Class CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord
A Cross Account Zone Delegation record.
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.Route53
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public class CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord : Construct
Syntax (vb)
Public Class CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord
Inherits Construct
This construct uses custom resource lambda that calls Route53
ChangeResourceRecordSets API to upsert a NS record into the parentHostedZone
WARNING: The default removal policy of this resource is DESTROY, therefore, if this resource's logical ID changes or if this resource is removed from the stack, the existing NS record will be removed.
ExampleMetadata: infused
var subZone = new PublicHostedZone(this, "SubZone", new PublicHostedZoneProps {
ZoneName = ""
// import the delegation role by constructing the roleArn
var delegationRoleArn = Stack.Of(this).FormatArn(new ArnComponents {
Region = "", // IAM is global in each partition
Service = "iam",
Account = "parent-account-id",
Resource = "role",
ResourceName = "MyDelegationRole"
var delegationRole = Role.FromRoleArn(this, "DelegationRole", delegationRoleArn);
// create the record
// create the record
new CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord(this, "delegate", new CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecordProps {
DelegatedZone = subZone,
ParentHostedZoneName = "", // or you can use parentHostedZoneId
DelegationRole = delegationRole
Cross |
Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from a Javascript-owned object reference |
Cross |
Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from DeputyProps |
Cross |
Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from a Javascript-owned object reference
protected CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord(ByRefValue reference)
- reference Amazon.
JSII. Runtime. Deputy. By Ref Value The Javascript-owned object reference
Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from DeputyProps
protected CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord(DeputyBase.DeputyProps props)
- props Amazon.
JSII. Runtime. Deputy. Deputy Base. Deputy Props The deputy props
CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord(Construct, String, ICrossAccountZoneDelegationRecordProps)
public CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord(Construct scope, string id, ICrossAccountZoneDelegationRecordProps props)
- scope Constructs.
Construct - id System.
String - props ICross
Account Zone Delegation Record Props