Namespace Aws\Rds\Exception
Exceptions summary
AuthorizationAlreadyExistsException | The specified CIDRIP or EC2 security group is already authorized for the specified DB security group. |
AuthorizationNotFoundException | Specified CIDRIP or EC2 security group is not authorized for the specified DB security group. |
AuthorizationQuotaExceededException | DB security group authorization quota has been reached. |
DBInstanceAlreadyExistsException | User already has a DB instance with the given identifier. |
DBInstanceNotFoundException | DBInstanceIdentifier does not refer to an existing DB instance. |
DBParameterGroupAlreadyExistsException | A DB parameter group with the same name exists. |
DBParameterGroupNotFoundException | DBParameterGroupName does not refer to an existing DB parameter group. |
DBParameterGroupQuotaExceededException | Request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of DB parameter groups. |
DBSecurityGroupAlreadyExistsException | A DB security group with the name specified in DBSecurityGroupName already exists. |
DBSecurityGroupNotFoundException | DBSecurityGroupName does not refer to an existing DB security group. |
DBSecurityGroupNotSupportedException | A DB security group is not allowed for this action. |
DBSecurityGroupQuotaExceededException | Request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of DB security groups. |
DBSnapshotAlreadyExistsException | DBSnapshotIdentifier is already used by an existing snapshot. |
DBSnapshotNotFoundException | DBSnapshotIdentifier does not refer to an existing DB snapshot. |
DBSubnetGroupAlreadyExistsException | DBSubnetGroupName is already used by an existing DB subnet group. |
DBSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZsException | Subnets in the DB subnet group should cover at least 2 Availability Zones unless there is only 1 availablility zone. |
DBSubnetGroupNotAllowedException | Indicates that the DBSubnetGroup should not be specified while creating read replicas that lie in the same region as the source instance. |
DBSubnetGroupNotFoundException | DBSubnetGroupName does not refer to an existing DB subnet group. |
DBSubnetGroupQuotaExceededException | Request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of DB subnet groups. |
DBSubnetQuotaExceededException | Request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of subnets in a DB subnet groups. |
DBUpgradeDependencyFailureException | The DB upgrade failed because a resource the DB depends on could not be modified. |
EventSubscriptionQuotaExceededException | You have reached the maximum number of event subscriptions. |
InstanceQuotaExceededException | Request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of DB instances. |
InsufficientDBInstanceCapacityException | Specified DB instance class is not available in the specified Availability Zone. |
InvalidDBInstanceStateException | The specified DB instance is not in the available state. |
InvalidDBParameterGroupStateException | The DB parameter group cannot be deleted because it is in use. |
InvalidDBSecurityGroupStateException | The state of the DB security group does not allow deletion. |
InvalidDBSnapshotStateException | The state of the DB snapshot does not allow deletion. |
InvalidDBSubnetGroupException | Indicates the DBSubnetGroup does not belong to the same VPC as that of an existing cross region read replica of the same source instance. |
InvalidDBSubnetGroupStateException | The DB subnet group cannot be deleted because it is in use. |
InvalidDBSubnetStateException | The DB subnet is not in the available state. |
InvalidEventSubscriptionStateException | This error can occur if someone else is modifying a subscription. You should retry the action. |
InvalidOptionGroupStateException | The option group is not in the available state. |
InvalidRestoreException | Cannot restore from vpc backup to non-vpc DB instance. |
InvalidSubnetException | The requested subnet is invalid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common VPC. |
InvalidVPCNetworkStateException | DB subnet group does not cover all Availability Zones after it is created because users' change. |
OptionGroupAlreadyExistsException | The option group you are trying to create already exists. |
OptionGroupNotFoundException | The specified option group could not be found. |
OptionGroupQuotaExceededException | The quota of 20 option groups was exceeded for this AWS account. |
PointInTimeRestoreNotEnabledException | SourceDBInstanceIdentifier refers to a DB instance with BackupRetentionPeriod equal to 0. |
ProvisionedIopsNotAvailableInAZException | Provisioned IOPS not available in the specified Availability Zone. |
RdsException | Default service exception class |
ReservedDBInstanceAlreadyExistsException | User already has a reservation with the given identifier. |
ReservedDBInstanceNotFoundException | The specified reserved DB Instance not found. |
ReservedDBInstanceQuotaExceededException | Request would exceed the user's DB Instance quota. |
ReservedDBInstancesOfferingNotFoundException | Specified offering does not exist. |
SnapshotQuotaExceededException | Request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of DB snapshots. |
SNSInvalidTopicException | SNS has responded that there is a problem with the SND topic specified. |
SNSNoAuthorizationException | You do not have permission to publish to the SNS topic ARN. |
SNSTopicArnNotFoundException | The SNS topic ARN does not exist. |
SourceNotFoundException | The requested source could not be found. |
StorageQuotaExceededException | Request would result in user exceeding the allowed amount of storage available across all DB instances. |
SubnetAlreadyInUseException | The DB subnet is already in use in the Availability Zone. |
SubscriptionAlreadyExistException | The supplied subscription name already exists. |
SubscriptionCategoryNotFoundException | The supplied category does not exist. |
SubscriptionNotFoundException | The subscription name does not exist. |