Creating AWS Support App in Slack resources with AWS CloudFormation - AWS Support

Creating AWS Support App in Slack resources with AWS CloudFormation

AWS Support App in Slack is integrated with AWS CloudFormation, a service that helps you to model and set up your AWS resources so that you can spend less time creating and managing your resources and infrastructure. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (such as your AccountAlias and SlackChannelConfiguration), and AWS CloudFormation provisions and configures those resources for you.

When you use AWS CloudFormation, you can reuse your template to set up your AWS Support App resources consistently and repeatedly. Describe your resources once, and then provision the same resources over and over in multiple AWS accounts and Regions.

AWS Support App and AWS CloudFormation templates

To provision and configure resources for AWS Support App and related services, you must understand AWS CloudFormation templates. Templates are formatted text files in JSON or YAML. These templates describe the resources that you want to provision in your AWS CloudFormation stacks. If you're unfamiliar with JSON or YAML, you can use AWS CloudFormation Designer to help you get started with AWS CloudFormation templates. For more information, see What is AWS CloudFormation Designer? in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

AWS Support App supports creating your AccountAlias and SlackChannelConfiguration in AWS CloudFormation. For more information, including examples of JSON and YAML templates for the AccountAlias and SlackChannelConfiguration resources, see the AWS Support App resource type reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

Create Slack configuration resources for your organization

You can use CloudFormation templates to create the resources that you need for the AWS Support App. If you're the management account for your organization, you can use the templates to create these resources for your member accounts in AWS Organizations.

For example, you might use a template to create the same Slack workspace configuration for all accounts in the organization, but then use separate templates to create different Slack channel configurations for specific AWS accounts or organizational units (OUs). You can also use a template to create a Slack workspace configuration so that member accounts can then configure the Slack channels that they want for their AWS accounts.

You can choose whether to use CloudFormation templates or not. If you don't use CloudFormation templates, you can complete the following manual steps instead:

  • Create the AWS Support App resources in the AWS Support Center Console.

  • Create a support case with AWS Support to authorize multiple accounts to use the AWS Support App.

  • Call the RegisterSlackWorkspaceForOrganization API operation to register a Slack workspace for your account. The CloudFormation stack calls this API operation for you.

Follow these procedures to upload the CloudFormation template to your organization. You can use the example templates from the AWS Support App resource type reference page.

The templates tell CloudFormation to create the following resources:

Update your CloudFormation templates for Slack

To get started, use the following templates to create your stack. You must replace the templates with valid values for your Slack workspace and channel.


We don't recommend the use of the template to create an AccountAlias resource for your organization. The AccountAlias resource uniquely identifies an AWS account in the AWS Support App. Your member accounts can enter an account name in the Support Center Console. For more information, see Authorize a Slack workspace.

To update your CloudFormation templates for Slack
  1. If you're the management account for an organization, you must manually authorize a Slack workspace for your account before your member accounts can use CloudFormation to create the resources. If you haven't already done so, see Authorize a Slack workspace.

  2. From the AWS Support App resource type reference page, copy the JSON or YAML template for the resource that you want.

  3. In a text editor, paste the template into a new file.

  4. In the template, specify the parameters that you want. At a minimum, replace the values for the following fields:

    • TeamId with your Slack workspace ID

    • ChannelId with the Slack channel ID

    • ChannelName with a name to identify the Slack channel configuration


    To find the workspace and channel IDs, open your Slack channel in a browser. In the URL, your workspace ID is the first identifier and the channel ID is the second. For example, in, T012ABCDEFG is the workspace ID and C01234A5BCD is the channel ID.

  5. Save the file as either a JSON or YAML file.

Create a stack for the management account

Next, you must create a stack for the management account in the organization. This step calls the RegisterSlackWorkspaceForOrganization API operation for you and authorizes the workspace with Slack.


We recommend that you upload the Slack workspace configuration template that you updated in the previous procedure for the management account. You don't need to upload the Slack channel configuration template unless you're also configuring the management account to use the AWS Support App.

To create a stack for the management account
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as the management account for your organization.

  2. Open the AWS CloudFormation console at

  3. If you haven't already, in the Region selector, choose one of the following AWS Regions:

    • Europe (Frankfurt)

    • Europe (Ireland)

    • Europe (London)

    • US East (N. Virginia)

    • US East (Ohio)

    • US West (Oregon)

    • Asia Pacific (Singapore)

    • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

    • Canada (Central)

  4. Follow the procedure to create a stack. For more information, see Creating a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.

    After CloudFormation successfully creates the stack, you can use the same template to create a stack set for your organization.

Create a stack set for your organization

Next, use the same template for the Slack workspace configuration to create a stack set with service-managed permissions. You can use stack sets to create the stack for your entire organization or specify the OUs that you want. For more information, see Create a stack set.

This procedure also calls the RegisterSlackWorkspaceForOrganization API operation for you. This API operation authorizes the workspace with Slack for the member accounts.

To create a stack set for your organization
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as the management account for your organization.

  2. Open the AWS CloudFormation console at

  3. If you haven't already, in the Region selector, choose the same AWS Region that you used in the previous procedure.

  4. In the navigation pane, choose StackSets.

  5. Choose Create StackSet.

  6. On the Choose a template page, keep the default options for the following options:

    • For Permissions, keep Service-managed permissions.

    • For Prerequisite - Prepare template, keep Template is ready.

  7. Under Specify template, choose Upload a template file, and then choose Choose file.

  8. Choose the file and then choose Next.

  9. On the Specify StackSet details page, enter a stack name such as support-app-slack-workspace, enter a description, and then choose Next.

  10. On the Configure StackSet options page, keep the default options and then choose Next.

  11. On the Set deployment options page, for Add stacks to stack set, keep the default Deploy new stacks option.

  12. For Deployment targets, choose if you want to create the stack for the entire organization or specific OUs. If you choose an OU, enter the OU ID.

  13. For Specify regions, enter only one of the following AWS Regions:

    • Europe (Frankfurt)

    • Europe (Ireland)

    • Europe (London)

    • US East (N. Virginia)

    • US East (Ohio)

    • US West (Oregon)

    • Asia Pacific (Singapore)

    • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

    • Canada (Central)

    • To streamline your workflow, we recommend that you use the same AWS Region that you chose in step 3.

    • Choosing more than one AWS Region can cause conflicts with creating your stack.

  14. For Deployment options, for Failure tolerance - optional, enter the number of accounts where the stacks can fail before CloudFormation stops the operation. We recommend that you enter the number of accounts that you want to add, minus one. For example, if your specified OU has 10 member accounts, enter 9. This means that even if CloudFormation fails the operation 9 times, at least one account will succeed.

  15. Choose Next.

  16. On the Review page, review your options, and then choose Submit. You can check the status of your stack on the Stack instances tab.

  17. (Optional) Repeat this procedure to upload a template for a Slack channel configuration. The example template also creates the IAM role and attaches an AWS managed policy. This role has the required permissions to access other services for you. For more information, see Managing access to the AWS Support App.

    If you don't create a stack set to create the Slack channel configuration, your member accounts can manually configure the Slack channel. For more information, see Configuring a Slack channel.

After CloudFormation creates the stacks, each member account can sign in to the Support Center Console and find their configured Slack workspaces and channels. They can then use the AWS Support App for their AWS account. See Creating support cases in a Slack channel.


If you need to upload a new template, we recommend that you use the same AWS Region that you specified before.

Learn more about CloudFormation

To learn more about CloudFormation, see the following resources:

Create AWS Support App resources by using Terraform

You can also use Terraform to create the AWS Support App resources for your AWS account. Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code tool that you can use for your cloud applications. You can use Terraform to create AWS Support App resources instead of deploying a CloudFormation stack to an account.

After you install Terraform, you can specify the AWS Support App resources that you want. Terraform calls the RegisterSlackWorkspaceForOrganization API operation to register a Slack workspace for you and creates your resources. You can then sign in the Support Center Console and find your configured Slack workspaces and channels.

  • If you're the management account for an organization, you must manually authorize a Slack workspace for your account before your member accounts can use Terraform to create the resources. If you haven't already done so, see Authorize a Slack workspace.

  • Unlike CloudFormation stack sets, you can't use Terraform to create the AWS Support App resources for an OU in your organization.

  • You can also find the event history for these updates from Terraform in AWS CloudTrail. The eventSource for these events will be and For more information, see Logging AWS Support App in Slack API calls using AWS CloudTrail.

Learn more

To learn more about Terraform, see the following topics: