. This event has been migrated to the CreateParticipantConnection API using the ConnectParticipant
Sends an event. Message receipts are not supported when there are more than two active participants in the chat. Using the SendEvent API for message receipts when a supervisor is barged-in will result in a conflict exception.
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SendMessageResult> sendMessageAsync(SendMessageRequest request)
Sends a message.
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
public Future<SendMessageResult> sendMessageAsync(SendMessageRequest request, AsyncHandler<SendMessageRequest,SendMessageResult> asyncHandler)
Sends a message.
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<StartAttachmentUploadResult> startAttachmentUploadAsync(StartAttachmentUploadRequest request)
Provides a pre-signed Amazon S3 URL in response for uploading the file directly to S3.
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
public Future<StartAttachmentUploadResult> startAttachmentUploadAsync(StartAttachmentUploadRequest request, AsyncHandler<StartAttachmentUploadRequest,StartAttachmentUploadResult> asyncHandler)
Provides a pre-signed Amazon S3 URL in response for uploading the file directly to S3.
is used for invoking this API instead of ParticipantToken
The Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs do not use Signature Version 4 authentication.
in interface AmazonConnectParticipantAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.