
Modifies the provisioned throughput settings, global secondary indexes, or DynamoDB Streams settings for a given table.

For global tables, this operation only applies to global tables using Version 2019.11.21 (Current version).

You can only perform one of the following operations at once:

  • Modify the provisioned throughput settings of the table.

  • Remove a global secondary index from the table.

  • Create a new global secondary index on the table. After the index begins backfilling, you can use UpdateTable to perform other operations.

UpdateTable is an asynchronous operation; while it's executing, the table status changes from ACTIVE to UPDATING. While it's UPDATING, you can't issue another UpdateTable request. When the table returns to the ACTIVE state, the UpdateTable operation is complete.

Example Syntax

Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.

import { DynamoDBClient, UpdateTableCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb"; // ES Modules import
// const { DynamoDBClient, UpdateTableCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb"); // CommonJS import
const client = new DynamoDBClient(config);
const input = { // UpdateTableInput
  AttributeDefinitions: [ // AttributeDefinitions
    { // AttributeDefinition
      AttributeName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      AttributeType: "S" || "N" || "B", // required
  TableName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  ProvisionedThroughput: { // ProvisionedThroughput
    ReadCapacityUnits: Number("long"), // required
    WriteCapacityUnits: Number("long"), // required
  GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates: [ // GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdateList
    { // GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate
      Update: { // UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
        IndexName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ProvisionedThroughput: {
          ReadCapacityUnits: Number("long"), // required
          WriteCapacityUnits: Number("long"), // required
        OnDemandThroughput: { // OnDemandThroughput
          MaxReadRequestUnits: Number("long"),
          MaxWriteRequestUnits: Number("long"),
        WarmThroughput: { // WarmThroughput
          ReadUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
          WriteUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
      Create: { // CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
        IndexName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        KeySchema: [ // KeySchema // required
          { // KeySchemaElement
            AttributeName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            KeyType: "HASH" || "RANGE", // required
        Projection: { // Projection
          ProjectionType: "ALL" || "KEYS_ONLY" || "INCLUDE",
          NonKeyAttributes: [ // NonKeyAttributeNameList
        ProvisionedThroughput: {
          ReadCapacityUnits: Number("long"), // required
          WriteCapacityUnits: Number("long"), // required
        OnDemandThroughput: {
          MaxReadRequestUnits: Number("long"),
          MaxWriteRequestUnits: Number("long"),
        WarmThroughput: {
          ReadUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
          WriteUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
      Delete: { // DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction
        IndexName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  StreamSpecification: { // StreamSpecification
    StreamEnabled: true || false, // required
    StreamViewType: "NEW_IMAGE" || "OLD_IMAGE" || "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES" || "KEYS_ONLY",
  SSESpecification: { // SSESpecification
    Enabled: true || false,
    SSEType: "AES256" || "KMS",
    KMSMasterKeyId: "STRING_VALUE",
  ReplicaUpdates: [ // ReplicationGroupUpdateList
    { // ReplicationGroupUpdate
      Create: { // CreateReplicationGroupMemberAction
        RegionName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        KMSMasterKeyId: "STRING_VALUE",
        ProvisionedThroughputOverride: { // ProvisionedThroughputOverride
          ReadCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
        OnDemandThroughputOverride: { // OnDemandThroughputOverride
          MaxReadRequestUnits: Number("long"),
        GlobalSecondaryIndexes: [ // ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexList
          { // ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex
            IndexName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            ProvisionedThroughputOverride: {
              ReadCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
            OnDemandThroughputOverride: {
              MaxReadRequestUnits: Number("long"),
        TableClassOverride: "STANDARD" || "STANDARD_INFREQUENT_ACCESS",
      Update: { // UpdateReplicationGroupMemberAction
        RegionName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        KMSMasterKeyId: "STRING_VALUE",
        ProvisionedThroughputOverride: {
          ReadCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
        OnDemandThroughputOverride: {
          MaxReadRequestUnits: Number("long"),
        GlobalSecondaryIndexes: [
            IndexName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            ProvisionedThroughputOverride: {
              ReadCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
            OnDemandThroughputOverride: {
              MaxReadRequestUnits: Number("long"),
        TableClassOverride: "STANDARD" || "STANDARD_INFREQUENT_ACCESS",
      Delete: { // DeleteReplicationGroupMemberAction
        RegionName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  DeletionProtectionEnabled: true || false,
  MultiRegionConsistency: "EVENTUAL" || "STRONG",
  OnDemandThroughput: {
    MaxReadRequestUnits: Number("long"),
    MaxWriteRequestUnits: Number("long"),
  WarmThroughput: {
    ReadUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
    WriteUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
const command = new UpdateTableCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // UpdateTableOutput
//   TableDescription: { // TableDescription
//     AttributeDefinitions: [ // AttributeDefinitions
//       { // AttributeDefinition
//         AttributeName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//         AttributeType: "S" || "N" || "B", // required
//       },
//     ],
//     TableName: "STRING_VALUE",
//     KeySchema: [ // KeySchema
//       { // KeySchemaElement
//         AttributeName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//         KeyType: "HASH" || "RANGE", // required
//       },
//     ],
//     CreationDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//     ProvisionedThroughput: { // ProvisionedThroughputDescription
//       LastIncreaseDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//       LastDecreaseDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//       NumberOfDecreasesToday: Number("long"),
//       ReadCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
//       WriteCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
//     },
//     TableSizeBytes: Number("long"),
//     ItemCount: Number("long"),
//     TableArn: "STRING_VALUE",
//     TableId: "STRING_VALUE",
//     BillingModeSummary: { // BillingModeSummary
//       BillingMode: "PROVISIONED" || "PAY_PER_REQUEST",
//       LastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//     },
//     LocalSecondaryIndexes: [ // LocalSecondaryIndexDescriptionList
//       { // LocalSecondaryIndexDescription
//         IndexName: "STRING_VALUE",
//         KeySchema: [
//           {
//             AttributeName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//             KeyType: "HASH" || "RANGE", // required
//           },
//         ],
//         Projection: { // Projection
//           ProjectionType: "ALL" || "KEYS_ONLY" || "INCLUDE",
//           NonKeyAttributes: [ // NonKeyAttributeNameList
//             "STRING_VALUE",
//           ],
//         },
//         IndexSizeBytes: Number("long"),
//         ItemCount: Number("long"),
//         IndexArn: "STRING_VALUE",
//       },
//     ],
//     GlobalSecondaryIndexes: [ // GlobalSecondaryIndexDescriptionList
//       { // GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
//         IndexName: "STRING_VALUE",
//         KeySchema: [
//           {
//             AttributeName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//             KeyType: "HASH" || "RANGE", // required
//           },
//         ],
//         Projection: {
//           ProjectionType: "ALL" || "KEYS_ONLY" || "INCLUDE",
//           NonKeyAttributes: [
//             "STRING_VALUE",
//           ],
//         },
//         IndexStatus: "CREATING" || "UPDATING" || "DELETING" || "ACTIVE",
//         Backfilling: true || false,
//         ProvisionedThroughput: {
//           LastIncreaseDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//           LastDecreaseDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//           NumberOfDecreasesToday: Number("long"),
//           ReadCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
//           WriteCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
//         },
//         IndexSizeBytes: Number("long"),
//         ItemCount: Number("long"),
//         IndexArn: "STRING_VALUE",
//         OnDemandThroughput: { // OnDemandThroughput
//           MaxReadRequestUnits: Number("long"),
//           MaxWriteRequestUnits: Number("long"),
//         },
//         WarmThroughput: { // GlobalSecondaryIndexWarmThroughputDescription
//           ReadUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
//           WriteUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
//           Status: "CREATING" || "UPDATING" || "DELETING" || "ACTIVE",
//         },
//       },
//     ],
//     StreamSpecification: { // StreamSpecification
//       StreamEnabled: true || false, // required
//       StreamViewType: "NEW_IMAGE" || "OLD_IMAGE" || "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES" || "KEYS_ONLY",
//     },
//     LatestStreamLabel: "STRING_VALUE",
//     LatestStreamArn: "STRING_VALUE",
//     GlobalTableVersion: "STRING_VALUE",
//     Replicas: [ // ReplicaDescriptionList
//       { // ReplicaDescription
//         RegionName: "STRING_VALUE",
//         ReplicaStatusDescription: "STRING_VALUE",
//         ReplicaStatusPercentProgress: "STRING_VALUE",
//         KMSMasterKeyId: "STRING_VALUE",
//         ProvisionedThroughputOverride: { // ProvisionedThroughputOverride
//           ReadCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
//         },
//         OnDemandThroughputOverride: { // OnDemandThroughputOverride
//           MaxReadRequestUnits: Number("long"),
//         },
//         WarmThroughput: { // TableWarmThroughputDescription
//           ReadUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
//           WriteUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
//         },
//         GlobalSecondaryIndexes: [ // ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescriptionList
//           { // ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
//             IndexName: "STRING_VALUE",
//             ProvisionedThroughputOverride: {
//               ReadCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
//             },
//             OnDemandThroughputOverride: {
//               MaxReadRequestUnits: Number("long"),
//             },
//             WarmThroughput: {
//               ReadUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
//               WriteUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
//               Status: "CREATING" || "UPDATING" || "DELETING" || "ACTIVE",
//             },
//           },
//         ],
//         ReplicaInaccessibleDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//         ReplicaTableClassSummary: { // TableClassSummary
//           TableClass: "STANDARD" || "STANDARD_INFREQUENT_ACCESS",
//           LastUpdateDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//         },
//       },
//     ],
//     RestoreSummary: { // RestoreSummary
//       SourceBackupArn: "STRING_VALUE",
//       SourceTableArn: "STRING_VALUE",
//       RestoreDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"), // required
//       RestoreInProgress: true || false, // required
//     },
//     SSEDescription: { // SSEDescription
//       Status: "ENABLING" || "ENABLED" || "DISABLING" || "DISABLED" || "UPDATING",
//       SSEType: "AES256" || "KMS",
//       KMSMasterKeyArn: "STRING_VALUE",
//       InaccessibleEncryptionDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//     },
//     ArchivalSummary: { // ArchivalSummary
//       ArchivalDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//       ArchivalReason: "STRING_VALUE",
//       ArchivalBackupArn: "STRING_VALUE",
//     },
//     TableClassSummary: {
//       LastUpdateDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//     },
//     DeletionProtectionEnabled: true || false,
//     OnDemandThroughput: {
//       MaxReadRequestUnits: Number("long"),
//       MaxWriteRequestUnits: Number("long"),
//     },
//     WarmThroughput: {
//       ReadUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
//       WriteUnitsPerSecond: Number("long"),
//     },
//     MultiRegionConsistency: "EVENTUAL" || "STRONG",
//   },
// };

Example Usage

// This example increases the provisioned read and write capacity on the Music table.
const input = {
"ProvisionedThroughput": {
"ReadCapacityUnits": 10,
"WriteCapacityUnits": 10
"TableName": "MusicCollection"
const command = new UpdateTableCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
/* response ==
"TableDescription": {
"AttributeDefinitions": [
"AttributeName": "Artist",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "SongTitle",
"AttributeType": "S"
"CreationDateTime": "1421866952.062",
"ItemCount": 0,
"KeySchema": [
"AttributeName": "Artist",
"KeyType": "HASH"
"AttributeName": "SongTitle",
"KeyType": "RANGE"
"ProvisionedThroughput": {
"LastIncreaseDateTime": "1421874759.194",
"NumberOfDecreasesToday": 1,
"ReadCapacityUnits": 1,
"WriteCapacityUnits": 1
"TableName": "MusicCollection",
"TableSizeBytes": 0,
"TableStatus": "UPDATING"
// example id: to-modify-a-tables-provisioned-throughput-1476118076147
JavaScriptLn 1, Col 1
Errors: 0 Warnings: 0

UpdateTableCommand Input

See UpdateTableCommandInput for more details

string | undefined

The name of the table to be updated. You can also provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the table in this parameter.

AttributeDefinition[] | undefined

An array of attributes that describe the key schema for the table and indexes. If you are adding a new global secondary index to the table, AttributeDefinitions must include the key element(s) of the new index.

BillingMode | undefined

Controls how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity. When switching from pay-per-request to provisioned capacity, initial provisioned capacity values must be set. The initial provisioned capacity values are estimated based on the consumed read and write capacity of your table and global secondary indexes over the past 30 minutes.

  • PROVISIONED - We recommend using PROVISIONED for predictable workloads. PROVISIONED sets the billing mode to Provisioned capacity mode .

  • PAY_PER_REQUEST - We recommend using PAY_PER_REQUEST for unpredictable workloads. PAY_PER_REQUEST sets the billing mode to On-demand capacity mode .

boolean | undefined

Indicates whether deletion protection is to be enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the table.

GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate[] | undefined

An array of one or more global secondary indexes for the table. For each index in the array, you can request one action:

  • Create - add a new global secondary index to the table.

  • Update - modify the provisioned throughput settings of an existing global secondary index.

  • Delete - remove a global secondary index from the table.

You can create or delete only one global secondary index per UpdateTable operation.

For more information, see Managing Global Secondary Indexes  in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.

MultiRegionConsistency | undefined

Specifies the consistency mode for a new global table. This parameter is only valid when you create a global table by specifying one or more Create  actions in the ReplicaUpdates  action list.

You can specify one of the following consistency modes:

  • EVENTUAL: Configures a new global table for multi-Region eventual consistency. This is the default consistency mode for global tables.

  • STRONG: Configures a new global table for multi-Region strong consistency (preview).

    Multi-Region strong consistency (MRSC) is a new DynamoDB global tables capability currently available in preview mode. For more information, see Global tables multi-Region strong consistency .

If you don't specify this parameter, the global table consistency mode defaults to EVENTUAL.

OnDemandThroughput | undefined

Updates the maximum number of read and write units for the specified table in on-demand capacity mode. If you use this parameter, you must specify MaxReadRequestUnits, MaxWriteRequestUnits, or both.

ProvisionedThroughput | undefined

The new provisioned throughput settings for the specified table or index.

ReplicationGroupUpdate[] | undefined

A list of replica update actions (create, delete, or update) for the table.

For global tables, this property only applies to global tables using Version 2019.11.21 (Current version).

SSESpecification | undefined

The new server-side encryption settings for the specified table.

StreamSpecification | undefined

Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for the table.

You receive a ValidationException if you try to enable a stream on a table that already has a stream, or if you try to disable a stream on a table that doesn't have a stream.

TableClass | undefined

The table class of the table to be updated. Valid values are STANDARD and STANDARD_INFREQUENT_ACCESS.

WarmThroughput | undefined

Represents the warm throughput (in read units per second and write units per second) for updating a table.

UpdateTableCommand Output

See UpdateTableCommandOutput for details

Metadata pertaining to this request.
TableDescription | undefined

Represents the properties of the table.



An error occurred on the server side.


There is no limit to the number of daily on-demand backups that can be taken.

For most purposes, up to 500 simultaneous table operations are allowed per account. These operations include CreateTable, UpdateTable, DeleteTable,UpdateTimeToLive, RestoreTableFromBackup, and RestoreTableToPointInTime.

When you are creating a table with one or more secondary indexes, you can have up to 250 such requests running at a time. However, if the table or index specifications are complex, then DynamoDB might temporarily reduce the number of concurrent operations.

When importing into DynamoDB, up to 50 simultaneous import table operations are allowed per account.

There is a soft account quota of 2,500 tables.

GetRecords was called with a value of more than 1000 for the limit request parameter.

More than 2 processes are reading from the same streams shard at the same time. Exceeding this limit may result in request throttling.


The operation conflicts with the resource's availability. For example:

  • You attempted to recreate an existing table.

  • You tried to delete a table currently in the CREATING state.

  • You tried to update a resource that was already being updated.

When appropriate, wait for the ongoing update to complete and attempt the request again.


The operation tried to access a nonexistent table or index. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.

Base exception class for all service exceptions from DynamoDB service.