AccessToSnapshotDeniedException |
The owner of the specified snapshot has not authorized your account to access
the snapshot. |
AuthorizationAlreadyExistsException |
The specified CIDR block or EC2 security group is already authorized for the
specified cluster security group. |
AuthorizationNotFoundException |
The specified CIDR IP range or EC2 security group is not authorized for the
specified cluster security group. |
AuthorizationQuotaExceededException |
The authorization quota for the cluster security group has been reached. |
BucketNotFoundException |
Could not find the specified S3 bucket. |
ClusterAlreadyExistsException |
The account already has a cluster with the given identifier. |
ClusterNotFoundException |
The ClusterIdentifier parameter does not refer to an existing cluster. |
ClusterParameterGroupAlreadyExistsException |
A cluster parameter group with the same name already exists. |
ClusterParameterGroupNotFoundException |
The parameter group name does not refer to an existing parameter group. |
ClusterParameterGroupQuotaExceededException |
The request would result in the user exceeding the allowed number of cluster
parameter groups. For information about increasing your quota, go to Limits in
Amazon Redshift in the Amazon Redshift Management Guide. |
ClusterQuotaExceededException |
The request would exceed the allowed number of cluster instances for this
account. For information about increasing your quota, go to Limits in Amazon
Redshift in the Amazon Redshift Management Guide. |
ClusterSecurityGroupAlreadyExistsException |
A cluster security group with the same name already exists. |
ClusterSecurityGroupNotFoundException |
The cluster security group name does not refer to an existing cluster security
group. |
ClusterSecurityGroupQuotaExceededException |
The request would result in the user exceeding the allowed number of cluster
security groups. For information about increasing your quota, go to Limits in
Amazon Redshift in the Amazon Redshift Management Guide. |
ClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsException |
The value specified as a snapshot identifier is already used by an existing
snapshot. |
ClusterSnapshotNotFoundException |
The snapshot identifier does not refer to an existing cluster snapshot. |
ClusterSnapshotQuotaExceededException |
The request would result in the user exceeding the allowed number of cluster
snapshots. |
ClusterSubnetGroupAlreadyExistsException |
A ClusterSubnetGroupName is already used by an existing cluster subnet group. |
ClusterSubnetGroupNotFoundException |
The cluster subnet group name does not refer to an existing cluster subnet
group. |
ClusterSubnetGroupQuotaExceededException |
The request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of cluster subnet
groups. For information about increasing your quota, go to Limits in Amazon
Redshift in the Amazon Redshift Management Guide. |
ClusterSubnetQuotaExceededException |
The request would result in user exceeding the allowed number of subnets in a
cluster subnet groups. For information about increasing your quota, go to Limits
in Amazon Redshift in the Amazon Redshift Management Guide. |
CopyToRegionDisabledException |
Cross-region snapshot copy was temporarily disabled. Try your request again. |
EventSubscriptionQuotaExceededException |
The request would exceed the allowed number of event subscriptions for this
account. For information about increasing your quota, go to Limits in Amazon
Redshift in the Amazon Redshift Management Guide. |
HsmClientCertificateAlreadyExistsException |
There is already an existing Amazon Redshift HSM client certificate with the
specified identifier. |
HsmClientCertificateNotFoundException |
There is no Amazon Redshift HSM client certificate with the specified
identifier. |
HsmClientCertificateQuotaExceededException |
The quota for HSM client certificates has been reached. For information about
increasing your quota, go to Limits in Amazon Redshift in the Amazon Redshift
Management Guide. |
HsmConfigurationAlreadyExistsException |
There is already an existing Amazon Redshift HSM configuration with the
specified identifier. |
HsmConfigurationNotFoundException |
There is no Amazon Redshift HSM configuration with the specified identifier. |
HsmConfigurationQuotaExceededException |
The quota for HSM configurations has been reached. For information about
increasing your quota, go to Limits in Amazon Redshift in the Amazon Redshift
Management Guide. |
IncompatibleOrderableOptionsException |
The specified options are incompatible. |
InsufficientClusterCapacityException |
The number of nodes specified exceeds the allotted capacity of the cluster. |
InsufficientS3BucketPolicyFaultException |
The cluster does not have read bucket or put object permissions on the S3 bucket
specified when enabling logging. |
InvalidClusterParameterGroupStateException |
The cluster parameter group action can not be completed because another task is
in progress that involves the parameter group. Wait a few moments and try the
operation again. |
InvalidClusterSecurityGroupStateException |
The state of the cluster security group is not available. |
InvalidClusterSnapshotStateException |
The state of the cluster snapshot is not available, or other accounts are
authorized to access the snapshot. |
InvalidClusterStateException |
The specified cluster is not in the available state. |
InvalidClusterSubnetGroupStateException |
The cluster subnet group cannot be deleted because it is in use. |
InvalidClusterSubnetStateException |
The state of the subnet is invalid. |
InvalidElasticIpException |
The Elastic IP (EIP) is invalid or cannot be found. |
InvalidHsmClientCertificateStateException |
The specified HSM client certificate is not in the available state, or it is
still in use by one or more Amazon Redshift clusters. |
InvalidHsmConfigurationStateException |
The specified HSM configuration is not in the available state, or it is still in
use by one or more Amazon Redshift clusters. |
InvalidRestoreException |
The restore is invalid. |
InvalidS3BucketNameFaultException |
The S3 bucket name is invalid. For more information about naming rules, go to
Bucket Restrictions and Limitations in the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Developer Guide. |
InvalidS3KeyPrefixFaultException |
The string specified for the logging S3 key prefix does not comply with the
documented constraints. |
InvalidSubnetException |
The requested subnet is not valid, or not all of the subnets are in the same
VPC. |
InvalidVPCNetworkStateException |
The cluster subnet group does not cover all Availability Zones. |
NumberOfNodesPerClusterLimitExceededException |
The operation would exceed the number of nodes allowed for a cluster. |
NumberOfNodesQuotaExceededException |
The operation would exceed the number of nodes allotted to the account. For
information about increasing your quota, go to Limits in Amazon Redshift in the
Amazon Redshift Management Guide. |
RedshiftException |
Default service exception class |
ReservedNodeAlreadyExistsException |
User already has a reservation with the given identifier. |
ReservedNodeNotFoundException |
The specified reserved compute node not found. |
ReservedNodeOfferingNotFoundException |
Specified offering does not exist. |
ReservedNodeQuotaExceededException |
Request would exceed the user's compute node quota. For information about
increasing your quota, go to Limits in Amazon Redshift in the Amazon Redshift
Management Guide. |
ResizeNotFoundException |
A resize operation for the specified cluster is not found. |
SnapshotCopyAlreadyDisabledException |
The cluster already has cross-region snapshot copy disabled. |
SnapshotCopyAlreadyEnabledException |
The cluster already has cross-region snapshot copy enabled. |
SnapshotCopyDisabledException |
Cross-region snapshot copy was temporarily disabled. Try your request again. |
SNSInvalidTopicException |
Amazon SNS has responded that there is a problem with the specified Amazon SNS
topic. |
SNSNoAuthorizationException |
You do not have permission to publish to the specified Amazon SNS topic. |
SNSTopicArnNotFoundException |
An Amazon SNS topic with the specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) does not
exist. |
SourceNotFoundException |
The specified Amazon Redshift event source could not be found. |
SubnetAlreadyInUseException |
A specified subnet is already in use by another cluster. |
SubscriptionAlreadyExistException |
There is already an existing event notification subscription with the specified
name. |
SubscriptionCategoryNotFoundException |
The value specified for the event category was not one of the allowed values, or
it specified a category that does not apply to the specified source type. The
allowed values are Configuration, Management, Monitoring, and Security. |
SubscriptionEventIdNotFoundException |
An Amazon Redshift event with the specified event ID does not exist. |
SubscriptionNotFoundException |
An Amazon Redshift event notification subscription with the specified name does
not exist. |
SubscriptionSeverityNotFoundException |
The value specified for the event severity was not one of the allowed values, or
it specified a severity that does not apply to the specified source type. The
allowed values are ERROR and INFO. |
UnauthorizedOperationException |
Your account is not authorized to perform the requested operation. |
UnknownSnapshotCopyRegionException |
The specified region is incorrect or does not exist. |
UnsupportedOptionException |
A request option was specified that is not supported. |