Uses of Package
Amazon Simple Email Service Construct Library
Amazon Simple Email Service Actions Library
ClassDescriptionAddHeaderAction configuration.A builder for
An allow list receipt filter.A fluent builder forAllowListReceiptFilter
.Construction properties for am AllowListReceiptFilter.A builder forAllowListReceiptFilterProps
BoundAction configuration.A builder forBounceActionConfig
A CloudFormationAWS::SES::ConfigurationSet
.A fluent builder forCfnConfigurationSet
.Settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Dashboard.A builder forCfnConfigurationSet.DashboardOptionsProperty
Specifies whether messages that use the configuration set are required to use Transport Layer Security (TLS).A builder forCfnConfigurationSet.DeliveryOptionsProperty
Settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Guardian.A builder forCfnConfigurationSet.GuardianOptionsProperty
Contains information about the reputation settings for a configuration set.A builder forCfnConfigurationSet.ReputationOptionsProperty
Used to enable or disable email sending for messages that use this configuration set in the current AWS Region.A builder forCfnConfigurationSet.SendingOptionsProperty
An object that contains information about the suppression list preferences for your account.A builder forCfnConfigurationSet.SuppressionOptionsProperty
A domain that is used to redirect email recipients to an Amazon SES-operated domain.A builder forCfnConfigurationSet.TrackingOptionsProperty
The Virtual Deliverability Manager (VDM) options that apply to a configuration set.A builder forCfnConfigurationSet.VdmOptionsProperty
A CloudFormationAWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination
.A fluent builder forCfnConfigurationSetEventDestination
.Contains information associated with an Amazon CloudWatch event destination to which email sending events are published.Contains the dimension configuration to use when you publish email sending events to Amazon CloudWatch.Contains information about an event destination.Contains the delivery stream ARN and the IAM role ARN associated with an Amazon Kinesis Firehose event destination.Contains the topic ARN associated with an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) event destination.Properties for defining aCfnConfigurationSetEventDestination
.A builder forCfnConfigurationSetEventDestinationProps
Properties for defining aCfnConfigurationSet
.A builder forCfnConfigurationSetProps
A CloudFormationAWS::SES::ContactList
.A fluent builder forCfnContactList
.An interest group, theme, or label within a list.A builder forCfnContactList.TopicProperty
Properties for defining aCfnContactList
.A builder forCfnContactListProps
A CloudFormationAWS::SES::DedicatedIpPool
.A fluent builder forCfnDedicatedIpPool
.Properties for defining aCfnDedicatedIpPool
.A builder forCfnDedicatedIpPoolProps
A CloudFormationAWS::SES::EmailIdentity
.A fluent builder forCfnEmailIdentity
.Used to associate a configuration set with an email identity.A builder forCfnEmailIdentity.ConfigurationSetAttributesProperty
Used to enable or disable DKIM authentication for an email identity.A builder forCfnEmailIdentity.DkimAttributesProperty
Used to configure or change the DKIM authentication settings for an email domain identity.A builder forCfnEmailIdentity.DkimSigningAttributesProperty
Used to enable or disable feedback forwarding for an identity.A builder forCfnEmailIdentity.FeedbackAttributesProperty
Used to enable or disable the custom Mail-From domain configuration for an email identity.A builder forCfnEmailIdentity.MailFromAttributesProperty
Properties for defining aCfnEmailIdentity
.A builder forCfnEmailIdentityProps
A CloudFormationAWS::SES::ReceiptFilter
.A fluent builder forCfnReceiptFilter
.Specifies an IP address filter.A builder forCfnReceiptFilter.FilterProperty
A receipt IP address filter enables you to specify whether to accept or reject mail originating from an IP address or range of IP addresses.A builder forCfnReceiptFilter.IpFilterProperty
Properties for defining aCfnReceiptFilter
.A builder forCfnReceiptFilterProps
A CloudFormationAWS::SES::ReceiptRule
.An action that Amazon SES can take when it receives an email on behalf of one or more email addresses or domains that you own.A builder forCfnReceiptRule.ActionProperty
When included in a receipt rule, this action adds a header to the received email.A builder forCfnReceiptRule.AddHeaderActionProperty
When included in a receipt rule, this action rejects the received email by returning a bounce response to the sender and, optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).A builder forCfnReceiptRule.BounceActionProperty
A fluent builder forCfnReceiptRule
.When included in a receipt rule, this action calls an AWS Lambda function and, optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).A builder forCfnReceiptRule.LambdaActionProperty
Receipt rules enable you to specify which actions Amazon SES should take when it receives mail on behalf of one or more email addresses or domains that you own.A builder forCfnReceiptRule.RuleProperty
When included in a receipt rule, this action saves the received message to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and, optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).A builder forCfnReceiptRule.S3ActionProperty
When included in a receipt rule, this action publishes a notification to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).A builder forCfnReceiptRule.SNSActionProperty
When included in a receipt rule, this action terminates the evaluation of the receipt rule set and, optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).A builder forCfnReceiptRule.StopActionProperty
When included in a receipt rule, this action calls Amazon WorkMail and, optionally, publishes a notification to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).A builder forCfnReceiptRule.WorkmailActionProperty
Properties for defining aCfnReceiptRule
.A builder forCfnReceiptRuleProps
A CloudFormationAWS::SES::ReceiptRuleSet
.A fluent builder forCfnReceiptRuleSet
.Properties for defining aCfnReceiptRuleSet
.A builder forCfnReceiptRuleSetProps
A CloudFormationAWS::SES::Template
.A fluent builder forCfnTemplate
.The content of the email, composed of a subject line and either an HTML part or a text-only part.A builder forCfnTemplate.TemplateProperty
Properties for defining aCfnTemplate
.A builder forCfnTemplateProps
A CloudFormationAWS::SES::VdmAttributes
.A fluent builder forCfnVdmAttributes
.Settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Dashboard.A builder forCfnVdmAttributes.DashboardAttributesProperty
Settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Guardian.A builder forCfnVdmAttributes.GuardianAttributesProperty
Properties for defining aCfnVdmAttributes
.A builder forCfnVdmAttributesProps
A rule added at the top of the rule set to drop spam/virus.A fluent builder forDropSpamReceiptRule
.Example:A builder forDropSpamReceiptRuleProps
A receipt rule.Internal default implementation forIReceiptRule
.An abstract action for a receipt rule.Internal default implementation forIReceiptRuleAction
.A receipt rule set.Internal default implementation forIReceiptRuleSet
.LambdaAction configuration.A builder forLambdaActionConfig
A receipt filter.A fluent builder forReceiptFilter
.The policy for the receipt filter.Construction properties for a ReceiptFilter.A builder forReceiptFilterProps
A new receipt rule.A fluent builder forReceiptRule
.Properties for a receipt rule action.A builder forReceiptRuleActionConfig
Options to add a receipt rule to a receipt rule set.A builder forReceiptRuleOptions
Construction properties for a ReceiptRule.A builder forReceiptRuleProps
A new receipt rule set.A fluent builder forReceiptRuleSet
.Construction properties for a ReceiptRuleSet.A builder forReceiptRuleSetProps
S3Action configuration.A builder forS3ActionConfig
SNSAction configuration.A builder forSNSActionConfig
StopAction configuration.A builder forStopActionConfig
The type of TLS policy for a receipt rule.Deprecated.Deprecated.Deprecated.useAllowListReceiptFilterProps
Deprecated.WorkmailAction configuration.A builder forWorkmailActionConfig
ClassDescriptionA receipt rule.An abstract action for a receipt rule.Properties for a receipt rule action.