Other AWS services that use X.509 public key certificates - AWS cryptography services

Other AWS services that use X.509 public key certificates

The following AWS services also include features that allow you to manage and implement X.509 public key certificates for use as SSL/TLS certificates or for code signing.

Service Description Topic
Amazon API Gateway Establish a custom API and manage the API domain information. Set Up Custom Domain Name for an API Gateway
AWS CloudFormation Automatically provision AWS resources, including ACM certificates. Request an ACM Certificate
Amazon CloudFront Distribute dynamic and static web content to end users as efficiently as possible. Choosing How CloudFront Serves HTTPS Requests
Code Signing for AWS IoT Cryptographically sign code using a certificate such as those provisioned by ACM. What is Code Signing for AWS IoT?
Elastic Beanstalk Easily deploy applications in the AWS Cloud with automated infrastructure provisioning. Configure Your Load Balancer to Terminate HTTPS
Elastic Load Balancing Distribute incoming application traffic across multiple Amazon EC2 instances as efficiently as possible. HTTPS Listener for Your Application Load Balancer