Class | Description |
AddPolicyStatementRequest | |
AddPolicyStatementResult | |
BatchDeleteUniqueIdRequest | |
BatchDeleteUniqueIdResult | |
CreateIdMappingWorkflowRequest | |
CreateIdMappingWorkflowResult | |
CreateIdNamespaceRequest | |
CreateIdNamespaceResult | |
CreateMatchingWorkflowRequest | |
CreateMatchingWorkflowResult | |
CreateSchemaMappingRequest | |
CreateSchemaMappingResult | |
DeletedUniqueId |
The deleted unique ID.
DeleteIdMappingWorkflowRequest | |
DeleteIdMappingWorkflowResult | |
DeleteIdNamespaceRequest | |
DeleteIdNamespaceResult | |
DeleteMatchingWorkflowRequest | |
DeleteMatchingWorkflowResult | |
DeletePolicyStatementRequest | |
DeletePolicyStatementResult | |
DeleteSchemaMappingRequest | |
DeleteSchemaMappingResult | |
DeleteUniqueIdError |
The Delete Unique Id error.
ErrorDetails |
An object containing an error message, if there was an error.
GetIdMappingJobRequest | |
GetIdMappingJobResult | |
GetIdMappingWorkflowRequest | |
GetIdMappingWorkflowResult | |
GetIdNamespaceRequest | |
GetIdNamespaceResult | |
GetMatchIdRequest | |
GetMatchIdResult | |
GetMatchingJobRequest | |
GetMatchingJobResult | |
GetMatchingWorkflowRequest | |
GetMatchingWorkflowResult | |
GetPolicyRequest | |
GetPolicyResult | |
GetSchemaMappingRequest | |
GetSchemaMappingResult | |
IdMappingJobMetrics |
An object containing
InputRecords , RecordsNotProcessed , TotalRecordsProcessed ,
TotalMappedRecords , TotalMappedSourceRecords , and TotalMappedTargetRecords . |
IdMappingJobOutputSource |
An object containing
KMSArn , OutputS3Path , and RoleARN . |
IdMappingRuleBasedProperties |
An object that defines the list of matching rules to run in an ID mapping workflow.
IdMappingTechniques |
An object which defines the ID mapping technique and any additional configurations.
IdMappingWorkflowInputSource |
An object containing
InputSourceARN , SchemaName , and Type . |
IdMappingWorkflowOutputSource |
The output source for the ID mapping workflow.
IdMappingWorkflowSummary |
A list of
IdMappingWorkflowSummary objects, each of which contain the fields WorkflowName ,
WorkflowArn , CreatedAt , and UpdatedAt . |
IdNamespaceIdMappingWorkflowMetadata |
The settings for the ID namespace for the ID mapping workflow job.
IdNamespaceIdMappingWorkflowProperties |
An object containing
IdMappingType , ProviderProperties , and
RuleBasedProperties . |
IdNamespaceInputSource |
An object containing
InputSourceARN and SchemaName . |
IdNamespaceSummary |
A summary of ID namespaces.
IncrementalRunConfig |
An object which defines an incremental run type and has only
incrementalRunType as a field. |
InputSource |
An object containing
InputSourceARN , SchemaName , and ApplyNormalization . |
IntermediateSourceConfiguration |
The Amazon S3 location that temporarily stores your data while it processes.
JobMetrics |
An object containing
InputRecords , TotalRecordsProcessed , MatchIDs , and
RecordsNotProcessed . |
JobOutputSource |
An object containing
KMSArn , OutputS3Path , and RoleArn . |
JobSummary |
An object containing the
JobId , Status , StartTime , and EndTime of
a job. |
ListIdMappingJobsRequest | |
ListIdMappingJobsResult | |
ListIdMappingWorkflowsRequest | |
ListIdMappingWorkflowsResult | |
ListIdNamespacesRequest | |
ListIdNamespacesResult | |
ListMatchingJobsRequest | |
ListMatchingJobsResult | |
ListMatchingWorkflowsRequest | |
ListMatchingWorkflowsResult | |
ListProviderServicesRequest | |
ListProviderServicesResult | |
ListSchemaMappingsRequest | |
ListSchemaMappingsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
MatchingWorkflowSummary |
A list of
MatchingWorkflowSummary objects, each of which contain the fields WorkflowName ,
WorkflowArn , CreatedAt , UpdatedAt . |
NamespaceProviderProperties |
An object containing
ProviderConfiguration and ProviderServiceArn . |
NamespaceRuleBasedProperties |
The rule-based properties of an ID namespace.
OutputAttribute |
A list of
OutputAttribute objects, each of which have the fields Name and
Hashed . |
OutputSource |
A list of
OutputAttribute objects, each of which have the fields Name and
Hashed . |
ProviderProperties |
An object containing the
providerServiceARN , intermediateSourceConfiguration , and
providerConfiguration . |
ProviderServiceSummary |
A list of
ProviderService objects, each of which contain the fields providerName ,
providerServiceArn , providerServiceName , and providerServiceType . |
PutPolicyRequest | |
PutPolicyResult | |
ResolutionTechniques |
An object which defines the
resolutionType and the ruleBasedProperties . |
Rule |
An object containing
RuleName , and MatchingKeys . |
RuleBasedProperties |
An object which defines the list of matching rules to run in a matching workflow.
SchemaInputAttribute |
An object containing
FieldName , Type , GroupName , MatchKey ,
Hashing , and SubType . |
SchemaMappingSummary |
An object containing
SchemaName , SchemaArn , CreatedAt , and
UpdatedAt . |
StartIdMappingJobRequest | |
StartIdMappingJobResult | |
StartMatchingJobRequest | |
StartMatchingJobResult | |
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateIdMappingWorkflowRequest | |
UpdateIdMappingWorkflowResult | |
UpdateIdNamespaceRequest | |
UpdateIdNamespaceResult | |
UpdateMatchingWorkflowRequest | |
UpdateMatchingWorkflowResult | |
UpdateSchemaMappingRequest | |
UpdateSchemaMappingResult |
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
AWSEntityResolutionException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS EntityResolution
ConflictException |
The request could not be processed because of conflict in the current state of the resource.
ExceedsLimitException |
The request was rejected because it attempted to create resources beyond the current Entity Resolution account
InternalServerException |
This exception occurs when there is an internal failure in the Entity Resolution service.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The resource could not be found.
ThrottlingException |
The request was denied due to request throttling.
ValidationException |
The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by Entity Resolution.