Tutorial: Create an EFS file system and mount it on an EC2 instance using the AWS CLI
Create an encrypted EFS file system, mount it on an EC2 instance in your VPC, and test the setup using the AWS CLI.
In the Getting started tutorial, you use the console to create Amazon EC2 and EFS resources. In this tutorial, you use the AWS CLI to do the same—primarily to familiarize yourself with the Amazon EFS API.
In this tutorial, you create the following AWS resources in your account:
Amazon EC2 resources:
Two security groups (for your EC2 instance and EFS file system).
You add rules to these security groups to authorize appropriate inbound/outbound access. Doing this allows your EC2instance to connect to the file system through the mount target by using a standard NFSv4.1 TCP port.
An EC2 instance in your VPC.
Amazon EFS resources:
A file system.
A mount target for your file system.
To mount your file system on an EC2 instance you need to create a mount target in your VPC. You can create one mount target in each of the Availability Zones in your VPC. For more information, see How Amazon EFS works.
Then, you test the file system on your EC2 instance. The cleanup step at the end of the tutorial provides information for you to remove these resources.
The tutorial creates all these resources in the US West (Oregon) Region
). Whichever AWS Region you use, be sure to use it consistently. All
of your resources—your VPC, EC2 resources, and EFS
resources—must be in the same AWS Region.
You can use the root credentials of your AWS account to sign in to the console and try the getting started exercise. However, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) recommends that you do not use the root credentials of your AWS account. Instead, create an administrator user in your account and use those credentials to manage resources in your account. Instead, create an administrator user in your account and use those credentials to manage resources in your account. For more information, see Assign AWS account access for an IAM Identity Center user in the AWS IAM Identity Center User Guide.
You can use a default VPC or a custom VPC that you have created in your account. For this walkthrough, the default VPC configuration works. However, if you use a custom VPC, verify the following:
DNS hostnames are enabled. For more information, see DNS attributes in your VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
The internet gateway is attached to your VPC. For more information, see Connect to the internet using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
The VPC subnets are configured to request public IP addresses for instances launched in the VPC subnets. For more information, see IP addressing for your VPCs and subnets in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
The VPC route table includes a rule to send all Internet-bound traffic to the Internet gateway.
You need to set up the AWS CLI and add the adminuser profile.
Setting up the AWS CLI
Use the following instructions to set up the AWS CLI and user profile.
To set up the AWS CLI
Download and configure the AWS CLI. For instructions, see Get started with the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
Set profiles.
You store user credentials in the AWS CLI
file. The example CLI commands in this tutorial specify the adminuser profile. Create the adminuser profile in theconfig
file. You can also set the administrator user profile as the default in theconfig
file as shown.[profile adminuser] aws_access_key_id =
admin user access key ID
aws_secret_access_key =admin user secret access key
region = us-west-2 [default] aws_access_key_id =admin user access key ID
aws_secret_access_key =admin user secret access key
region = us-west-2The preceding profile also sets the default AWS Region. If you don't specify a Region in the CLI command, the us-west-2 region is assumed.
Verify the setup by entering the following command at the command prompt. Both of these commands don't provide credentials explicitly, so the credentials of the default profile are used.
Try the help command
You can also specify the user profile explicitly by adding the
parameter.aws help
aws help \ --profile adminuser
Step 1: Create EC2 resources
In this step, you do the following:
Create two security groups.
Add rules to the security groups to authorize additional access.
Launch an EC2 instance. You create and mount an EFS file system on this instance in the next step.
Step 1.1: Create two security groups
In this section, you create security groups in your VPC for your EC2 instance and EFS mount target. Later in the tutorial, you assign these security groups to an EC2 instance and an EFS mount target. For information about security groups, see Amazon EC2 security groups for Linux instances .
To create security groups
Create two security groups using the
CLI command:-
Create a security group (
) for your EC2 instance, and provide your VPC ID.$ aws ec2 create-security-group \ --region us-west-2 \ --group-name efs-walkthrough1-ec2-sg \ --description "Amazon EFS walkthrough 1, SG for EC2 instance" \ --vpc-id
\ --profile adminuserWrite down the security group ID. The following is an example response.
{ "GroupId": "sg-aexample" }
You can find the VPC ID using the following command.
$ aws ec2 describe-vpcs
Create a security group (
) for your EFS mount target. You need to provide your VPC ID.$ aws ec2 create-security-group \ --region us-west-2 \ --group-name efs-walkthrough1-mt-sg \ --description "Amazon EFS walkthrough 1, SG for mount target" \ --vpc-id
\ --profile adminuserWrite down the security group ID. The following is an example response.
{ "GroupId": "sg-aexample" }
Verify the security groups.
aws ec2 describe-security-groups \ --group-ids
list of security group IDs separated by space
\ --profileadminuser
\ --region us-west-2Both should have only one outbound rule that allows all traffic to leave.
In the next section, you authorize additional access that enables the following:
Enable you to connect to your EC2 instance.
Enable traffic between an EC2 instance and an EFS mount target (with which you associate these security groups later in this tutorial).
Step 1.2: Add rules to the security groups to authorize inbound/outbound access
In this step, you add rules to the security groups to authorize inbound/outbound access.
To add rules
Authorize incoming Secure Shell (SSH) connections to the security group for your EC2 instance (
) so you can connect to your EC2 instance using SSH from any host.$ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \ --group-id
id of the security group created for EC2 instance
\ --protocol tcp \ --port 22 \ --cidr \ --profile adminuser \ --region us-west-2Verify that the security group has the inbound and outbound rule you added.
aws ec2 describe-security-groups \ --region us-west-2 \ --profile adminuser \ --group-id
Authorize inbound access to the security group for the EFS mount target (
).At the command prompt, run the following AWS CLI
command using the adminuser profile to add the inbound rule.$ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \ --group-id
ID of the security group created for Amazon EFS mount target
\ --protocol tcp \ --port 2049 \ --source-groupID of the security group created for EC2 instance
\ --profile adminuser \ --region us-west-2 -
Verify that both security groups now authorize inbound access.
aws ec2 describe-security-groups \ --group-names efs-walkthrough1-ec2-sg efs-walkthrough1-mt-sg \ --profile adminuser \ --region us-west-2
Step 1.3: Launch an EC2 instance
In this step, you launch an EC2 instance.
To launch an EC2 instance
Gather the following information that you need to provide when launching an EC2 instance:
Key pair name. For instructions to create a key pair, see Create a key pair for your Amazon EC2 instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
The ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) you want to launch.
The AWS CLI command that you use to launch an EC2 instance requires the ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that you want to deploy as a parameter. The exercise uses the Amazon Linux HVM AMI.
You can use most general purpose Linux-based AMIs. If you use another Linux AMI, make sure that you use your distribution's package manager to install the NFS client on the instance. Also, you might need to add software packages as you need them.
For the Amazon Linux HVM AMI, you can find the latest IDs at Amazon Linux AMI
. You choose the ID value from the Amazon Linux AMI IDs table as follows: -
Choose the US West Oregon region. This walkthrough assumes you are creating all resources in the US West (Oregon) Region (us-west-2).
Choose the EBS-backed HVM 64-bit type (because in the CLI command you specify the
instance type, which does not support instance store).
ID of the security group you created for an EC2 instance.
AWS Region. This walkthrough uses the us-west-2 region.
Your VPC subnet ID where you want to launch the instance. You can get list of subnets using the
command.$ aws ec2 describe-subnets \ --region us-west-2 \ --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=
" \ --profile adminuserAfter you choose the subnet ID, write down the following values from the
Subnet ID – You need this value when you create a mount target. In this exercise, you create a mount target in the same subnet where you launch an EC2 instance.
Availability Zone of the subnet – You need this value to construct your mount target DNS name, which you use to mount a file system on the EC2 instance.
Run the following AWS CLI
command to launch an EC2 instance.$ aws ec2 run-instances \ --image-id
\ --count 1 \ --instance-type t2.micro \ --associate-public-ip-address \ --key-namekey-pair-name
\ --security-group-idsID of the security group created for EC2 instance
\ --subnet-idVPC subnet ID
\ --region us-west-2 \ --profile adminuser -
Write down the instance ID returned by the
command. -
The EC2 instance you created must have a public DNS name that you use to connect to the EC2 instance and mount the file system on it. The public DNS name is of the form:
Run the following CLI command and write down the public DNS name.
aws ec2 describe-instances \ --instance-ids
EC2 instance ID
\ --region us-west-2 \ --profile adminuserIf you don't find the public DNS name, check the configuration of the VPC in which you launched the EC2 instance. For more information, see Prerequisites.
(Optional) Assign a name to the EC2 instance that you created. To do so, add a tag with the key name and value set to the name that you want to assign to the instance. You do this by running the following AWS CLI
command.$ aws ec2 create-tags \ --resources
\ --tags Key=Name,Value=Provide-instance-name
\ --region us-west-2 \ --profile adminuser
Step 2: Create EFS resources
In this step, you do the following:
Create an encrypted EFS file system.
Enable lifecycle management.
Create a mount target in the Availability Zone where you have your EFS instance launched.
Step 2.1: Create an EFS file system
In this step, you create an EFS file system. Write down the
to use later when you create mount targets for the file system
in the next step.
To create a file system
Create a file system with the optional
At the command prompt, run the following AWS CLI
aws efs create-file-system \ --encrypted \ --creation-token FileSystemForWalkthrough1 \ --tags Key=Name,Value=SomeExampleNameValue \ --region us-west-2 \ --profile adminuserYou get the following response.
{ "OwnerId": "111122223333", "CreationToken": "FileSystemForWalkthrough1", "FileSystemId": "fs-c657c8bf", "CreationTime": 1548950706.0, "LifeCycleState": "creating", "NumberOfMountTargets": 0, "SizeInBytes": { "Value": 0, "ValueInIA": 0, "ValueInStandard": 0 }, "PerformanceMode": "generalPurpose", "Encrypted": true, "KmsKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:a5c11222-7a99-43c8-9dcc-abcdef123456", "ThroughputMode": "bursting", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "SomeExampleNameValue" } ] }
Note the
value. You need this value when you create a mount target for this file system in Step 2.3: Create a mount target.
Step 2.2: Enable lifecycle management
In this step, you enable lifecycle management on your file system in order to use the EFS Infrequent Access (IA) storage class. To learn more, see Managing storage lifecycle for EFS file systems and EFS storage classes.
To enable lifecycle management
At the command prompt, run the following AWS CLI
aws efs put-lifecycle-configuration \ --file-system-id fs-c657c8bf \ --lifecycle-policies TransitionToIA=AFTER_30_DAYS \ --region us-west-2 \ --profile adminuser
You get the following response.
{ "LifecyclePolicies": [ { "TransitionToIA": "AFTER_30_DAYS" } ] }
Step 2.3: Create a mount target
In this step, you create a mount target for your file system in the Availability Zone where you have your EC2 instance launched.
Make sure you have the following information:
ID of the file system (for example,
) for which you are creating the mount target. -
VPC subnet ID where you launched the EC2 instance in Step 1: Create EC2 resources.
For this tutorial, you create the mount target in the same subnet in which you launched the EC2 instance, so you need the subnet ID (for example,
). -
ID of the security group you created for the mount target in the preceding step.
At the command prompt, run the following AWS CLI
command.$ aws efs create-mount-target \ --file-system-id
\ --subnet-idsubnet-id
\ --security-groupID-of-the security-group-created-for-mount-target
\ --region us-west-2 \ --profile adminuserYou get the following response.
{ "MountTargetId": "fsmt-example", "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-example", "FileSystemId": "fs-example", "PerformanceMode" : "generalPurpose", "LifeCycleState": "available", "SubnetId": "fs-subnet-example", "OwnerId": "account-id", "IpAddress": "xxx.xx.xx.xxx" }
You can also use the
command to get descriptions of mount targets you created on a file system.$ aws efs describe-mount-targets \ --file-system-id
\ --region us-west-2 \ --profile adminuser
Step 3: Mount the file system on the EC2 instance and test
In this step, you do the following:
Gather required information.
Install the NFS client on your EC2 instance.
Mount the file system on your EC2 instance and test.
Step 3.1: Gather Information
Make sure you have the following information as you follow the steps in this section:
Public DNS name of your EC2 instance in the following format:
.compute.amazonaws.com -
DNS name of your file system. You can construct this DNS name using the following generic form:
.amazonaws.comThe EC2 instance on which you mount the file system by using the mount target can resolve the file system's DNS name to the mount target's IP address.
Amazon EFS doesn't require that your EC2 instance have either a public IP address or public DNS name. The requirements listed preceding are just for this walkthrough example to ensure that you can connect by using SSH into the instance from outside the VPC.
Step 3.2: Install the NFS client on your EC2 instance
You can connect to your EC2 instance from Windows or from a computer running Linux, or macOS X, or any other Unix variant.
To install an NFS client
Connect to your EC2 instance. For more information, see Connect to your EC2 instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
Execute the following commands on the EC2 instance by using the SSH session:
(Optional) Get updates and reboot.
sudo yum -y update
$ sudo rebootAfter the reboot, reconnect to your EC2 instance.
Install the NFS client.
sudo yum -y install nfs-utils
If you choose the Amazon Linux AMI 2016.03.0 Amazon Linux AMI when launching your EC2 instance, you don't need to install
because it is already included in the AMI by default.
Step 3.3: Mount the file system on your EC2 instance and test
Now you mount the file system on your EC2 instance.
Make a directory ("efs-mount-point").
mkdir ~/efs-mount-point
Mount the EFS file system.
sudo mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport
:/ ~/efs-mount-pointThe EC2 instance can resolve the mount target DNS name to the IP address. You can optionally specify the IP address of the mount target directly.
sudo mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport
:/ ~/efs-mount-point -
Now that you have the EFS file system mounted on your EC2 instance, you can create files.
Change the directory.
cd ~/efs-mount-point
List the directory contents.
ls -al
It should be empty.
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 29 22:33 . drwx------ 4 ec2-user ec2-user 4096 Dec 29 22:54 ..
The root directory of a file system, upon creation, is owned by and is writable by the root user, so you need to change permissions to add files.
sudo chmod go+rw .
Now, if you try the
ls -al
command you see that the permissions have changed.drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Dec 29 22:33 . drwx------ 4 ec2-user ec2-user 4096 Dec 29 22:54 ..
Create a text file.
touch test-file.txt
List directory content.
ls -l
You now have successfully created and mounted an EFS file system on your EC2 instance in your VPC.
The file system you mounted doesn't persist across reboots. To automatically
remount the directory, you can use the fstab
file. If
you are using an Auto Scaling group to launch EC2 instances, you can also set scripts
in a launch configuration.
Step 4: Clean up
If you no longer need the resources you created, you should remove them. You can do this with the CLI.
Remove EC2 resources (the EC2 instance and the two security groups). Amazon EFS deletes the network interface when you delete the mount target.
Remove EFS resources (file system, mount target).
To delete AWS resources created in this walkthrough
Terminate the EC2 instance you created for this tutorial.
$ aws ec2 terminate-instances \ --instance-ids
\ --profile adminuserYou can also delete EC2 resources using the console. For instructions, see Terminate an instance.
Delete the mount target.
You must delete the mount targets created for the file system before deleting the file system. You can get a list of mount targets by using the
CLI command.$ aws efs describe-mount-targets \ --file-system-id
\ --profile adminuser \ --regionaws-region
Then delete the mount target by using the
CLI command.$ aws efs delete-mount-target \ --mount-target-id
\ --profile adminuser \ --regionaws-region
(Optional) Delete the two security groups you created. You don't pay for creating security groups.
You must delete the mount target's security group first, before deleting the EC2 instance's security group. The mount target's security group has a rule that references the EC2 security group. Therefore, you cannot first delete the EC2 instance's security group.
For instructions, see Delete your security group in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
Delete the file system by using the
CLI command. You can get a list of your file systems by using thedescribe-file-systems
CLI command. You can get the file system ID from the response.aws efs describe-file-systems \ --profile adminuser \ --region
Delete the file system by providing the file system ID.
$ aws efs delete-file-system \ --file-system-id
\ --regionaws-region
\ --profile adminuser