Handle anonymous blocks in Dynamic SQL statements in Aurora PostgreSQL - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

Handle anonymous blocks in Dynamic SQL statements in Aurora PostgreSQL

Created by anuradha chintha (AWS)

Environment: PoC or pilot

Source: Database Relational

Target: PostgreSQL

R Type: Re-architect

Workload: Oracle; Open-source

Technologies: Databases; Migration

AWS services: Amazon Aurora; Amazon RDS


This pattern shows you how to avoid the error that you get when handling anonymous blocks in Dynamic SQL statements. You receive an error message when you use the AWS Schema Conversion Tool to convert an Oracle database to an Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition database. To avoid the error, you must know the value of an OUT bind variable, but you can’t know the value of an OUT bind variable until after you run the SQL statement. The error results from the AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) not understanding the logic inside the Dynamic SQL statement. AWS SCT can’t convert the dynamic SQL statement in PL/SQL code (that is, functions, procedures, and packages).

Prerequisites and limitations



Source technology stack

  • On-premises Oracle Database 10g and later version

Target technology stack

  • Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

  • Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

  • AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT)

Migration architecture

The following diagram shows how to use AWS SCT and Oracle OUT bind variables to scan your application code for embedded SQL statements and convert the code to a compatible format that an Aurora database can use.

Architecture diagram for using AWS SCT and Oracle OUT bind variables

The diagram shows the following workflow:

  1. Generate an AWS SCT report for the source database by using Aurora PostgreSQL as the target database.

  2. Identify the anonymous block in the Dynamic SQL code block (for which AWS SCT raised the error).

  3. Convert the code block manually and deploy the code on a target database.


AWS services

Other tools

  • pgAdmin enables you to connect to and interact with your database server.

  • Oracle SQL Developer is an integrated development environment that you can use to develop and manage databases in Oracle Database. You can use either SQL *Plus or Oracle SQL Developer for this pattern.


TaskDescriptionSkills required

Create an Oracle instance on Amazon RDS or Amazon EC2.

To create an Oracle DB instance on Amazon RDS, see Creating an Oracle DB instance and connecting to a database on an Oracle DB instance in the Amazon RDS documentation.

To create an Oracle DB instance on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), see Amazon EC2 for Oracle in the AWS Prescriptive Guidance documentation.


Create a database schema and objects for migration.

You can use Amazon Cloud Directory to create a database schema. For more information, see Create a Schema in the Cloud Directory documentation.


Configure inbound and outbound security groups.

To create and configure security groups, see Controlling access with security groups in the Amazon RDS documentation.


Confirm that the database is running.

To check the status of your database, see Viewing Amazon RDS events in the Amazon RDS documentation.

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Create an Aurora PostgreSQL instance in Amazon RDS.

To create an Aurora PostgreSQL instance, see Creating a DB cluster and connecting to a database on an Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster in the Amazon RDS documentation.


Configure an inbound and outbound security group.

To create and configure security groups, see Provide access to the DB cluster in the VPC by creating a security group in the Aurora documentation.


Confirm that the Aurora PostgreSQL database is running.

To check the status of your database, see Viewing Amazon RDS events in the Aurora documentation.

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Connect AWS SCT to the source database.

To connect AWS SCT to your source database, see Connecting to PostgreSQL as a source in the AWS SCT documentation.


Connect AWS SCT to the target database.

To connect AWS SCT to your target database, see the What is the AWS Schema Conversion Tool? in the AWS Schema Conversion Tool User Guide.


Convert the database schema in AWS SCT and save the automated converted code as a SQL file.

To save AWS SCT converted files, see Saving and applying your converted schema in AWS SCT in the AWS Schema Conversion Tool User Guide.

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Get the SQL file for manual conversion.

In the AWS SCT converted file, pull the SQL file that requires manual conversion.


Update the script.

Manually update the SQL file.


Related resources

Additional information

The following example code shows how to configure the Oracle source database:

CREATE or replace PROCEDURE calc_stats_new1 ( a NUMBER, b NUMBER, result out NUMBER) IS BEGIN result:=a+b; END; /
set serveroutput on ; DECLARE a NUMBER := 4; b NUMBER := 7; plsql_block VARCHAR2(100); output number; BEGIN plsql_block := 'BEGIN calc_stats_new1(:a, :b,:output); END;'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE plsql_block USING a, b,out output; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('output:'||output); END;

The following example code shows how to configure the target Aurora PostgreSQL database:

w integer, x integer) RETURNS integer AS $BODY$ DECLARE begin return w + x ; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_pg.init() RETURNS void AS $BODY$ BEGIN if aws_oracle_ext.is_package_initialized ('test_pg' ) then return; end if; perform aws_oracle_ext.set_package_initialized ('test_pg' ); PERFORM aws_oracle_ext.set_package_variable('test_pg', 'v_output', NULL::INTEGER); PERFORM aws_oracle_ext.set_package_variable('test_pg', 'v_status', NULL::text); END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; DO $$ declare v_sql text; v_output_loc int; a integer :=1; b integer :=2; BEGIN perform test_pg.init(); --raise notice 'v_sql %',v_sql; execute 'do $a$ declare v_output_l int; begin select * from test_pg.calc_stats_new1('||a||','||b||') into v_output_l; PERFORM aws_oracle_ext.set_package_variable(''test_pg'', ''v_output'', v_output_l) ; end; $a$' ; v_output_loc := aws_oracle_ext.get_package_variable('test_pg', 'v_output'); raise notice 'v_output_loc %',v_output_loc; END ; $$