Subscribing to and accessing an AWS Data Exchange product containing Amazon S3 data access - AWS Data Exchange User Guide

Subscribing to and accessing an AWS Data Exchange product containing Amazon S3 data access

AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3 allows data subscribers to access third-party data files directly from data providers' Amazon S3 buckets.

As a data subscriber, after you are entitled to an AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3 data set, you can start your data analysis with AWS services such as Amazon Athena, SageMaker Feature Store, or Amazon EMR directly using the provider's data in their Amazon S3 buckets.

Consider the following:

  • Providers have the option to enable Requester Pays, an Amazon S3 feature, on the Amazon S3 bucket hosting the data offered. If enabled, subscribers pay to read, use, transfer, export, or copy data into their Amazon S3 buckets. For more information, see Using Requester Pays buckets for storage transfers and usage in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

  • When you subscribe to an AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3 data product, AWS Data Exchange automatically provisions an Amazon S3 access point and updates its resource policies to grant you read-only access. Amazon S3 access points is a feature of Amazon S3 that simplifies data sharing to an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Managing data access with Amazon S3 access points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

  • Before you use the Amazon S3 access point Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or alias to access the shared data, you must update your IAM permissions. You can verify that the current role and its associated policy allows GetObject and ListBucket calls to the provider’s Amazon S3 bucket and the Amazon S3 access point provided by AWS Data Exchange.

The following sections describe the complete process of becoming an AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3 subscriber by using the AWS Data Exchange console.

The process has the following steps:

Step 1: Subscribing to products containing Amazon S3 data access

If you subscribe to a paid product, you're billed on your AWS bill. You get access to all data sets included in the product. For more information, see Subscribing to AWS Data Exchange data products on AWS Data Exchange.

To subscribe to a product containing access to Amazon S3
  1. Open and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. In the left side navigation pane, under Discover data products, choose Browse catalog.

    For more information, see Browse the catalog.

  3. Under Refine results, use the Data set type filter and select Access to Amazon S3 to find products containing access to Amazon S3 data.

    For more information, see Browse the catalog.

  4. Select a product and view its product detail page.

    The information on the product detail page includes a product description, the provider's contact information, and the details of the product's public offer. The public offer information includes price and duration, the data subscription agreement (DSA), and the refund policy. You can view the names of the data sets included in the product and the AWS Regions in which they are available. You can also continue to browse other product detail pages by choosing a product under Similar products.

    If the provider has issued a custom offer to your account (for example, a private offer or Bring Your Own Subscription (BYOS) offer), you see those details, too.

  5. In the top right corner, choose Continue to subscribe.

  6. Review the Product offer, the Subscription terms, the Data sets that are included in the offer, and the Support information.

  7. Choose whether enable Offer auto-renewal for the subscription


    Some products require subscription verification. For more information, see Subscription verification for subscribers in AWS Data Exchange.

  8. Choose Subscribe.


    If you subscribe to a paid product, you're prompted to confirm your decision to subscribe.

  9. Under Data sets included with your subscription, view the listed Data sets.

    After the subscription finishes processing, you can choose a data set to access your entitled data or choose View subscription to view your subscription.

Step 2: Accessing a product containing Amazon S3 data access

You can run queries to analyze the data in-place without setting up your own Amazon S3 buckets, copying data files into Amazon S3 buckets, or paying associated storage fees. You access the same Amazon S3 objects that the data provider maintains allowing you to use the most current data available.

With a subscription, you can do the following:

  • Analyze data without setting up individual Amazon S3 buckets, copying files, or paying storage fees.

  • Access the latest provider data as soon as the provider updates it.

To view the data sets, revisions, and assets
  1. Open and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, under My subscriptions, choose Entitled data.

  3. On the Entitled data page, expand a product and choose a data set.

  4. View the Data set overview.


    The data provided is stored in the provider's Amazon S3 bucket. When accessing this data, you’ll be responsible for the cost of the request and the data downloaded from the provider’s Amazon S3 bucket, unless the provider specifies otherwise.

  5. Before getting started, your role must have IAM permissions to use your entitled Amazon S3 data access. On the Data set overview page, on the Amazon S3 data access tab, select Verify IAM permissions to determine if your role has the correct permissions to access your data.

  6. If you have the necessary IAM permissions, choose Next on the IAM Policy prompt displayed. If you don't have the needed permissions, follow the prompt to embed the JSON policy in the user or role.

  7. Review your Shared locations to view the Amazon S3 bucket or prefixes and objects shared by the provider. Review the data access information for Amazon S3 Access Point information to determine if the provider enabled Requester Pays.

  8. Choose Browse shared Amazon S3 locations to view and explore the provider's Amazon S3 bucket, prefixes, and objects shared.

  9. Use the Access Point alias anywhere you use Amazon S3 bucket names to access your entitled data programmatically. For more information, see Using access points with compatible Amazon S3 operations in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

  10. (Optional) When you gain an entitlement to an Amazon S3 data access data set that contains data encrypted with a provider’s AWS KMS key, you can view the KMS key ARN in your subscriber console. AWS Data Exchange creates an AWS KMS grant on the key for you, so you can access the encrypted data. You must obtain kms:Decrypt IAM permission on the KMS key to read encrypted data from the Amazon S3 Access Point from which you’ve gained entitlement. You can choose between the following IAM policy statements:

    1. IAM policy allowing users to decrypt or encrypt data with any KMS key.

      { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "kms:Decrypt" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }
    2. IAM policy allowing users to specify the exact KMS key ARNs visible in the subscriber console.

      { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "kms:Decrypt" ], "Resource": [ "<KMS key Arn from subscriber's console> ] } ] }

    AWS KMS grants can take up to 5 minutes for the operation to achieve eventual consistency. You might not have access to the Amazon S3 data access data set until this is complete. For more information, see Grant in AWS KMS in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

For more information about how to subscribe to an Amazon S3 data set, see Subscribing to and accessing an AWS Data Exchange product containing Amazon S3 data access.