Namespace Amazon.CDK.AWS.Route53
Amazon Route53 Construct Library
To add a public hosted zone:
new PublicHostedZone(this, "HostedZone", new PublicHostedZoneProps {
ZoneName = ""
To add a private hosted zone, use PrivateHostedZone
. Note that
and enableDnsSupport
must have been enabled for the
VPC you're configuring for private hosted zones.
Vpc vpc;
var zone = new PrivateHostedZone(this, "HostedZone", new PrivateHostedZoneProps {
ZoneName = "",
Vpc = vpc
Additional VPCs can be added with zone.addVpc()
Adding Records
To add a TXT record to your zone:
HostedZone myZone;
new TxtRecord(this, "TXTRecord", new TxtRecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
RecordName = "_foo", // If the name ends with a ".", it will be used as-is;
// if it ends with a "." followed by the zone name, a trailing "." will be added automatically;
// otherwise, a ".", the zone name, and a trailing "." will be added automatically.
// Defaults to zone root if not specified.
Values = new [] { "Bar!", "Baz?" },
Ttl = Duration.Minutes(90)
To add a NS record to your zone:
HostedZone myZone;
new NsRecord(this, "NSRecord", new NsRecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
RecordName = "foo",
Values = new [] { "", "" },
Ttl = Duration.Minutes(90)
To add a DS record to your zone:
HostedZone myZone;
new DsRecord(this, "DSRecord", new DsRecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
RecordName = "foo",
Values = new [] { "12345 3 1 123456789abcdef67890123456789abcdef67890" },
Ttl = Duration.Minutes(90)
To add an A record to your zone:
HostedZone myZone;
new ARecord(this, "ARecord", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses("", "")
To add an A record for an EC2 instance with an Elastic IP (EIP) to your zone:
Instance instance;
HostedZone myZone;
var elasticIp = new CfnEIP(this, "EIP", new CfnEIPProps {
Domain = "vpc",
InstanceId = instance.InstanceId
new ARecord(this, "ARecord", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses(elasticIp.Ref)
To create an A record of type alias with target set to another record created outside CDK:
This function registers the given input i.e. DNS Name(string) of an existing record as an AliasTarget to the new ARecord. To register a target that is created as part of CDK use this instead.
Detailed information can be found in the documentation.
HostedZone myZone;
var targetRecord = "existing.record.cdk.local";
var record = ARecord.FromARecordAttributes(this, "A", new ARecordAttrs {
Zone = myZone,
RecordName = "test",
TargetDNS = targetRecord
To add an AAAA record pointing to a CloudFront distribution:
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFront;
HostedZone myZone;
CloudFrontWebDistribution distribution;
new AaaaRecord(this, "Alias", new AaaaRecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromAlias(new CloudFrontTarget(distribution))
Geolocation routing can be enabled for continent, country or subdivision:
HostedZone myZone;
// continent
// continent
new ARecord(this, "ARecordGeoLocationContinent", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses("", ""),
GeoLocation = GeoLocation.Continent(Continent.EUROPE)
// country
// country
new ARecord(this, "ARecordGeoLocationCountry", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses("", ""),
GeoLocation = GeoLocation.Country("DE")
// subdivision
// subdivision
new ARecord(this, "ARecordGeoLocationSubDividion", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses("", ""),
GeoLocation = GeoLocation.Subdivision("WA")
// default (wildcard record if no specific record is found)
// default (wildcard record if no specific record is found)
new ARecord(this, "ARecordGeoLocationDefault", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses("", ""),
GeoLocation = GeoLocation.Default()
To enable weighted routing, use the weight
HostedZone myZone;
new ARecord(this, "ARecordWeighted1", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses(""),
Weight = 10
To enable latency based routing, use the region
HostedZone myZone;
new ARecord(this, "ARecordLatency1", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses(""),
Region = "us-east-1"
To enable multivalue answer routing, use the multivalueAnswer
HostedZone myZone;
new ARecord(this, "ARecordMultiValue1", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses(""),
MultiValueAnswer = true
To specify a unique identifier to differentiate among multiple resource record sets that have the same combination of name and type, use the setIdentifier
HostedZone myZone;
new ARecord(this, "ARecordWeighted1", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses(""),
Weight = 10,
SetIdentifier = "weighted-record-id"
Warning It is not possible to specify setIdentifier
for a simple routing policy.
Constructs are available for A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX, NS, SRV and TXT records.
Use the CaaAmazonRecord
construct to easily restrict certificate authorities
allowed to issue certificates for a domain to Amazon only.
Health Checks
See the Route 53 Health Checks documentation for possible types of health checks.
Route 53 has the ability to monitor the health of your application and only return records for healthy endpoints.
This is done using a HealthCheck
In the following example, the ARecord
will be returned by Route 53 in response to DNS queries only if the HTTP requests to the
endpoint return a 2XX or 3XX status code.
In case, when the endpoint is not healthy, the ARecord2
will be returned by Route 53 in response to DNS queries.
HostedZone myZone;
var healthCheck = new HealthCheck(this, "HealthCheck", new HealthCheckProps {
Type = HealthCheckType.HTTP,
Fqdn = "",
Port = 80,
ResourcePath = "/health",
FailureThreshold = 3,
RequestInterval = Duration.Seconds(30)
new ARecord(this, "ARecord", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses(""),
HealthCheck = healthCheck,
Weight = 100
new ARecord(this, "ARecord2", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses(""),
Weight = 0
Replacing existing record sets (dangerous!)
Use the deleteExisting
prop to delete an existing record set before deploying the new one.
This is useful if you want to minimize downtime and avoid "manual" actions while deploying a
stack with a record set that already exists. This is typically the case for record sets that
are not already "owned" by CloudFormation or "owned" by another stack or construct that is
going to be deleted (migration).
N.B.: this feature is dangerous, use with caution! It can only be used safely when
is set to true
as soon as the resource is added to the stack. Changing
an existing Record Set's deleteExisting
property from false -> true
after deployment
will delete the record!
HostedZone myZone;
new ARecord(this, "ARecord", new ARecordProps {
Zone = myZone,
Target = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses("", ""),
DeleteExisting = true
Cross Account Zone Delegation
If you want to have your root domain hosted zone in one account and your subdomain hosted
zone in a different one, you can use CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord
to set up delegation
between them.
In the account containing the parent hosted zone:
var parentZone = new PublicHostedZone(this, "HostedZone", new PublicHostedZoneProps {
ZoneName = ""
var crossAccountRole = new Role(this, "CrossAccountRole", new RoleProps {
// The role name must be predictable
RoleName = "MyDelegationRole",
// The other account
AssumedBy = new AccountPrincipal("12345678901"),
// You can scope down this role policy to be least privileged.
// If you want the other account to be able to manage specific records,
// you can scope down by resource and/or normalized record names
InlinePolicies = new Dictionary<string, PolicyDocument> {
{ "crossAccountPolicy", new PolicyDocument(new PolicyDocumentProps {
Statements = new [] {
new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {
Sid = "ListHostedZonesByName",
Effect = Effect.ALLOW,
Actions = new [] { "route53:ListHostedZonesByName" },
Resources = new [] { "*" }
new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {
Sid = "GetHostedZoneAndChangeResourceRecordSets",
Effect = Effect.ALLOW,
Actions = new [] { "route53:GetHostedZone", "route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets" },
// This example assumes the RecordSet
// is contained in the HostedZone
Resources = new [] { "arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/HZID00000000000000000" },
Conditions = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "ForAllValues:StringLike", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {
{ "route53:ChangeResourceRecordSetsNormalizedRecordNames", new [] { "" } }
} }
}) }
}) }
In the account containing the child zone to be delegated:
var subZone = new PublicHostedZone(this, "SubZone", new PublicHostedZoneProps {
ZoneName = ""
// import the delegation role by constructing the roleArn
var delegationRoleArn = Stack.Of(this).FormatArn(new ArnComponents {
Region = "", // IAM is global in each partition
Service = "iam",
Account = "parent-account-id",
Resource = "role",
ResourceName = "MyDelegationRole"
var delegationRole = Role.FromRoleArn(this, "DelegationRole", delegationRoleArn);
// create the record
// create the record
new CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord(this, "delegate", new CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecordProps {
DelegatedZone = subZone,
ParentHostedZoneName = "", // or you can use parentHostedZoneId
DelegationRole = delegationRole
Delegating the hosted zone requires assuming a role in the parent hosted zone's account.
In order for the assumed credentials to be valid, the resource must assume the role using
an STS endpoint in a region where both the subdomain's account and the parent's account
are opted-in. By default, this region is determined automatically, but if you need to
change the region used for the AssumeRole call, specify assumeRoleRegion
var subZone = new PublicHostedZone(this, "SubZone", new PublicHostedZoneProps {
ZoneName = ""
// import the delegation role by constructing the roleArn
var delegationRoleArn = Stack.Of(this).FormatArn(new ArnComponents {
Region = "", // IAM is global in each partition
Service = "iam",
Account = "parent-account-id",
Resource = "role",
ResourceName = "MyDelegationRole"
var delegationRole = Role.FromRoleArn(this, "DelegationRole", delegationRoleArn);
new CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord(this, "delegate", new CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecordProps {
DelegatedZone = subZone,
ParentHostedZoneName = "", // or you can use parentHostedZoneId
DelegationRole = delegationRole,
AssumeRoleRegion = "us-east-1"
Add Trailing Dot to Domain Names
In order to continue managing existing domain names with trailing dots using CDK, you can set addTrailingDot: false
to prevent the Construct from adding a dot at the end of the domain name.
new PublicHostedZone(this, "HostedZone", new PublicHostedZoneProps {
ZoneName = "",
AddTrailingDot = false
Enabling DNSSEC
DNSSEC can be enabled for Hosted Zones. For detailed information, see Configuring DNSSEC signing in Amazon Route 53.
Enabling DNSSEC requires an asymmetric KMS Customer-Managed Key using the ECC_NIST_P256
key spec.
Additionally, that KMS key must be in us-east-1
var kmsKey = new Key(this, "KmsCMK", new KeyProps {
KeySpec = KeySpec.ECC_NIST_P256,
KeyUsage = KeyUsage.SIGN_VERIFY
var hostedZone = new HostedZone(this, "HostedZone", new HostedZoneProps {
ZoneName = ""
// Enable DNSSEC signing for the zone
hostedZone.EnableDnssec(new ZoneSigningOptions { KmsKey = kmsKey });
The necessary permissions for Route 53 to use the key will automatically be added when using
this configuration. If it is necessary to create a key signing key manually, that can be done
using the KeySigningKey
HostedZone hostedZone;
Key kmsKey;
new KeySigningKey(this, "KeySigningKey", new KeySigningKeyProps {
HostedZone = hostedZone,
KmsKey = kmsKey,
KeySigningKeyName = "ksk",
Status = KeySigningKeyStatus.ACTIVE
When directly constructing the KeySigningKey
resource, enabling DNSSEC signing for the hosted
zone will be need to be done explicitly (either using the CfnDNSSEC
construct or via another
If you don't know the ID of the Hosted Zone to import, you can use the
HostedZone.FromLookup(this, "MyZone", new HostedZoneProviderProps {
DomainName = ""
requires an environment to be configured. Check
out the documentation for more documentation and examples. CDK
automatically looks into your ~/.aws/config
file for the [default]
If you want to specify a different account run cdk deploy --profile [profile]
new MyDevStack(app, 'dev', {
env: {
account: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT,
region: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_REGION,
If you know the ID and Name of a Hosted Zone, you can import it directly:
var zone = HostedZone.FromHostedZoneAttributes(this, "MyZone", new HostedZoneAttributes {
ZoneName = "",
HostedZoneId = "ZOJJZC49E0EPZ"
Alternatively, use the HostedZone.fromHostedZoneId
to import hosted zones if
you know the ID and the retrieval for the zoneName
is undesirable.
var zone = HostedZone.FromHostedZoneId(this, "MyZone", "ZOJJZC49E0EPZ");
You can import a Public Hosted Zone as well with the similar PublicHostedZone.fromPublicHostedZoneId
and PublicHostedZone.fromPublicHostedZoneAttributes
var zoneFromAttributes = PublicHostedZone.FromPublicHostedZoneAttributes(this, "MyZone", new PublicHostedZoneAttributes {
ZoneName = "",
HostedZoneId = "ZOJJZC49E0EPZ"
// Does not know zoneName
var zoneFromId = PublicHostedZone.FromPublicHostedZoneId(this, "MyZone", "ZOJJZC49E0EPZ");
You can use CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord
on imported Hosted Zones with the grantDelegation
var crossAccountRole = new Role(this, "CrossAccountRole", new RoleProps {
// The role name must be predictable
RoleName = "MyDelegationRole",
// The other account
AssumedBy = new AccountPrincipal("12345678901")
var zoneFromId = HostedZone.FromHostedZoneId(this, "MyZone", "zone-id");
var publicZoneFromId = PublicHostedZone.FromPublicHostedZoneId(this, "MyPublicZone", "public-zone-id");
var privateZoneFromId = PrivateHostedZone.FromPrivateHostedZoneId(this, "MyPrivateZone", "private-zone-id");
VPC Endpoint Service Private DNS
When you create a VPC endpoint service, AWS generates endpoint-specific DNS hostnames that consumers use to communicate with the service. For example, By default, your consumers access the service with that DNS name. This can cause problems with HTTPS traffic because the DNS will not match the backend certificate:
curl: (60) SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''
Effectively, the endpoint appears untrustworthy. To mitigate this, clients have to create an alias for this DNS name in Route53.
Private DNS for an endpoint service lets you configure a private DNS name so consumers can access the service using an existing DNS name without creating this Route53 DNS alias This DNS name can also be guaranteed to match up with the backend certificate.
Before consumers can use the private DNS name, you must verify that you have control of the domain/subdomain.
Assuming your account has ownership of the particular domain/subdomain, this construct sets up the private DNS configuration on the endpoint service, creates all the necessary Route53 entries, and verifies domain ownership.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.ElasticLoadBalancingV2;
var vpc = new Vpc(this, "VPC");
var nlb = new NetworkLoadBalancer(this, "NLB", new NetworkLoadBalancerProps {
Vpc = vpc
var vpces = new VpcEndpointService(this, "VPCES", new VpcEndpointServiceProps {
VpcEndpointServiceLoadBalancers = new [] { nlb }
// You must use a public hosted zone so domain ownership can be verified
var zone = new PublicHostedZone(this, "PHZ", new PublicHostedZoneProps {
ZoneName = ""
new VpcEndpointServiceDomainName(this, "EndpointDomain", new VpcEndpointServiceDomainNameProps {
EndpointService = vpces,
DomainName = "",
PublicHostedZone = zone
AaaaRecord | A DNS AAAA record. |
AaaaRecordProps | Construction properties for a AaaaRecord. |
AlarmIdentifier | A CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checker to use to determine whether this health check is healthy. |
AliasRecordTargetConfig | Represents the properties of an alias target destination. |
ARecord | A DNS A record. |
ARecordAttrs | Construction properties to import existing ARecord as target. |
ARecordProps | Construction properties for a ARecord. |
CaaAmazonRecord | A DNS Amazon CAA record. |
CaaAmazonRecordProps | Construction properties for a CaaAmazonRecord. |
CaaRecord | A DNS CAA record. |
CaaRecordProps | Construction properties for a CaaRecord. |
CaaRecordValue | Properties for a CAA record value. |
CaaTag | The CAA tag. |
CfnCidrCollection | Creates a CIDR collection in the current AWS account. |
CfnCidrCollection.LocationProperty | Specifies the list of CIDR blocks for a CIDR location. |
CfnCidrCollectionProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnDNSSEC | The |
CfnDNSSECProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnHealthCheck | The |
CfnHealthCheck.AlarmIdentifierProperty | A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether the specified health check is healthy. |
CfnHealthCheck.HealthCheckConfigProperty | A complex type that contains information about the health check. |
CfnHealthCheck.HealthCheckTagProperty | The |
CfnHealthCheckProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnHostedZone | Creates a new public or private hosted zone. |
CfnHostedZone.HostedZoneConfigProperty | A complex type that contains an optional comment about your hosted zone. |
CfnHostedZone.HostedZoneTagProperty | A complex type that contains information about a tag that you want to add or edit for the specified health check or hosted zone. |
CfnHostedZone.QueryLoggingConfigProperty | A complex type that contains information about a configuration for DNS query logging. |
CfnHostedZone.VPCProperty | Private hosted zones only: A complex type that contains information about an Amazon VPC. |
CfnHostedZoneProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnKeySigningKey | The |
CfnKeySigningKeyProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnRecordSet | Information about the record that you want to create. |
CfnRecordSet.AliasTargetProperty | Alias records only: Information about the AWS resource, such as a CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3 bucket, that you want to route traffic to. |
CfnRecordSet.CidrRoutingConfigProperty | The object that is specified in resource record set object when you are linking a resource record set to a CIDR location. |
CfnRecordSet.CoordinatesProperty | A complex type that lists the coordinates for a geoproximity resource record. |
CfnRecordSet.GeoLocationProperty | A complex type that contains information about a geographic location. |
CfnRecordSet.GeoProximityLocationProperty | (Resource record sets only): A complex type that lets you specify where your resources are located. |
CfnRecordSetGroup | A complex type that contains an optional comment, the name and ID of the hosted zone that you want to make changes in, and values for the records that you want to create. |
CfnRecordSetGroup.AliasTargetProperty | Alias records only: Information about the AWS resource, such as a CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3 bucket, that you want to route traffic to. |
CfnRecordSetGroup.CidrRoutingConfigProperty | The object that is specified in resource record set object when you are linking a resource record set to a CIDR location. |
CfnRecordSetGroup.CoordinatesProperty | A complex type that lists the coordinates for a geoproximity resource record. |
CfnRecordSetGroup.GeoLocationProperty | A complex type that contains information about a geographic location. |
CfnRecordSetGroup.GeoProximityLocationProperty | (Resource record sets only): A complex type that lets you specify where your resources are located. |
CfnRecordSetGroup.RecordSetProperty | Information about one record that you want to create. |
CfnRecordSetGroupProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnRecordSetProps | Properties for defining a |
CnameRecord | A DNS CNAME record. |
CnameRecordProps | Construction properties for a CnameRecord. |
CommonHostedZoneProps | Common properties to create a Route 53 hosted zone. |
Continent | Continents for geolocation routing. |
CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord | A Cross Account Zone Delegation record. |
CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecordProps | Construction properties for a CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord. |
DsRecord | A DNS DS record. |
DsRecordProps | Construction properties for a DSRecord. |
GeoLocation | Routing based on geographical location. |
HealthCheck | Amazon Route 53 health checks monitor the health and performance of your web applications, web servers, and other resources. |
HealthCheckProps | Properties for a new health check. |
HealthCheckType | The type of health check to be associated with the record. |
HostedZone | Container for records, and records contain information about how to route traffic for a specific domain, such as and its subdomains (, |
HostedZoneAttributes | Reference to a hosted zone. |
HostedZoneProps | Properties of a new hosted zone. |
HostedZoneProviderProps | Zone properties for looking up the Hosted Zone. |
InsufficientDataHealthStatusEnum | The status of the health check when CloudWatch has insufficient data about the state of associated alarm. |
KeySigningKey | A Key Signing Key for a Route 53 Hosted Zone. |
KeySigningKeyAttributes | The attributes of a key signing key. |
KeySigningKeyProps | Properties for constructing a Key Signing Key. |
KeySigningKeyStatus | The status for a Key Signing Key. |
MxRecord | A DNS MX record. |
MxRecordProps | Construction properties for a MxRecord. |
MxRecordValue | Properties for a MX record value. |
NsRecord | A DNS NS record. |
NsRecordProps | Construction properties for a NSRecord. |
PrivateHostedZone | Create a Route53 private hosted zone for use in one or more VPCs. |
PrivateHostedZoneProps | Properties to create a Route 53 private hosted zone. |
PublicHostedZone | Create a Route53 public hosted zone. |
PublicHostedZoneAttributes | Reference to a public hosted zone. |
PublicHostedZoneProps | Construction properties for a PublicHostedZone. |
RecordSet | A record set. |
RecordSetOptions | Options for a RecordSet. |
RecordSetProps | Construction properties for a RecordSet. |
RecordTarget | Type union for a record that accepts multiple types of target. |
RecordType | The record type. |
SrvRecord | A DNS SRV record. |
SrvRecordProps | Construction properties for a SrvRecord. |
SrvRecordValue | Properties for a SRV record value. |
TxtRecord | A DNS TXT record. |
TxtRecordProps | Construction properties for a TxtRecord. |
VpcEndpointServiceDomainName | A Private DNS configuration for a VPC endpoint service. |
VpcEndpointServiceDomainNameProps | Properties to configure a VPC Endpoint Service domain name. |
ZoneDelegationOptions | Options available when creating a delegation relationship from one PublicHostedZone to another. |
ZoneDelegationRecord | A record to delegate further lookups to a different set of name servers. |
ZoneDelegationRecordProps | Construction properties for a ZoneDelegationRecord. |
ZoneSigningOptions | Options for enabling key signing from a hosted zone. |
CfnCidrCollection.ILocationProperty | Specifies the list of CIDR blocks for a CIDR location. |
CfnHealthCheck.IAlarmIdentifierProperty | A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether the specified health check is healthy. |
CfnHealthCheck.IHealthCheckConfigProperty | A complex type that contains information about the health check. |
CfnHealthCheck.IHealthCheckTagProperty | The |
CfnHostedZone.IHostedZoneConfigProperty | A complex type that contains an optional comment about your hosted zone. |
CfnHostedZone.IHostedZoneTagProperty | A complex type that contains information about a tag that you want to add or edit for the specified health check or hosted zone. |
CfnHostedZone.IQueryLoggingConfigProperty | A complex type that contains information about a configuration for DNS query logging. |
CfnHostedZone.IVPCProperty | Private hosted zones only: A complex type that contains information about an Amazon VPC. |
CfnRecordSet.IAliasTargetProperty | Alias records only: Information about the AWS resource, such as a CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3 bucket, that you want to route traffic to. |
CfnRecordSet.ICidrRoutingConfigProperty | The object that is specified in resource record set object when you are linking a resource record set to a CIDR location. |
CfnRecordSet.ICoordinatesProperty | A complex type that lists the coordinates for a geoproximity resource record. |
CfnRecordSet.IGeoLocationProperty | A complex type that contains information about a geographic location. |
CfnRecordSet.IGeoProximityLocationProperty | (Resource record sets only): A complex type that lets you specify where your resources are located. |
CfnRecordSetGroup.IAliasTargetProperty | Alias records only: Information about the AWS resource, such as a CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3 bucket, that you want to route traffic to. |
CfnRecordSetGroup.ICidrRoutingConfigProperty | The object that is specified in resource record set object when you are linking a resource record set to a CIDR location. |
CfnRecordSetGroup.ICoordinatesProperty | A complex type that lists the coordinates for a geoproximity resource record. |
CfnRecordSetGroup.IGeoLocationProperty | A complex type that contains information about a geographic location. |
CfnRecordSetGroup.IGeoProximityLocationProperty | (Resource record sets only): A complex type that lets you specify where your resources are located. |
CfnRecordSetGroup.IRecordSetProperty | Information about one record that you want to create. |
IAaaaRecordProps | Construction properties for a AaaaRecord. |
IAlarmIdentifier | A CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checker to use to determine whether this health check is healthy. |
IAliasRecordTarget | Classes that are valid alias record targets, like CloudFront distributions and load balancers, should implement this interface. |
IAliasRecordTargetConfig | Represents the properties of an alias target destination. |
IARecordAttrs | Construction properties to import existing ARecord as target. |
IARecordProps | Construction properties for a ARecord. |
ICaaAmazonRecordProps | Construction properties for a CaaAmazonRecord. |
ICaaRecordProps | Construction properties for a CaaRecord. |
ICaaRecordValue | Properties for a CAA record value. |
ICfnCidrCollectionProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnDNSSECProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnHealthCheckProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnHostedZoneProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnKeySigningKeyProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnRecordSetGroupProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnRecordSetProps | Properties for defining a |
ICnameRecordProps | Construction properties for a CnameRecord. |
ICommonHostedZoneProps | Common properties to create a Route 53 hosted zone. |
ICrossAccountZoneDelegationRecordProps | Construction properties for a CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord. |
IDsRecordProps | Construction properties for a DSRecord. |
IHealthCheck | Imported or created health check. |
IHealthCheckProps | Properties for a new health check. |
IHostedZone | Imported or created hosted zone. |
IHostedZoneAttributes | Reference to a hosted zone. |
IHostedZoneProps | Properties of a new hosted zone. |
IHostedZoneProviderProps | Zone properties for looking up the Hosted Zone. |
IKeySigningKey | A Key Signing Key for a Route 53 Hosted Zone. |
IKeySigningKeyAttributes | The attributes of a key signing key. |
IKeySigningKeyProps | Properties for constructing a Key Signing Key. |
IMxRecordProps | Construction properties for a MxRecord. |
IMxRecordValue | Properties for a MX record value. |
INsRecordProps | Construction properties for a NSRecord. |
IPrivateHostedZone | Represents a Route 53 private hosted zone. |
IPrivateHostedZoneProps | Properties to create a Route 53 private hosted zone. |
IPublicHostedZone | Represents a Route 53 public hosted zone. |
IPublicHostedZoneAttributes | Reference to a public hosted zone. |
IPublicHostedZoneProps | Construction properties for a PublicHostedZone. |
IRecordSet | A record set. |
IRecordSetOptions | Options for a RecordSet. |
IRecordSetProps | Construction properties for a RecordSet. |
ISrvRecordProps | Construction properties for a SrvRecord. |
ISrvRecordValue | Properties for a SRV record value. |
ITxtRecordProps | Construction properties for a TxtRecord. |
IVpcEndpointServiceDomainNameProps | Properties to configure a VPC Endpoint Service domain name. |
IZoneDelegationOptions | Options available when creating a delegation relationship from one PublicHostedZone to another. |
IZoneDelegationRecordProps | Construction properties for a ZoneDelegationRecord. |
IZoneSigningOptions | Options for enabling key signing from a hosted zone. |