Configure states inputs and outputs with Workflow Studio in Step Functions - AWS Step Functions

Configure states inputs and outputs with Workflow Studio in Step Functions

Each state makes a decision or performs an action based on input that it receives. In most cases, it then passes output to other states. In Workflow Studio, you can configure how a state filters and manipulates its input and output data in the Input and Output tabs of the Inspector panel panel. Use the Info links to access contextual help when configuring inputs and outputs.

Illustrative screenshot showing state inputs, outputs, and the info help panel

For detailed information about how Step Functions processes input and output, see Processing input and output in Step Functions.

Configure input to a state

Each state receives input from the previous state as JSON. If you want to filter the input, you can use the InputPath filter under the Input tab in the Inspector panel panel. The InputPath is a string, beginning with $, that identifies a specific JSON node. These are called reference paths, and they follow JsonPath syntax.

To filter the input:

  • Choose Filter input with InputPath.

  • Enter a valid JsonPath for the InputPath filter. For example, $.data.

Your InputPath filter will be added to your workflow.

Example 1: Use InputPath filter in Workflow Studio

Say the input to your state includes the following JSON data.

{ "comment": "Example for InputPath", "dataset1": { "val1": 1, "val2": 2, "val3": 3 }, "dataset2": { "val1": "a", "val2": "b", "val3": "c" } }

To apply the InputPath filter, choose Filter input with InputPath, then enter an appropriate reference path. If you enter $.dataset2.val1, the following JSON is passed as input to the state.


A reference path can also have a selection of values. If the data you reference is { "a": [1, 2, 3, 4] } and you apply the reference path $.a[0:2] as the InputPath filter, the following is the result.

[ 1, 2 ]

Parallel workflow state, Map workflow state, and Pass workflow state flow states have an additional input filtering option called Parameters under their Input tab. This filter takes effect after the InputPath filter and can be used to construct a custom JSON object consisting of one or more key-value pairs. The values of each pair can either be static values, can be selected from the input, or can be selected from the Context object with a path.


To specify that a parameter uses a reference path to point to a JSON node in the input, the parameter name must end with .$.

Example 2: Create custom JSON input for Parallel state

Say the following JSON data is the input to a Parallel state.

{ "comment": "Example for Parameters", "product": { "details": { "color": "blue", "size": "small", "material": "cotton" }, "availability": "in stock", "sku": "2317", "cost": "$23" } }

To select part of this input and pass additional key-value pairs with a static value, you can specify the following in the Parameters field, under the Parallel state’s Input tab.

{ "comment": "Selecting what I care about.", "MyDetails": { "size.$": "$.product.details.size", "exists.$": "$.product.availability", "StaticValue": "foo" } }

The following JSON data will be the result.

{ "comment": "Selecting what I care about.", "MyDetails": { "size": "small", "exists": "in stock", "StaticValue": "foo" } }

Configure output of a state

Each state produces JSON output that can be filtered before it is passed to the next state. There are several filters available, and each affects the output in a different way. Output filters available for each state are listed under the Output tab in the Inspector panel. For Task workflow state states, any output filters you select are processed in this order:

  1. ResultSelector: Use this filter to manipulate the state’s result. You can construct a new JSON object with parts of the result.

  2. Specifying state output using ResultPath in Step Functions workflows: Use this filter to select a combination of the state input and the task result to pass to the output.

  3. Filtering state output using OutputPath in Step Functions workflows: Use this filter to filter the JSON output to choose which information from the result will be passed to the next state.

Use ResultSelector

ResultSelector is an optional output filter for the following states:

ResultSelector can be used to construct a custom JSON object consisting of one or more key-value pairs. The values of each pair can either be static values or selected from the state's result with a path.


To specify that a parameter uses a path to reference a JSON node in the result, the parameter name must end with .$.

Example to use ResultSelector filter

In this example, you use ResultSelector to manipulate the response from the Amazon EMR CreateCluster API call for an Amazon EMR CreateCluster state. The following is the result from the Amazon EMR CreateCluster API call.

{ "resourceType": "elasticmapreduce", "resource": "createCluster.sync", "output": { "SdkHttpMetadata": { "HttpHeaders": { "Content-Length": "1112", "Content-Type": "application/x-amz-JSON-1.1", "Date": "Mon, 25 Nov 2019 19:41:29 GMT", "x-amzn-RequestId": "1234-5678-9012" }, "HttpStatusCode": 200 }, "SdkResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "1234-5678-9012" }, "ClusterId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" } }

To select part of this information and pass an additional key-value pair with a static value, specify the following in the ResultSelector field, under the state’s Output tab.

{ "result": "found", "ClusterId.$": "$.output.ClusterId", "ResourceType.$": "$.resourceType" }

Using ResultSelector produces the following result.

{ "result": "found", "ClusterId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", "ResourceType": "elasticmapreduce" }

Use ResultPath

The output of a state can be a copy of its input, the result it produces, or a combination of its input and result. Use ResultPath to control which combination of these is passed to the state output. For more use cases of ResultPath, see Specifying state output using ResultPath in Step Functions workflows.

ResultPath is an optional output filter for the following states:

ResultPath can be used to add the result into the original state input. The specified path indicates where to add the result.

Example to use ResultPath filter

Say the following is the input to a Task state.

{ "details": "Default example", "who": "AWS Step Functions" }

The result of the Task state is the following.

Hello, AWS Step Functions

You can add this result to the state’s input by applying ResultPath and entering a reference path that indicates where to add the result, such as $.taskresult:

With this ResultPath, the following is the JSON that is passed as the state’s output.

{ "details": "Default example", "who": "AWS Step Functions", "taskresult": "Hello, AWS Step Functions!" }

Use OutputPath

The OutputPath filter lets you filter out unwanted information, and pass only the portion of JSON that you need. The OutputPath is a string, beginning with $, that identifies nodes within JSON text.

Example to use OutputPath filter

Imagine a Lambda Invoke API call returns metadata in addition to the Lambda function’s result.

{ "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST", "Payload": { "foo": "bar", "colors": [ "red", "blue", "green" ], "car": { "year": 2008, "make": "Toyota", "model": "Matrix" } }, "SdkHttpMetadata": { "AllHttpHeaders": { "X-Amz-Executed-Version": ["$LATEST"] ...

You can use OutputPath to filter out the additional metadata. By default, the value of OutputPath filter for Lambda Invoke states created through the Workflow Studio is $.Payload. This default value removes the additional metadata and returns an output equivalent to running the Lambda function directly.

The Lambda Invoke task result example and the value of $.Payload for the Output filter pass the following JSON data as the output.

{ "foo": "bar", "colors": [ "red", "blue", "green" ], "car": { "year": 2008, "make": "Toyota", "model": "Matrix" } }

The OutputPath filter is the last output filter to take effect, so if you use additional output filters such as ResultSelector or ResultPath, you should modify the default value of $.Payload for the OutputPath filter accordingly.