crowd-form - Amazon SageMaker


The form wrapper for all custom tasks. Sets and implements important actions for the proper submission of your form data.

If a crowd-button of type "submit" is not included inside the <crowd-form> element, it will automatically be appended within the <crowd-form> element.

See an interactive example of an HTML template that uses this Crowd HTML Element in CodePen.

The following is an example of an image classification template that uses the <crowd-form> element. Copy the following code and save it in a file with the extension .html. Open the file in any browser to preview and interact with this template.

<script src=""></script> <crowd-form> <crowd-image-classifier src="${image_url}" categories="['Cat', 'Dog', 'Bird', 'None of the Above']" header="Choose the correct category for the image" name="category"> <short-instructions> <p>Read the task carefully and inspect the image.</p> <p>Choose the appropriate label that best suits the image.</p> </short-instructions> <full-instructions header="Classification Instructions"> <p>Read the task carefully and inspect the image.</p> <p>Choose the appropriate label that best suits the image. Use the <b>None of the Above</b> option if none of the other labels suit the image.</p> </full-instructions> </crowd-image-classifier> </crowd-form>

Element Hierarchy

This element has the following parent and child elements.

  • Parent elements: none

  • Child elements: Any of the UI Template elements

Element Events

The crowd-form element extends the standard HTML form element and inherits its events, such as onclick and onsubmit.

See Also

For more information, see the following.