IPv6 addresses for clusters, Pods, and services - Amazon EKS

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IPv6 addresses for clusters, Pods, and services

By default, Kubernetes assigns IPv4 addresses to your Pods and services. Instead of assigning IPv4 addresses to your Pods and services, you can configure your cluster to assign IPv6 addresses to them. Amazon EKS doesn't support dual-stacked Pods or services, even though Kubernetes does in version 1.23 and later. As a result, you can't assign both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to your Pods and services.

You select which IP family you want to use for your cluster when you create it. You can't change the family after you create the cluster.

Considerations for using the IPv6 family for your cluster

  • You must create a new cluster and specify that you want to use the IPv6 family for that cluster. You can't enable the IPv6 family for a cluster that you updated from a previous version. For instructions on how to create a new cluster, see Create an Amazon EKS cluster.

  • The version of the Amazon VPC CNI add-on that you deploy to your cluster must be version 1.10.1 or later. This version or later is deployed by default. After you deploy the add-on, you can't downgrade your Amazon VPC CNI add-on to a version lower than 1.10.1 without first removing all nodes in all node groups in your cluster.

  • Windows Pods and services aren't supported.

  • If you use Amazon EC2 nodes, you must configure the Amazon VPC CNI add-on with IP prefix delegation and IPv6. If you choose the IPv6 family when creating your cluster, the 1.10.1 version of the add-on defaults to this configuration. This is the case for both a self-managed or Amazon EKS add-on. For more information about IP prefix delegation, see Increase the amount of available IP addresses for your Amazon EC2 nodes.

  • When you create a cluster, the VPC and subnets that you specify must have an IPv6 CIDR block that's assigned to the VPC and subnets that you specify. They must also have an IPv4 CIDR block assigned to them. This is because, even if you only want to use IPv6, a VPC still requires an IPv4 CIDR block to function. For more information, see Associate an IPv6 CIDR block with your VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

  • When you create your cluster and nodes, you must specify subnets that are configured to auto-assign IPv6 addresses. Otherwise, you can't deploy your cluster and nodes. By default, this configuration is disabled. For more information, see Modify the IPv6 addressing attribute for your subnet in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

  • The route tables that are assigned to your subnets must have routes for IPv6 addresses. For more information, see Migrate to IPv6 in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

  • Your security groups must allow IPv6 addresses. For more information, see Migrate to IPv6 in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

  • You can only use IPv6 with AWS Nitro-based Amazon EC2 or Fargate nodes.

  • You can use IPv6 with Security groups for Pods with Amazon EC2 nodes and Fargate nodes.

  • If you previously used custom networking to help alleviate IP address exhaustion, you can use IPv6 instead. You can't use custom networking with IPv6. If you use custom networking for network isolation, then you might need to continue to use custom networking and the IPv4 family for your clusters.

  • You can't use IPv6 with AWS Outposts.

  • Kubernetes Services are only assigned an IPv6 address. They aren't assigned an IPv4 address.

  • Pods are assigned an IPv6 address and a host-local IPv4 address. The host-local IPv4 address is assigned by using a host-local CNI plugin chained with VPC CNI and the address is not reported to the Kubernetes control plane. It is only used when a pod needs to communicate with an external IPv4 resources in another Amazon VPC or the internet. The host-local IPv4 address gets SNATed (by VPC CNI) to the primary IPv4 address of the primary ENI of the worker node.

  • Pods and services are only assigned an IPv6 address. They aren't assigned an IPv4 address. Because Pods are able to communicate to IPv4 endpoints through NAT on the instance itself, DNS64 and NAT64 aren't needed. If the traffic needs a public IP address, the traffic is then source network address translated to a public IP.

  • The source IPv6 address of a Pod isn't source network address translated to the IPv6 address of the node when communicating outside of the VPC. It is routed using an internet gateway or egress-only internet gateway.

  • All nodes are assigned an IPv4 and IPv6 address.

  • The Use Amazon FSx for Lustre storage is not supported.

  • You can use version 2.3.1 or later of the AWS Load Balancer Controller to load balance application or network traffic to IPv6 Pods in IP mode, but not instance mode. For more information, see What is the AWS Load Balancer Controller?.

  • You must attach an IPv6 IAM policy to your node IAM or CNI IAM role. Between the two, we recommend that you attach it to a CNI IAM role. For more information, see Create IAM policy for clusters that use the IPv6 family and Step 1: Create the Amazon VPC CNI plugin for Kubernetes IAM role.

  • Each Fargate Pod receives an IPv6 address from the CIDR that's specified for the subnet that it's deployed in. The underlying hardware unit that runs Fargate Pods gets a unique IPv4 and IPv6 address from the CIDRs that are assigned to the subnet that the hardware unit is deployed in.

  • We recommend that you perform a thorough evaluation of your applications, Amazon EKS add-ons, and AWS services that you integrate with before deploying IPv6 clusters. This is to ensure that everything works as expected with IPv6.

  • Use of the Amazon EC2 Instance Metadata Service IPv6 endpoint is not supported with Amazon EKS.

  • When creating a self-managed node group in a cluster that uses the IPv6 family, user-data must include the following BootstrapArguments for the bootstrap.sh file that runs at node start up. Replace your-cidr with the IPv6 CIDR range of your cluster's VPC.

    --ip-family ipv6 --service-ipv6-cidr your-cidr

    If you don't know the IPv6 CIDR range for your cluster, you can see it with the following command (requires the AWS CLI version 2.4.9 or later).

    aws eks describe-cluster --name my-cluster --query cluster.kubernetesNetworkConfig.serviceIpv6Cidr --output text

Deploy an IPv6 cluster and managed Amazon Linux nodes

In this tutorial, you deploy an IPv6 Amazon VPC, an Amazon EKS cluster with the IPv6 family, and a managed node group with Amazon EC2 Amazon Linux nodes. You can't deploy Amazon EC2 Windows nodes in an IPv6 cluster. You can also deploy Fargate nodes to your cluster, though those instructions aren't provided in this topic for simplicity.

Before creating a cluster for production use, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all settings and deploy a cluster with the settings that meet your requirements. For more information, see Create an Amazon EKS cluster, Managed node groups and the considerations for this topic. You can only enable some settings when creating your cluster.


Before starting this tutorial, you must install and configure the following tools and resources that you need to create and manage an Amazon EKS cluster.

  • The kubectl command line tool is installed on your device or AWS CloudShell. The version can be the same as or up to one minor version earlier or later than the Kubernetes version of your cluster. For example, if your cluster version is 1.29, you can use kubectl version 1.28, 1.29, or 1.30 with it. To install or upgrade kubectl, see Set up kubectl and eksctl.

  • The IAM security principal that you're using must have permissions to work with Amazon EKS IAM roles, service linked roles, AWS CloudFormation, a VPC, and related resources. For more information, see Actions, resources, and condition keys for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service and Using service-linked roles in the IAM User Guide.

Procedures are provided to create the resources with either eksctl or the AWS CLI. You can also deploy the resources using the AWS Management Console, but those instructions aren't provided in this topic for simplicity.


eksctl version 0.187.0 or later installed on your computer. To install or update to it, see Installation in the eksctl documentation.

To deploy an IPv6 cluster with eksctl
  1. Create the ipv6-cluster.yaml file. Copy the command that follows to your device. Make the following modifications to the command as needed and then run the modified command:

    • Replace my-cluster with a name for your cluster. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters (case-sensitive) and hyphens. It must start with an alphanumeric character and can't be longer than 100 characters. The name must be unique within the AWS Region and AWS account that you're creating the cluster in.

    • Replace region-code with any AWS Region that is supported by Amazon EKS. For a list of AWS Regions, see Amazon EKS endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference guide.

    • The value for version with the version of your cluster. For more information, see supported Amazon EKS Kubernetes version.

    • Replace my-nodegroup with a name for your node group. The node group name can't be longer than 63 characters. It must start with letter or digit, but can also include hyphens and underscores for the remaining characters.

    • Replace t3.medium with any AWS Nitro System instance type.

    cat >ipv6-cluster.yaml <<EOF --- apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5 kind: ClusterConfig metadata: name: my-cluster region: region-code version: "X.XX" kubernetesNetworkConfig: ipFamily: IPv6 addons: - name: vpc-cni version: latest - name: coredns version: latest - name: kube-proxy version: latest iam: withOIDC: true managedNodeGroups: - name: my-nodegroup instanceType: t3.medium EOF
  2. Create your cluster.

    eksctl create cluster -f ipv6-cluster.yaml

    Cluster creation takes several minutes. Don't proceed until you see the last line of output, which looks similar to the following output.

    [✓]  EKS cluster "my-cluster" in "region-code" region is ready
  3. Confirm that default Pods are assigned IPv6 addresses.

    kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide

    An example output is as follows.

    NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES aws-node-rslts 1/1 Running 1 5m36s 2600:1f13:b66:8200:11a5:ade0:c590:6ac8 ip-192-168-34-75.region-code.compute.internal <none> <none> aws-node-t74jh 1/1 Running 0 5m32s 2600:1f13:b66:8203:4516:2080:8ced:1ca9 ip-192-168-253-70.region-code.compute.internal <none> <none> coredns-85d5b4454c-cw7w2 1/1 Running 0 56m 2600:1f13:b66:8203:34e5:: ip-192-168-253-70.region-code.compute.internal <none> <none> coredns-85d5b4454c-tx6n8 1/1 Running 0 56m 2600:1f13:b66:8203:34e5::1 ip-192-168-253-70.region-code.compute.internal <none> <none> kube-proxy-btpbk 1/1 Running 0 5m36s 2600:1f13:b66:8200:11a5:ade0:c590:6ac8 ip-192-168-34-75.region-code.compute.internal <none> <none> kube-proxy-jjk2g 1/1 Running 0 5m33s 2600:1f13:b66:8203:4516:2080:8ced:1ca9 ip-192-168-253-70.region-code.compute.internal <none> <none>
  4. Confirm that default services are assigned IPv6 addresses.

    kubectl get services -n kube-system -o wide

    An example output is as follows.

    NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE SELECTOR kube-dns ClusterIP fd30:3087:b6c2::a <none> 53/UDP,53/TCP 57m k8s-app=kube-dns
  5. (Optional) Deploy a sample application or deploy the AWS Load Balancer Controller and a sample application to load balance application or network traffic to IPv6 Pods.

  6. After you've finished with the cluster and nodes that you created for this tutorial, you should clean up the resources that you created with the following command.

    eksctl delete cluster my-cluster

Version 2.12.3 or later or version 1.27.160 or later of the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) installed and configured on your device or AWS CloudShell. To check your current version, use aws --version | cut -d / -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1. Package managers such yum, apt-get, or Homebrew for macOS are often several versions behind the latest version of the AWS CLI. To install the latest version, see Installing, updating, and uninstalling the AWS CLI and Quick configuration with aws configure in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide. The AWS CLI version that is installed in AWS CloudShell might also be several versions behind the latest version. To update it, see Installing AWS CLI to your home directory in the AWS CloudShell User Guide. If you use the AWS CloudShell, you may need to install version 2.12.3 or later or 1.27.160 or later of the AWS CLI, because the default AWS CLI version installed in the AWS CloudShell may be an earlier version.

  • You must complete all steps in this procedure as the same user. To check the current user, run the following command:

    aws sts get-caller-identity
  • You must complete all steps in this procedure in the same shell. Several steps use variables set in previous steps. Steps that use variables won't function properly if the variable values are set in a different shell. If you use the AWS CloudShell to complete the following procedure, remember that if you don't interact with it using your keyboard or pointer for approximately 20–30 minutes, your shell session ends. Running processes do not count as interactions.

  • The instructions are written for the Bash shell, and may need adjusting in other shells.

To create your cluster with the AWS CLI

Replace all example values in the steps of this procedure with your own values.

  1. Run the following commands to set some variables used in later steps. Replace region-code with the AWS Region that you want to deploy your resources in. The value can be any AWS Region that is supported by Amazon EKS. For a list of AWS Regions, see Amazon EKS endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference guide. Replace my-cluster with a name for your cluster. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters (case-sensitive) and hyphens. It must start with an alphanumeric character and can't be longer than 100 characters. The name must be unique within the AWS Region and AWS account that you're creating the cluster in. Replace my-nodegroup with a name for your node group. The node group name can't be longer than 63 characters. It must start with letter or digit, but can also include hyphens and underscores for the remaining characters. Replace 111122223333 with your account ID.

    export region_code=region-code export cluster_name=my-cluster export nodegroup_name=my-nodegroup export account_id=111122223333
  2. Create an Amazon VPC with public and private subnets that meets Amazon EKS and IPv6 requirements.

    1. Run the following command to set a variable for your AWS CloudFormation stack name. You can replace my-eks-ipv6-vpc with any name you choose.

      export vpc_stack_name=my-eks-ipv6-vpc
    2. Create an IPv6 VPC using an AWS CloudFormation template.

      aws cloudformation create-stack --region $region_code --stack-name $vpc_stack_name \ --template-url https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/amazon-eks/cloudformation/2020-10-29/amazon-eks-ipv6-vpc-public-private-subnets.yaml

      The stack takes a few minutes to create. Run the following command. Don't continue to the next step until the output of the command is CREATE_COMPLETE.

      aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region $region_code --stack-name $vpc_stack_name --query Stacks[].StackStatus --output text
    3. Retrieve the IDs of the public subnets that were created.

      aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region $region_code --stack-name $vpc_stack_name \ --query='Stacks[].Outputs[?OutputKey==`SubnetsPublic`].OutputValue' --output text

      An example output is as follows.

    4. Enable the auto-assign IPv6 address option for the public subnets that were created.

      aws ec2 modify-subnet-attribute --region $region_code --subnet-id subnet-0a1a56c486EXAMPLE --assign-ipv6-address-on-creation aws ec2 modify-subnet-attribute --region $region_code --subnet-id subnet-099e6ca77aEXAMPLE --assign-ipv6-address-on-creation
    5. Retrieve the names of the subnets and security groups created by the template from the deployed AWS CloudFormation stack and store them in variables for use in a later step.

      security_groups=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region $region_code --stack-name $vpc_stack_name \ --query='Stacks[].Outputs[?OutputKey==`SecurityGroups`].OutputValue' --output text) public_subnets=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region $region_code --stack-name $vpc_stack_name \ --query='Stacks[].Outputs[?OutputKey==`SubnetsPublic`].OutputValue' --output text) private_subnets=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region $region_code --stack-name $vpc_stack_name \ --query='Stacks[].Outputs[?OutputKey==`SubnetsPrivate`].OutputValue' --output text) subnets=${public_subnets},${private_subnets}
  3. Create a cluster IAM role and attach the required Amazon EKS IAM managed policy to it. Kubernetes clusters managed by Amazon EKS make calls to other AWS services on your behalf to manage the resources that you use with the service.

    1. Run the following command to create the eks-cluster-role-trust-policy.json file.

      cat >eks-cluster-role-trust-policy.json <<EOF { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "eks.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] } EOF
    2. Run the following command to set a variable for your role name. You can replace myAmazonEKSClusterRole with any name you choose.

      export cluster_role_name=myAmazonEKSClusterRole
    3. Create the role.

      aws iam create-role --role-name $cluster_role_name --assume-role-policy-document file://"eks-cluster-role-trust-policy.json"
    4. Retrieve the ARN of the IAM role and store it in a variable for a later step.

      cluster_iam_role=$(aws iam get-role --role-name $cluster_role_name --query="Role.Arn" --output text)
    5. Attach the required Amazon EKS managed IAM policy to the role.

      aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy --role-name $cluster_role_name
  4. Create your cluster.

    aws eks create-cluster --region $region_code --name $cluster_name --kubernetes-version 1.XX \ --role-arn $cluster_iam_role --resources-vpc-config subnetIds=$subnets,securityGroupIds=$security_groups \ --kubernetes-network-config ipFamily=ipv6
    1. Note

      You might receive an error that one of the Availability Zones in your request doesn't have sufficient capacity to create an Amazon EKS cluster. If this happens, the error output contains the Availability Zones that can support a new cluster. Retry creating your cluster with at least two subnets that are located in the supported Availability Zones for your account. For more information, see Insufficient capacity.

      The cluster takes several minutes to create. Run the following command. Don't continue to the next step until the output from the command is ACTIVE.

      aws eks describe-cluster --region $region_code --name $cluster_name --query cluster.status
  5. Create or update a kubeconfig file for your cluster so that you can communicate with your cluster.

    aws eks update-kubeconfig --region $region_code --name $cluster_name

    By default, the config file is created in ~/.kube or the new cluster's configuration is added to an existing config file in ~/.kube.

  6. Create a node IAM role.

    1. Run the following command to create the vpc-cni-ipv6-policy.json file.

      cat >vpc-cni-ipv6-policy <<EOF { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:AssignIpv6Addresses", "ec2:DescribeInstances", "ec2:DescribeTags", "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces", "ec2:DescribeInstanceTypes" ], "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:CreateTags" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:network-interface/*" ] } ] } EOF
    2. Create the IAM policy.

      aws iam create-policy --policy-name AmazonEKS_CNI_IPv6_Policy --policy-document file://vpc-cni-ipv6-policy.json
    3. Run the following command to create the node-role-trust-relationship.json file.

      cat >node-role-trust-relationship.json <<EOF { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] } EOF
    4. Run the following command to set a variable for your role name. You can replace AmazonEKSNodeRole with any name you choose.

      export node_role_name=AmazonEKSNodeRole
    5. Create the IAM role.

      aws iam create-role --role-name $node_role_name --assume-role-policy-document file://"node-role-trust-relationship.json"
    6. Attach the IAM policy to the IAM role.

      aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::$account_id:policy/AmazonEKS_CNI_IPv6_Policy \ --role-name $node_role_name

      For simplicity in this tutorial, the policy is attached to this IAM role. In a production cluster however, we recommend attaching the policy to a separate IAM role. For more information, see Configuring the Amazon VPC CNI plugin for Kubernetes to use IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA).

    7. Attach two required IAM managed policies to the IAM role.

      aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy \ --role-name $node_role_name aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly \ --role-name $node_role_name
    8. Retrieve the ARN of the IAM role and store it in a variable for a later step.

      node_iam_role=$(aws iam get-role --role-name $node_role_name --query="Role.Arn" --output text)
  7. Create a managed node group.

    1. View the IDs of the subnets that you created in a previous step.

      echo $subnets

      An example output is as follows.

    2. Create the node group. Replace 0a1a56c486EXAMPLE, 099e6ca77aEXAMPLE, 0377963d69EXAMPLE, and 0c05f819d5EXAMPLE with the values returned in the output of the previous step. Be sure to remove the commas between subnet IDs from the previous output in the following command. You can replace t3.medium with any AWS Nitro System instance type.

      aws eks create-nodegroup --region $region_code --cluster-name $cluster_name --nodegroup-name $nodegroup_name \ --subnets subnet-0a1a56c486EXAMPLE subnet-099e6ca77aEXAMPLE subnet-0377963d69EXAMPLE subnet-0c05f819d5EXAMPLE \ --instance-types t3.medium --node-role $node_iam_role

      The node group takes a few minutes to create. Run the following command. Don't proceed to the next step until the output returned is ACTIVE.

      aws eks describe-nodegroup --region $region_code --cluster-name $cluster_name --nodegroup-name $nodegroup_name \ --query nodegroup.status --output text
  8. Confirm that the default Pods are assigned IPv6 addresses in the IP column.

    kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide

    An example output is as follows.

    NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES aws-node-rslts 1/1 Running 1 5m36s 2600:1f13:b66:8200:11a5:ade0:c590:6ac8 ip-192-168-34-75.region-code.compute.internal <none> <none> aws-node-t74jh 1/1 Running 0 5m32s 2600:1f13:b66:8203:4516:2080:8ced:1ca9 ip-192-168-253-70.region-code.compute.internal <none> <none> coredns-85d5b4454c-cw7w2 1/1 Running 0 56m 2600:1f13:b66:8203:34e5:: ip-192-168-253-70.region-code.compute.internal <none> <none> coredns-85d5b4454c-tx6n8 1/1 Running 0 56m 2600:1f13:b66:8203:34e5::1 ip-192-168-253-70.region-code.compute.internal <none> <none> kube-proxy-btpbk 1/1 Running 0 5m36s 2600:1f13:b66:8200:11a5:ade0:c590:6ac8 ip-192-168-34-75.region-code.compute.internal <none> <none> kube-proxy-jjk2g 1/1 Running 0 5m33s 2600:1f13:b66:8203:4516:2080:8ced:1ca9 ip-192-168-253-70.region-code.compute.internal <none> <none>
  9. Confirm that the default services are assigned IPv6 addresses in the IP column.

    kubectl get services -n kube-system -o wide

    An example output is as follows.

    NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE SELECTOR kube-dns ClusterIP fd30:3087:b6c2::a <none> 53/UDP,53/TCP 57m k8s-app=kube-dns
  10. (Optional) Deploy a sample application or deploy the AWS Load Balancer Controller and a sample application to load balance application or network traffic to IPv6 Pods.

  11. After you've finished with the cluster and nodes that you created for this tutorial, you should clean up the resources that you created with the following commands. Make sure that you're not using any of the resources outside of this tutorial before deleting them.

    1. If you're completing this step in a different shell than you completed the previous steps in, set the values of all the variables used in previous steps, replacing the example values with the values you specified when you completed the previous steps. If you're completing this step in the same shell that you completed the previous steps in, skip to the next step.

      export region_code=region-code export vpc_stack_name=my-eks-ipv6-vpc export cluster_name=my-cluster export nodegroup_name=my-nodegroup export account_id=111122223333 export node_role_name=AmazonEKSNodeRole export cluster_role_name=myAmazonEKSClusterRole
    2. Delete your node group.

      aws eks delete-nodegroup --region $region_code --cluster-name $cluster_name --nodegroup-name $nodegroup_name

      Deletion takes a few minutes. Run the following command. Don't proceed to the next step if any output is returned.

      aws eks list-nodegroups --region $region_code --cluster-name $cluster_name --query nodegroups --output text
    3. Delete the cluster.

      aws eks delete-cluster --region $region_code --name $cluster_name

      The cluster takes a few minutes to delete. Before continuing make sure that the cluster is deleted with the following command.

      aws eks describe-cluster --region $region_code --name $cluster_name

      Don't proceed to the next step until your output is similar to the following output.

      An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the DescribeCluster operation: No cluster found for name: my-cluster.
    4. Delete the IAM resources that you created. Replace AmazonEKS_CNI_IPv6_Policy with the name you chose, if you chose a different name than the one used in previous steps.

      aws iam detach-role-policy --role-name $cluster_role_name --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy aws iam detach-role-policy --role-name $node_role_name --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy aws iam detach-role-policy --role-name $node_role_name --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly aws iam detach-role-policy --role-name $node_role_name --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::$account_id:policy/AmazonEKS_CNI_IPv6_Policy aws iam delete-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::$account_id:policy/AmazonEKS_CNI_IPv6_Policy aws iam delete-role --role-name $cluster_role_name aws iam delete-role --role-name $node_role_name
    5. Delete the AWS CloudFormation stack that created the VPC.

      aws cloudformation delete-stack --region $region_code --stack-name $vpc_stack_name