Subscribing to and accessing an AWS Data Exchange product containing file-based data - AWS Data Exchange User Guide

Subscribing to and accessing an AWS Data Exchange product containing file-based data

The following topics describe the complete process of subscribing to and accessing a product containing file-based data stored as files on AWS Data Exchange. To complete the process, use the AWS Data Exchange console.

For information about how to evaluate a product before subscribing, see Evaluate products containing data dictionaries and samples.

The process has the following steps:

To practice subscribing to and accessing a product containing file-based data, see the AWS Data Exchange Heartbeat.

Step 1: Subscribing to a product containing the file-based data

If you subscribe to a paid product, you are billed on your AWS bill. You get access to all entitled data sets. For more information, see Subscribing to AWS Data Exchange data products on AWS Data Exchange.

To subscribe to a product containing the file-based data
  1. Open and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. In the left side navigation pane, under Discover data products, choose Browse catalog.

  3. Under Refine results, use the Data set type filter and select Files (Amazon S3 Objects) to find products containing file-based data.

    For more information, see Browse the catalog.

  4. Select a data product containing Files (Amazon S3 Objects), and view its product detail page.

    The information on the product detail page includes a product description, the provider's contact information, and the details of the product's public offer. The public offer information includes price and durations, the data subscription agreement (DSA), and the refund policy. You can view the names of the data sets included in the product and the AWS Regions in which they are available. You can also continue to browse other product detail pages by choosing a product under Similar products.

    If the provider has issued a custom offer to your account (for example, a private offer or Bring Your Own Subscription (BYOS) offer), you see those details, too.

  5. In the top right corner, choose Continue to subscribe.

  6. Choose your preferred price and duration combination, choose whether to enable auto-renewal for the subscription, and review the offer details, including the DSA.


    Some products require subscription verification. For more information, see Subscription verification for subscribers in AWS Data Exchange.

  7. Review the pricing information, choose the pricing offer, and then choose Subscribe.


    If you subscribe to a paid product, you are prompted to confirm your decision to subscribe.

  8. Under Data sets included with your subscription, view the listed Data sets.

    After the subscription finishes processing, you can choose a data set to access your entitled data or choose View subscription to view your subscription.

  9. (Optional) For Set up exports - optional, select the check boxes for the data sets that contain the revisions that you want to export. Selecting a data set will prepare its most recently published revision to be exported.

    1. Choose a Simple destination option to select an Amazon S3 bucket location or choose Advanced to configure an Amazon S3 key naming pattern. This choice determines where your revisions will be exported. For more information about using key patterns, see Key patterns when exporting asset revisions from AWS Data Exchange.

    2. For Auto-export future revisions, choose whether to turn on or turn off automatic revision export:

      • On – All future revisions will always be exported.

      • Off – Only one export of the most recent revision will be exported.

    3. Choose the Encryption options, and review the Amazon S3 pricing.


      If you choose to export using AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) encryption, make sure your account has the correct AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to create and revoke grants on the AWS KMS key you choose. Without these permissions, automatic export will fail.

    4. Choose Export to export the data to Amazon S3, or choose Skip if you prefer to wait and export or download later. For more information about how to export data after subscribing, see (Optional) Exporting data.


      It can take a few minutes for your subscription to become active after you choose Subscribe. If you choose Export before the subscription is active, you are prompted to wait until it is complete.

      After your subscription is active, your export will begin.

      Navigating away from this page prior to your subscription becoming active will not prevent the subscription from processing. It will prevent your data export from occurring.

Step 2: Accessing a product containing file-based data

After you successfully subscribe to a product, you have access to the product data sets according to the terms of the data subscription agreement (DSA).

The following topic describes how to access a product containing file-based data.

Viewing data sets, revisions, and assets

To view the data sets, revisions, and assets
  1. Open and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Subscriptions, and then choose your product.

  3. View the data sets that are part of the product under Entitled data sets.

  4. Choose a data set.

  5. View the Data set overview, Auto-export job destinations (Amazon S3 products only), the Revisions, and the Description of the data set.

    For more information, see Data in AWS Data Exchange.

  6. Choose a revision.

    Revisions are listed from latest to oldest.

  7. View the Revision overview, Assets, and the Jobs that have been performed.

    For information about exporting file-based assets, see Exporting AWS Data Exchange assets to an S3 bucket as a subscriber (console).

(Optional) Exporting data

After your subscription is active, you can set up your Amazon S3 bucket to receive assets that you export.

You can export the associated assets to Amazon S3 or you can use jobs with a signed URL.

If you want to export or download your data at a later time, including getting new revisions, see Exporting AWS Data Exchange assets to an S3 bucket as a subscriber (console).


We recommend that you consider Amazon S3 security features when exporting data to Amazon S3. For more information about general guidelines and best practices, see Security best practices for Amazon S3 in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

For more information about how to export data, see Exporting assets from AWS Data Exchange and Exporting revisions from AWS Data Exchange.